Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, July 18, 1908, Image 8

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Savannah, Ga. f July 14.—Prepara
tions are now under way for the for-
station of a Taft Club In Savannah.
It la expected that CapL Henry Blun,
Jr., the Postmaster will have some
thins to do with the organisation al-
tht i • rere wljl be many democratic
members of It There are some peo
ple so rash aa'to claim that Taft will
carry the county.
From the Glascow Times.
Hoyle was not really the Inventor
of whist, although often slateed to be,
but be was the first who Introduced
aclentlfilc whist to tbe public. A rec
ent authority says that very little
Is known of Hoyle's personal history
except that he was a barrister by pro
fession and held the poet of register
of the prerogative In Ireland. He was
born in 1«7«. and died In Cavlndish
Square In 17«7 at the advanced age of
97 years. He was to reoelve the sum
1000 pounds from bis publishers
tor bis treatise on whist, which ran
through five editions In one year
was extensively pirated. Hoyle
ntiJ to have given lessons In whist
at a guinea a lesson. One of ala great
points was the calculation of proba
bilities at various stages of tbe rub
bar. This at first was deemed so Im
portant In guiding plays that a famous
mathematician used to frequent the
coffee bouses (the old substitute for
the moderate clubs) and give bis opin
ion on the state of the odds at any
stage In a game of whist, In return
for a small fee from the players.
Joel Chandler Harris, "Uncle Rem
us," Is doad, and all over this country
big people and little people will grieve
sincerely at his taking off. There
wa* never another just like him in
all our history, and there will never
be any one else who can exactly take
his place. He waa a most charming
man, modest as a woman ami shy ai
the little creatures of the fields am
woods, who lived In his sweet fancy
He left no enemies behind him here,
but u world full of friends, and when
the news of Ills departure Is "norated
around" among the citizens of the
animal kingdom all about us and Into
which none of us can enter, "Ilrer
Rabbit." and "Ilrer Bear" and "Brer
Pox" ar.d the rest of their neighbors
will get together and talk among
themselves about how sorry they are
that their best friend has been called
away ftom this world In which they
are not understood, and tho "Little
Boy" In every community will shed
bitter, but unavailing tears that "Un-
Remus" jaa paused through the
veil Into tbe undlscovyed country
from which he will never more return,
Alas! Alas
•is It a fact that your mother In
law threw herself out of the third
story window and you did nothing to
restrain her "
"Excuse me, 1 went to the first story
to catch her but she had already
PMaed."—Dlavolo Rosa.
Pain will depart In exactly 20 min-
utea If one of Dr 8‘noop‘a Pink Pain
Tablets la taken. Pain anywhere.
Remember- Pain always means con
gestion, blood pressure—nothing else.
Headache Is blood pressue; tothache
Is blood preaaure on the vensatlve' ner
ve. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets—
also called Pink Pain Tablets—qulcltty
and safely coax this blood pressure
away from pain centers. Painful peri
ods with women got Instant relief.
20 Tablets 25c. Sold by all dealers.
It Is a revelation to the people, ne
severe cases of lung trouLel that have
been cure by Foley's Honey St Tar. U
not only stops the cough but heals
nnd strengthens the lungs. L. M.
Buggies.. Ressnorr, lows, writes:
"The doctors said I had consumption,
and I got no better until 1 took Fol
ey's Honey St Tar. It stopped the
hemmorrhages and pain In my lunge
and they are now as sound as a bul
Union and Central Pharmacy.
Convention fights over and the can
didates agreed upon, all democracy
has a common enemy. The spirit of
the old time democracy begins
shine out handsomely; and tbe ex
amples set by those leaders who until
last week were Mr. Bryan’s oppon
ents for the nomination are good to
follow. Judge Gray has wired Mr.
Bryan; "Accept my hearty congrat
ulations," and governor John
son wires: "Please accept my con
gratulations on your nomination and
the splendid victory It implies. You
will have no more earnest supporter
than I, and I hope to be permitted to
contribute to your success, and to that
of the party." Tammany, through Its
spokesman says: There can be no
doubt but that the candidates nominat
ed were the first choice of a large
majority of the delegatee, and fhat
the platform adopted Is a declaration
of the principles which the delegates
heartily endorse. To both platform
and ticket the democracy of New York
will give a sincere, united, and 1 be
lieve, most effective support."
On top of all tbis Mr. Bryan and
Senator Daniels, of Virginia, have
burled the hatchet. Herman Rldder,
the New York editor who visited Mr.
