Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, July 25, 1908, Image 5

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' San Franci/eo, Cal., Jut/ 22.—Sever
al tugs tills morning rushed to the
sf^ne of the wreck of the German
steamer Anuhls, which lies on a reef
off the California coast between San
ta Barbara and San Miguel, to rescue
nineteen passengers who are said to
be still on board.
Complete details of the disaster is
lacking, but enough has been ascer
tained to stamp it one of the gravest
sea disasters oh the Pacific coast.
Savannah, Ca., July 22.—Most of the
evidence is in the preliminary hearing
of R. G. Shivers, charged with sending
unmailable matter through the mails
to a young lady whom he wished to
secure to work ror him. Handwriting
experts testified that writing which
Shivers acknowledged as his own and
that on the postal cards to which ob
jection was found was the same. Salv
ers in his own behalf denied sending
the objectionable postal cards. The
Unitod States Commissioner before
whom the case wsu heard reserved his
decision. ' In the meantime Shivers
will remain in jail.
The sale of the Southern Hole
building has beeu confirmed by tin
receivers of the bank of Waycrts!
and a transfer will be made as scot
as the papers for the sale can be pre
Mr. Ben H. Williams, of this city
was the purchaser of the property,
his bid of $10,000 cash being the higu-
est received. The property is con
sidered to be easily worth $50,000.
Independence, La., July 22.—Twen-
ty-flve Italians are reported to have
been shot by members of the “Black
Hand” In a riot near hero TTiis morn
ing. It i%said that several were kill
ed. Five of the Injured were soat
to a hospital in Hew Orleans.
Hopkinsville, Ky., July 22.—Because
tho Illinois Central Railroad permitted
a detachment of soldiers who are op-
tr; against the night rider
camp on their right-of-way at Cobb,
Caldemell county, night riders early
this morning fired the railroad depots
at Gracey, Crulin Springs and Otter
Pond. The presence of th.e soldiers
at Cobb protected the property of the
company there. The destruction
accomplished in each instance
small bodies of men.
Tne function of the kidney’s Is to
strain out the impurities of the blood
which is constantly passing through
them. Foley's Kidney Remedy makes
the kidney’s healthy. They wi.»
strain out ell waste matter from the
blood. Take Foley’s Kidney Reme
dy and it will mako you well.
Union and Ceutral Pharmacy.
Foley’s Orino Laxative, the new lax
ative stimulates, but does not irritate.
It is the best laxative. Guaranteed
or your money back.
Union and Central Pharmacy.
“Health Coffee” Is really the closest
Coffeo Imitation ever yet produced.
This clever Coffee substitute was rec
ently produced by Dr. Sboop Racine,
Wis. Not a grain of real coffee in it
•eithor. Dr. Snoop’s Health Coffee Is
made from yure toasted grains, with
malt, nuts, etc. Really it would fool
an expert —who might drink it for
coffee. No 20 or 30 minutes tedious
boiling. "Made In a minute,” says
the doctor. Sold By The Way cross
Grocery Co., and Mutual Grocery Co.
Blnninsham, Ala., July 21.—Infor
mation was received at the sheriff'i
office at noon that one striker had
been killed and three deputy sheriffs
ounded in a clnsh at John’s a min
ing town In the Blue Creek region.
A special train with rorty soldiers
was rushed to the scone. Several
liunJred strikers were marching upon
the property of the Tennessee Com
pany when deputies ordered them to
halt. The strikers are said lo have
fired a volley of shot and throe depu
ties fell. The deputies in turn fired
and one man was said to have been
killed outright.
Delay In commencing treatment for
a alight irregularity that could have
been cured quickly by Foley’s Kidney
.Remedy may result iu a serious a*u-
ney disease. Foley’s Kidney Remedy
builds up tho worn out tissues and
strengthens these organs. Commence
-taking it today.
Union and Central Pharmacy.
One application of Man Zan Pile
Remedy, for all forms of piles, soothes
reduces inflammation, soreness and
itching. Price 60c Guaranteed.
Cherokee Pah'rmacy.
