Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, July 25, 1908, Image 6
(f {- IHE WAYCROSS HERALD UNKNOWN PARTIES JTYBEE US SHOT AT WATCHMAN! ANOTHER VICTIM TWO BULLETS WENT THROUGH W. J. COLLINS' HAT Night Watchman W. J. Colllna htj • lively time out at the mill of the Waycrota Cypress Company last night •ad Ih tbowlog a hat today through which a couple o* revolver ahota have plnfgcil hole*. Mr. Colllna went on duty at the cy- preaa mill at the usual hour last ev ening. ami everything went smoothly votll about 9 o'clock. At that time he became awat? that some one waa loitering around the mill, but he could DOt ascertain their whereabouts. For awhile he kept quiet hoping the prowl ers would show taemselves, and final- ly went over to the company's office, a short Jhtznce trom the mill. Short- ly afterward two s’.ots were fired at the watch::.an, apparently from two aeparate ilreeilon*. Just after the shots were fired, a small blaze discovered by t'n»* aide of the tool i:ou*e. Th«* mill workmen In the sbatittes nearby were aroused l?y the shote and assisted in putting t ut the fire. No damage was done. Mr. Collins is entirely at a loss for a reason for (a* shots being fired at him and for the attempt to set fire fo the tool house. Mr. Cotter, the su perintendent, Is In Jacksonville, and the mill is temporarily under the su pervision of Mr. Drake. YCUNG MAN WA8 DROWNED OR CAUGHT By 8HARK. Savannart, Oa., July 21.—The body of Harry Lovett, tbe young laJ of fif teen years who was drowned off the north end of Tybee yesterday after neon or who waa caught by a shark has not been recovered. It la tea *ed it will not be unless it Is found on some nearby Island. The lad down almost where Lieut. Morgan did several years ago. Lteut. Morgan’) body was found on an aJjolning is land. Wylly Brunner, the son or Ut F. Brunner, City Health officer, who was with young Lovett when he drowned is positive a shark caught his companion. He says he heard the «’.9.1’ of the sharks body moving hrtugh the water as it swiftly made : the body of the swimmer . The ac- id* fit happened several hundred n: Cb In front of Fort 8crenen the boys hr.\ln«? swam about four miles. T.ie ryl.ee authorities declare that -tory of the shark Is a myth as t ’.ere \ro r.o sharks of th.e man eating varie ty in tne waters adjacent to Savannah The missing lad was at Tybee with several students from the Benedictine College who were camping on toe Is land. JOE BROWN'S HOME. The following from the pen of Doug ina Olessner, of the (Irlffin News, Is a fine description of the Marietta home of Little Joe Brown, the next governor of Georgia: An old two story bouse, with a long veranda In front, queer bay windows on the second floor, with little railed platforms In front from which steps descend to the top of the veranda; un addition, also two-stories high, on the right, on the left a co» or I ami l »t- tlced gallery leading to the l l: • "ii In line with the whole edifice; all badly In need t.f a fresh rating tf white paint—-such Ik tlm, house font tee next governor of Georgia lives In. It was built, they say. by Governor McDon ald In years long before the time of most of us. and added to b >the pres ent proprietor. This quaint old Southern mansion sits on n natural elevation In the cen tre of sixteen acres of grove and grass, orc.iurd and garden, wifn noble old oaks affording ample shade every where. It Is ns old fashioned Inside as outside, the well-stocked library at the toj) of the stairs—and then a few extra steps—now littered with the sur plus of campaign documents, has n tig chimney running through Jts mid dle, the fire from below apparently furnishing the only heat used. The ball room—or bawl room, according ns you accept the version of the owner of t'ne house, or of the Marietta youth who accepted his hospitality only to abase It—Is on the floor and Is only I MEXICO FOR MEXICANS. Mexico City, July 20.—'The anti- foreign fight In Mexico Is assuming large proportions and a bitter contro versy is the question being waged by the foreign and native press. Pa Pat- riu yesterday printed an article in which it claims the time is ripe for h policy whose cry shall be "Mexico for the Mexicans." Most of the tirade Is directed against the "Yankees, ’ a term of contempt used by Mexican editors In designat ing Americans. ^ Among other things. La Patrla de clares that if Americans think tne governments of Argentine, Chile or itiazil more enlightened than that of , Mexico they should Journey to those i aits, the sooner the better. