Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, June 06, 1908, Image 4

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A telegram this morning from Sa
vannah announced the sad death of
I/Cxington, Ky., June 1.—The »rial
>lr. It. II. Itoppard, of that .city, which of Beech Hargis, for the murder of
occurred ibis morning at 2 o'clock.
Mr. Itoppard was one of the moat
prominent Sunday School worker* in
Georgia, and was known throhghout
the state.
For years he has taken especial in
terest in the Sunduy SSchool work of
Ware county, and has been a regular
attendant of the conventions herp.
He was known personally by nearly
his father. Judge I lands, the notori
ous feudist last March, began at Jack-
son, Breathitt county,^Vils rooming.
Trouble Is expected In securing a Ju
ry because of the high feeling on both
Ilargls* former followers say that
he should be convicted, while friends
of the latter contend self defeftse,
Beech's mother Is prepared
every one In the county, both old and j npend $00,000 for his defense and the
I youth has the same amount ‘for his
own use.
• | The best legal talent in the moun-
j tains has been employed to defend
Mr. Heppard's death "ill be
■with great regret here as well
all parts of the state.
The funeral of Mr. Itoppard will oc-j Hargis, while the citizens of Jockson
cur tomorrow afternoon, and the In-(have made puSJIc subscriptions and
ferment will take place In Bonav
ture cemetery, near Savannar.
For The Hoke Smith Men.
There were ome men In our state
Wo were so wonderous wise,
They got their wits together
And planned a grand surprise.
So when for about three months.
The surprise they had expected;
That Surprise, it came—
For Joe Brown was elected.
—Andromache Bailey.
J title nth. 5, 19U8. Way cross, Ha.
.m .—
Wn>cross, Ga., June 5. Hus.
lion. W. V*’. I.’unndln
Way cross, Ha.,
Dear .Sir:
As an ardent uuppor.'ei; of Hon. Jos.
M. Brown's ratididhcy In the recent
primary, and a member of tho Ware
county "Joo Brown Club," I wish to ex
tend to you our heartiest thanks for
the valient service rendered to us by
by you, In carrying Ware County and
the State of Georgia for "Little Joe"
And as your benighted mind seems
to have allowed you to bteonfe a llltlg-
Indiscreet In some of your quotations,
(which by the way, were not In quo
tation mark*;) 1 would advlso you to
rend ngain "Tne Leopard S|Kit»" before
launching out on the sea of oratory
against another campaign of "Forty
Acres and n Mule."
And ns It seems to be vour earnest
desire to "see him" and to know if
there REALLY 13 such a person as
"Little Joe" Brown, we cordially In
vite you to accompany us, as bur guest
on a special train to Atlanta, on Inaug
ural Day, where we will assure you
that yen will "see him" and will re
ceive a cordial welcome, and an honor
ary seat at the Jla.iquot Board, where
you will nave fate rein and full privi
lege, to tell tin "Ilow it Happened."
Respect fully yours,
employed Floy Byrd to assist the
ropecutlon. Byrd has relentlessly
prosecuted tho Elder Hargis In vari
ous Breathitt feud murders.
At 2 o'clock the Savannah Morning
News wired the Herald ns follows:
"Please wire at once how It looks
in governorship ruce there. Brown
vl .nlng here four to one.
te following
Hearst News
Atlanta. June
tnith's headquarters
atement was given th<
mice at 1 o'clock: ' f
“Gov. Smith is leading the ballots In
aiFon county and Atlanta precincts.
;i to 10 o'clock there had been no
dilution In the crowds at the polls
(onservutivo estimates Indicate
Jov. Smith has maintained his
Tho prison commission met yes ter,*
day In regular monthly session tc: t-'-e
consideration of application for cu-
tKe clemency: The commission has
set next Saturday, Juno 6, for bearing
the ease of Harry E. Lyles, of Way-
cross, who murdered hla wife mil
child,rand .has been sentenced to hang.
The commission has already passed
adversely on this case, but recently
Governor Smith granted £ respite to
Lyles, In order that the commission
might consider the case anew. I
claimed some new facts bearing
the case have been brought to light.
The usual list of applications for e:
cutlve clemency will also be const.I
FLEET struck
As the chairman of the democratic
executive committee of Ware voi
I desire to return thanks to the m
gers of yesterday’s primary In e
precinct In Ware County for the
prompt and efficient manner In which
they have conducted the election. So
^ar as I know there is no complaint
from any cource. It was a fair, square
deal and will doubtless be accepted in
good faith by the defeated as well as
by the favored. We are all democrats
and good ones. May good fellowship
and prosperity continue In glorious old
Ware county.»
Chairman Democratic Executive com.
Macon, 2 p. m. 411 no 4.—Out
total registration of 1,143, 2,799 hal
lots have been cast at this hour,
looks like- Bibb will go for Brown by
300 to 4no plurality.