The best of all t.achers is experi
ence. C. M. Harden, of Silver City,
North Sarolina, says; M I find Elec
tric Bitters does all that’s claimed for
it. For Stomach, Liver and Kidney
troubles It can’t be beat. I have tried
it »nd find it a most excellent medi
cine.” Mr. Harden Is right; it’s the
best ofall meJicines also for weakness
lame back, and all run down condition
Best too for chills and malaria. Sold
under guarantee at all druggtsM 60c
Birmingham, Ala., July 22.—The
strike situation was considerably clar
ified this morning. Col. McElroy re
sumed active command of the military
early this morning and has the situa
tion well in hand.
Two train loads of import
ed strike-breakers arrived today. Tho
house of a nonunion miner at Lewis-
burg was riddled with bulletB by un
known parties last night.
Troops ore now on .duty at Pratt
City, Republic, Blossburg and Johns.
It 1.? a revelation to the people, ue
severe cases of lung troubel that have
been cure by Foley’s Honey & Tar. It
not only stops the cough but heals
and strengthens the lungs. L. K.
Ruggles,, Reasnorr, Iowa, writes:
•The doctors said I had consumption,
and I got no better until I took Fol
ey’s Honey & Tar. It stopped tho
hemmorrhoges and pain in my lungs
and they are now as sound as a bul
Union and Central Tharmacy.
All nations are enJeavoring to check
the ravages of consumption, the 'white
plague,’ that claims so many victims
each year. Foley’s Honey & Tar
cures coughs and colds perfectly and
are In no danger of consumption,
not risk your health by taking
i- unknown preparation when Foi-
Honey and Tar is safe and cer
tain In results.
Union and Central Pharmacy.
Heart Strength
Pain will depart In exactly 2fr min-
ate a if one of Dr Snoop’s Pink Pain
Tab'ets is taken. Pain anywhere.
Rewembor- Pain always means con
gestion, blood pressure—nothing else.
Headache is blood pressue; tothaefce
Is blood pressure on the rensative ner
ve.* Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets—
also called Pink Pain Tablets—nuicsTJ
and safely coax tails blood pressuro
/way from pain centers. Painful perl-
-ds with women get Instant relief.
•0 Tablets 25c. Sold by all dealers.
_ ,'sxns-
Dr. Shoop’s
Dr. Kini’s New*DIscovery Is the
Mitts j remedy that does the Li-nllng other*
iromlse but fail to perform,” says
Mrs. E. R. Pierson, of Auburn Centre,
Pa. "It Is curing mo of throat and
lung trouble of long standing, that
other treatments relieved only tempo
rarily. New Discovery is doing me so
much good that I feel confident its
continued use for a reasonable length
of time will restore me to perfect
health.” This renowned cough ana
cold remedy and throat and lung heal
er is sold at all druggists. 5Do and $1
Trial bottle free. fi
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fesperman left
Columbus. Ga., July 22.—Tho Geor
pla and Alabama Industrial Index says
today in Its regular weekly issue:
“Now that bond issues recently au
thorized in various cities and count!?.-*
in Georgia and Alabama have been
disposed of on terms entirely satis
factory, public improvement work In
the two states will be very much iu
evidence during the second half of the
year 190S. Morgan county, Alabama,
has just sold $260,000 of road-improve
ment bonds, and it is an interesting
fact that the securities were not
bought by northern investors but wore
purchased by Alabamu capital. T.u*
Birmingham firm that was the sucres-
ful bidder for the bonds has bought
road-improvement bonds of various
Alabama counties amounting to over
a half-million dollars. The stroug sen
timent for good roads is not confined
to Alabama how.over, for down in
southwest Georgia. Dougherty county
has just disposed of $30,000 of bonfis
for tne purpose of bettering the high-
There were many bids for those
bonds by northern and western invest
ors, all the offers being above par, but
southern capital was victorious in the
contest, an Atlanta. Gn., firm capturing
the plum. Down In Mobile. Ala., a
home firm bought $115,000 of paving
bonds and receives the contract for
doing extensive paving work in that
in tho face of very strong conipe-
titon from firms which bid on both tilt
bonds and the work, Prattville, Ala.
has just sold waterworks and sewer
age bonds. The largest bond deal of
tho past seven days, however,
Augusta, Ga., waore $1,000,000 of six
cent Georgia Railroad and Bank
ing Company boivis were refunded
with bonds bearing only four per cent
us saving tho stockholders of tho
iad the tidy sum of $20,000 per year,
of $800,000 during the forty years that
tho bonds will run. The new bonds
taken out by Augusta and New
York capitalists.