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER Node® Is hereby given that C. M. Sweat; J. M. Cox; Shepherd Bradley Watson; John T. Harvard and L. V. Williams, all of the county of Ware. State of Georgia, propose to file with the Hon. Philip Cook, Secretary of State, State of Georgia, their petition asking that they, their associate*, successors, and assigns be made a body corporate under the laws of t.»o State of Georgia for a period of 99 years, under the name of "The Mer chants' Adjustment Company.” That the object of said association is to en gage In and carry on the business of an assessment, co-operative fire In surance company. That the plan ol said asaocTut'on is purely mutual, or co-operative and that there will be no capital stock. The petitioners show that they, In good faith Intend to go forward as soon as Incorporate! and organize said company, with its prim clpal office in Waycross, Georgia, complying with all laws of said state of Georgia. C. .M. Sweat. J. M. Cox. Shepherd Bradley Watson John T. Harvard. L. V. Williams. GEORGIA—Ware County. Notice It hereby given that the un dersigned have applied to the ordin ary of said county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of Anns Polite for th^ purpose of distribution. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of ordnary for said county to be held on the 1st Monday in August, 1908. This July 11, 1908. G. P. Washington. Administrator. f DISSOLUTON, NOTICE. 9 4t THOMA8 E. WATSON TO SPEAK IN SAVANNAH. Savannah, Go., July 21.—Toni Wat von i« to speak in Savannah. He has written to his friends that he coma either July 29. 30 or 31st. candidate for President will get a pectful heating in Chatham. e are a trustful soul as a rule but to tell us that buttermilk was the preferred drink of the Tammany braves en route front Denver to 1 York Is "2 mutch” ns Artcmus Ward would put It. We've seen the Tam many braves wno go to conventions and what we know, we know.—Bruns wick Journal. AUTOMATIC 8ALT WORKS. AIkiuI a hundred miles north a little larger than ordinary size, be ing n good-sized play room but n small-sl/ed ball room. Whether from whacks or wnx, the floor Is undeniab ly smooth and a pnonogruph the only aparpnt Instrument to dance by, the birchen switches having long been out grown by t'ne first occupants of tbls famous bawl room. In a conspic uous place against the wall, t'ne ban ners turned over to Mrs. Brown at the convention now occupy the posi tion of trophic*. Some ways back of the house Is an old fashioned water tower, with tank tilled by a hydraulic ram from a near by sprlug; and back of this and ad joining also on t'ne left side Is a farm bt 94 acres—the whole plot of Tani making 110 acre* Just on the suburbs of one of the prettiest towns In the the town of Huacho, is of the great curoslties of nature, a salt factory on an automatic plan. When the tide comes In It fills a lot of snallow ba-dns, and the water is prevented from flowing back Into the sea by closing the gates. The utmos- photo is mo <frv that the wat,«*r leaves a sediment of salt In un almost pure state, which Is scraped up, packed In to mu?Ub ami shipped to market. Within tne coast a little farther the proilutiou of sea water through the Forscloture By Advertisement Under Power of 8ale. Under and by virtue <mJ power of Rale contained in a certain Instru ment of writing executed by C. N. Wilkinson and W. J. Murray, partners under name of Wilkinson and Murray, dated the 25th day of October, 1906, and recorded In the office of the clerk cf the Superior Court of Liberty coun- n the 28th day of April 1908 In book of mortgages “A-F” Page 506 and recorded In the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Ware coun ty en the 28th day of November 1906 in mortgage book “5” Page 90. The undersigned will sell nt public outcry at the court bouse door m said county during the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash on the first tfiesday In August 1908 the following property to wit: a 9x12 cyllnd K* 20 horse power, c Ec!lp*e engine No. 12518 mount- i 23 horse power boiler and boiler u Iron wheels with six inch tires -v.th Injector attached -»nu otherwise complete; cue 5x8 cylinder, Frick Eclipse detacned stationary engine No. 12403 