Bryan and requested him to withdrew
from the, race, haa wired the nominee,
that he, Rldder, will wor.i for the tick
et. And Judge Parker promises his
loyal support
All together! That’s the Idea.
The Denver Convention was per-
haps the most harmonious tbe demo
cratic party haa ever held; and while
there are many who opposed the nom
ination of Mr. Bryan, there would
have been opposition to any other
andldate, no matter who he might
*iave been. But Mr. Bryan Is some-
nlng more than Mr. Bryan now; he Is
the democratic nominee, and It be
hooves all good, true democrats to
fall luto line and pull together for
Ictory next November. The expres-
alons quoted above have the ring of
victory, and they dispute the things
that have always been said about the
democrat#—that they could not unite
•in any one man or any 'one thing.—
Uolitnibtis Enquirer-Sun.
Catarrh Twenty-five Years-
Had a Bad Cough.
*f*M Sophia Ktttleeen, Emtiou, Ill*
"I bare been troubled with Mtarrh
for neatly tweniy-flve years and have
tried many cures for It, bat obtained
very little help.
“Then my brother advised me to try
Parana, and I did.
“My health wsa very poor at the time
►I began taking Parana. My throat was
try tore and I bad a bad ooogh.
•'Parutmbaacuradma. tbaabrook:
catarrh /s gene sod my beakh la vary
Washington, July 15.—A movement
intended to raise the standard of dair
ies throughout the coutry has been
stated by tbe department of the Bu
reau of Animal Industry of the Der
partaent of Agriculture. By a series
of questions put to householders
throughout the country, the bureau
seeks to direct the attention of the
consumer to. tbe character and nature
of the supply, the belief evidently be
ing that this scrutiny will result in
greater cleanliness and purer milk.
While it Is obliviously the thought to
stipulate the consumption of *mllk,
It Is as well tbe purpose to prevent
impure milk from reaching the con
sumer. •
New York, July 16.—Wholesale
houses find that their annual expen
ses for excess baggage are becoming
burdensome, one firm alone haring to
pay |60,000 annually. They have in
itlated a movement for a reduction of
the present tariff, especially in Indi
ana and Michigan. The minimum Is
now 16 cents in the-latter state and
25 cents in the first named, and on
July'l It is to be advanced five cents
In Michigan.
"I roooesmood Parana to all my
friends who are troubled as I was."
PTIlUftA TABLETSl—Bomepeople pre
fer tablets, rather than medicine in a
fluid form. Sach people oon obtain Pera-
na tablets, which represent tbe medici
nal ingredient* of Peruna. Each tablet
equals one average dose of Perntta.
Han-A-On the. Ideal Laxative.
The Georgia delegation at least
proved that they were not pie hunters.
"f have used Dr. King's New Lite
•Mils for several years and find them
Just exactly right,* says Mr. A.
Felton, of Harrlsvllle, N. Y. New
Life Pills relieve without the least
discomfort. Best remedy for consti
pation. bllliousness and malaria.
•t all druggists.
"It gives me unbound pleasure (o
recommend Buckllo'a Arnica Stive,"
J. W. JlDklns. of Chapel Hit! N
• y. Hi Vliiniui. VI '.UOJIVI at.lt
I am eonvlncxt Hj the be**. salve
the world efforts. *t Jt.id a felon *11
my thumb, and It never fall, to heal
every .ore, burn or wound to which It
applied.'- 25c at all dun stores.
Dee, Laxative Couth Syrup foi
young «nj old I. prompt relief fot
eoliths, croup, hoareeuecn, whooping
couth. Gently Laxative. Guaranteed
Cherokee PahrmaCy.
Pillules fer the kidney. 30 Jay. trial
11.00. Quarante.t. Plnuies act direct
!y on t.lo tducye and bring relict It
the first doae to backache, weak back
-me bnck, rheumatic pain., Idney and
bladder trouble. They purify tbe
loot! and Invigorate tbe entire ay.tem
Cherokee Pabrraucy.
"Dr. Klnt’. New Dlacorery I. the
Thu beat of all t.aehera la expert-
cnee. C. M. Harden, of Silver City.
North 8aroltoa. aaya; “I find Elec
tric Bitter, don all that’a claimed for
It For Stomach, Uv.r and Kidney
troubles it can’t ho beat 1 bare tried
It end find It a moat .excellent medi
cine.” Mr. Harden la right; It’a the
beat ofall mejlclnea alto forweakne.a
lame back, and all ran down condition
Beat too for chilli and malaria Sold
under guaranti-e at all drnatla-i Stic
AH natloaa arc endeavoring to check
the ravage, of con.umptlon, tho ‘white
plague,' that Halm* * ao many victim.
