Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, May 30, 1908, Image 4
THE WAYCROSS WEEKLY HERALD • GOOD THINGS FOR THE TABLE ore easy to chose hero. No matter how. delicate your appetite may be, we harp something to tempt it- If you are tlrfd of the usual things to eat*- Just cane and see our STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. The sight will give you plenty of Ideas In good eating. What to bare on your table will no longer be. a wor ry. With so many tempting things to choose from, you cannot fail to fl»<i something new and something good every tlmo you come hero. G R. LOVELACE. Dentist Wood & Varnedoe OrOOOO & O & & & »- O © © & O & ft & © jouihern - Railway Intopchtinyo iblo 1,000 Milo Individual Ex- chan|{u Orders, $20. Good over ent! r e Southern Railway System * and (33) other carriers. Int«rcHun|ge<iHle 2,ooo Mile PlrmBxchange Orders, $4o Good over entire Southern Railway System and ' (27) other carriers; for the separate Journey of not more than (5) persona (members or employ es of a firm or corporation.) Oonorul Interchangeable] I,ooo *.Y1II© Ex change Orders $21? Will be continued on sale; good over cntlro Southern Railway System and runny other roads South of tbo Ohio and Potomac and East of the Mississippi Rivers'. Oeorgln, Pumlly Baa Mlol, Exchange Ord ers, $11.25 Good between any points In tho Stare on line of Southern Railway; for use of the heads of families and dependent members thereof. FOR FULL PARTICULARS, ASK ANY SOUTHERN RAIL//AY AGENT. OR WRITE TO G. R. PETTiT, Trav. Past. Apt., M;con, Ga. ’Phont 404. Office over Star Clothing Start. OR. A. FLEMING, .F hysicisn And Surgeon ,i Offlcp Over Central Pharmacy, I'lant Avenue. Residence Phono, MO. Ofllce Phone 20§. ' C. C. THOMAS, " Aftofhey And Ccuncelior At Law ROOM 24 I»Tf HITCH BLDO. ' Waycross, Os. OR. W, K. MEEK8, ... DENTIST -. - OFFICE—Front Room Up SUIr. *t Walker Building. Office Phono 222. Residence 275. S S LUDLUM M D * Practise Limited to the EAR, EYE, NOSE AND THROAT. Office Over Redding Pharmacy, •lours: 9 to 12; 2 to 5. Sundays 9 to 10 Waycrose, Georgia. * DR. ,W. H. QUILLIAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Residence 23 Reed street, ’Phone 13, Ofllce Phone 305 . ^ IteddJng’s Drug Store. PALACE BARBER SHOP. Mary 8t, Redding Block. First-class, Courteous Workmen to serve you. Your patronage will bo appreciated. GU8 REYNOLDS, Prop. THE WORLD’S BEST CLIMATE J Is not entirely free from disease, on J the high elevations lever* prevail while ( ©u the lower levels malaria Ib encoun-1 tered to n greater or les* extent, ac j cording to At^tudo. To overcome - cllmuto'affections, duHsituJ.\ malaria, Juundic**, blllousnosk, fever and ague und general deOUlty, the most effec tive ictnedy is Electric llltwc-rs, the I great altoraUve and ‘blood purifier; the antidote for every .form of bodily weakness. nervousness. and insomnia. Sold under guarantee at ail drug airoe Trice 50c. WILSON, BENNETT & LAMDIN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW leneral Practice la All the Court* Bute and Federal. Yvaycroiis, Go. RICHARD L. SINGLETON, Contractor and Builder, Plans and Ectimatea Furnished on Application. No. 3 Gilmore Street. .'Phont 636. C D. MYERS, BUILDER. Superintendence and Percentage Work a Specialty. Concrete And Fire Proof Construction, RESIDENCE PHONE. 381 OFFICE PHONE, 161. OFFICE NEW 1J0T&U- GRIND Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. ftSfUM OUtMtttUtMe WOf BOO. CENTRAL PHARMACY. UNION PHARMACY. 