. Crawford county is reported giving
Brown a lead of 300.
lead of the early morning. The
leg Is pro-./eoalng rapidly and orderly
jacl tht her*, of good humor prevails.
£0 far at all the precincts Smith sup
porters are betting on the result In
Fulton. Home betting was offered
ami taken that Smith will have a ma-
Atlanta, Ga., June 4.—Every hull-
catlon'ls favorable to a large vote.
Clear and pleasant weather prevails
practically throughout the state.
Tin* registration Is enormous and In
terest is at th? boiling point. On the
4lay for the culmination of the bitter
est primary campaign in the history of
-Georgia, finds tfinita and Brown lead
ers equally confident of victory.
Reports from different sections of
the str.te tell of good order at the
polls. Yhere Is tnuc.i congestion ow
ing to the large number of names on ,
the tickets, but the lota! absence of
IntcxLunts assures a peaceabh
' lion.
Fukoa county Is turning out a rec
ord labor vote, mn.iy Industries hav
ing- urranjed to allow their employes
to leave their work In order to cast
their ballot, At Stato headquarters
both herd snarers are confident of the
The Smith lieutenant j claim that
their candidate Is leading In Fulton
ccunty and that the state Is safe by
Brown loaders express confidence
that their estimate will be sustained
and that Brown's majority will be
„ W 40.0°0. . . , , A
At Brown headquarters, James” R.
Smith, manager for Mr. Brown, dicta
ted tho following at 11 o'clock:
“Fulton ccunty, if a full vote Is cast
will give Brown 4,000 majority. We
are handicapped on account of the
lack of voffng facilities. Reports
1 over the state indicate that my
last estimate of 40,066 majority will
1. more th m sustained, l will not be
surprised If Mr. Brown carries one
hundred and thirty-two counties.
"Mr. Brown's majorttv will be es
pecially large in the cities where the
laboring vote is heavy and in the coun
try counties where fav^fctble weather
win permit the farmers getting to the
WnynesvBIe, Wayne County—Smith
28; Brown 30.
Jcsup, Wayne county—Brown* 206;
Jntlth 106.
Folkslcn, Y’hnri'.jn County— Salv 3
vote.-, had been polled ft» Smith at this
pb.ee at 1 o'clock. #
Hrngnnza. War# county—Brown 15;
Araith 2.
Beach. Were Ccunty—Brown 3j;
fc'mlth U.
Dupont, Clinch county—Brown 71;
ac ' -.Smith P.
.rrgyle, CUncr ccunty—Brown '51;
.Smith IS.
At 3 p. m. Indications that Cratham
*ti» give Brown at least 2.003 majori
STRAYED—On Sunday afternoon
y b“g-y horse, sorrel mare, black
face heavy mane and tall. Went tin
A telephone message received at
e Herald iffico this morning from
.loiiif Adams on lower Plant Avenue,
lie says* “We are all Joe Brown men
lown here today, wet a Hoke SmJt.i
mau In sight. I congratulate the Her
ald anT its editors upon H16 fair, squatv
manly fight*they have made.' Good
luck to you." .
Victoria, June 4.—'I
sank and 27 men lost the! rltves when
i typhen struck th;.* fishing licet which
van leaving Thursday island b off the
We it coast-cf Australia, according tc
the news brought by Uo liner Man-
c.:urla to this place. Twenty of the
drowned men were white. The typhon
whipped the waves mountain heigh.
St. Paul, Pune 4.—Various officials
of western lines report that passenger
traffic has held up much better than
tne freight end of the business. There
has been some falling it Is true, but
by far the larger portion of the de
crease In passenger earnings is at
tributed to the reduction in rates to
the tWo-cent basis forced upon the
roads by the legislative act.^i In
many of the states.
New York, June 1.—Two men, Wil
liam Goubaud and Thomas Nolan,
were instantly killed, victory Brandes
fatally alfd James McKenna seriously
injured when a racing automobile
from Coney Island smashed a tree In
Ocean Parkway at 3 o’clock tills morn
ing, leaped into the uir and fell, bury
ing the six occupants of the car un
der Its weight. John Lnnyoif owned.
1 he car and the only person who
escaped injury.
The following telegram was can
on the wires as it went over the wir
We do not stand for it, and do not
believe It Is genuine. Never-
tile less the boys must have their fun;
Atlanta, Go., June 5.
Joa. M. Browj.1,
Waycross, Ga., • ^
Left for New York on 9 a. m., train.