_e«Ch year. PVtley'. Honey * Tar
Viuree copra, tad colds perfectly and
1 ara In no danger .ot eoniumptloa.
_ Ifo not Mak your ’health' by taktof
'M»Ml — J
known preparation when Fob
•y’o Honey and Tar la aafa and eer\
tala In multi.
Union and Central Pharmacy.
remedy that doea the beallnf other,
promise but fall to perform.” My.
Ur,. E. R. Pier,on, ot Auburn Centre.
It I. curing me of throat and
lung trouble ot long (trading, that
other treatment, relieved only tempo-
ririly. New Discovery I. doing me so
much good that I feel confident 1(1
■ontinned u,« for a reasonabl. length
if time will restore me to perfect
health." This renowned cough Hu
-old remedy and throat and lung heal
■r I. raid at all drugglat,. SOo ud <1
Trial bottle free. 11
Heat prostrates the nervesJn the sum
tier one needs a tonic to off-set tbe
ustomary bot weather Nerve and
Strength depression. You will feel
better within 48 hours after beginning
•o take such a remedy as Dr. Shoop's
Restorative. Its prompt action in res
toring the weakened nerves Is surpri*-
Ing. Ot course you won't get entire
ly strong In a few days, but esc'a day
• on can actually feel the Improvement
That tired, lifeless, spiritless, feeling
vtll quickly depart when using tbe
Restorative. Dr. Sboop't Restorative
*!U sharpen a falling appetite; It aids
tlgestion; It will strengthen the weak
ened Kidneys and Heart by almplx re
building the woroout nerves that these
•runs depend upon. Test U a few
lays and be convinced. Sold by all
Washington, July 16—An Important
decision has been reached by the War
DepartmFht respecting the right of
ap|K)Intment of cadets at- large at the
Military Academy and those from the
states credited to Senators and Rep
resentatives. A law was enacted some
time ago changing the beginning of the
academic year from June 1 to March
1, and under the statutes those who
make nominations for cadets af West
Point may designate the appointee one
Boston, July 15.—One of the
suits of the biennial of woman’s club
was the formation of a society
be known as the Pioneer Workers of
the General Federation of America,
the members to be taken from those
who were affiliated with the council
of the General Federation prior to 1900
Mrs. William Tod Helmuth, one of
the founders of the General Federa
tion, and Honorary President of the
New York State Federation la, presi
dent of the new organization, the mot
to of which Is "For Auld Lang 8yne."
Meeting are to be held annually'. The
I other officers are Mrs. Lydia Numford’,
of Philadelphia, First vice-president;
' Mrs. C. P. Hkrnes, of Louisville, sec-
j ond vice-president, Mrs. Alice I. Reede
of Horton, corresponding secretary;
Mrs. Emma A. Fox of Detroit, record
ing secretary; Mrs. Watkins, of Chi
cago, treasurer; Mrs. Mary 0. Lock-
wood of Washington, historian.
year In advance of the date of a«l MO and $500,000.
mission to the Military Academy
New Orleans, La., July -15.—Tae
warehouses of the New Orleans Cof
fee Chmpauy and an enormous stock
of coffee, tea, molasses, sugar, rice,
etc., were destroyed by fire early this
morning. The loss is between $350,-
Dr. Pierce’s
Is a non-secret, nan-alooholio and
most potent invigorating, restorative
tonio and strengthening nervine,
especially adapted to woman’s pecul
iar requirements by an experienced
specialist in the treatment of her
Noning mothers wQ find "Fa
vorite Prescription " expecially val
uable in sustaining their strength
and promoting aa abundant nour
ishment for the child. Expectant
mothers too wQl find it a priceless
boon to prepare the system for
baby'* coming and to render tha
ordeal comparatively easy and
Over-burdened women fa) ill
stations in life whose vigor hag
been undermined by exacting ae
rial duties, over-work, frequent
bearing of children, will find "Fa
vorite Prescription" the greataat.
•trength giver ever employed. It
can do no barm in any state or con
dition of the female system.
