Newspaper Page Text
The National Democratic Convention.
First Days Session Of
Democratic Convention
-The program
he National D<
<*d to order
airman B II.
Denver, Col., July 7.—lie:
ClOlldlCSS sky, with Jlirf col
degree of summer heat, the l
Ic Rational Convention
the tank of selecting a can lh
whom to heat Wnt
Presidency of t,i<* l*nlte I
chose hU running mate n
a platform which w!" *1 ••
th a iilo time, and In the even
irtabio porar/ Chairman Bell, wi
locrat* rooned by the (foods, bad
began i to tunv'he auditorium o
»r j States would Invol! In the event of a
clash* with Japan, which he said was J
:>!, Inevitable.
) The committee gave the greatest ;
•n attention 40 his remarks an ! at the j
; conclusion of” his address members j
itm all part* r,r the n ion hoar I
! congratulated the Alabamian.
nurphy dulccates frou. New V .
.vita mat chin-’
t h«i ilowevc
to | stating t!
r.lM car and Vi
clubs until he
", dispatch***' wi
at HHI had fa
nd broken the .
would •
. ft ftii platfo;
comuiittee o
: the Johnson delegates f em the 1 -:n * ,
• Ohio district and J he Dubois deleaves ; j
I from Idaho. The committee refnsi^j y
to interfoie In the Pennsylvania con-:,
ver, Jii!;' 1*.—liy practically a
ncuh vote ' William Jennings
was named by the Democratic
lal Committee candidate for the
ing tin* InsM*’ «.f it.
tal !)•
bn tine
enthusiastic. to uttl
the party for th** n
In the a ud I tori ui
A "Bryan Voluntc
the signal for storms of applau
which was all the more inspiring
cause It was impromptiT
A hand played "Dixie” and t.ils s
the Southerners Into a frenzy of chet
The convention was called to ord
promptly at noon and lit'* work of <
gautzation proceeded.
Wiieii Temporary Chairman
mentioned the name of Bryai
wildest cheering started In tin
vent ion. The delegates all cl
and the officers were unable t
r**ach Denver by 1" o'clock. Johnson boom had been ffrvfv*
• I ami the Gray boom was more ac
tive. but the first day of the eoiivcn-
tii a finds the domination of the Bryan
element more complete than ever. I
Tne delegates .coming In who were j j
counted to bo practically all anti-Bry-jj
an. upon arrival were found to b<?J f
I'-ady to Jump on the baud wagon un
less they could be shown that there
was a chance to defeat the Nebraskan.
! Georgia, it is learned, is most likely
to rast Its entire vote for Bryan, and
• It Is not unlikely that a Georgia del-
legate will make one of the numerous
second speeches to the Nebraskan's
j nomination.
I 'i'.io Georgia delegates are working
; assidiously for the Clark Howell Vice*
i Presidential boom, and report grat
ifying success.
j dent f am
j also res
j form 1:3
Yules will
t when the conven
der at noon. The
itW:e is expected to
t ie committee on i
yet reached the rep
*dentU 1 s comm11tee
est thus dosti
he coaventio
CfclTt-y's ]»ow •
r, after an all nl-hl
thuslastie, then tiresc
e the secretafry had
ng, Den-
ne ^AnJ
J Denver, J'iiy
il ‘ | wmc called *o i
rt *j Mountain time,
j outIIn ! *d was taken up. .
f1 -’! The announcement w?
1 | the credentials commit?
n ' (ready to report, and it
—The conventlo
r at 12:22. Rock
l the program a
! the vote,
jv.ho had
■ moved to :
el Governor
tion of B.v-
quickly fob
gia and Delev
vhich had c«
osive about tfc
Guffey delegates are un the report eoubl not b
seated, and tne feeling is that they. t jj * p n , \ motion f:
will lie, there is due to follow the |nent Mnt jj ^
hottest kind of a fight on the floor oi a s(orn , of "N
the convention. If Guffey s men re-. r ,.q ue sted the band
tain their peats It la not likely t.uu niucta confusion,
there will be a fight, but Col. Guffey jj ie chairman's gave! failed
Is mud from center to circumference , )rIn g tJ „. delegates to order. :
ami surely will "start soniet.ilng If when Chairman Bell cried out that no
he sees a gooJ chance. j business could be transacted until the
The Vice-Presidential situation Is J convention gave order the deleg?. *os
clarifying. Gray has finally and joa ! quieted,
itivedy tleclhied to be Bryan's running j - -
ctes for other
The motion
iivc-utlon recessed to 1 o’t
iternoon when a running
greeted wu.i | Q r yan will be*selected.
The chairtr. m :
ts St1t»*ll
made uu-
r adjoin.
