Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, June 03, 1908, Image 4
THE WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD FEED WHOLESALE and RETAIL HAY, CRAIN, BRAN. COW FEEO, CRACKED CORN, COTTON SEED MEAL, HULLS, SHORTS, CORN CHOP, FLOUR MEAL, ORI TS, ETC, We Sell a! Retail at Wholesale Prices TERMS LASH T. Q. BIBB PHONE 268 SMOKE S. & !’. Smote and w New Clear Havana Tobacco THE LIGHTNING CLAUSE. EACH and EVERY FiRL IN> ANCE POLICY written by us has THE LIGHTNING CLAUSE A TACHED. fully protecting property from livbtr.ing, without extra charge. W. C Harvard and Son. The Consolidated Rea! I in pro v£men t Coin pa ny. S. I Splggle, Sec-TreaH. C. M. Swea^sfi! Son, Agents -1C07 Crop- LOCAL AND PERSONAL, A Surety ttaz Complete for 10 « Come out tonight nlnl (ole a lord; for Joe Brown nod prosperity. Plenty hot today and it will In* plen ty warm tomorrow. Keep cool tonioirow boys itiitl let your hair grow. Try tny leo Crean . none better. 4 tf. - G. it Lrlnson. COMPLETE RETURNS FROM THE STATE ELECTION AT OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY NIGHT. There will be n * p 'i- . •- rvkc al - tbh Bfti'tlal ehiiri !i Haight i n . eoiin! of the graduating ex« :i i* t • The latest style* In chip hats re ceived today. ’ Just the t’miK for mid : Iptutner w .»r. T.m 11.m Toil. l.t_ I L liiNS ti J.k* Grow of Hone : STANDARD BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE •. Wilkie on,iih baa accepted the cy for the great American Home •ator. tile • standard Hook of vl»**Vg<t” a:.d Is now soliciting or- |e,l. ATTENTION CONFEDERATE VET ERANS. Very. low Exeurhlcn rates to Hir- ;;fn-’hani for tiic* Annual K< tipion via Atlanta, Hirningham and Atlanli fallru ent per mile traveled re cents for the round trip i Way-cross y ONLY S7.C5 Brunswick, (Ja J. V. Mays, Ticket Agt, Wayerosa, (J mile the eiecth.n llow hack in Inc slate tvs} ' idisLOi Annie l.at V ; - v J**' char.1;is sit!.*:. ! . *»i« ■ .‘A s Cowart will *>5-‘ morrow from f-YrsyT *CbA»|T«> or the i 'i:p• • £ The JJ<;n Ton fur th rle \YaU and will Itfcve department of The Moving Pictun at l’leasr **-- Momenta Station im* ,-.i i;iy uutrrta lug ever/ night Stay until yen ha sca n thorn nil. y tf. Hen. ,1. W, Ilemu tt, ;tev general I of this curcuit was in town .Monday. The Eatorpris ami LL, many friends Were glad to nee him, Douglas Enter j prise. JOSEPH M. BROWN IS THE MAN YOU WANT TO VOTE FOR. LOOK OUT FOR BOGUS TICKETS WITH JOSEPH E. CROWN ON THEM. li lt hums iiua inltil lllvilQ d . Labeling ..mi . 'nt d mid tin* i* known. LIGHTING NOTICE TO THE PUB LIC. yM;ii:; *; this n.'prnocii Juno 1st i'L: .c!; tlie lileetric* current will i! im* v.i.*.* :i be‘a diy and nl-T.f. further notice, barring accidents. 'i:*> Way ernes Ificcirlc Light and IDLEKOUR COX BALI AL'.LVS. a. l<J r. p. i r; duco tip ae .'. i5 just wlmt I t exercise ur l wi|,J I at io 477 I.LARI), I’ropr. 48 Plant Ave. FOR SALlh :j J - »« Ca30lino engine. Second hand but just reipodel cd and good a:; new. Apply to Ilonry | IJuIIaid, y;j IVi.dletoa, or A. P. Per! ham Jr. 18 tf APPLY Q ? J!CK— Slx room luso, nicely f.ir.iish d/close to l’o t fiico. Hex 10. tf. j Herald. s NT ED.