“Tne healthy stale of the real es
tate market is well Illustrated by tho
deals of the week. The rising values
in farm land property Is shown by the
sale of a 140 acre Wilkes coifhty,
Georgia farm, at a figure slightly
above $70 an acre. Some years ago this
farm was sold at $50 an acre^estnb-
fishing a new record in that county at
the time.”
Tne extensive building operations >
now in progress are accurately re-
fleeted In the steady improvement of
the lumber trade, which is now obvious
In all sections of tho two states. Tho
demand for lumber cars In south Ala
bama has been greater during «ho past
two weeks than In months according
to a ’nigh official of tho Mobile & Ohio
Standing out as boldly in the build
ing news of the weok as it wifi a few
months later in the skyscraper dis
trict of the city of Birmingham Is tho
announcement of tho completion of
plans to erect a new building for the
National City Bank of Birmingham. It
wifi be 18 stories and will overlook
several buildings In that city’s busi
ness section that themselves seem to
be candidates for the clouds. Bids
for the construction of this elegant
structure will soon bo invited.
“In Athens, Ga., plans are being pre
pared for an entire block of handsome
modern store building* Plans aro be
ing drawn fcf elegant bank buildings
in Augusta, Ga., Elbertcn, Ga., and
Samson, Ala., while bids wifi ho In
vited In the near future for the office
and bank building to be erected by an
enterprising Selma, Ala., bank. Among
the public buildings of Importance for
which plans have' been prepared aro
court houses at Tuscumbla, Ala., and
Sprin field, Ga.
"The spirit that preserved this sec
tion of the south from the worse ef
fects of the recent panic, and uV.cn
caused complete prosperity to return
to Georgia and Alabama while certain
other sections cf tho country weroj
simply hoping for It, is well Illustrated
by tho way in which the little town of
Byromvlue, Ga., stiffened Its upper lip!
when the wires brought news of tho
Wall street scare. The people talked
“good times” Instead of "hard times,’’ i
new fife was injected Into the real as
tute market new industries wereestab j
fished and farming lands were bought
and Improved, and now that the period
of depression has passed Bfromvllle
discovers that it has been blessed
wit a a prosperity fully as great and
perhaps more abundant than ever.
- jg
“Walking Joo," the young man whe
started from San Francisco on Jan
uary 1st, 1905, to walk to Boston
Maas., on a wafer, reached Waycross
this morning, and Is spending a day
or two here resting up. Joo .ias until
January 1st, 191u to complete his
walk. He Is far alien.I of his time
aud says he cau taae It easy from
St., Cincinnati, Ohio, writes:
“As I have found lYruna a blessing
for a sovoro case of catarrh of tho head
and throat which I suffered from for a
number of years, I am only too pleased
to give it my personal endorsement.
“Catarrh, such ns I suffered from
made life a burden to me, my breath
waa offensive, stomach bad, and my
head stopped up so that 1 was usually
troubled with a headache, and although
1 tried many so-called remedies, noth
ing gave me permanent relief. I was
rathor discouraged with all medicines
When Poruna was suggested to ine.
“However, I did buy a bottle, and Im>-
fore that was finished thoro wi
marked change In my condition. Much
encouraged I kept on until I wan com
pletely cured in n month’s time, suti I
find that my general hoalth is also ex
col lent.”
People who prefer solid medicines
should try Peruna tablets. Each tablet
represents one average dose of Poruna.
Mdft~a*lin the Ideal Laxative.
Sims and Pittman, proprie
tors of tho La Marcolier Cigar Manu
facturing Company, of this city,
oxpotlmentlng In tobacco culturo this
year, and their success has beou most
A bundle of tho finest Sumatra
wrappers, grown herein Way cross,
wus left at tho Herald ofllco this morn
ing by Mr. Pittman. The wrappers
aro the same as those used on Sims
and Pittmnn’H famous ”S. ami P.
Smokers” and the quality really seems
to be better.
Tills tobacco was grown by Mr.
Frank. Sltns in ids garden ou Plant
Avenue. Up has only a small patch
but it seems to be doing equally ae
wefi. as the best tobacco on tho Su
matra tobacco farms around Qulncey,
Fla., section and njjxt year wifi plant
patch growing on Mr. Geo. A. Crootn’s
farm, south of Waycross, which has
excellent foliage.