8ERI0N8 RESULTS FEARED. You may well tear serious results from a cough or cold, Fcley'* Honey and Tar cures the roost obstinate coughs or colds and prevent* serious illness. Refuse substtute. For sale by all druggists. Georgia—ware county: ~ Under end by virtue o5u power cf Plant Wood’s Garden Seeds FOR SUPERIOR VEGE. TABLES & FLOWERS. Our business, both in (ianlcs and Farm tn'eds, ia one of tho* largest in this country, a result due to the fact that 8 Quality is always our. first consideration, H Wo arc headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Soed Oats, Soed Potatoes, Cow Peas, Soja Beane and other Farm Seeds. Tired nerves, with that "no ambi- 1 tlon” feeling that Is commonly felt in Spring or early summer, can be easily and <h!ck‘iy ottered by taking what l* Ftiown to druggists everywhere as Dr. Bhou|)8 Restorative. Lao will abso lutely* «f>t a changed feelln» withln’4f toours^nftor beginning to takv. the ifes toratlvc. The bowels get tduggWn in the winter time.- the circulation.often slow* up, (he Kidneys a^e inactive, and oven tho Heart In many cases gows decidedly weaker. Dr. Shoop*a Res- Wood's Doscriptive Catalogue “ *“* “io»lpnictli*»lof*v©d i it|* and ra rity on Mil Garden lithe best and ti c«t«locu< There t»‘a Pink Pain Tablet made by Dr. Shoop, that will postively stop ^ any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes, Drugglets everywhere sell them as Dr. ~£hoop'a Headache Tablets, but they ■top other pain* as easily a* headache. * nr. Sheep’* Pink Paiq Tablets simply ax blood pressure away from pain iters—that Is &ll.Paln comes from tod pressure—congestion. Stop that r ,yNure with Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets, and pain I* Instantly gone. JACKSON GKItV. V SHOEMAKER- Nl./.r OGLit TO CITY CLERK. OFF CE, JUST BELOW THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ALL WORK GUARANTEED .t .J. ... W. L. HINSON A CO. * 4. UNDERTAKERS AND ■I* EMBALMERS, * 'PHONES R4 AND 413 tale contained in a deed to sect debt, executed by A. C. Aldridge to C. Collins cn the 17th day of June ltiCT, anti resid'd in the ofllce of the era’of tK Superior Cuurt of Ware unty,' in Pcok 7, la folio 4?, the un- Nigned* will sell, nt public sale a e‘courthouse door in said county on the first Tuesday in May, 1909,'dur ng the legal hours of sale, to the high est ij id dor for cash, the following pre erty to wit: All that tract or par r o of land being part of lot of land No. One Hundred and Two (102) In tho Eight District of Ware county. Geor Sis, and lying and being In the town of Waresbcro, bounded as follows: the North by lands of C. E. Van Vorst nnd lands formerly owned by C. W. Infinger; on the East by lands of C. E. Van Vorst and on the South-by lands of J. A. McDaniel and the Tight of way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway Company. It being the tract conveyed to the said A. C. Aldredge by C. G. Parker on January 22, 1907 deed of conveyance of that date July recorded In the office of Clerk of Superior Court of Ware county on Jan uary 28, 1007, in Book “B. B.” folio 38. Said tract of land contains One I Hundred (100) acres, more or less, I tor the purpose of paying a certain j promisor)* note bearing 4lnto the 17i (day of June, 1907, nnd payable sixty I days after date, made and executed by the said A. C. Aldrige, said note 1 being for $304.00 principal, stipulated , for intere. t from maturity at the rate f 8 per ccnt'pcr annum, t'ae total du ,on said note being $179.73 piincipa $8.37 interest nnd $18.81 attorney fee together with costs of this proceedln provided in such mortgage. J veyance will