Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, June 22, 1908, Image 4
YUE WAVCROSS EVENING HERALD WHY NOT OWN YOUR OWN HOME By Converting Yonr Rent Money Into Faying For It? WE WILL LEND YOU THE MONEY AT 5o-o SIMPLE INTEREST. Now, why not apply t'ne money yon spend monthly for rent, a« a payment on a home? Money Invented In bourn* rent receipts Ih a poor investment, and one that you will never derive any future benefits from. Anybody can pay rent, buF It takes energy,’economy ami determination to own a home. We will lend you the money to buy, build, improve homes or. lift mortgages anywhere in the Union For each $1,000,(10 borrowed you pay us $7.50 per month, together with •*» per cent, interest on yearly balances; jiving’ you 10 1-2 years in whllh to repay the loan, with the privilege of taking up all notes or as many as you wish at any time, and by ho doing you would-ttet a discount of 5 percent inter est on all noty* taken up before maturity. We allow six month's grace In case of adverse circumstanc es. Now, why do you pay r »nt when our plan will enable you to own a home with the money you ex pend for rent? Mr. J. W. Stafford, district agent, will remain In Waycross permanently and will he located in Room 316, I.e Grande IJldg, after Monday June 22. Call and *ee him, and he will explain our liberal proposition to you In full. [>OW MUCH RENT DO YOU PAY [name STREET -ITY THE STANDARD TRUST CO. STAFFORD, & PHILtOPS. District Agents, Oillces also at No. 6 New Akin Building, Brunswick, 6a. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN 4, .j. .j. .J. .J. .J. .J. -I- + -i-1 + -J" -I- -fr -fr ’5’ g © ' ~ T ^ 1 * * guaranteed MODERN DENTISTRY, MODERN PRICES. No other medicine has been no successful In relieving the suffering of women or received so many gen. (line testimonial* ns has I.ydlu K. Plnklmm’s Vegetable Compound. In every community you will And Our Modern Ideas Enable us (o Trot Fill, Crown or Exluc! Teeth with Lent Possible Piin. Our price, are "'.thin reach ol all. Give us a Trial and be Sat isfied. COME .TO-DAY. £><[{• THAKIKL, Cental parlors. Over Central pharmacy, cuavc«oss, • ceweia. +Q •!• * -t- * * * * * 4- * * * * * * * ***-!•*■!-* For a High Grade one you moot 1ms either been bene fited by it, or has friends who have. In tno Pinkhant ljilmmtory at lflmn,Ma*s., any n oniniinny day may tee the Hies containing over one mil lion one hundred thousand letters from womerf seeking health, and ben are the letters In which they openly state over their owli signa tures that they were cured by Lydia JC. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. l’inkliam’s Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia K. ITnkhnm’g Vegetable Compound is made from roots and herbs, without drugs, and is whole- some and harmless. The reason why Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound is so meeeasful is because it contains in- gradients which act directly upon the feminine organism, restoring It to a healthy normal oonditlou. Women who are suffering from those distressing Ills peculiar to their •ex should not lose ‘ facts or doub E. Plnkham's . _ to restore their health. •}. 1 !+ GOOD SMOKING AND MILD FLAV ORED CIGAR, CALL FOR THE JES- UP MADE BRAND OF EL SM CIGARS. Ami get a first class smoke In evry res pect, we recommend them and If you know a good cigar and try one ot our EL SAO’S you will a. , For sale by nearly all of the lead ing cigar dealers In town. The Jesup Cigar Co. MANUFACTURERS tuld not lose sight of these I . 1 doubt the ability of Lydia |j- ham's Vegetable Compound *r Bees Lsxstlre Couth Syrup for 4, young and old Is prompt relief for 4, .rough,, croup, hoarseness, whooping 4. cough. Gently Laxative. Guaranteed ... Cherokee Pahrmacy. ■ * -f" ..A GRAND FAMILY MEDICINE. 14; It gives me pleasure fo apeak a A | + 4-4-H- + -H-d- + + d-+H-*-i--H-d-4-d- + d'* LIFE INSURANCE AnJ NATIONAL BANKiCIRCULATION d-d good word for Electric Bitters,” ^ writes Mr. Frank ConUn uf No. t::6 I MM i atu :i< Houston 8t., New York, family medicine tordyapepstx er complication,; while for lam? bsclc and weak kidney. It caimct fee to highly tecanimendel." Electric Rit ters regulate the dlgesttr© function Sljrtfy the blood, and Impart rcneweJ vigor and vitality to the weak and de liberated of both sexes. Sold under guarantee st all drug stare*, 50c. I do my own prescription, guarantee everything pare and best price, ft 0. R. Brinson. A Natlom.l Hank note l« absolutely safe because It Is mured by a deposit at bonds with the government A State Life Insurance Pulley Is equally as safe as a National Bank note, because every one of lie Policies Is secured by n de posit of Us entire value wilt the State nnder whose laws It operates No holder of a National Bank pete or n State Life Insurance IVi'cj hag leaf or over will loose anything on either becauso-tbe rig! I deposit law <o which both are subject, renders such lost an absolute impossibility. Attoraey-Genyrat Hart, of Georgia said recently: "That nu man could afford In trllte' with his Ute Insurance,” In using Insurance mere fore, keep your eye on SECURITY. The State Life Insurant© Company of Indianapolis In,I.. Do- posit* It* reaerve ANNUALLY with the 8t*te. It raised this de posit Ol the Bret of last January from Fcur Million To Five Mil lions Elgh Hundred Thousand Delian. ASSETS 1906 55,353.741. ASSETS 1907 •• *.... $5.674,752. SURPLUS TO POLICY HOLDERS 1906 $579,675.. SURPLUS TO POLICY HOLDERS 1907 5707,402.. FOR INSURANCE “THAT INSURES” V. L. STANTON. MGR. . STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO.: Waycross Ga.' •fr + ♦ ♦ + 4* 4* 4* •■f + 4* + + 4* + *M* + 4- + 4* • Beginning June 1st and Ending June 30th we will sell at Actual Cost Prices For Cash any or all of our High Class We mean what we say. We do not mean 1-2 or. 1-3 of the regular sellngprice, we mean just what it cost us. Actual Cost, Think 01 Ii AN OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME! THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO FIT UP YOUR HOME WITH HIGH CLASS FURNITURE AND MAKE IT COMFORTABLE AND ATTRACTIVE. -Also WL WILL GIVE YOU WITH EACH TEN DOLLARS WORTH PAID IN:CASH;A FREE CHANCE ON ( I SAPHO,” An Elegant Oil v Painting by Mrs. E. W. Fain. Each chance . represents fifty cents to Mrs. Fain. YOU NEED THE FURNITURE We Need The cash Come to see us whether y ou buy or not. Don’t Go By, But Come Boy, DON’T LOSE THIS OPPORTUNITY. Undertaking and Embalmning ioi Waycross, Georgia. \ 5£E •fs' v