Both the Mess. Sims and Pittman
have had experience in tobacco cul
ture in Florida and are convinced Jhat
Ware county soil will grow as fine
Sumatra wrappers as the Qulncoy,
Fla., soction and next year wifi plan
at least an acre for the purposo of
making further experiments.
Tho wrappers, such as were growu
here aro valued at from $3.00 to $4.00
per pound, and an aero will grow
about 1,000 pounds.
A few sample cigars from the Way-
cross grown tobacco wifi be made up
as soon as It is properly cured and
will be presented to some of the bus
iness men of tho city to show what
can be done In tobacco growing in
Ware county.
Wulking Joe' is making his long
tramp of over 6,otiu miles under tho
auspic.es of the Boston Traveling Club.
If he completes tho Jaunt by Jan. 1st,
1910, he will recelvo $5,000; if not
he will get nothing. it is not the
time limit put on tho walk that has
given him concern, but tho rules un
der which he Is to make tho trip. Tho
rules aro ns folk *st eat
10 meat, he must ».v' indoors «
single night, he must accept no dona
tion or favor, and he must not ride a
foot of the way. It he Is caught vio
lating any of the rules ho will forfeit
his $5,090 and the informant trill be
paid $500 by the Boston Post.
For n man who has bejr-u living ex
clusively ou a vegetable diet and
roughing It. Joe look's remarkably fit
and strong. lie carries no baggage
rhatever. and his only possessions are
hose he has on his back, a thin,
heap suit without coat, and with
eavy walkiu ■ shoes. Even fu the
pen air «very nlg.it he has not suf-
n r«*d from the c -Id Ilia* he has from
“Walking Joe" will lecture again at
the Majestic tonight. All those who*
failed to sec and hear him last night
will enjoy his talk tonight. Entirely
new incidents to relate.
Special Feature Film for tonight, afcff,
Friday and Saturday nigh*, as per fob-
hawing telegram. '
Telegram received by A. W. Lang:
Am sending you three special fea
ture films something exceptionally
Mrs. W. W. Sharpe, after an 11 In* as
of ten weeks is very much improved
and will soon be able to be out again.
G. R. Brinson has roved to It is
new home on Carswell street. Tho
house hus Just been completed and is
one of the pleasantest iu the city.
Mr. I). L. Keen, proprietor of t.io
eorgiu Bottling Works, has return-
tl from a fishing trip of several days
on the Apulachcola river, in west
Florida. He wus accompanied ou
the trip by his brother, Mr. J. 1C.
Keen, of River Junction.
l* beat.
jMtlc Theatre,
incidents of ah
will dt-Uvor a lecture
of lectures at t.u* Ma
lle will toll of tho
trip, and says that In
her towns Iu* has drawn big crowds.
As stated above Joe Is not allowed
to accept contributions, and those who
im anything at Ills lectures must
solely oil a basis of value recclv-
i d 11 lull of the*
Heat prostrate# tU<? pcrveMu Ujcsmn
mer ono needs a tonic to off set the
customury hot weather Nerve and
Strength depression. You will feel
uetier within 48 hours after be;iuning
lo take such a remedy as Dr. Shoop’t
ilusluruthe. Its prompt actlofl in res
toring the tteftkene 1 net ves Is surpris
ing. Of course you won’t get chilli
Iy strong 111 a toVr df>y", but each .lay
,.i it can actually feel tho improvement
that tired, lifeless, spiritless, feeding
wni quickly depurt wnen using tin*
Restorative. Dr. Shoop’: Restorative
will fcharpen a falling appetite; It aids
.llgoatlcn; It will strengthen tin* weak-
.ued Kiunovs and Heart by simply io-
building tiio wornout nerves that *Ju so
uians depend upon. Tost it a few
days i.nd ho convinced. Sold by all
t Waycross In the Slat.; of Georgia
at the close of business July 15, 1908.
s aud Discounts $361,873.20
drafts, secured and un-
ecured 1,077.25
U. 3. Bonds to secure clrcula
tlon 60,000,00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds 2,400.00
Banking house, furniture, and
fixtures 95,000.00.
Duo from National Banks
(not resorvo agents) 6,705.11
Due from State Banks nnd
Hankers 2,205.4
Due from approved resorvo
Agents 15,231.49
Checks and other cash
The Atlanta preachers have started
a movement to save the neck of a
North G.eorgia murderer. We do not
know much about the case, but tho
preachers better let the proper
authorities run matter* of this sort—
Valdofta Time*.