Delicate, nervous, Weak women,
who suffer from frequent headaches,
backache, dragging-down distress
low down in the abdomen, or from
painful or irregular monthly pe
riods, gnawing or distressed sen
sation In stomadC dizzy or faint
spells, see imaginary specks or
spots floating before eyes, have dis
agreeable. pelvic catarrhal drain,
ulceration, prolapsus, anteverskm,
retroversion, or other displacements
of womanly organs from weakness
of parts, will, whether they experi
ence many or only a few of the
above symptoms, find relief and,
generally, a permanent care by us
ing faithfully and fairly persistently
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
This world - filmed specific for
woman's weaknesses and peculiar
ailments is a pure glyceric extract
of the choicest native, medicinal
roots without a drop cf aloebot (a
its maka-np. All Its Inmdlrala
in plain English on its
oath. Dr? Pierce thus invites tbe
fullest farreadgfitfaB of hi* formula
knowing that it will tie found to
cootaia only tha belt agents known
to the «eet advanced mwtioal sci
ence of all the different echeolt of
pnetioe for the cue of ell woman's
peculiar wieVnrema and aOacata.
Dr. Plena's Lotion Tablets and
Antiseptic Suppositories may alio
be need with gnat advantage coo-
Jointly with the one of the "Favor
ite Prescription" in. all aaata of
ulceration, and in peWc catarrh.
They coat only ij cants a box each,
at drug stores or, sent by mail,
port-paid on receipt cl price in
stamps by Dr. Pi«ce whose ad
dress is given below.
If yon want to know Dora about
the composition rad predtrajooal
endorsement of the "Favorite Pre
scription." send postal card request
to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, IE Y.,
for hls/h* booklet treating of same.
Yon can’t afford to acoept as a
substitute for this remedy of known
competition a secret nostrum un
known competition. Don’t do it
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are
the origin*! "tittle Liver Pill*”'
first put-up by old Dr. Pierce over
40 years ago. Much imitated, hot
never equaled. They deanae, in
vigorate and regulate stomach, liver
and bowels, caring biliousness and
constipation. Little sugar-coated
grannies—easy to aa candy.
From St. James Gazette.
Half an hour before the race for
the two thousand guineas of 1883
Prince Ttatthyny, who bred St. Simon
and who was one of the most popular
racing men of any time, was talking
with Lord Cadogan In the luncbeofi
room of the Jockey club atom! at New
market, when be suddenly rec’.c 1 and
> Rirfif'WfWfSa
b waa carried to Weatherby a oi-
flee, and doctor* were amumoned. but
the prince wan beyond all human aid
il just before the bell rang for the
race for which tils colt Galliard, broth-
r, of St. Simon, was first favorite ho
breathed his last.
A few minutes later "the clear blue
«ky rang with cheers and shouts a*
tbe horsea came thundering along,
hlch rose into a roar as Galliard
won by a head." while behind tl»6
Irawn blinds of Weatherby’s office
Halliard's owner, who had been look
ing forward ao eagerly for this mo
ment. was lying dead. It was owing to
the death of his owner that Galopin*a
1 rest sou could not run in the Derby
of 1884, which he would almost oer-
talnly have won. > , 4
On4 application of Man Zan Pile
Remedy, for ail forme of piles, soothes
•educes Inflammation, soreness sad
itching. Price 59c* Guaranteed.
Cherokee Pabrascy.
Savannah. Ga. t July 15.—Unless tbe
>ase ball score gets so close that the
tldermen cannot be kept in their
'eats There will be a meeting of coun
cil this afternoon. All the aldermen
nd city officers are fans and It Is
'i&rd to get business attended to at
1 meeting of council when the team la
playing at home.
Thousands of American women
in our homes are .daily sacrificing
their Uvea to duty.
In order to keep the home neat
and pretty, the children vrell dressed
and tidy, women overdo. A female
weakness or displacement is often
brought on and they suffer in silenoe,
drifting along from bad to worse,
knowing well that they ought to
hare help to overcome the pains and
aches which daily make life a burden.
It is to these faithful women that
Philadelphia, July 15.—Auto drays
are being tested by the Penneylvula
railroad, ud It the results are satis
factory, they will he adopted for Pitts
burg and Baltimore to expedite the
transfer of freight One experiment
has shown a savins of from six to
twelve hoars In the-handling of pack
age freight between station eight
miles apart The track used has a
.parity of five teas, ud enraged 7
t-r tripe a day. carrying two and two
eaths toot each time. The method |g. eridid thrai
raves much .witching and congestion. health. It Idraee. Lymn,
comes as s boon and s blessing,
is it did to Mrs. F. Ellsworth, of
Mayrilie, N. Y* and to Mrs. W. P.