The best .
are those of <
of Kentucky,
Denver, July 7.—Harvy C. Garber
ID II , was chosen National Committeeman
the by the Ohio delegation, defeating May-. » tt c.iui«eiis (
eon- or Tom Johnson, of Cleveland. This J Francis Burto
•red proved a great surprise, and there Is ! York'. If tin
res- much comment on the notion of the I pushes the ns
eloped booms tola;
gressmao Ollle Jam**
. J.. Douglas, of Ma>
McNeil of Ccnneticutr and j
• probable
r«^; HtS".
Speech by Theodor;* A. Bell,
pornry c-mlrnian.
Roll call of states and t
for membership on commlttr
Miscellaneous business.
Denver, July 7.—The convention
! was called to order at tioot. by Chair-
j man Thomas F. Taggart chairman of
| the National Committee, who intro
duced temporary chairman Bell.
Now Yoik delegation
me of ihrrison it is'
he prize will go to the!
play, an. id j
I Denver, July 10.—'The nomination
d j of Bryan this morning was one of the
1 j most remarkable exhibitions of one-
man power that has been'seen In the
history of American politics. It was
greater than that popularity accredit
ed to President Roosevelt, who nom
inated William II. Taft in Chicago
. The following are two weeks ago because, having the
I the salient features in the Democratic ! powers of Federal patronage back of
platform as reported by the sub-corn- j hlni 1 '*° na '* strongest organization
i mittee of the committee on resoltt- Imaginable. **
lions. Four planks, the anti-injunc-1 win,am J- Uryan carried the Demo-
Hon. physical valuation of railroads, |erotic convention by a vote of 8»2 1-2,
currency and that of rating the trust? “ingle handed. He did not have the
have not yet been framed. They organizations but he dl l have the bal-
will ba Inserted on the JuU platform j i 01 *’*
cut ion
: on
Dnvcr, July 7.
atnui ^ these whoi
have designated
committee: ,,
On Credentials:
Florida, J. E. AlexnndeiN
Georgiy W. S. West.
Alabama, George J. Sullivan.
North Carolina, John !>. lb llamy, j
Committee on y.crmnnont oVgaulza-
Alabama, A. II. Dent,'Jr.
Florida* T. $ Davis.
Committee on Rules' and Order of !
Alabama. B. D Williams
Florldn, F. Y Smith.
Committee on Restitutions*
Alabama. II. li. Martin.
Florida. F. I.. Mays.
Georgia, Albert 11. Cox.
Norta Carolina, F. M. Simmons.
National Committeemen:
Alabama, J. W. Tomlinson.
Florida, T. A. *.fenuing».
Georgia. Clark llowcll.
Tennessee. It P. Lee.
to allow N*-w
'oik to nann the secon . man. F*:i
rmore some think New York should
et this honor as comp mSation for
| the "cussingjiUt" site get at the ha:;.! '
ritories j Denver. July 7.—"Mr. Bryan told J of th< * nutl-Bryanltes ,f:» railing u.
»• into If Archibald McNeil was placed on ! ,akt> 1,1 ** ’ ,eH l the movement ^guinsi
J the tlck«*t with him he would not he _ Bryan 1 he New Yorgers undouht
Jlsappolntel." This statement wRaj^y finelched this nmvenieat.
jllowlng arc! made today by Alexander Troup, of| * , "*1rv Darker stated to the idniferaj
ate caucuses New Haven, Conn., wao will place In J committee that the only plank in ta ■
moiuborrfhip nomination for the Vice-Presidency J Dryan platform .New York was pre-
th«j name of McNeil of Connctfcut. | pared to fight is that di'j-larlng fo:
loaders of the party in
their hearts were working against
him, but still in one of the most re-
nlfcrkabie sessions of*its kind the l.oaG
Democratic delegates voted atid by an
overwhelming majority showed that
ty in corporation campaign fund con- j "'ere for Bryan s nomination, ties-
tribtitions and direct election of 1’nit 1*1 to what tho party leaders thought.
ed States Senators. It recommends'
the income tax. enlargement of tji* '
j when tl»*- full committee meets:
| I'p to this lime the rec-
! ommended and will imdo?ibtedly b_*
! adopted, approves the anti-pass end
I anti-rebate laws, prohibition, public!-1
Mr. Trottl» stopped at Lincoln on bis
ay to Denver and conferred with Mr.
Iryan. Several weeks before tho
invention a number of tneu were
int to Ivnvor to look after the hi-
r»*sts of Mr. MeNeil. They have
|tl». piiyalcal vuMatlun of railro^.lK. | nUlit sc.slon
powers of the railroad commission,
postal savings banks, adjustment if
labor disputes by arbitration, employ*
Is the nomination of the candidate for
President, but in all probability the
nomnation wi’l go ov r until tile
j, July 10.-
t Ms morn in;
-Th? question in
; is who will be
Bryan's running mate. Up to the
moment of the calling to order of the
final session ut which a selection will
le madw* this question v.lll not be an-
V/ILL 01- P. T. FOYE.