A lending Waycross Minister said
Joe Brown was successful because
one of his ardent supiwrters opened
up a Joe Brown political meeting with
prayer and the city stand pipe bap
tized the Hoke Smith crowd In true
faith. % - •
The Recoil4 term precedent Was
llmluatcd by fkike Smith himself
wnen he called his frlnodi together
and confided to fflem h»s\deslre to
retire at the eud of his first term ami
takg a seat In the United 3tutea Sen
ilis "great renunciation" of that
ambition came when his friends can
didly told him that ho could not defeat
Steve Clay. It comes In poor graco
now for him to plead the second tertn
precedent when It stands in the way
of bread. If ho had tho right to re
nounce the precedent nml quit and go
to the senate tho people cn their part
have the same right to renounce It.
The Constitution of Georgia gives them
the right. It (g a poor rule that does
net work both way*—Macon Tele-
,Washington, Juno 1.—The rubbar in
dustry in Httiwall Is sfill in the
experimental stage, but experts
beiieve the opportunities for profit!*
are going to be large. Preliminary
experiments by the Government indi
cate a high yield from even young
trees. Over 400,ofl0 rubbe*'trees have
been planted in the Islands and still
other plantations are-belng establish
Regardless of tile- way the .remaind
er of the state will go far Governor,
the. supporters of Little Jee Brown
Ware county will have the snttsfac
tlon of knowing that their, home coun
ty hag repudiated the policies of Iloke
Smith, and that here at least, the ma
jority of the people have decided o
the question the right way and hay
spoken there preference for Jos. M.
The race in Ware county has doubt
less been the most remarkable In the
state. With a majority of 573
years ago out of a total votln?
strength of less than 1,290 to al appi
ances Hoke Smith would carry Wi
county by a safe majority this time.
Ware then was one of Hoke Smith':
strongholds. sentiment of njort
than three to one for Hoke Smith Is
what the Ware County Joe Brown
Club set out to overcome when Mr.
C. M. Sweat was'elected president of
this organization some two months
ago. '
The club-was-composed of many of
the most representative- citizens of
Ware county, and from the first €
uember put his shoulder to the wheel
wfth the determination to take Ware
from Hoke and his ruinous policies
anil give a majority of the votes ti
Little Joe Brown and Prosperity.
The result of today's election h
Ware Is a complete victory for Brown
His majority at this time cannot b.
determined, but there is e .try tadioa
tjor. that it will. fte above the 30:
mark. ^
The Herald congratulates tho Ware
County Joo Brown Giub, and 'rejoices
that one county at least has approved
the clean policies of a clean man
reported wrecked
New York, June 7.—The Rod Star
Liner, Vaderland, which was reported
wrecked on the North Sea with 1,600
souls, passed . Flushing at 10 o’clock
this morning, all well on board.
jTho '•only incident of the voyage
\yas a slight delay by the fog, accord
ing to dispatches received at the line
office in this city y
to Vadertynd had to steam slowly
because of this* fog, but she Is ex
pected to arrive-jit Dover this even
Savannah, Ga., June 4.—Chatham U
conceded to Brown by tho Smith men
but tne estimates of the majority vary
from 1,000 to 3,000. ,--
The issues of the empaign have boil-
d down tp the record of the present
New York, June 1.—A wireless mes
sage received thi*morning at the of-
ftco of the Cunard Line today says to
Mauretania, with one propeller out
of commission, is becalmed on
ocean. She maintained a speed of
22.22 knots for 12 hours Just before
the breaking of her propellers.
London, June 4.—The rapidity with
which bomb outrages are succeeding
one another in India makes it Impos
sible to regard them as entirely spo
radic, and is greatly Increasing the
anxiety of the authorities. The latest
reported instance is the fourth that
has occurred within a few months.
Liverpool, June 4.—The Mersey
Docks and Harbor Board practically
have decided to extend the dock sys
tem cl Liverpool by new buildings at
t cost of about $10,000 aCO.
Rome, June 4.—The" Avgrarlan agl-
.ntion at Parma, Italy, Is likely to
result In a conflict of u serious char
acter. The question is not one of wag-
but - of*the right to hsld land as
property; at least so It Is understood
by the proprietors, who declare that
they dare not make any concessions
fight which Involves their very
existance. The movement has already
reached formidable dimensions; the
number of strikers is said to be forty
thousand with the possibility of exten
sion to other districts, while the town
peopje of Parma, manufacturers,
threaten a lockout should there em
ployes proclaim a general strike in
sympathy with the other party. Both
The election is over, the people have
expressed themselves, and graceruuy
accept their verdict. To the rnauy”
friends who so faithfully worked for
my success, and to the great number
who cast their ballots for me, I am
deeply grateful. I have made a clean
race, and have ‘nothing tut my defeat
to regret. Now lets forget all the
past, and work together for the best
Interest of our couoty. Look out for
me two years hence.