Boyd,of Beaver Falls, Fa* who say:
**I waa not ablt to do uy own work,
owing to tha female trouble from which
I suffered. Lydia E. Ptnkham'a Vege
table Compound helped me wonderfully,
and I am ao well that I can do aa Mg a
dar'a work aa I ever did. I wish every
tick woman would try IL
For thirty yean Lydia B. Fink,
ham’s Vegetable Compound, mads
from roots and herbs, haa been the
standard remedy for female His,
andhaspoaiUvely eared thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid turnon, Irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, tint beam
tog-down feeling, flatulency, indiges-
tioa,di.Ti neee ^rnerrooe prostration.
Why don’t yon try it f -
KH, Ptnkham invitee all rtefe
her far sMea
' U
Oaklahoma City, July 15.—Tbe
town of Granite nee asked that the
penitentiary be located there on the
sround.that there ere enough quarries
nearby to keep convicts employed
10,000 year..
(100,000 PER DAY.
Norfolk. Va., July 15.—It I. estimat
ed that Norfolk nod Portmouth, Va..
banka arc receiving on an average of
5100,000 per day, repreaentlng *hip-
menta of produce from that section ot
London, July 15.—The Britl.h war-
•hlp, Indomnltable, which railed thia
morning for Canada, bearing the
Prince of Wales and party to attend
the Tercentennlary Celebration at
Quebec, is reported to have collided
with another ship, end the warehlp It
nnderitood to have been badly dam
aged. . .
I-ondon, July 15.—The government
ot India hu appropriated over 1,000,-
000 tor nte la the United Province.
In the way of Iowa to farmera to en
able them to elnk well! ud improve
embankments -for Irrigation pnrpoaea.
Foley'a Orlno Laxative, foe new lax
ative stimulates, hut doea not Irritate.
It la the best laxative. Guaranteed
or your money back. •
Union end Central Pharmacy.
Toe^functlon of the kidney's Is to-
atraln out the Impurities of the blood,
which I. con.tantly passing through
them. Foley's Kidney Remedy makes
the kidney's healthy. They wL»
•train out all waste matter from the-
blood. Take Foley'a Kidney Reme
dy and It will make you well.
linlon and Central Pharmacy-
“Health Coffre'" la really the close.t
Coffee Imitation ever yet produced.
This clever Coffee aubeUtute wa» rec
ently produced by Dr. Shoop Racine,
Wle. Not a grain of real coffee In It
either. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee la
made from jure toasted grains, with
malt, nuts, etc. Really it would fool
an expert —who might drink It for
coffee. No 20 or 30 mlnutex tediour
boiling. “Made In a minute," aaya
the doctor. Sold By The WaycroeJ
Grocery Co., end Mutual Grocery Co.
Delay In commencing treatment for
a alight Irregularity that could have
been cured quickly by Foley • Kidney
Remedy may result In a serious
ney dl.eaee. Foley’a Kidney Remedy
builds up the worn out tiraues and
strengthens them organa. Commence
taklog it today.
Union and Central Pharmacy.
Savanah, Ga., July 15.—At the Cath
olic Library Hall last night Rev. W.
L. Pickard, putor of the Pint Baptltt
church delivered a strong talk before
the Law ud Order League upon the
enforcement of the prohibition ud
other Uwa In Savunah. Dr. Pickard
Is a very able epeaker ud he wae
heard by u audience ot ladles and
gentlemen who teemed much Interest
ed to what be raid. The Law and Order
League It to expected will take a hud
to the coming city election ud will
probably make Its Influence felt et
that time. It‘to announced that there
will be one lecture each month under
Its auspices ud that Mr. Seaborn'
Operation for plica will not be
necessary • you use Man Zan Pile
Remedy, guaranteed. Price 50c.
Cherokee Pabrmacy.
Rev, I. W. Wiliams, ot HuUrrgton,
W. Va., testifies as follows: Thto to
to certlfly that I used Foley'a Kidney
Remedy for nervous exhaustion amt
kidney trouble, ud am-free to eay
that Foley'a KlJtey Mmedy will do
all that you claim tor It."
Union ud Central Pharmacy.
"Utle Joe” knows all about it now.
it's a rare thing that the next presi
dent will uewer to the name of Bil
There are two riaraea of workers.
One clue works tor others, ud the
others work for themselves. Those
who work for others usually work
Otiers for all there to to IL Prequent-
Wrisht will h. toe speaker tor AugnaLly It to merely a matter of ralary.