Sav. July 10th.—“I am too greatly
astonished at the contents of Mr.
Foye's ’Yill to express my feelings,"
M .'Iks otissie T. Keane yesterday
whon found that Mr. P. T. Foye
her former emplyer who «iied suddenly
on Tueb lay had left her $20,u0A Miss
Keane decerved ail she got. For many
years she has been Mr. Foye's ccu-
fidentiai business friend. She was
Treasuier of P. T. Foye Company
which was recently organized. Sho
always had her employers interest at
heart anl did everything she could to
further his business. While there are
some surprises at the size of the be
quest to her no one thitiKS it was any
too much. Several other bequests
were made but this was the largest.
$5,000 was left to St. Patricks church
as a token for the masses for the soul
of tho deceased. After all the bequests
ore paid Mr. Foye's will directed that
the residue of_ his estate go to the
Little Sisters of the Poor. He had
$16,000 life insurance and it Is believ
ed that this with the stock of goods
will leave enough to pay all his be
“Health Coffee" is really the closest
Coffee Imitation ever yet produced.
This clover Coffee substitute was rec
ently produced by Dr. Shoop Racine,
Wis. Not a grain of real cofik-e in it
either. D r . Snoop's - Health Coffee is
made from jure toasted graihs, with
malt, nuts, etc. Really it would fool
an expert —who might drink it for
coffee. No 20 or 30 minutes tedious
boiling. “Made in a minute," says
the doctor. Sold By The Waycross
Grocery Co., and Mutual Grocery Co.
Denver, July S.—Congressman Hob j
i appeared before the resolution !
:iTTTTittee and presented a strong |
a for a plank in the platform fa-j
I It will not bo surprising is the ;>ii;:o
vent to Okie James, of Kentucky. 11o
s very popular with Bryan delegate*-.
John Miuhjtl! is still amongst the
a at work antoiu the delegates a.? j vor ‘ ,, R *' 1 Iar-«*r navy and a better j
y arrived, and in a number of In-1 roust defense. He described In dra- j
•ices have quip into mdg'iborlng 1 ,n «Hc language t.n* bum'llatloti the j
solicit support for McNeil. ' present unpreparedness of the United '
Denver, July 9.—The convention
was called to order at 11:30 this
mm nlns. Imm.„lintel,• , |,c;nianen( , - probBlll lUlea.’* and this also applies
orBanizHilon was portoctol and Chair- to Joh|| w K ,,„ of
- Tin
egatlon is still » u
but wiu-n'Nulking
some of the Tender
say that tin* New
Charles F. Murphy otu
era sai l tudav: "Nobody Is
llrvan ru*u a?*'
side tf .Mima
Putnxj Laai.i
Votes else who)
will vet.* for i
Imhor lead*;
vlewi will to
:e nfijeiall
beslt ate
will go t
man Clayton took ever the manage
tr.ent of the convention.
Temporary Chairman Bell present
ed Permanent Chairman Henry D.
qm :
ms ore concerned,
;re filing ern'id i:
• gffr^e indorsin'
The East seems to like McNeil,
Kentucky, but it is practically e*.via
that if New York centralizes on ci
man lie will be the successful cane
date. Their boent is fur Gsynor,
Brooklyn. ilo Is a Hearst mail aj
may get the nomination.
el Gt
*i h a a:*, it th
fraakly admit*!
their labors will gave n.» efiVet
rcsiluilms com mittee.
Judge- Parker, who in ,t’l ti
wii: I \sci.v New York's bL. s
platform comntitt^?, will l»e .
tvs pec* fat leering, but thru
pozar : :ty < f a single h.*ch
adept? ;i of Mr. Bryanh? dr ift.
a Hall which lias been built at Denver for the Democratic National Convention,
arranged convention balls in the country. *■
TO of pytm:ag
Denver* July T.--T?mporary Lcrden. June 7.—\f;,di;-e Anna
man Tt.eo.K're A. B I', of CaMfrouia. j Gculd and prince Holle DcSagan were
who was flood bound r.t Mr. lbyan'a marrie.1 to day in tho registry ofllco.
heme, arrive*! here ut six oVlo<« this | following a drive ta the Fren^a Pro-
iron?lay, He made pan of tae Jour-, testant Church, where a«reUgtnu« sor*
ney cn a hand car anl then by spe
cial trrdu.
Denver, July 7.—It was planned to
cal! Ibe convention to order on ached-
vice was performed. There were no
attendants, and every simplicity was
observed, though there was no at
tempt at secrecy. Tho couple will
leave for Paris tomorrow.
Mr. G. W. of Ciar'ton coun-
. today purchs*..! nine city lots In
'Old Ni.i *" in Jhis city, and will com
mence the erect Ln In a g-iort time cf
.‘vers? dwelHrr houses thereon. He
111 construct five or sit dwellings at
' rst and later will build several inure.
