Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, June 20, 1908, Image 3
THE WAYCROSS WEEKLY HERALD tetter and eczema REMEDY YOUNG’S JORDAN’S LETTER. HUGHES’ LETTER. 5 Mr. J. M. Vo Waycross, G;t.. IMi.VI'jos J. M. Young. Jr, Waycross, (la.. 1->1>. 17. 11)03. • Dear Sir ? We utn Wuy R | three l s that we | c-d to tr eases of the R«' dghborhood *iui s, and utter u> TETTER, ECZEMA, RING WORMS, ITCH, HLL skin diseases PRICE. SOC AND $1.00 MANUFACTUI1ED By M. YOUNG. JR. WAYCROSS, GA. 2 Our i i and >o • highly. 4 Dear Sir:-- i!d seven ? 1 heg to advise tha >... past 2 Tette,- and Ke/.emn I erythtng • Dandruff Itchln.t Sen ? out nil exception 1 ha 2 dv that I have ever u • I have one ouston Z scal|. I ar indue- »Jy. whiea or king on id Kc elie It* • id I l.a- g It gives Hie | . to 111! who Miff.- | (Mr. Alfred Jordai ’onRtantly using Youngs itdy In my Darlmr shop, for and Kalling Hair, and wlta* found it the very heat rente- or ua«*d for scalp and hair, stonier who suffered with itching years and I applied Youngs Tetter edy twice which pave aim instant heard no romplnim since. •asui’e to recommend this remedy with scalp or skin trouble, n Yours very truly, w. ii. i.rentes Proprietor of Hitches Barber Shop. ? Mr. J. M. Y« Wayeroi-s, ( \ Dear Sir: — McGEE’S LETTER. February, 20tli, 190s Mr. J. M. Young, Jr, IIICKOX LETTER. nuskia, On.. M Wa Cl a. was troubled with a breaking out | Dear Sir | oil one of m\ feet something similar to ground Itch * I have tried Young’s cure for Tetter and Kczenia ; or -Tetter, and used quite a number of different prep- - and found It good. Last Summer I had a severe • aratious witnoiit relief. Anally I bought a bottle of jj case of Barber’s Itch, I tried a few applications of | "Young’s Tel ter and Eczema Cure" and with two d this solution and was cured, I lake pleasure in say- applications my foot was entirely well, and I take • Ing to tbnro who suffer from nnv similar nffectiou pleasure in reconnnendlng it, , | the.. . . 1 .veil to give It a trial Yours truly i Respectfully JOHN W. McGEK. * LEONA HD HH’KOX EITHER SIZE WILL BE MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS UPON RECEIPT OF PRICE. New York, June 1C.—The com tlon among steamship companies novelties on board new steamsl by which the Impressionable pas per may be captured, has led to sorts of innovations on tlie trans-at lantic liners launched in the past f THIS-GLOMS GOLDEN CLOCK FREE - for a few minutes of your time. No one who hag * £ » * a homo to live in can afford to miss thi* truly urniture <Lo. golden opportunity It remained, however, for the Priiv cope Di Udine of the Lloyd Sabaudc Fast Italian Mail Line, to include a dentist's office among her attractions. CASE MAY BE CARRIED 1 TO CIVIL COURTS. Washington, June 1G.—'The case of Col. William F. Stewart, Coast Artil lery, is likely to be carried into tlie civil courts. Unless the President will grant Col. Stewart a court of In quiry, before which he may defend himself against the charges reflect ing on his character, a suit will be brought to compel the allowance ot such n tribunal, Warren L. Hinson Gen. Mgr. Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, flattings, Stoves, Ranges, Etc. To eecure FREE of charge a Clock, tho most important thing in the home. And such a Clock, too! BEAUTIFUL GOLD AND GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS. BEAD every word of this great offer To get this beautiful Clock Fit KB In the ulinpliwt thing In tin* world. All you have to do Is write mo a postal card an<l say you want to got It. I will *hf*n no ml you bv mall, tvro- pnld, a ca package of band of George Washington nsk you to show them t< neighbors. These portraits uro copies of Lhe best known painting of tho first President of tho United States, nrul are different front it handsomer than any plc- ofulljr wrapped HAS ACCEPTED INVITATION TO DELIVER AN ADDRESS. Savannah, Ga., June 1C.— Hon. Al fred Herrington, of Swainsboro, has accepted an invitation to deliver an address at the annual meeting nnd banquet of Francis S. Bartow Camp. United Confederate Veterans on Thus- day evening and remain probably through Friday. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Main Stores 21, 21,1-2, 23 & 23 1-2 j| Pendleton Street. WHOLESALE WARE-11 HOUSES REMSHART AND PARKER ST. I !j of tho kind you This is Just tho plcturo for tho dining-room or sit ting room, and. becauso tho very nanio Oeorgo Wash ington strengthens tho lovo id country in old rid young alike, everybody will will* fa .. Iho liberal proposition 2 will authorize you to make. You only hnvo to collect 15 In this way to make this Olorlouo Clock yours forevor. MR. JOE KEEL BITTEN BV A RATTLESNAKE. Mr. Joe Keel, a well known fnrmer, ■who resides near Waltertown. was bit ten by a rattlesnake this morning while out picking huckleberries. A messenger was hurried to tao city for a physician, to attend Mr. Keel and nothing further was learned as to the probable result of tho bite from this poisonous reptile. Phonographs, Records And Supplies. w. l. rnnson & G-, UWDERTIZKERS, BASE BALL TODAY; JESUP VS. WAYCROSS. J; The Jesup base hall team alrlved In | the city this afternoon on train 85 and J • is crossing bats with a Waycross team j | ■this afternoon at Base Ball Park noarj = A. C. L., freight depot. The game ' called at t o'clock. I’etermann nnd Mc Gee are doing the battery work for Waycross. The sporting editor Is ab sent from the city today, but notwith standing this fact the Herald expects to bo able to give a full and complete account of the gfcme tomorrow. W. L. HINSON, Licensed Embalmers, D. J. HICKS, ‘Phones 413, 153 Chapel & Sample Rooms 22 Pendleton Street. NAVIGATION ON THE 1 GREAT LAKE8.1 Si mi ce w Duluth. June 16.