complete with foundation jolts, etc., one So. 1 b'rlcti Eclipse saw mill No. 4140 with 36 Waycross, Ga., July 18th, 1908 Notice is hereby given that the firm of Wood and Varnedoe has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. J. T. Wood having sold bis entire Interest therein to Mr. 8. C. Varnedoe who assumes all of the debts and lia bilities of the firm of Wood and Var nedoe and who will collect all debts due and owing to said firm. The business will hereafter be con- dnucted by S. C. Varnedoe a!one. : J. T. Wood. S. C. Varnedoe. GEORGIA—Ware County. To All whom It may concern: Violer Jones, having In proper form •vplied to n>e for permanent letters of administration on the estate of George Hardy late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the credi tors and next of kin of George Hardy to bo and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause If any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Violer Jones on George Hardy’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this 11th day of July 1908. Warren Lott Ordinary. .age, 105 feet way/, four head blocks, ... an : frame, etc., one 52 7x8 guage No. 3 Hoe I. T. saw, 36 Inch cut off *, 30 inch mandrel, 50 foot 12 Inch t r*y and 20 feet 8 Inch ply rubber jells: For the purpose of j aylng four ->i tain notes for the sum of 386.95 each executed and delivered by C. N. Wilkinson and W. J. .Muir;*.' under name and style of tVIlKinson & Mur- Avery & Co., on Lie 2oth day f January, April, July and October, -..3 duly stipulating interest a maturity at the rate of 8 per cut per annum and ten percent at- iou. ut.iouUl uue un said notes belli $1,743.68, logon. proceeding GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Ware County, will be sold at public outcry on the first Tues day In July, 1908. at the Court House door in said county, between the legal nouru ol sale the following described property to wit: All that tract or par cel of land lying and being in the C.Ity of Waycross, in what Is known as Old Nine, and described as follows: Beginning one hundred and fifteen feet east of the Intersection of street and Satllla Lane, thence running along said Lane ninety eight feet, thence • northerly at right angles sixty three and one half feet, thence easterly at risht angles ninety eight feet, thence southerly sixty three and one half feet to point of beginning. The terms of feet car- j sa id sole are cash. June Utr.. 1908. EMMETT McELREATH. Admit..strator of the estate of Fanny BIDS WANTED FOR BRIDGE. Sealed proposals, or auction bids, as may be decided upon at the time, will be received by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon, August 14th, 1908, at site of proposed bridge, for the construction of a steel highway bridge across Satllla river, near the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad bridge between Ware and Pierce counties, Georgia. Plans and specifications to be shown undo, power of .ale In «ld ln8trt . | »n the day of Ine letting or upon tho.e ...tut given. Said mill and flI i„ rc .; now on tile In the olllcea of the Ordln- aforerald being located at Glenmore " rle " , of W ‘” and c ° u " tle *' Ware county, (leorgla. where the ( ?«"**■ Bidder* 1 !! he required to same will be delivered to the purchaa-! ,l t P °" t * “^" pd chcck ,or 0ne — - - - - Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) as an evidence of good faith, before submltt- Ttils July 6th, 1908. AVERY & Co. viEOllG 1A—WARE COUNTY. Undo.* and by virtue ut a power ol .e i-outaiueu In «. certain mortgage porouH rock. Into pita and ho,low. ha. , xecute ,; Uy w . \v. Sharpe of aula caused Immense deposits of salt to I county to the *V_ay arctimnlule. .The salt is taken out in blocks six or eigat Inches square and sold in thut form. As soon ai salt is excavated the water comes In again and In a year or two has sollu- Iflel and is ready for the market, Wells driven Into the said tils- Bute. It la little wonder, then, that j clo.e .trongly Impregnated water at * gentleman of .tudloua habit, and » ■ tp P' h »< twenty-live telh. which with tie mean, to enjoy an eleg.nt; »'*“• «« *» * *"»' ■‘eal ■’-“ v ' er ud dignified leisure, .hould he.llate | <h« *-•> «"-> <» >>™»" »«T Into long before giving up these comfort. ■'*•* ,or evaporation, to enter the agitated arena of active ’ * politics. And a sight of this place en- HELD ON CHARGE FORWARDING abled one better to understand how, UNVAILABLE MATTER, returning to such surroundings each I — evening after the day of campaign j Savannah, Ga.. July 21.