Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, July 18, 1908, Image 4
P«+6lMurt By Advertisement Under Power of tale. • Under end by virtue and power of sale contained in a certain instru ment of writing executed by C. N, Wilkinson and W. J. Murray, partners under name of Wilkinson and Murray, dated the 26th day of October. 190#, and recorded in the offlee of the clerk of the Superior Court of Liberty coun ty on the 28th day of April 1908 In .book of mortgages “A-F" Page 606 and recorded In the offlee of the clerk Of the Superior Court of Ware coun ty on the -28th day of November 1906 In mortgage book “6” Page 90. The undersigned will sell at public outcry St tho court house door In sai l county during the legal hours of sale to the. highest bidder for cash on the first Tuesday In August 1908 the following property to wit: One 9x12 cylinder 20 horse power. Frick Eclipse engine No. 12318 mount ed on 23 horse power holler and holler n Iron wheels with six Inch tires with injector attached and otherwise complete; one 3x8 cylinder, Frick Eclipse dctacncd stationary engine No. 1210*1 complete with foundation bolts, etc., one No. 1 Frick Eclipse saw mill No. 4140 with 36 feet car riage, 103 feet ways, four head blocks, Idler and frame, etc., one 52 7x8 guage No. 2 Hoe I, T. saw, 26 Inch cut *-W, 20 Inch mandrel, 30 foot 12 Inch 4 ply a»id 30 feet 8 Inch * ply rubber belcs: For the purpose of paying four certain notes for the sum of 386.95 each executed and delivered by C. N. Wilkinson and W. J. Muir < .under name and style of A’IIkIiikuu tc Mur ray. to Avery & Co., on t.ie 23th day of January, April, July and October, 1907 and duly stipulating Interest from maturity at the rate of 8 per cent per annum and ten percent at torney A f.cs, the total amount mo on said notes belli $1,718.68, tog-ta or with (lie co.,t of this proceeding under power of sale In said Instru ment given. Said mill and fixtures aforesaid being located at tilentnore In Ware county, Georgia, where the same will be delivered to the purchas er. This July Ctb, 4908. AVERY A Co. THEWAVCROSS WEEKLYHERALP DAILY PULLMAN SERVICE MA CON, GA., TO ASHEVILLE. N. C„ AND THE -LAND OF THE SKY," VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. LEAVE MACON 5:00 P. M. ARRIVE ASHE VILLE 7M0 A. M. FOR INFORMA TION RESERVATIONS, ETC, AD DRESS Q. R. PETTIT, TRAV. PASS. AGENT, MACON GA. 1 One $350 and One $400 Piano To Be Sold at Auction To The Highest Bidder Saturday July 18th, at 5 P. M. THE8E PIANOES WERE ORDERED DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY BY MR. CHA8. E. SMITH, A PIANO DEALER, WHO IS NOW 8ICK WITH FEVER, AND UNABLE TO ATTEND TO BUSINESS, AND BEING IN NEED OF REAOY CASH, MU8T SACRIFICE THEM AT WHATEVER THEY WILL BRING. CALL TO SEE AND INSPECT THEM, ON DI8PLAY IN G. R. BRINSON’S DRUG 8TORE. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PICK UP A GREAT BARGAIN IN ONE CF THE8E INSTRUMENTS SO DON'T FAIL TO COME TO THE SALE. THE8E PI ANOE3 ARE GUARANTEED BY THE FACTORY FOR TEN YEAR8. >.*•***, i Get my “Book No. 4 For Women.” It will give weak women many valu able MigfHtiotiH of roller—and wita •trlctly confidential medical advice Is entlrmy tree. Simply write Dr. Snoop t Racine, WU. This hook No. 4 tells all about Dr. Shoop’s Night Cure and how these soothing, healing, antisep tic suppositories con ho successfully applied to correct these Weaknesses. Write for the Look. The Night Cure is sold by all dealers. CASH BUSINESS AFTER JULY . On and after July 1st Jordan’* ill- cycle Store will be turned Into a strictly cash business. We have re duced tho price on every article In our line and will guarantee to tell you cheaper for cash than heretofore. We appreciate the liberal patronage ac corded us in the past ami hope the public will continue lo trade with us. U IAS. L. JORDAN Does r.ot fuiuf r.rd fuss r hen he goes into c bunk 2^3 tins to j v/ait Lis iuia bjx'cre Lc rzachss iho teSIsr. EutVhtfn bo USES THE TELEPHONE te ij likely to become imoati'.r.