Newspaper Page Text
Never Without Pe=ru=na in My House
So Write* Ur. C. O. Convert, Hoi Spring», Arkanta*.
There Are a Multitude of People in
the United States
Who Have Been Restored to Health
By the Use of Pe-ru-na.
There ere a multitude) of people la the United
01*tee who here been reetored to health by tbu uao
of reran*. There is no use trying to deny thie fact.
As a rale, doctors dislike to admit It. There la now
lod then a courageous doctor who doea ad m i t i t, how*
Mttt. In auch caw# Perana la prescribed by the
doctor himself. Even though the doctor aaffere
pecuniary loaa by auch a tranaactlon hia patient la
benefited, which ought to be the doctor’e chief
^We do'not claim that doctor* generally prescribe
Peruna. Hat wo do claim whenever Peruna la in*
tell! gently preacrllaid It rarely dleappointa either
lb# doctor or patient.
i?.James P.Bracken.
Nasal Catarrh and Indigestion
Mr. James P. Bracken, (110 Tenth Ave., New York City, N Y
haa ocrupled the office of Water Inspector of New York City
tor the past fifteen years. Ho carries on an extensive plumbing
business at (110 10th Are. He la Post Deputy of (Irand Knights
of Reigns Celia Council Knights of Colombo*, N. Y. He writes
as follows:
"For nearly a dozen years catarrh haa bothered me in one form
or another. I was trouhlod with natal catarrh that had affected
my stomach, which troubled me moat in the morning. My
appetite wmm poor, and I did not seem to relish my food, tndl•
gestion bothered mo at times, also. I was advised to take Peruna,
and I took it as prescribed tor a month when my cure was
almost complete. Today there is not a trace of catarrh in my
system, and I can say without hesitation that Peruna cured me."
Kidney Disease.
Sir. Samuel A. Paxton, 1118 Trooat At*., Kansas City, Mo.,
jBember I.O.O. F. and National Annuity Association, writes: •
(•lama well man today, thanks to yonr splendid raedlolne, Perana.
«1 was troubled with catarrh and Kidney disease of Jong standing
•Wbta I first began using Parana. fraftibond I wM getting better,
wmd continued taking It tor tour month*. It cleaned ont the system,
faring me well and strong and feeiiojbetter than 1 bare in yoars.”
The following nuihed gentlemen
have been selected oe delegates to the
Atlanta Convention on June 23rd from
Ware county. It la to be hoped that
they will all attend. They are all
rtroog Brown of course. Any other
rort of a fellow would feel lonesome
In this crowd.
Thta Is the delegation.
jg- a Judge A. P. Perhatn,
V. L. Stanton.
C. M. Sweat
T. J. McClellan
H. P. Brewer
J. H. Parker
Jsa. Sinclair
R B. Ballard
T. G. Hilliard
J. E. T. Bowden
R. M. NVeacott
W. H. Strickland
J. L. Sweat
D. E. Harris
0. W. Deen
W. A. Price
J. S. Bailey
C. Wf Parker - -
T. A. McMillan, Beach
Dr. H. Conn. Beach. v .
B. A. Bennett. Millwood*.
Dr. J. B. Bagley, Fairfax.
D. X. McQualg. Glentnore.
H. Strickland Brasanza
Frank McDonald
O. L. Mcualg, Manor.
• C. W. Tyre, Ware*boro.
.^\ W. B. Thigpen, Waresboro
C. A. Johnson. Blckley
: lJ*t cf unclaimed let era remaining
in Poatofiice, Waycr :?*, Ga^ For week
endtng June S, IMS.
Albritton W J \
Bradshaw O L
Barrett Jesse J \
Brown Jesse - l
Beverly R D •
Bagley R H
Bear F M
Brown Alfred
Cruwford Sam
Corlman R
Courson M D
Croon: Larger
Carbett Co. Lee
Cox Jas T
Cornelius R J
Daniel Tom
Daniels Sam
Drisktll R T
Etvis L D
Day is J \V
Dan Ida Henry
Filter, Walter
Tthel Z T
Evans Prince
Fled a SR
Frasier Robt.
Ferguson D J
Gauldlng Joe
Glrsrd A L
Hugh Bowson
Harvey E A
Howell Tim
Hanson H W
Heaps Green B
Howard Lin
Handley Malisaa
King W A
Jenkins W M
Jtnltr T H
Jehr.Kn Tcm
Jc hnsen Leslie
Jchnron Elder M
Jsckfon Ge?rge
Joiner Frank
Lowry T 3
I Aw ton Henry
• Lawson L R
Moses S
Miller S
Mlnc^ew D J
Meeks Abraham
Me Fay .1 C
McCrutcheon Jcfcn
McBride John
Xewton J N
Paul A F
Parker c
' Reid G W
Raney E
( Readcra Robt
’ Smith J M
Sims Frank
Street F E
Scott Aex
Simmons Fletcher
Strickland R L
Strickland Matthew
Thorn Frank_
Tatum Oscar C
Thomas R K
Tomkins I B
Wells W
Woodcock Z T
Williams Tom
WuPord Thomas
Washington John
Wilson Tom M
Wallace Elijah
Wilson A W
Anthony Lull
Blackh.unr Susie
Barber Dixie
Clarke Lila
Henderson Minnie
Hall Cleo %
James Mrs. Rachel
Johnson Ella
King .Emma
Lorttn Mrs. Mary
Lewis Mrs. Fred
Afoton Mrs. Mollie
Mullock Mrs. F. H.