Jie executed to the pur chaser hv the undersigneJ, as authori zed fn the said mortgage. Tula 13‘b day'of April; 1908, E. C. COLLINS. I EXCLUSIVE WAYCROSS AGENTS % I COLUMBIA | Phonograph Company x X .. BIG SHIPMENT... X PHONOGRAPHS AND SUPPLIES A INC LL’DING THE CELEBRAT D 20TH CENTURY PHONOGRAPH A _ .AND SPECIAL; RECORDS * WE ALSO HANDLE THE t Wonderful Indestructible Records A. W- LANG. WAYCROSS SEWING MACHINE SUFPLY AND REPAIR HOUSE hi For _ spavin Curb f -pr Splinf SlOdtK’S I/iiviiTveivt is unsurpassed It penetrates and relieves pain very quickly-needs very little rubbing - and does not leave a scar or blemish. An antiseptic remedy for thrush, fistula ana any abscess. PRICE 2.5t,.50$ t SI.00 5loen'}‘Treolise ^Horses. Callt*.Hog» and Poulrry' Ten Ter Cent Discount On Fire Insurance Where dwellings have all flues from ’ the ground LOTT-PEABODY INSURANCE AGENCY WAYCROSS, Ga. *!• ^ *1* ^ ^ ❖ Dr. f W. C0RI>4» OSTEOPATH, PHOENIX HOTEL. Tuesday’* Thursday's d Salhrdayl* ! GEORGIA:—Ware County. To whom it.may concern: •J* W. J. Morgan has applied for exemp ,« tlon of poreonality, and setdng apar and valuation of homestead, and 1 will __ i pass upon the aamo at 10 o'clock on i the 10 May of Juno ll»0S nt my otllL-e WARREN LOTT, Ordinary ! Spence & McElrcath, Attoruejs. PERSONAL, Weak women should roa%l my "Book No. 4 For Women.” la was written expressly for women who are not ' The Book No. 4 tell* of Dr. Shoop'* 'Night Cure* and Just how taeae soothing, healin, antiseptic supposi tories can be successfully applied. The book, and strictly conQdential medical Is entirely free. Write Dr. Shoop. Ha* cine. Wl*. The Ntght Cure it »old by All Dealer* COLDS THAT HANG ON. Coll* t'aat bang on lu the Spring deplete the system exhaust the nerves, and open the way for serious Illness. Take Foley** Honey and Tar. ft quick !y atop* the cough and expels the cold. It Is safe and certain In results.'For bronchial trouble. Guaranteed. 20 Tabbt* JSc. Sold b; All Dctleri. StSt by ill drnRtlU. Sold By Cbtroin. PhtraMCT. Notice of Application to: Home«Ued. I ^ ( j u GEORGIA.—Ware County. j 7* i« • J. 1*. Turner of said county has ap- no . plied for exemption of personality and.1 l etes. setting apart, anil valuation of home- % * u person au*i»ects tha. tehir r.u* deranged they should take Kidney Remedy at once and having Brlglits disease or dla- Delay gives the disease a foothold and you should not stead, nud 1 will, pass upon same at (delay taking Foley's Kidney Remedy 10 o'clock a. m., cn Monday June 1st, 1908, at my office in the court house ia Wavcross in said county. Warren U>tt, Ordinary Don't cou^h your head off when you get a guaranteed remedy In Bees Laxative <8v **'ip. It is espec ially reo«2iS?'tor children as IU pleasant fr? a gentle laxative thus CjO phlegm from the system. Ifcf colds, croup, wbcoplng cough hoarseness and all For sale by all druggists. ! ? ftf.VAl J ? » » s s? •*«•»«• X1 ■ 4 ■ H •*”'** • H4 ■ : " i ' * ♦+ l at ❖ — © * A WANT AD IN THE HERALD BRINGS IMMEDIATE RESULTS. TRY CNF. © * © + © Man Zan rile Rcnieas-. Price 50c Is guaranteed. Pitt up ready for use. '*•'••• a a V y One application prompt relief to .my v T 4* < 'Wl of tilloA Soothes and heals.- © * ^ + + *!• + + -r -r * -I- -J. .J. ... ... ... ild B,- Cbemicc. Pbsrmscr. © © © © © © © © © © © © © © $ ^ ^ ^ ^ ,EYS MEM® THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE Cures Coughs, Colds, Cro-jn. La G-ipne, Asthma, Throat g -°- d TA 5 , &iid Lung,Troubles. PreveuU^r.iuKoaiaend Consumption yellow p’r^.n. •RAL PHARMA5V. . , , UNION FHARMACV