Savannah, June, 4.—The Democrats
of Chatham county are engaged today
In one of the hardest fought political
battles that has taken place in this
county in a long time. It Is the first
real political “tree tor all" that Chat
ham has seen in many years. Hereto
fore clubs have,taken charge of the
battles of candidates and fought for
them. This year the battle is one of
The greatest interest probably i# in
the race for Governor. It is evident
that Joe Brown will carry the county,
if at all, by a very small majority.
Great numbers of Hoke Smith workers
appeared at the polls this morning
and many of those were able to turn
many ^voters when they came to the
court house to vote. Browns friends
were also active, some of the railroads
have given their men a holiday to
werk fur th-Jr candidate.
The result of the race fer Congress
man from the first dfstrict will so far
as Chatham Is concerned will not be
known until the final count but It look
early tills morning a3 if Walter W.
Sheppard had landed the county in
his column. If he doesn't get it Ciias.
G. Edwards the present incumbent will
Overstreet has no show in tho
county although he is getting a res
pective vote. It is claimed by Shep
pards friends that if he gets this
county ho will be nominated as the
country'Is very strong for him.
One of the surprises of the morning
was the strength developed by Mr. J.
K. P. Carr the present Clerk of the
Superior Court and who Is a candidate
for re-election. Ho was opposed by
Col. W. L. Grayson a very popular
business man. It developed early In
the fight however that Mr. Carr was
in the lead of his opponent and this
lead will be kept up until the clos
ing of the polls.
The race for Solicitor General Is a
very hot one. The candidates are
Mr. W. C. Hnrtrldge, Mr. R. J. Travis
and Mr. Gordon Saussy, at noon it was
nip and tuck between Mr. Hurtrldgo
and Mr. Travis. They were then both
working like beavers. Mr. Saussy’a
friends have not given up the fiaht
but It is not believed that tie can win.
It is thought by eemo that Mr. Travis
will bo tho winner although Mr. Hart-
ridge’s frknds Jo not ccnc de to this..
Col. Waring Russell County Treas
urer was opposed by Mr. R. J. Stew
art but inere ia jw doubt of hbxr-elt'C-
tlon. Mr. J. \v. Mcintiro
sides nave been preparing for a strug- «. .
, , , . # of the City Court will beat his oppen-
gle for some time past, so that it is»
likely to be obstinate.
ent. Mr. J. J. Horrigan who once held
j the office and warns it again.
. —-■ ■ f _For the egUIatuVe thes? leading in
15 BRIDGES OVER THE * the ballottlng ar® Mes *. J. Randolph
DRAINAGE CANAL. Anderson A. A. Lawrence cud John
McCarthy. ^T.-.ey have the cmlorce-
Chicago, June 4.—The proposed
equipment of 15 bridges over the drain
age canal with operating machinery
at a cost of $1,000,900 within ISiJazan, J. \v. L'em
months will enhance the availability j Cain.
TOWN OF FAIRLAND OKLA.,|of the canal zone fer manufacturng * A full list of County Commissioners
— plants of wjlich many bi? foundations Is being elected but It Is Imposibt
Tulsa, Okla., June 4.—The bank of (are being laid, including the Corn t to t%Il who will win. There arc eljht
meat cf a club. They will lead It Is
believed until Cue polls are closed.
The other candidate# ore Simon
1, and Janifs U.
direction of Satilla river. Mrs. R. C.
The best oF good humor prevails
in Waycross today.' And why should
It not? However, the other fellows
are wearing the crepe and eating crow, ernor's efforts on these questions.
pftirand. FalrlanJ, Oklahoma, was en
' *ered by robbers Inst night and $19,-
)O0 reported secured. Three men
administration. A victory for Browaj composed the gang. They rede into
town on horseback, tied their horses
iioar the-bank and gat money and rod-*
tway safely. Officer* are In hot pur-
I will be construed as a token that the
people of Georgia are unwilling to
pursue further political regulation of
railroads and other public service and
in lu ttrla! concerns.
Smith's renomination will be a sig
nal of redoubled efforts of the gwr-
Atlanta, Ga., June 4.—The Journal,
\ Smith organ, at 1:30 claims the
state for Smith by 50,000 majority.
Products $15,000,600 project at or ten'candidates and only five places
Argo. Many business men ^believe ' to be filled. * .
th£ 28 mile strip from Robey street { Mr. *. WV Stanley, {jio e:ran?r r,I-'
th<.utk opened by jwo m«h w'L l*
Ik re have Leon several citizens
at the polls during the day whose pur-
to Lock port will te cue of tho world':
ireatcat Industrial centers.
Atlanta. Jane i K —‘The first precinct
1 j report officially, a rur?l dirt:let in icse It is to prevent the purchase cf
Jeff Davis county, gives Brown 2 to 1. j vole3, While seme money. la bsing
j spent it is not speut as brazenly as
Fitzgerald—Brown seems to have a It has been in the past in Chatham ,
slight lead at 2 p. ra. county.