Madison Cbsrotte
Miller Mrs. Alice
Miller Rosie
Robinson Mrs. Lizzie
Roberts Mies Jim
Steven, Lula
Smith Mrs. B F.
Tesdel Elsie
Taylor Mary F
Thomas Mrs. Dora
Washington Mrs. Laura
Wells Ethel
It is hinted that the unopened letter
which Joe Brown seut to the governor
may have contained Mr. Brown’s re
signation. It «o this is another joke
on Hoke.
Twiggs,’of Savannah,** as the Atlanta
Journal calls him, wlU place the name
ot-Joseph M. Brown In nomination on
Colds and Stomach Trouble.
Mr. C. G. Convert, Pres. Cold Storage Ice and
Coal Co., Hot Springs, Ark., write*:
“I had been troubled with a very serious case ;
of catarrh fora number of years. Having tried
many prescriptions by good physicians, 1 found
myself no better.
"On the advice of a friend who had used Pernna |
with good results 1 purchased a bottle. TL
results were so good that 1 continued using ii
Have, perhaps, in the last three years used
dozen bottles, which have kept me from the try - 1
ing troubles of catarrh. I am never without a
bottle of Peruna in my bouso.
"One always gets relief from colds and Indiges
tion if you have Peruna.’
Internal Catarrh
Mr. Michael Rooney, 2> Fifth St., Watervliet, N.
j Y., writes:
I "If I had known of Peruna years ago I should have
! been saved inuoh suffering. Under carelessneM and
exposure in my younger years my system got into a
very bad'condition before I was aware of it.
"My doctor thought that I had catarrh of the
bladder and duly prescribed for me, but nothing did
mo any good.
"My friends advised me to try Peruna, for which l
am very thankful, as it has cured me in two months,
and I am in perfect health. "
Catarrh of the Head and Stomach.
Mr. Frank Richter, of 909 East 2nd HL, Winona,
Minn., writes: "I take pleasure in recommending
Peruna for catarrh of the stomach. Peruna cured me,
and I know it will cure any one else who supers from
this disease. My catarrh was principally located in
my bead and stomach. I tried many remedies with*
Below we publish the program cf
closing exercltea of Glenmore public
•school, which occurred on the night
of the £fd Inst. There were a large
and well behaved audience, ar.d
exercises were simply splendid, and
the teachers and each and every pu
pil deserve great creJif for the ad
mirable manner in which each num
ber of the program was rendered.
Miss Minnie B. Wood, the teacher,
left Monday for home In Georgetown,
Ky. It ia regreted that the patrons
of tne school could not prevail uj»on
her to teach for them longer, as she
was the most competent and gave
more universal satisfaction than any
teacher the school has ever had. She
is a most excellent lady and carries
the beat wishes of the entire com
munity for her future welfare.
We noticed from the unusually large
number of babies In the Audience, that
the good people of Glenmore expects
to run a school for some years to
Invocation—Rev. L. D. Ellington.
Commencement Song—School
Welcome Address—Willie Corbett.
Children’s Song.
Recitation—Viola Wright.
I am gad I am a boy—Ciaude Ratliff.
Baby's Playthings—Ruth Turner.
Recitaiton—Nita Ratliff. *
Flag Concert—Little Boys.
Recitation—Miss Bessie Corbett.
Uncle Sam--Ed Turner.
Star Spangled Banner. ^
Recitation — Vera Wright.
Columbia—Viola Wright, Bessie and
Susie Corbett, Vera Wright, Berta
Ratliff, Nita Ratliff and Mary Allen.
Appeal For Temperance—Lewi's Her
Six times nine—Bessie Allen.
Farmer’s drill.
Cinderilla—Nita and Berta Ratliff,
Maude Kennedy, Vera Wright,
What they like to do—Edna and Mabel
Herrin, Dewey Corbett, Bessie Allen
Ruth Turner and Nita Ratliff.
Dialogue," Respect Old Age’’—Mary
Allen, Viola Wriglit, Leonard Mc
Qualg Enoch Mixon.
We are little boys—Jimmie Allen.
Recitation—Lonnie McQurig.
The sick Doll—Enoch Mixon, Bessie
Recitation—Claudy Ratliff.
Friend Tongue—Willie Kennedy.
The Minuet—Vera Wright.
Frogs at School—Ed. Turner.
Duet—Vera Wright, Grover Ratliff.
Dialogue—Grover Ratliff, Viola Wright
Farmer Hank’s wants a divorce—
Charley Wilson, Willie Wright,
Mary Allen.
