Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, July 11, 1908, Image 1
OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYCROSS AND WARE COUNTY AND COUNTY COMMISS IONERS VOLUME X XIII WAYCROSS GA SATURDAY JULY 11 1908 NUMBER 21 DELEGATION WILL 60 TO JACKSOfMLLE 1 ' EXPRESS CFFiCS POBG6D - AT VALDOSTA. WILL MEET DOARD OF TRADE I NEXT WEDNESDAY. | i’aycrosB, Go..'July • • Gentlemen whos . 190S. names dre.T «lollai the safe u iti tilt 1 packages INDUSTRIAL REPORT i FOR PAST WEEK DIVIDEND MONEW GREASING WHEELS OF INDUSTRY. Tim a ud ! i resen tn five 1 ame has been sent In to *h< Trade, Jacksonville, FI; tiling Jfi-st ag It was. j Yoanfg Bridges, 01 j employ estiva s In chai of the delegation to attend I tl,e l * mo 61U * wa ’’ u „t 3 m„ VVe.lne8.i-y I slble ,or th,! loss - No arrests 1 v* . at JacksonvilL, - illas much depends m! -leritoud thai i going from Waycro . t once; giving your ?c- I to assume responsibility fo 'though no one believes i! to blame In tjie le.ist for If. j gathering of business nu*n of the city I met aman.I the banquet board In the (‘lining room of the Phoenix Hotel to j hear the adore** of Hon. Walter G. j Cooper, secretary of the Atlanta of Commerce, end five min* •nes iroiii busineg n the subject of "Waycross" reorganization < f the Hjurd linnlnis, Ga.. July !*.- and Alabama Indur.i today in its regular ••lily is LEFT VO HIS FATE. barn early found .1 is of* Ids e on the Dixie Flyer July 13tu. ours Truly, 1) V. L. STANTON, Chairman, s who are requested * Th« • gimiin MRS. PAULK MAY IUCOVER. of the -the banquet had clock, but because! large number of • rations had to be i fin- Warren L. Hinson. T. J. McClellan. A. G. VIIlo£, Secretary Board of Trade. ' It. M. Wescott, President Board ot Trade. Hon. W. H. Buchanan, Dr. G. P. Folks. Col. J. T. Myers, Hon W. A. Price. Hon. J. M. Cox. ^ Sentr.or G. W. Deen. C. J. Thomas. Civil Engineer. Col. \Y. W Lambdln C. M. Sweat, President Exchange! Douglas. Ga., July 9.—Mis. Deni Paulk, Jr., who was (hough, by 1: physicians at first to be fatally worn Jed by here husband on June 27, ct tinues to improve slowly, an«l has n< I a very flattering chance lor finally ; covery. — | 1«»: G**, * On yesterday relatives of Paulk around I wore out lunacy proceedings against j Mr. ] him before Ordinary \V. J*. War the case is set for a hearing < 1 sth of this month. ivAs; conically. "Yes ] o’clocK open. [lies doors were! Ha lie. other ; feller waitin’ ed by Mr. Host- j ruin wick ccnsiste.l of ten was enjoyed by the guo lord'*, when cigars i purs st lilt Bank, L. V. Williams. Dr. J. L. Walker.- P. N. Harley. J. 8 Williams. Attorney at Law. Caj»t. W. W. Ansley. Hon. J. M. Bell. A. I’. Perham, Sr., Hon. J. E. Wad ley. H.-C. Seaman. A Hon. C. E. Murphy. Hon. J. \V. Bennett. J. \V. S. Hardy. Dan Lott. E. H. Crawley. A. B. Coo. Col. B. G. Parks. W. D. O’Quinn. J. C. Humphreys SAVANNAH’3 W. C. T. U.’S RED LETTER DAY. Savannah. July 10.—The W. C. T. U.. <d Savannah at a meeting held yes terday afternoon decided to celebrate July doth. The Red Letter day or tin* order with a suitable program. It was on July doth lb*07, that the Geor gia Legislature passed the law which J b math* Georgia, a dry State and the mem of the W. C. T..IL, want to cele brate the anniversary of that victory. MASONS TO BUILD $ 25,000 AUDITORIUM ON ST. SIMONS. Brunswick. Ga., July 9.—Plans have been started for the erection on St. Simons Island of a $2.',u*)0 auditorium by* the Masons of the Eleventh con gressional district. The matter is re ceiving serious eonsideraton at the hands of all Masons n the district, and a decision wll lit* reached at a meeting to be held the latter part of the month It is proposed to have a permanent meeting place at a desirable resort for the nnnuol sessions hoid by this or ganization. until about e passed | Scuttles t go ahead M Wescott, president of the! g njm .