*. at even a slight delay. ThiJ ii toear-. bo rt.m:ot iia the operator at work. VV. . •- 1 ",naa. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co. Dl»*O^JT<ON NOTICE. Wsycross, Ox., June 19, 1908. Notice is hereoy given that the partnership heretofore existing be tween O. A. Thornton and J. M. Thornton under the name of Thornton Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, G. A. Thornton haring bought the Interest of J. M. Thornton. G. A. Thornton will hereafter own and con duct the businees and will be re sponsible for Its debts and he alone is entitled to collect the accounts and debts due to said firm or said com- pany.- G. A. Thornton, J. M. Thornton. BOTANIC BLOOD B CURES ’» THf BLOOD dlcsj poison, , Boa Fi!v., !!:!)- !p»,Sc:I/SWb, *’'*}Pimp!:s, Old , Siippjir- Swill- a:'d all Blood Ruhiors. I IVt*H U ‘ Wl»?. IH Bill CL Aflttflt HY should you bum a hod of coal and make the whole house uncomfortably warm just to heat a flat iron? Try the ELECTRIC METHOD “Nothing hot but the Iron- * ’ Simple, safe, «ure, economical, ^clean,always ready. Heat turns on andotr like' an incandescent lamp A—Mb*——— ELECTRIC FLATIRONS ON TRIAL WAYCROSS ELECTRIC LT. & POWER C« GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. Under and by virtue ot a power or \e contained in-a certain mortgage executed by W. W. Sharpe of said County to the Mayor and Council of the City of Waycross, on the 9th day of June, v 19i>5, and recorded in tne offlee of the Clerk of the Superior Court o! said County in Mortgage Book “B” page 434. the undersigned will sell at public outcry, to the high est bidder for cash, at the door u. the court house of said county In Way- cross, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, on-Tuesday the 14th day of /uly--1903, the following real estate, tc wit: All of lots two utindred and thlri. dix (256) and two hundred and thirty seven (227) In tne 8th District ot Ware county Georgia, each containing four hundred and ninety (490) acres, more or less; Said sale being for the purpose of laying a certain “promissory note exe cuted by said W. W. Sharpe to the Mayor and Council of the City o. Waycross for the principal sum ot $1,293.60, dated June 9ta, 1905 and due twelve months afterdate, ana ‘.earing interest from May 16th, 1905, at 8 per cent per annum, together with 10 per cent attorney's fees; tae total amount due on said note being on the day of sale $1,293.60, principal, $327.70 interest and $162.13 attorney fees, together with costs of this pro ceeding; said mortgage having been made for the purpose of securing the payment of said Indebtedness; and proper conveyance will be executed to the purchaser or purchasers of said lauds. This 20th day of June, 190S. The Mayor and Council of the City of Waycross, By A. M| KNIGHT Mayor. F0LmH0NEr»®« Curts Cold*) Prtvtnit Pneumonia For the best bicycle tire* at the least price see J. T. McGee. 31 Al bany Avenue. 23 tf e.o.d. The General Demand oi the Well-Informed of the World has always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy of known THE BEAUTIFUL HOME OF J. E. T. BOWDEN, ON CARSWELL STREET, IS FOR SALE. A QUICK . PURCHASER CAN GET A BARGAIN. vaIa,; * which physicians could sanction for family use because it* com- ponent parts are known to them to ba wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, acceptable to tho system and gentle, yet prompt, in action. In supplying that demand with its ccllent combination of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along ethical linaa and reCea on the merits of the laxativa for its remark able That is one of many reasons why Hriup of Figs and Bixir of 8enna is given tba preference by the WcU-Inforaed. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine- ■ manufactured by tha Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for eale by all leading drosgisU. Prist fifty Ceuta per bottle. In The District Court Of Tha Unittd States Foe Tha Southern District Of Georgia, Southwestern Division, lu the matter of J. Morris Mulling, Bankrupt in Bankruptcy. By virtue of an order granted by Hon. Max Isaac, Referee In Bankrupt cy, there will be told at public outcry to the highest and beat bidder for cash on the 15th day ot July, 1908, before the court house door of Ware county, Georgia, at 11 o'clock noon nil of the unpaid accounts and other choses in action ot said estate amount ing to 11,816.69. A Hat ot said ac counts may be seen by calling at my offlee. The aucceeatul bidder or bid den shall deposit with the trustee tea per cent, of the (mount ot such bid or bids ns evidence ot good faith; Utn balance to he paid upon tha confirm ation ot tha sate by the Court This, July ltth, 1903. " HARRT If. WILSON, Trustee, Waycross Qa. D. & 0. LOTT j Peach ffPecanland We are offering siv attractive peach, pecan land tract*, rang ing in size from thirty to sixty- five acres each, at low price and easy terms. It is elevated land and near the railroad. ”8EE US QUICK.** Offices For Rent Offices, the best in the city, over the Peat offlee. Telegraph offlee and Telephone offlee for rent. j Residence for Rent EMORY SEASBOIXZ 5 AND 10 CENT STORE 400 PLANT AVENUE. Large granite dUh pan* 50c values, 10c on opening dar. Stew pan*, large granite 4 quart 10c. I will cary a full line of dishes, glassware, crockery, tin ware granite ware, notions, small hardware, candles, hosiery, flavoring extract* lace*, ribbon*, and many other article*. Come and be convinced. Bargain* every day.. Watch the Window. of flout we make many varieties o! BREAD. Each kind 1* different (n shape, dif ferent In method ot making and dif ferent-1m flavor. Hardly necessary to say that all are excellent We make nothing that we cannot recommend. j- c• HUBER * -I- *!• 4- -i- * * v 4- * v v v v * 4 , 4* 4* 4* 4> 4- 4 4 MODERN DENTISTRY, MODERN PRICES. Our ModernOldeas Enable us to Treat Fill. Crown or Extract Teeth with Least Possible .Pain. Our prices are "ilhin reach ol.all. Give us a Trial and be Sat isfied. ; C0ME.T0-DAY. D&iyiEL, Bentaljparlors Over. Central pharmacy, —- CSn. CUBVCHOSS, • oone "III. * * * * * 4* 4® 4'4*4*4"44*4*4-4*4*4*4*4« ^ Several good residences tor ' rent, and mama furnished or un furnished. i EARLY RISERS The ficuaSttle ribs *s pcndukton rr. phone sw D. & 0. LOTT ©©©©©©©OS©®©©©®©®®©®®® ,§} © 4 4 4-4-4 4-4-4 4 4 4- 4 4- 4 + + © * , *« © 4* A WANT AD IN THE HERALD 4. « © 4* BRINGS IMMEDIATE RESULTS. 4. « © 4" TRY ONE 4. 7, ©* " ‘ +"< © 4 4-4-4 4 4.4.4.^.^. 4. 4.4. 4, j, 4. 4. ,-| ©©©©©©©@©©©©©©@@@@@^.£0 FOR SALE ; wmk si t+ << Scvth Ficnlane cn Cherry Street Riverside Park - terms reasonable RIVERSIDE PARK CO. —' M PENDLETON *T. DRIND Rheumatism LaxativeFruit Syrup Peasant to tako The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con* stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom- ach, liver and bowels. *sStsd nubntttut—. PifowSoo. UNION PHARMACY^ CENTRAL PHARMACY. J. .J. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4j ig IJ. jJ. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, ;J. 4. 4. J(|