The convict lease syctem take* pre-
this morning for a visit to St Simon cedence of *11 other matter before the
Island. „ ' - General Assembly of Georgia.
During the recent clearance sales
by the merchants here there have
been a number of cases of petty pil
fering reported, und tho public would
be surprised to know of some cases
that have been reported. In most
instances tho artlclos have been re
covered. On Saturday night, at
Swindle and Company’s, Mrs. BwinJle
while waiting for her husband, notic
ed a negro woman stuffing a roll of
lace in her shirt waist. Mr. Swindle
was told of It aqd approached the wo
man. A piece of tne lace was stick
ing out an<| he caught it and began to
puli. It began to unroll until he had
about thirteen yards of It in his
bands. It was valued at 20c a yard
and the woman was alowed to pay for
it.—Valdosta Time*.
items .
house .
Notes of
for clearing
other National
paper currency,
nickels, und cents
Speclo 17,181.68
Legal-tender notes . 2,000.00. 19,181.68
Redemption fund with U. 8.
Treasurer (5 per cent of
circulation) 2,500.00
Total $559,192.42
Capital Stock paid Iu $200,000.00
Surplus fund 40,000.0^
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid 1,811.03
National Bank notes outstand
ing 50,000.00
Due to State Banks and Bank
ers 320.27
Individual deposits subject
to chock 205,526.96
Cashier’s chePk outstanding 7,079.34
Notes and Mils rediscount
ed 49.454.82
Bills payable. Including cer
tificates of deposit for
money borrowed 5,000.00
More proof that Lydia E. Pink-
bam** V t'Ktitabio Compound saves
woman from nur^icml operation*.
Mr*. 8. A. Williams, of Gardiner
Maine, writes:
“ 1 was a great sufferer from female
troubled, ana Lvdia E. Pinklwun’* Vego.
table Compound restored mo to boultb
in three months, after tny physlciaa
declared that an operation was abso
lutely noooesary.”
Mrs. Alvina Sperling, of 164 Cley.
bourne Ave.. Oucago, I1L, writes:
“1 suffered from feinalu troubles, a
tumor and much inflammation. Two
of the beet doctors in Chicago decided
that an operation wee neoeeHary to save
my life. Lydia El Pinkham'a Vegetable
Compound entirely oared me without
an operation.**
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink-
ham’s Vogotablo Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for (omalo ilk,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacement*, Inflammation, uloera-
tlon, fibroid turnora, Irregularities,
E iriodlo pains, backncho, that bear-
g-down feeling, flatulency, lndlges-
tlnn,dlzzlneiM,or norvous prostration.
Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. Plnkliam Invite* nil sick
women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Maas. .
“It give, me unbound pleasure In
recommend Bucklin'! Arnica Salve."
says J. W. Jlnklns, of Chapel H'.d N.
I ain convince! lie the be*, salve
the world efforts. "t .lr.el a felon on
my thumb, and U never falls to heal
ry rare, burn or wound to which It
Is applied.” 25c at all durg stores.
Total 1559.192.12
Stato of Georgia, county of Ware, I
J. W. Uellingcr, Cashier of the above
named hank, do solemnly swear that
tho above statement Is true to tho
best of my knowledge nnd belief.
j. W. Bellinger, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn lo before me
this 22 day of July, 1908.
C. V. Stanton,
Notary Public
P. N. Harley,
H. C. Seaman,—
C. E. Murphy, ^
A telegram from 8t. Morya to Mr,
C. E. Murphy received this morning
atated that the condition of Mr. J.
It ocean to na that tome of the *n-,W. Baxley haa greatly Improved the
necessary.advertising given Georgia past few d*y». Mr. Baxley has Men
recently aoent the convict leaae ays- Quite 111 at the home of hit brother,
lem, might have Been avoided. Mr. J. M. Mulling.
I have used Dr. King's New Life
Pills for several years and And them
luat exactly right,’ aaya Mr. A. A.
Felton, of Harrlsvllle, N. Y. New
Ufa Pills relievo without the least
discomfort. Dost remedy for consti
pation, bllllousnosa and malaria. 25c
at all druggists.
Pleasant to take
The new laxative. Does
not gripe or nauBeate.
Cures stomach and liver
troubles and chronic con
stipation by restoring the
natural action of the stom
ach, liver and bowels.