* s j* 11 Board of Trade, made a short talk. I forty yoai tiiankltw the business men of the city | for tiicdr interest in attending the ban quet, and then introduced Hon. W. W. Lambdln. j Paris, July 1 <>n her. Ain’t j r ’em and arre not," he replied sternly *r obligations to kelp Huh iv no difficulty. Let bln 1 work out his sentenr* ieen n-doin' fur the las THE TROUBLES OF THE AVERAGE MERCHANT. The Columbus Ledger gives a com prehensive resume of the troubles of of the average merchant and ha* noine suggestions to offer, which fol lowed will ho of great benefit: "The real danger of managing * i store, nowaday, is that it will »ot ; nto a run. The me. chant who is afraid to "make a nolwho dreals the day his bills fail dm*; who is afraid to "spare hium;, for r. Ivor* Using," who devotes most of his «iaie to watching little things, to \voi;.':r about trifles—he is in danger. "In effect he Is trying to font. I and build a stole on his fears, not u Li; aspirations; on misgivings, w.i on confidence. He forgers that f- -r DEENS EILL UP AGAIN. destroy misgivings w builde. BONI V/ILL KEEP UP THE RACKET -The attorney for Mr. l.ainbdin, in a short speech, told or tl.e Importance ot the contlnttatlon I Prl, ‘ c, ’ 8 ' i D " " lc 1,1 way *«'■ of a live BuHrJ ot Trade for Way-! |,rl8e ' 1 Co " n ' nol,i u, ‘ Ca “ laUnn0 ‘ intends to attack not onlv the Prince Do Sagan, but t.ie princess, in Ills forth coming suit to gain posession f his three children. They, say they expect that the Count will attempt Id create as much of a scandal as possible and they Iook rss, ami in closing, introduced tin fcp%..kvr of the evening, Hon. Waite G. Cooper. Mr. Ofioj.er did not ma^? a speech his was u plain, Lusinejs talk—mor> convincing in that Ills manner display ed his real Interest in his subject, and sis genuine desift* to that would tend to help Waycross ami this section, thereby beuefltiing Lie whole at a Je. - No man iuiGeorgia Isbettor informed on the inJustiiui needs and the resour ces of this state than is Mr. Cooper. For years he has taken a loadiug part in every movement tending to upnuild the South, his state and his home city, ami his experiences has given him tile arguments necessary for an address before a body of business men such as heard him last Evening. On the resources of Waycross and this see*km, Mr. Cooper was doubt less better posted than many Way- cross citizens who heard him last niv’ht. He told of knowledge he liatl j j lfl| . gained of Ware county from the StateL (i G»*o!otist’s oJfice ip Atlanta; of tiie| t j !( pluck and energy displayed by ourl citizens during the past few yen.s;'e u ami gave nu idea of the "Waycross, ()V Spirit" as It appears to an outsider, j j C(! . ,i i. i forward to a protracted legal battle, something; „ ' The Prince and Princess He Sagan "Dividend-money is now givaMu : : tin* wlieelH of cominerc • In Georgia and Alabama, and a right welcuni lubricant it is. Numerous humting In d '..-trial and railroad corporations In ike two states declared annual, sem annual er quarterly dividends durliii tin* first week in July, and a great mili of money was tans placed in th ■ channels of trad*', benotlttlug count less thousands of people, in the city of Macon, Ga.. the motley paid out In dividends Is estimated to have bee* $liMi,0(i(i. lii Augusta. Ga., the Inter ost paid saving bonk depositors aggro gated $60,000—and tills was but om item. In other large cities In the two i totej Mg stilus of money were turned loo.