Pantomlne "Dying Soldier Frank
Turner, Viola Wright.
Smith Family— Charley Wilson, Berta
Ratliff, Vera Wright, Nita Ratliff
Lonnie McQualg and Frank Turnet.
Lick Skillet Wedding— (characters,
Miss Julia Corbett, Miss Bessie Cor
bett, Flint Kennedy, Charley Wil
Pantomlne, "Nearer My God To Thee’’
—Miss Bessie and Susie Corbett,
Mary Allen Berta Ratliff, Viola ami
Vera Wrght.
Lord’s prayer Pantomlne same.
Closing Address—Grover Ratliff.
Mils Minnie B. Wood,
?S3£;Sil V* Teacher.
Yes indeed there will be a change
in the railroad commission just
as sdon at Little Joe gets a whack at
it Don’t worry about that
The inauguration of Joseph, M.
Brown will be the Inauguration of re
newed prosperity in Georgia. Let it
be with all the acclaim possible.
“Health CoBso” 1. reelly the clc»e»t
Coffee Imitation ever yet produced.
This clever Coffee substitute was rec
ently produced by Dr. Shoop Racine.
Wls. Not a grain of real coffee in It
either. Dr. Scoop’s Health Coffee i>
made, from yure toasted grains, witl
malt, nuts, etc. Really it would fpe
an expert —who might drink It fot
coffee. No 20 or 30 minutes tediou
boiling. "Made in a minute," say:
the doctor. Fold By The Waycrcs*
Grocery Co., and Mutual Grocery Co
"After doctoring 15 years for
chroLic Indigestion, and pending pter
two hundred dollars, nothing has done
me as much good as Dr. King's New
Life Pills. I consider them the best
pills ever sold." writes B. F. Ayscue,
of Ingleslde, N. C. Sold under guaran
tee at all drug stores. 25c.
Lector M. Nelson, of Naples, Maine,
says in a recent letter: "I have used
Dr. King’s New Discovery many years,
for coughs and colds, and I think it
saved my ifee. I have found it a
reliable remedy for throat and lung
complaints, and would no more be
without a bottle than I would be with
out food." For nearly forty- "ydffrs
New Discovery has stood at the head
of throat and ung rejnedieG. As . a
preventive of pneumonia, and
ofw eak lungs it has no eqistfl. Sold
under guarantee at all drugstores. 50c j
and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
The Macon Telegraph says: "Tne
preacher In politics helped to elect
Joe Brown.” The preachers had bet
ter be looking after their stray sheep
and let politics alone.
Foley’s Kidney Remedy will cure
any case of kidney or bladder trouble
that is not beyound the reach of medi
cine. No medicine can do more.
Central and Union Pharmacy.
The heaviest licks being showered
upon. Governor Smith’s devoted head
now comes from the outlying states
and territories.
The Congressional envention will
be held on July 4th at Brunswick. It
looks now very much as If Brantley
would be nominated provided preacher
Harmon stays away.
The Joe Brown people’s apprecia
tion of the services of Editor C. R.
Pendleton in the recent campaign is
said to be eo high that he has the
refusal/of "anyhting he wants” that
it is within the power of the now dom
inant faction to bestow.
Georgia will probably send unin
structed delegates to th6 Denver Con
*ir “~
It is not true as has been reported
that Smith turned off his cook because
she gave him brown bread for break
Terrell may get Bacon’s place and
Brantley may get Joe Brown’s place
some of these days. Who knows?
The original ' •
LAXATIVE cough remedy.
For coughs, colds, throat and lung
troubles. No opiates.' Non-alcoholic. -
Good for every body. Sold every where.
The genuine
aYellow package. Refuse substitute*
Prepared only by
Foley A Company, Chicago.
Georgia School
of Technology
fifieein ran scholarshifs assigned to each
Writ, it *nc, rtfufl., oil fortran,.
1 a*, WL Litwntariu, ale.
fw vffiy “* **» chwdal laboratory. Demand
r* Illustrated catalog# ud information tdirut
K. G. M ATHESON, A.M.,IX.D., President,
A Busy Business Man
Doe* not fame and fms when he goes into a bank and has to
wait his turn before he reaches the teller. Bnt when he
he is likely to become impatient at eves a slight delay. XUi
is because be cannot cee the operator ct work.
We are ell human.
t Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co.
11W claim* mate tor KXmXXX’S KXCXUIOR BLOOD iV**€** ”‘l
J-nxathatltiMbtctMtc«M«oiHMJctftc<.frc ».«. f- t,rU [» ft ; ~ i 1 l l I
gsaasawssaijitriitH 1 ;
Ketterer’s Excelsior Blood Purifier | O % >
I CWw ^rr t.-— Of U. UW. TVe eiei. i. ,, .nwtae4 ; 7 > I
Prlw ,1.0* ft Mlk. X...d >. .fttllif •
J,ck,«.vUI« ( F’-orie, g! xF | I »■; 11 »> ,
palpitation cf lie Lean. Digests whit jcaaaft
- .