The dwellings will be ot five and six
rooms each, and will be of the best
r*aterial and workmanship.
Mr. Stokes Is the father of Mrs. W.
D. Youmans, of this city.
tf Wakefield I.od^e
f Pythias held last
odicer3 werp In
ning term:
C. C.
At the m<
No. 27 Kni
night, th> f
stalled icr t
Dan T. C
A. I». Spente V C
A. R. Hood. Prelate
A. I!. Alderman, M. of \V.
Chart F. Cas n, K. of P.. and
Chas E. Cason, M. of F.
\V. L Hinson, M of E.
B. F. Hearn, M. at A.
J. B. Cason, I. G.
Chaa. E. Ficken. O. O.
resident of tilt* American Federation
f Labor, and John Mltebel. former
reri lent of the United Mine Workers
f An..than, and other labor leaders,
.1.0 have in Denver for the pact
took to lobby for an anti-injunction
ilani'. are jubilant over the action of
he committee on resolutions Inform-
that plank.
1 he
with tl'
to proccoJ
dent. Mar-hall, of Indiana, dominated
Delay in commencing treatment for
a slight irregularity that could have
been cured quickly by Foley’s Kidney
Remedy may result in a serious a»a-
ney disease. Foley’s Kidney Remedy
‘•nUds up the worn out tissues and
s’.j v gthens these organs. Commence
it today. /**
l ;.7;n and Central Pharmacy.
Optra.*;, n i
necessary .-» :• <.
Remedy, guu
plies will not be
*.so Mau Zan Pile
Prlco 50c.
'herck^e Pahrmacy.
Rev, I. W. Wiliams. t« i
•\V. Va„ testir z as folio-.,
to ceitifiy .I: r I used FlI-
R v.ed/ !jr r rvolts exit:
kidney trouble, and am 1
Foley's Kidney Itemed..
• T.ils is
* Kidney
7 ii and
sat :
; It.’
ontral 1
One application of Ida
ILmedy, for all forms of
reduces inflammctloh, srn
Itching. Price '5*>c Guarr.i
utes ii
It( l:.i:ir l
depart in exu
or Dr SViO'jp'i
taken. Pain
Pain always
liability bill and
a bij;;czca the atiiala*
Immigrants and favors
i f Arizona attd Nevv
tes. It denounces
120 Tablets 25c.
r.;, Painful perl-
bv Id! dell.'M.
;d recommend ;
to prelect tho
rusts by the i dueti a of tariff on
rust made sco*is. * v J
The platform declares for h navy !
• rdcient In t.ico to protect both gr??ii |
i-.'su and better coast defence?. It j
.elates fop states v, t nnl sivr.I
the House rf R^A*v=cnta».lve h;
pic. .to
:o s of lung that have
ov Foley's Honey & Tar. It
stops tho cou'ih hut heals
v _. t Athens t.-.e fungs. L. 21.
*!. ;;..:!es., Hoasnorr, . Iown. writes:
foil - ih** dcctors said i had consumption,
i of j .ti 1 got no better until I rook-fol-
o^jey'a Honey & Tar. It stopped the
J he::::cr;rline's and pr.In i:» my Innas
..... Jail they are now as sound as a btil-
a Central Pharnmc.
T^der the «!om!t\aticn of the 3j»oaker i °hee. C. M. Harden,
.... .1 , I Netth Sarolina, says;
*,j ro Ciian^u th-se j , ri mu,. . .u^
of all t.acaers is expert-
Sliver City,
I ,.M S » v:;e „„..y to oh.n,, *l>o«| c
-c-aidons. . ; it . ]>r Stomach, Utter and Kidney
The sub-ccmmltiee's draft of th*. i troubles It can't be heat. I have trl ji
r.: i-rnjnnctfcn idutfrmj pledges th.*i !t : P ’ 1 lIni {t a moat extfeileut mc i*.-
„... , n ‘ . |ctn ft ." Mr. Harden Is ri?ht; R’a *-• *
1 , ,k " -t ‘ ‘ ;; 1 J-t L* or ofzli medicines also fcrweakacr;
t : ‘ :u , '* !:o r r l 1 rti *' r - r 10 | fame back, and all run down condiflcit
1:js of nn iay.u ticn. cad that In n : pc.-t u-o f.-r chills r.**d mip.rfa S
rase iv o. a t the injunction remain in 'under gnaranti-o at all drogjis* 1 . o *.
force over ten days. [ .. ——
r j Foley’s Orino LaxaUve. the lax-
Denver, July P.~In the caucus this j atlve stimulates, but do*-s not irriti»:«\
morning, Xew York inttructed for 11 U . th . e be,t Ounrnntood
„ ‘or your money back.
Bryan. Unlon central Pharmacy.