—Navigation on the great lakes has opened to the Lake Superior copper country points, which means a saving of nearly a fifth of a cent per pound on water and rail transportation charges, as compared 1th all-rail rates. Taft the roqubllcan nominee for president favors local option, fut we ! shall not vote for him. * TWO BEAUTIFUL EXTRA GIFTS In addition to tho Clock I hftvo two other lovely presents which I will give you—two more handsome ornaments which anyono who loves a pretty homo will ho delighted with. Ono of these gifts I will send to you FRED AND PRK« FAII> «S soon as I receive tho postal card with your nami on It The otl being prompt In following my Instructions. namo on It Tho other ‘auctions. I ono, whlcts vo to you Just for being prompt in following my Inst all about tho second extra gift, when I send tho first toon as I hear from you, so HURRY UP. rou TAKE NO CHANCES <n writing to mo, beennso. If tho Clock dots 1 .. , Sl , nw i wnnnws® not p ro v© to bo oven bettor than Z havo de- “ ““ * ‘ * ry way, you may ‘ ' trouble. Also, If and I will pay you hnndsomoly in cash for or for any other - you do. 8o you ... -—, ... —.. — your trouble. Also, If you got sick! for any other reason fall to colloct all of tho $B. I will pay you well tor what u do. So you see. YOU CAN T LOSE, so sit right down and wrlto to mo a* follows: **n, R. OMtOIlNI ., Manager, Nashville, Tran. 1'Iease send me 1ho por* limits of Geeorg* Washington and complete outfit for oaratu* tho Glorious **»■ /dock, with the understanding that this does aet bind aao to pay 70# cent.** Then put your name and addross, - - %j MASTERED In Ten Weeks n ronalxtn of the (NI ARTIER X. ilmplo rules. l.tHtiifl In one-half limn required for old ay*tomH. lluii'Irf.U huldlnif portions with leading flrrna all over Iho ho utu after t-ighi to twelve weeks' couraea. bend for the proof. TtOOKKRF.PING taught bjr ••Actual Business Transactions” I rein tin* atari. The moat pract I pm I nnd romprehcnMre courw (might in the booth. Quo who com- pletes our 1 our™ ran keep any mjI of books r anjr line of busiuca*. TELEGRAPHY. This department is In 'pr«c- 1 operator of twenty y«i Railroad wires r to StS.OO Per Month, • Write today for Handsomely Illustrated Catalog. * Counei by Mill. J. O. BASWELI, Pre,., 196 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Go. WILL ABSORB ATTENTION OF WOMEN. New York. Juno 16.—This month ■will be an exceptional one to many thouaandi of women, became of a number of aational conventions whicn will absorb their attention. First In Importance, there is the bi ennial convention of the General Fed eration of Woman'. Club, which will be held In Boston. The National Edu cation Ansoetatlon will meet In Cleve land. O., and will attract the great army of women teachers of the coun try. Tho Amercian Library Associa tion will hold its annual convention at Lake Minnetonka, near Minneapolis The estimated total attendance ot wo men at all these meetings Is consider ably more than twenty thousand. The Washington Post Is of the opin ion that mere bread will not he enough when Brown Is Governor of Georgia, saying: " ‘Brown and Bread,* was the slogan of the winners In Georgia, but as soon us Brown goes Into office there will be a rush for'the p.e counter”. * WILL CALL MEETING OF-CREDITORS. Savannah, Ga., June 16.—At a meet ing of the committee having In charge the affairs of Reppard Snedeker t Co.. yyesterday afternon decided to call a meeting of the creditors ot the firm when the conditions of affairs will be thoroughly gone into with the hope of a thorough settlement ot Its financial difficulties. It is be lieved that the creditors will consent to the formation of a plan by which tho firm car. gradually pay Its debts. There Is not a very long list of credi tors and for that reason the matter will be more easily bandied. The larg est Individual creditor Is a man who waa on the note* of the firm for »60,- >000 and whoso calm Is unsecured. , For old people who suffer * from rheumatism.sfiff joints, gout lumbago! neuralgia,sciatica and paralysis Sloeav s Liixinvervt gives quick relief. It penetrates through the nerves and tissues,relieves the Inflammation and congestion.quickens ‘ "the blood and gives a pleasant tingling KstfSensalion oLjcomfort and warmth.' [very little rubbing. ■ At oil dealers * PRICE 25«5O«S? $l.00< Dr.Eari S.SIoan, Boston Mas$.i '