-e by t..e corpora I ions In I In* shape i.f divblondes to stockholders, who for the lime being found themselves in the same role as employes, In that they were on the pay-roll. "The-weeg was untrue | by railroad activity. Important niinounceiiunts be ing made which indicate, that actual construction work Is soon to begin oi several long-discussed projects. Elec tric railways between Sandersvllle Ga., and TennUle, Ga„ aad at Hunts- Ala., are among the projects .f haracter now assuming definite dutp "Mobile, Ain., is gratified at the news that a big Spanish steamship company Is to opeiate a direct lino of steamers between Spain and that port. The fact that in the same breath conies the Versailles fbday and took | announcement that a Mohllian has Just “ '^«;,r delivery at Spanish ports lllustr the possibilities of tbs new transpor arrived at up tljeir mjft^eru in a hot**! wher they will probably remain until they open their homo in Paris In tie Waycross in the wet. The distnne Mow t 1<* • mill It i the leaviiu Waycross at S o’clock a. m until 7: Id to reach Lak laud. 1 hen* birds notwithstanding' they ran into i rain storm made an average sj cod of 1,257 yards per minute or :i, 771 l* • t per minute for the entire distance. .\D Stanton has developed some very speedy birds, and will hi* Independent of the telephone or telegraph when lie cs home by taking along a pair wo of Ills birds and sending word back home of bis arrival or any m«*s- he desires to safely convey. Mos- ages are plnced in aluminum capsules and fastened to the pigeons' leg b.v little metal claps. On the arrival of tao homing pigeon lie always makes a ve for the loft and Is easily caught id tno message taken from the re- ptublo which he has brought fast ened to Ills leg. Truly has God statnp- fi these birds of the air with a won derful sense of orientation. So great Is their lovo of the home loft that they leave their mate and come oir home if the mate lags or fails to keep up. HE FLEET ON ITS ’ROUND-THE- WORLD TRIP. The naval fleet on its ’rounJ-the world trip got away from* San Fran cisco In good shape and under the ha ’* lest auspices. It will visit nianv ports before returning to this country and undoubtedly will be waruuily wel comed In all of them. ul Ruestlons which present themselves In connection wltm ibis trip. One Is, what j articular a J-' uttan Enter- tuniii. They both decline, to tclk of! tnlon t.ie suit, brought by Count Uoni. j million Hollar hotel project has Just been launched in Birmingham, and It Is stated that people u» fluuii- ■l. l strength are belt in 1 h. obis fov ” — I an elegant new hotel at Cordqle, Ga l evening Mis. (). W. Porter and will l Mabel Sutton entertained their I mentli Porter and Miss tain. guests, Misses Nellie Per viiimah, and Edna llumtm,( n’a. Fla., very pleasantly ai of Mr. and Mrs. (>. W. Port During the even I of ne to Nc Florida uillHpi) feet of lumber, for vantage will accrue to tills cbiinti > from it? Another Is, what will bo tin; omlition of the ships on tln-lr roturti to llniiipton Roads In Ftdmiary next, the schedule time for their reappear ance there? Still miot.ier Is, was th.» President, In ordering the fleet on tfi's long journey. Influenced by his lovo of ih..* sjoctaciilur or by the belief that ti d* **p**r respect lor this country In the Fur Eu t would ho Inspired? In response to these questions It <*d the latter part of tin 1 horn Intel there has Ju«t rk and Boston to tons ■' wiih a M declared to Mpihent of honey « vui* if port. .mo*l hull.’hi x me pro- may far [-tie aid tmil to oUlcers and cro' Mi. n of tiio tied will have h ■ -lienee rs will mako the.* ■ qiinllfied l f 4 handle the ship: tin* oilier .d suL'ctions wer by Homo* of thr Li Georgia Jaba italion by Mb much enjoye filling didleioli ■ people May reconsi Jei in defeatii of ill*' I II births go in qtU'H!’ July :i —'Th? Senate .1 the action cf that body t the bill by Senator Deen i. providing that all deaths shall !)** reported to t.ie Gr in* county. Quo subject of said to lie to insure better j t of (lie child labor low by l 1 . indisputable record of!'’ ; of which jVivetits cannot | *’ ing statements an to. the i 1 is -of children for workin: 1 ‘ i-sivei lidit a ItFOif l* till* t could hftppcr Suca ^ a pollc, tir-n do !n action later WATSON IS NOTIFIED OF HIS NOMINATION FOR PRESIDENT. if tiny all patronized one store could nof support it. ho mercchanc who advertises uotcly huiiila up bis hopes, not his fears. Confident and aggres- ndvertlslng makes store nnna^ a bushier , fit for nmn—men f ?, resources, rod blood. file fir ,*?, Ju!j\&.~-Buford an audience .i enthusiasts, Tom Watson . was tonight formally noti- :it he had been nominated for jfiiuency by the Populist party St. Louis Convention, the excr- .* hK hell ill til a St. Nichols : Hnk at Ponc«*’)e Leon. • speech of the evening was, by Cen. J S. Goxey. Then j ' Vc * a i J P : \Y. For^rt of Albany, N. Y„ i corded was introduced and he formally de-| public claroi Mr. Watson the nominee of the party. Then Mr. Wattcn, in u ring ing speech, accepted the nomination and declared the principles for which he stood. At the c liclucfon cf his speech Mr. Watson wai repeatedly cheered v'ac finallv U’jcJ cn the chouhle tis admirers. j EUSlNESj AFTER JULY d after July ist Jordan’s I .ore will ba turned Into ,e price t.n every article in and will guarantee to soil thar elufer Judy lie UheraLpatrouage ac •is in the i»ast and hope the will continue 'o trade with u«. IAS. L. JORDAN. r. Cooper mudo many valuable ,Mmim f».r eondneting n success-. Board of Trade, and especially nl teal the ministers, the doctors! the lawyers of the city be asked j thi).;< at Mr. ; Mrs. I’eterinaii. Mi, etivo ■art in lb** uiTaii of Ik .•Hie Port* I Nina Sutton, Edna Ham- jih iicea. ie Mae Miller, Alice Sutton, Mrucyi inpbell. Susie and I.ucllo ( af ter, r •onora ftewls, Lucille io aggressive heft ■duration. Hie construct Ion ending today 1» of tile entire yea iunder I inbi !)!• record oi one of I ho \ Ntnneron dlmtt and •’lltou \!1k vis. e conclusioij of Mr. Cooper’s j j Mr. Wescott introduced Con- j in diaries (}. E*dv\ar*ls, of Sa-i, who was pre-,en;. Mr. F. -j pok.* In ills happy vein for trn . li.* told of ais love and lu ll Wayiroas, nolwithstuudiug i deuce in another elty. and urz-| . people of this community i‘»j T ?ther and pifil together for the * , IVau in, Reginald l'« Ormond, Gra ! IhuIh and Hum FARMS 1-0R CONVICTS. AH, July ;h. ml In >d «>f i K»v. R. A. Brown was called tii»o; and spoke on the advantages to Wa cross and South Georgia to he d-wi • il from a canal across the Fieri' : un ins ilia r, passing throrJ*h the Ok uokee swamp via the 3* . Marv’s ri • i. Air. Brown rhowed where a go eminent survey of tills canal had to rnado nnd that It was f- und to 1 i ractirab’e. He called attention i the fact )hat the cauai would shorty ire the Joint of the Senate advocate! hi:, a sefliemptit iiiti iiilary Cominitt id House today an as of mod* 1 forma t!u- convict-problem, t Grawfi-rd Jac^tson, trnd W. S. With- i. appmred to urge favorable nrtiw. i lip* ajiproprdation for the farm for \**niie delinqnenta. The Committy jcanl ail orgumeniB !t took no ac’.'i..f. di: ; Bhip l. r -| A O'iecca and New York at least on- thousand tidies. Tho proposition wa: a new on»j to many of his nearer? and his address was received with much applause.. One of the he?t talks of the even ing was that of Mr. V. L. Stanton, who spoke on the Atlrnta, Birming ham a::d Atlantic extension td Jack sonville. Mr. Stanton’s whole heart Felder, of Macon, lias si needed and iuipi rtiiit t ting up i.ie it n import a nt i«ecure3— and pointing LI moving for their ah* he wiH find h good If ho prosecute/ hi« illt ft* lo-lng luiUt or planned and \ n M k are determined to make liny (P mi; will I.av j Iren mihj^tcd •*• strain that they will have to repairs iit an enormous cos', mo of them will have to no