Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, July 04, 1908, Image 7
THE WAYCROSS YOUNG’S TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY U R TETTER, ECZEMA, RING WORMS, ITCH, &N3* %LL SKIN DISEASES PRICE. SOC AND $1.00 MANUFACTURED By J M. YOUNG, JR. WAYCROSS, GA. JORDAN’S LETTER. Way.cross, Ga., 2-25-19U8 Mr. J. v M.* Young, Jr., ( Waycross, Ga., * Dear Sir: — We slave had seven cases of the genuine old seven years itch In our neighborhood during tnn past three or four months, and after ihtlbg everything that we cpuld hear of wit.iout relief, we were Induc ed to try Youngs Tetter and Eczema Remedy, wlnc.i cured six cases completely and we. are working ou g the seventh case now. 2 Our entire neighborhood feels very grateful to you 1 and your remedy and we cannot recommend it too * highly. 2 * Yours very truly ALFRED JORDAN. R. F. D. No. 1 | (Mr. Alfred Jordan is among Ware County’s most * successful farmers.) f 1 ’ mcCEE'S LETTER. | February, 20th, 1903 2 Mr. J. M. Young, Jr., m Waycross, Ga., * Dear Sir: — ? Last Summer I was troubled with a breaking out 1 on one of my feet something similar to ground Itch i or Tetter, and used quite a number of different prep- « aratlons without relief, finally I bought a bottle of ; “Young’s Tetter and Eczema Cure” and with two e applications my foot was entirely well, and I take | pleasure in recommending it,. HUGHES’ LETTER. .. Waycross, Ga., Feb. 17, 1908. J. At. Young, Jr., Waycross, Ga., Dear Sir: — I beg to advise that I am constantly using Youngs Tetter and Eczema Remedy In my Barber shop, for Dandruff. Itching Scalp,'and Falling Hair, and with* out ntj exception 1 have found It the very best reme dy that I have ever used for scalp and hair. I have one customer who suffered with itching scalp for eleven years and I applied Youngs Tetter and Eczema Remedy twice which gave him Instant relief and*l have heard no complaint since. It gives me pleasure to recommend this remedy to all who suffer with scalp r>1 skin trouble. I am Yours very truly, W. H. HUGHES Proprietor of Hue lies Barber Shop. BICKOX LETTER. Ruskln, Ga., March, 3rd 1908 Mr. J. M. Young, Jr., Waycross, Ga., Dear Sir: — I have tried Young's cure for Tetter and Eczema and found It good, ^ast Summer I had a severe case of Barber’s Itch, I tried a few applications of this solution and was cured, I take pleasure In sav ing to these who suffer from any similar affection they w.u.'d do .well to give it a trial Respectfully LEONARD tylCKOX EITHER SIZE WILL BE MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS UPON RECEIPT OF PRICE. N APPEAL TO THE COOL, CON- ERVATIVE REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS OF THE COUNTY OF WARE AND OF WAYCROSS GEORGIA. Waycross, Ga., June 30, 190S. On -account, of recent occurrences mt forces ’ themselves upon us by ?ason of one of the blackest crimes | mt .ias stained the fair name of 11 • torgia and the history of the race to | ? | hich wo belong, and because we | | ant the general public to know that j § | > condemn the rapist, tile brute ,the J | f cry kind. But more especially do | f = • condemn the rapist, the bruite ths wage, the Ignorant and stupid beast so prowls around at night seeking opportunity to strike n blow at tho •manhood and tne civilization of our mtry. We don’t like them; we hate mi, we don't want them In our midst ml the sooner the earth opens Its itii and swahows them the better, regard it a sad chapter in the his- j 4 the race In Georgia that &| .1 part of the race bo it m-GLOMOUS GOLDEN CLOCK FREE W -■ _ m *or ajew minutes or your time, imo one wno nas I . f 1 . . a home to live In can afford to mist thia truly aycross rurmture Kuo* n golden opportunity Warren L. Hinson Gen. Mgr. Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, flattings, Stoves, Ranges Etc. To securo FREE of charge a Clock, tho * - most Important thing In the home. And ? - such a Clock, too! BEAUTIFUL GOLD l Z AND GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS. :: BEAD EVERY WORD OF THIS 6REAT OFFER tho world. All you havo to do Ih write- mo u postal card and sny you want to get it. I will ♦hen eeiul you l»y mall, pre paid, a carefully wrapped package of liandsomo portraits of George Washington, and , usk you to show them to your neighbors. These portraits nro copies of the best known painting of tho llrut president of tho United 7 2 and handsome small, who would daro invade the oqr home and the.homes, of Jur^Hute brethren and seek to down and destroy the purity and irtue of our ivomen. To us it is the most revolting and sickening of all hues In th#catalogue of criminality orld. Our love for law and order and the plrit of patriotism that lives within J| ■ur bosom and In the bosom of overy rue American citizen makes it ini- erative, that on oelialf of the colored- population of this city, we publish this letter. L’e beg to say that there is not, er have been and never will be demonstration or midnight assault upon our white brethren, nor any mem ber of their family by the colored peo ple of this city, nor any part of it. We grant that occasionally there is a brute to be found in our midst who commit tlu* crimes for which we have no name, are by no means a party to It r and never will be if we lived a thous and years, and