Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, July 11, 1908, Image 7
THE WAYCROSS WEEKLY HERALD YOUNGS TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY u R TETTER, ECZEMA, RING WORMS. ITCH, SZTiP HLL SKIN DISEASES PRICE. SOC AND $1.00 MMVUFACrUnED By J M. YOUNG, JR. WAYCROSS, GA. | JORDAN’S LETTER. I Way cross, Ga., 2-25-190S Mr. J. M. Young, Jr.. I Waycross, Ga., | Dear Sir: — £ We nave had «evon cases of the genuine old seven year s itch in our neighborhood dnrinit too past three or four months, and after us»l* t-vervthlng that we could hear of wltnout relief, we were induc ed to try Youngs Tetter and Eczema Remedy, whicn cured six cases completely and we are working on the seventn case now. Our entire neighborhood feels very grateful to you and your remedy and we cannot recommend it too highly. Yours very truly ALFRED JORDAN. R. F. D. No. 1 ; (Mr. Alfred Jordan U among Ware County's most ! successful farmers.) ; HcGEe's'LETTER. j February, 20th, 190$ \ Mr. J. M. Young, Jr., j U Way cross, Ga., i £ Dear Sir:— « | Last Summer I was troubled with a breaking out ? = on one of my feet something similar to ground Itch [ £ or Tetter, and used quite a number of different prep- . ? nrations without relief, flunlly I bought a bottle of * | “Young's Tetter and Eczema Cure" and with two l I applications my foot was entirely well, and I take § f pleasure In recommending it, HUGHES’ LETTER. Waycross, Ga., Feb. 17, 1908. J. M. Young. Jr., Waycross, Ga., Dear SJr; — 1 beg to advise that I am constantly using Youngs Tetter nnd Eczema Remedy in my Harbor shop, for Dandruff. Itching Scalp, ami Falling Hair, and with out an exception I have found It the very best reme dy that I have ever used for scalp and hair. I have one customer who suffered with Itching scalp for eleven years and I applied Youngs Tetter ami Eczema Remedy twice which gave him instant relief and I have heard no complaint since. It gives me pleasure to recommend this remedy to all who suffer with scalp or skin trouble. * I am Yours very truly. W. H. HUGHES Proprietor of Hushes Barber Shop. HICKOX LETTER. Ruskin, Ga., March, 3rd 1908 Mr. J. M. Young, Jr., Waycross, Ga., Dear Sir: — I have tried Young's cure for Tetter and Eczema and found It good. Last Summer I had a severe case of Barber's Itch, I tried a few applications of this solution and wag cured, I take pleasure in say ing to those who suffer from any similar affection they wrdo well to give It a trial Respectfully LEONARD H1CKOX EITHER SIZE WILL BE MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS UPON RECEIPT OF PRICE. J f their escape. A happy smile the young man wore, And yet I knew' he must be sore. His eyes were swollen nearly shut. His chin was bruised, his ear was cut And yet you saw in spite of this, He fairly radiated bliss. The girl, seemed very happy, too, Although she was all black and blue. Her hat, poor thing, was knocked awry (She was uncommon sweet and shy.) Her face by scarlet spots was marked; In places, too, the skin was barked. \ I looked and wondered at the pair, They seemed quite used .up for fair. 1 The impulse I could hardly check To ask them all about the wreck. Or why and for what fancied fault They had encounted the assault, And why they showed r.o great distres Bift really beamed with happiness, Until at last I heard him say: "Well, after all, we got away. “It’s foolishness, that throwing shoes, I think I am one solid bruise." . And from some other things they said I gathered they were newly wed. —Tne Wasp. - THE BRIGHT, SWEET WAY. For all the storm and the trouble, For ail the hope and the fear, To a rosy land Still hand in hand Let us walk the bright way dear, Over the hills the sunshine, And the sky is bending clear— . Out of the strife To a glad, sweet life - Let us‘walk the bright way, dear. What is a little sorrow And what a. falling tear? The storm will ctfase, there'll be Joy and peace. Going the bright way, dear. -Atlanta Constitution. I AN OLD PAY ACCOUNT. Waycross Furniture Co* Warren L. Hinson Gen. Mgr. Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, flattings, Stoves, Ranges Etc. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Main Stores 21, 21 1-2, 23 & 23 1-2 Pendleton Street. WHOLESALE WARE- i i HOUSES REMSHART AND PARKER ST. I! Phonographs, Records]] And Supplies. The Senior Editor ot the Herald re- < cetred this morning the following I note from J. W. Groover. Clerk of the' Superior Court ot Thomas county, en- j closed were two old pay aecounta for | A. P. Perham, 2nd Lieutenant, Com-i pany F, 29th Regiment O. V. Thom- aavllln Guards. Theae pay aecounta I .are dated July 12th, 1862 and Aug. 8th ni<iiin>i*iiBi:ai!,n,ii,i<ai„i,mu,ii,i:,n,ian,:« 1862 and are for eight ydollara each. ^ ( [_ t NQT BE ABLE The thoughtfullnesa of our old com-. T0 G0 T0 MARIETTA. .rade, Jim Groover ii highly apprecl- .ated. Theae old documents which j StraBnahf Ga , , uly 7-Fermcr Mayor prove beyond prradventure that the « selected a. writer was wearing the Gray in 1862 ““y th / coramUtee t0 notlfy Ron. W. L. HIft[SOW& G-' U < KT>2.KT&KZRS, W. L. HINSON, D. J. HICKS, Licensed Emlalmersw! ‘Plumes 413 153 Chapel & Sample Rooms 22 Pendleton Street. GLORIOUS GOLDEN CLOCK* FREE ? | for a few minute* of your time. No one who ha* • i a homo to live In can afford to miss this truly IS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. f H I To aecure FREE of chargo a Clock, the • - ; moat Important thing In the home. And • - I euch a Clock, tool BEAUTIFUL GOLD l l i AND GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS.„ *: READ EVERY WORD OF TINS GREAT OFFER ? " To fret this beautiful Clock ? ? FREE Is the filmplent thing In ? i tho world. All you have to do | = I Is wrlto mo a postal card and i . I lay you want to get it. I Will ■ send you by mall, pre- a carefully wrapped pnekngo of lmndsomo portrait*/ of Georgo Washington, and ^ ask you to show them tu your neighbors. These portraits are copies of Uic beat known painting of tho first President of tho United Staton, and nro different from nnd handsomer than any pic- turo of tho kind you ovor saw. 9 This Is Just tho plctur* for tho dining-room or sit ting room, and, bocauao tho very naino Ueorgo Wash- J ington strengthens tho lovo I of homo nnd country In old ( and young alike, overybody will want ono of them nnd will bo glad to pay for It on tho liberal proposition I will authorize you to A ynnko. You only huvo tol collect $6 In this way tol rnako this Glorious Clock yours forever. TWO BEAUTIFUL EXTRA Qll _ In addition to tho Clock I have two othor lovely presonts which I will gl you—two more handaome ornaments which nnyono who loves abrstty horns will bo delighted With. One of theso girts I will send to you FRE13 AND PRB« PAID as soon as I receive tho postal card with your namo on 1L Tho othecr one I will glvo to you Just for being prompt In following my Instructions, fl will tell you all about the second extra gift, when I send tho first ono, whlca I will do as soon as I hear from you, so HURRY UP. .4 YOU TAKE NO CHANCES In writing to me, because. If tho Clock doss VUv IfUVEi 111# l#n#llwB9 not provo to bo oven bettor than Z have ds« scribed it. and If It docs not delight you In evonr way, you may tend It bacW and Z will pay you handsomely In cash for your trouble. Also, If you got slold or for any other reason fall to collect all of tho $5, Z will pay you woli for wbM? you do. So you soe, YOU CAN’T ZX)SE, so sit right down and wrlto to mo a* follows: M D. R. OsnoRNK, Msaager, Nashville, Venn. Please send aia the por« traits of decora# Washington and complete outfit for earning the Glorious •olden Cloak. with the understanding that thla does gat hind ino to pay Jf# tne cent/* Thou put your name and address, •> •r > 1 : writer vu we,ring the Gray .are highly prized. They will be treaa- ured and tranamllted to our children .and children'a children a, a rich legacy. Below wo give Mr. Groover's letter: Thomaavllle, Ga., July 6th 1908. Mr. A. P. Perhfi},. . - Waycross, Ga. Dear Comrade: In going through some old papers In my vault a tew days ago. I come .across the enclosed “Officers Pay Ac- •count,” and after looking over many ,ot them, I came across two of yours, .and thinking that perhaps you would • like to have them in your posaasslon .as a relic of those days to pais down -.to your children, I take pleasure In -enclosing them to ,ou herewith. With very beat wishes to yourself, and.with the nope, that yon are an- 'Joying good health, I am. Your friend, J. W. GROOVER. CoL W. 8. -west of Lowndes county I. on th* credlntlsls committo at Dm- Shorthand MASTERED In Ten Weeks Fjmtem consist* of tho si phnliol Rial ten ilmple ruin, Lcarnol In one-half ARTIER simple rule*. I. time required for old ty-Ntcm*. Hundred* holding jx»ltlon» with trail in fT^ rm* all or«-r tho Houth eflcr eight t'» twelve week*' courier. Head for the proof. BOOKKEEPING taajrht *7*Actual Business Transactions'’ lio’n the Hurt. Thu moat practical end comprehend course taught In the Houth. Ouo who com pleter our tour*® r«n keep any **t of book* for any lino or buklu«u. TELEGRAPHY. Thu dry.rtmrnt I, In chary, or an o|>,r,tor of twenty |,r,c. tli-a! experlent:,. Railroad wire, run Into —*— ill of our ri.dmn. I. atej. A Good Dotwd at from $12.00 • Write today for Uandaotnely Ilitutraled Catalog. , Counts by Mail. J. O. BAGWELL, Pres., 196 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. achnol. We have contract, with railroad, to t Wo Soeora a Pootttonfor Each of Our , $15.00 for Month. Jos. M. Brown of hla nomlnatln for Governor will not bo able to go to Marietta with Jhe reat of the commit- Saturday. Hla business Inter ests will not permit him to make Ue- trip. He will probably select his re presentative on the committee. K. OF P. UNIFORM RANK WILL 00 TO BOSTON. Savannah, Ga., July 7.—Georgia Company No. 1 Uniform Rank Knlghti of Pythias has decided to go to Boz- ton to the Supreme Ldge encampment via Norfolk. The Company will leave Savannah via the Seaboard Air Line to Norfolk and there will take a steamer to Boston direct- They will arrive three days, before, the Jrlll. It ia hoped Georgia Company will take first prize this year. She has mlaaed It before by very narrow margins Clark Howall la being ipotia ot tor tho place be selected tor Tom Wataom. The discrim SLOAN’S former keeps a supply of LINIMENT For spavin, curb, splint sweeny, capped hock, founder, sfrained fendons. wind puffs and all lameness in horses - For thrush, foof rof and garget on came and sheep * L For hog distemper, hoq cholera* thumps ana scours in hogs- For diarrhoea,canker and.roup In poultry - ' AT ALU DEALERS - - - PRICE 38s.SOA ft fi 1.00 . - S*nd for free book on Horsts.Cobb. Hogs end Poultry- -Address Dr.Eorl S.SIoon. BotMn. Hasa.