Iry dock and bo thoroughly Hie I overhauled. During that time tho* -•ae country wll lie largely without tho ed - j protection of a navy. And for that maty iff ; ter it Is praetlcaUy without such d*5- : | fopae now. If war should suddenly between England, Franco o * md this country It would b'c hlle III** id** to ve licet back in icy. And question If i i. lit Ion will W lii la APPLICATION FOR CHARTER x’otii e Is hereby glv. n that C. . J. M. Box; Shepherd I5i-i-.il itso.i; .1,1.11 T. Harvard and L. il of the county of \Ym Stan* of Georgia, propose to file wl the Ihm. Philip Cook. Secretary State, Stale oT Georgia, thdr petit!, asking that they, their arngiofatt succcsHors, and aligns he tnaila body corporate under iho law? of t Stale fd fborgla for a period of years, under the name of "The M chants’ Adfi’stnWt Company." Tli the object of said iissocintlon is gage in and can*/ o:t lii-; btirliiess oi xn assessment, co-opgratlvo fire In eu- nth a».-o,,t’iati*e and t ,hi thwi.n will l?e jk capital sfqek. The petitioners shov that they. In good faith Intend to g- forward ns §oon as Incorporated an* organize said company, with its prlu ! for any length of time. Thoy ought to I clpal office tTi Waycross, Georgia. »e cut ofT. Georgia Is not rWb ••nouga j complying with all laws of said state o pay salaries for Jobs that are »» 0 f Georgia. This i^ rer. Bryan day at Csn DAILY PULLMAN SERVICE MA CDN, GA„ TO ASHEVILLE, N. C. AND THE “LAND OF THE SKY,*! Is In this proposition, and If the pro- VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. LEAVE! jeet Is carried through, r.s many h* - If i MACON 5:C0 P. M. ARRIVE ASHE-: Uevb It v.iil be, the credit will be due VILLE 7:10 A. M. FOR INFORMA-1 largely to Mr. Stanton. # TION RESERVATIONS, ETC.V AD* 1 Other speeches were made by lion. DRESS O. R. PETTIT, TRAV. PASS. John C. McDonald. Judge J. S. WII- AGENT, MACON, GA. Hams an.| J. H. ^arker, and Judge needn«l, whateve think about it. Sweat concluded the talks by making j a jtropoHltion to all persons present to Join the Board of Tiade organiza tion. A list was carried around and practically every one In the room pledged their membership and sup- |M>rt for the next twelve months. C. M. Sweat. J. M. Cox. Shepherd Bradley Watson John T. Harvard. L. V. Williams. *- We see nothing for tho Georgia delegation to do but to gat on the Br, • an band wagon. lurge a naval deni* L be embarrass):!:; i-.> rotiie of the c»)iitrkis which will be % !*di< d Tiiero will fte no visible uvl G,S*; <*;nhan'iiHsimnt, hut that. It will exist there Isn’t imtflh doubt. An! will not sumo of the nation* visited re.-ieui this show of power? OS.’ course they will nop let the resent ment ho seen, but If It exists it vrUI crop out at some future time when it Is least expected and when we many have need of sympathy ami even a-t slstance. The feeling will be to humble tho proud nation that. sends a .gi'.'P fleet around the world ostensibly for tho benefit *of the officers and crew* of the ships but in reality to notify* other nations to beware of our power. Ever since ho became presideULM*’- Boose*.eit has rtiiown a love for Iho Bp«ctttcu!ur. His entire career In th; White House has been oi that charac ter. And he has succeedol in i.nprcsi- Ing the people favorably. Immediately after the close of his term of offic,*. he expects to go abroad. No dount It is his intention to visit tho prlniir pal European countries. May it nor. have been n his mind when he con ceived tho plan of sending the great naval fleet around tho world that hf i importance would be greatly increas ed In the coutrles he exacts-to visit by that act There Is a probabilltv that he expects to gain a little glory from this around-the*world raovemo .r of the fleet, and no doubt there or-' many who take this view of the nia - ter.—News.