we hope and pray that our white friends will see us in that light. We believe strongly In the grace of God and of the Influence of Christ | ianlty as a preventative In the crlmln-. al world and to make peace between mah and man. In fact this is the only. remedy to absolute peace and prosper-1 Ity and that is what we abide by. We 1 are zealous for the growth and pros-j perity of this city, its peace and devel- opment, such occurences turns the | wheels of progress backwards*, and we J are the greatest sufferers. We Join | the law abiding white citizens of this city in suppressing crime and crlmln- alty of every kind. f , We make a further appeal to U»j c [ t uen» of our thriving little Chriitlan churches white and black *°l T j e repor t Is not true. There Join ua In the crusade against sin and j meettng 0 n Saturday night among the negroes; nor has there been such a meeting held by us. on any nlght-or day since that time. We have not even thought of calling such ; mooting and the report is calculated to do us not only an Injustice, but a great injury. The negroes of Way- cross are conservative and law abiding Wo never have, and never will, citi done the foul pets of criminals. We believe that many of our white frlci. l know our position and therefore we appeal to them for protection, at tbi* very critical time. Signed. T. M. Williamson. Wm. Davis p. L. Likely. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Main Stores 21, 21 1-2, 23 & 23 1-2 Jfli Pendleton Street. WHOLESALE WARE-;I : HOUSES REMSHART AND PARKER ST. 11 TIiIh Is Just tho picture for tho dining-room or »lt- Phonographs, Records And Supplies. 1\W. L HI^SOJK & Q., UHOERT&KZRS, W. L. HINSON, D. J. HICKS, License d Emtalmersv 'Pkones 413 153 Chapel & Sample Rooms 22 Pendleton Street. : : tho liberal proposition _ will nuthorlzo you to make. You only havo to collect $r» In this way to make • this Glorious Clock IteVf 1 w»ms w " WTI, yours forever. Go with Ibis Clock VP « TWO BEAUTIFUL EXTRA GIFTS In addition to tho Clock I havo two othor lovely presents which I will *lv® you—two more hundsomo ornainents which anyone who loves a pretty homo will bo delighted with. Ono of those Rifts I will send to you FRKB AND FRB« PAID as soon as I receive tho postal card with your name on it Tho other ono I will rIvo to you Just for being prompt In following my Instructions. X will tall you all about tho second extra gift, when J send tho first ono, which 111 do as soon trou TAKE NO scribed It, and I hear from you, ; UP. and I will pay or tor any other . you do. So you sco, YOU CAN’T LOSE, ao sit right down and wrl.„ .... _ follows**D. I*. OJJIIOHNH, Manager, Nashville, Tran. Please send me the por* complete outfit for eerafeg tho Glorle«i •olden Clock, with the understanding that this does not hind me to pay 7ft cue cent.** Then put your name and address, —.7— *— Shorthand MASTERED In Ten Week. qulred for eld sj-EUin*. h .Itlor;. with lentil tin Cr; ♦s-'|.>> , )» sHi-r e!{jhi M twelve wee-.' Coimc*. betid fur ihu J'Iodi'. nOOKKKF.PINfi Impht ! r »Actu il business Trtmjnclirnj" tiu-.i ah - mi. 1 lio most p r a et l cs I «*rt-oin{tr»heii«!'* route taught In tho roititi. «>«■* t > * v. v - .- plctes our totirv? keep aay set of booU for any line of bualuuu. TF.LEGRAPHY. This d«f>nrtm<?nt h In ehfirgi* or ru o;>< rutor oftwimiy >•«sr.' pr«. • tli'sl csporleni’o. Koilroitd wires run jn:u school. Wo have contracts with railroads to employ all of Gorjtrsiluntii. . JYS O Position for Each of Our Graduates. Q Good Doi»d at from 312.0V to alo.OO Per Afofltn. • Write today for Uandsotnely Illustrated Catalog. , Cotinex by Kill. J. O. BAGWELL, Pro., 196 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. satan and help wipe out that disgrace J *** that came upon us, and with which we bad no connection and for which we do not Btand. JYe beg you to re gard ua as your friend and brothers for one common cause. __ God for a apeady return ol nd prosperity, we ore yours for order. Rev. G. W. Williams, Sec. Rev. W. C. Johnson, Rev. E. B. Brown, Mr. G. W. Bowen, Mr. P. L. Llkeley, Dr. G. P. Washington. Mr. J. C. McGraw. Mr Q. T. Grander, Dr. H. C. Scarlett. Waycross, Ga . June SO, 190S. Editor., Waycross Evening HoralJ: Please grant us space In your pc polar paper, to correct a report that appeared In the Savannah Mornln? New., on tie 29th Inst, and has beer rumored among the good people of Waycross, to the effect that the ne groes of Bastard HUT, held a meeting at a hall , on Saturday night, tor the purpose ol taking steps against ts»e The discriminating SLOAN’S farmer Keeps a supply of LINIMENT Tiic Democrats are heading straight tor Plltes Peak. It may be PikoB Peak and bust. , + It Is rumored that Qeorgla will ca st» her vote for Johnson at the Denver convcnlon. * What to do with the state convicts Is a problem that confronts ta. law makers at the capltoL _ _ • for spavin, curb, splint, sweeny, capped hock, founder, strained tendons, wind puffs and all lameness in horses * For thrush, foot rot and garget on cattle and sheep - For hog distemper, hog cholera* thumps and scours in hog$- For diarrhoea,conker and roup in poultry - * AT ALL. DEALERS - — ■ - PRICE 25 *.50* & $ 1.00 Sg^^HFreeb^^nHoraes^CobklH^is^nd^ulNy- -Address Dr.EorlS.SIoon.BoiMn.Mo33. - '~ i 7nfr