Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, July 04, 1908, Image 8
THE WAYCROSS HERAin NECESSITY SALE A MIGHTY APPEAL It’s absolutely .necessary for this Firm to raise $10,000 in the course of two weeks. That amount must be raised. We offer every piece of merchandise in our store at the mightiest sacrifice ever in this town’s history. • \ ^ Come Early. Be Sure You Get Here. BEGINS SATURDAYJULY4 $> O’CLOCK Continues Just 7 Seven ys Look Over These Wonderful Values m-—- 1 -- Copyright 1908 by Hart Schafi'ncr & Mux MEN’S SUITS 910 AND $12 VALUES AT ........ $6.90 $15 AND $16.50 VALUES AT .... $9*90 $17.50 AND $18.00 VALUES AT .. $12.90 (23 AND (30.C0 VALUES AT ... $16.90 Notions Furnishings HOSE 8USPENDER8 A NECKWEAR 50c VALUES ..I....' 40c 25c VALUE8 19c Hats, Straw And Felt ENTIRE LINE OF STRAW HAT8 "10 PER CENT BELOW COST. SHIRTS! SHIRTS! A DESTRUCTION TO SHIRTS. ALL $1.50 AND $2.00 8HIRT8 . $1.19 ALL $1.25 AND $1.00 SHIRT8 79c ALL Sic AND 75e SHIRTS 40c Men’s Pants To Close ALL $1.50 AND $100 VALUES . ALL $2.50 ANN $3.00 VALUES ALL $3.50 AND $4.00 VALUES . ALL $5.50 AND $7.50 VALUE8 $1.15 $1.98 $2.98 $4.98 All Felt Hat? To Close $3.00 AND $3.50 HATS AT .... $1.98 (2.25-AND 12.60 HATS AT $1.65 $1.50 AND $2.00 HATS AT ' $1.20 BOYS CLOTHING * ENTIRE LINE AT COST AND LESS SHOES AT COST ALL (1.S0 AND $2.00 ALL $2.50 AND $3.00 ALL $150 HIGH QUALITY . ALL 4.00 HIGH QUALITY.. ALL $5.00 DUNLAP SHOES . $1,20 $1.90 $2*98 $348 $3.98 Copyright 1908 by Hart SchafFuer & Marx This being my Annual Sale everyone knows what it means to you and what a distract on to prices this means and you can’t afford to miss it. The Slar Clothing Store DON’T ' FORGET TIE DATE S‘TODAY W. D. O’QUINN, PROP. WAYCROSS. GA. rg ^ agrj - r -~ *-' *iBWagBB8SBBI^SI Look for the Red Colored Tags