—A yo CIGAR CAL Ed'.. rath and o:;;k*i» Toll do, Ohio 'CARDING | rVnie to see us or wr.;*„* for i r of a cd rhufeis and Velvet llsavi tf d. w Harjv Lie:.. G > to Watt’s fer \Z «.C Amcri WANT .Mrs. I’Ve lad to have Ik- iir.d. A. 7 m- mw-s d.i.i fr. a fish d. ;ri t.v at your doer. 1 ^ WANTED with board and lodj wick Ave. accomodated at 4." Bruns- M1TED:—Young Lady Stem r\*; v’.enee. Address 'lu City LCC.T—C i Plant Avenue, cold ; a. Lib *v.,l toward. I enore ! • i miwi-.v. LI Butler St. The lawyers all agree that every w..tte man whose name Is on the reg istration list and who proposes to sup- . oh thefoointuees, is untitled to vote in the i romary without hein^ < dal- • viidied. and the managers of the eloc- li n wilt geo Hint this is done. \ o:ers of Way on*: a and Ware ec.ua- *—Lttje white yangey i to tno nunto of -Sha; [Hon given tfco Ilerah •.«* dog will ho nppreciati Hre von fl Subscriber Co Die Rcialc!? COMPLtTE returns CROM THE STATE ELECTION -.T OPERA. 1 1 HOUSE THURSDAY Nl ;!T. Beautiful Souvenir Post Cards. Ti. • s.uivonir post cards Isjued by le Atlantic, Biruilug'.taiu & Allan ’.o ai’.rnd fro proving exceedingly pc- ular. Tiiey'aro pdlntej In colors arctlve scenes lino. r seven of these cards ran idlng t<n eon s t r«5 dot ll/own torch Hylo h» nit.it : .<ao tbonsaud j mi lu line witn torches. Dojrti Plant avunuAand hack tj Phoenix Park w: *-rt* there will Ixl #i raking. r SAVE THE BABY! Countless thousands of precious little lives .ire lost annually through neglect ignorance or the misguided seal of parents. Such heart-breaking losJis tinned cs-snry —it is irreparable. Tlij-tlcliooic nml wnsativc organism of a baby's stomach Is susceptible la y .bsoNlcrs which, if not properly checked in the beginning, eventually prove I. 1 erttvt digestion during teething is imperative. * 1 Duirrhoco, Bwater,. ChoUra and Kkm Enption, arc common diseases linon-r i .i us. IW.Ui.s ff./.V,' ltuWF.L 1’OWliKHS |, the rrenle,! remedy known mrttw safe and permanent cure of these nWicUons. No opium—no harm ful hurruhents. Lncqualed f»»r mildness and cffeclitcKra*;. r druggist or direct J. M. YOUNG, JR., Waycross, Ga. I % e liter who is elected t:uuor; >" & yti x* 11! find thp-Herald Joint; bu»I- ;t the same old stand, so long Sv rs tRrrj l* a pea in the dish ; K < boy-, we wo la dun*. But more crow A v .. ty It : r tor leas than the i price il tr.c s nc, and guaranteed. Woi^arful, marvelous isn't It. ^3 tt P- N. Harley Hardware Co. $50 REWARD $50. A reward of fifty dollars will be paid *: for pru.£ to convict the person or per- •ops whom It la charged tampered j with acu ccanged seven names on the; JOSEPH M. BROWN IS THE MAN lustration list of Ware county. ! YOU WANT TO VOTE FOR, LOOK C. M. Sweat. j OUT FOR BOGUS TICKETS WITH Chairman Joe Brown Club. JOSEPH E. BROWN ON THEM. COMPLETE RETURNS FROM THE STATE ELECTION AT OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY NIGHT. TO CUPPORTER3 OF HOKE SMITH you. know that the Local Option members of l.itd legislature toqk up nmwi o£ t.tc* session laqt atunmcf. fight- tug the PUodtbUteu BUt, ' fiUihuiter lag?" All were strong supporter* ot Governor Smith then and are now, G. \Y. DKEN. COMPLETE ^RETURNS FROM THE STATE ELECTION AT OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY NIGHT. jij ' “iVi/iSiSw'- fegsf South Frontage on Cherry Street Riverside Park terms reasonable RIVERSIDE PARK CO. 21 P2N3LCTON ST