—After work In Atlanta, "Little Joe" Brown j hearing before United States Comntls* was able to maintain auc»i wonderful; sloner this morning Robert G. Salvers equIpoiFC and gentleaqess of aplrlt amidst the acrimonious strife that waa waged around and against him. ADMIRAL ROJESVEN8KY DEAD. Bad Neuhelm, Germany, July 20.— Vice Admiral Rojeav.ensky, who com manded the Ill-fated Russian fleet which was annihilated by the Japan ese in the sea of Japan in May 1905, idled *<iere last night from heart trouble It Is believed that heart affection re sulted from Injuries received by Ad miral Rojeivensky In the Battle of the Sea of Japan. Deal Jackson, of Albany. Georgia's Brat bale negro farmer, has got In his i furniture dealer was held to answer to the Unite l States Court on tho enurge of usin? the United States mail for forwarding unmallalie matter. Shivers is alleged to have written threatenening notes to a young wo man employed by a rival furniture house whom he endeavored to employ.' The letters presented were some of them unprintable. Shiver* was de fended by Messrs. Twiggs and Gazan. cie util probably arrange bond for his appearance in court. He appeared be fore *the commissioner with a badly battered countenrnco the friends of the young woman having given him a thorough thrashing for hla alleged In sults offered her. and Council ol the City of Waycross, on the 9th day of Juue. 1905, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior v’ourt o* said County in Mortgage •took "B” page 434, the undersigned * ill sell at public outcry, to the high *t bidder U*r cash, at tuo door o the court house of said county In Way .■oss, Georgia, within tiu legal hours of sale, on Tuesday the 14th day of '•ly 1908, the following real estate t; wit: All of lota two uundred and thlr. six 1236) and two hundred and talrty seven* (2.17) In tne -8th District ol Ware county Georgia, each containing four hundred and ninety (490) acres, mere or lets; Said sale being for the purpose of paylug a certain promissory note exe cuted by said W. W. Sharpo to th* Mayor and Council of the City o Waycross for the principal sum ot $1,293.60, dated June 9ta, 1905 and twelve months after date, <mu tearing Interest from May 16th, 1905. 8 per cent per annum, together with 10 per cent attorney's fees; the total amount due on said note being the day of sale $1,293.60, principal, $227.70 interest and $162.13 attorney'? i, together with costs of tl»(s pro- c edlng; said mortgage having been made for the purpose of aecurlng th payment of said Indebtedness; and pr-j-er conveyance will be executed to the purchaser or purchasers of said lands. This 20th day of Jane, 1908. ing their respective bids. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. _ J. I. SUMMERALL, Ordinary Pierce county, Geeorgia. WARRE^J LOTT, Ordinary and er-officlo Chairman, County Commissioners, Ware co., Ga. W. A. CASON, D. H. BENNETT. J. F. TAYLOR, County Commissioners, Ware Co., Ga. D1S80LUT.GN NOTICE. Waycross, Ga., June 19, 1908. Noilce la hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be tween G. • A. Thornton and J. M. Thornton under the name of Thornton Bros., ts this day dissolved by mutual consent. O. A. Thornton having bought the Interest of J. M. Thornton. G. A. Thornton will hereafter own and con duct the business and will be re sponsible for Its debts and he alone Is entitled to collect the accounts and debts due to said firm or said com' pany. O. A. Thornton, J. M. Thornton. - The - ‘ Georgia School of Technology b better equipped end organized In all department, then ever before, end pre pend to do the beet work in its bbtntj. , Free Scholarships In order to afford the poung men of Georgia high den technical educa tion, fifteen free acholarahlpe ere auigned to each County in the State. Take immediate advantage of tkb opportunity and write for latest catalog, containing all in formation necetearr foe proepcctivc etudente, and aettiug forth the ad vantage, of the Georgia Tech. Advanced connes in Mechanical, Electrical, Textile, and Civil Engi neering, Engineering Cheenbtry, Chemistry and Architecture. Ea- temive and new equipment of Shop, Mllf, Laboratoriee, etc. New Library and new Chemical La bora- lot V- The demand for the School's grad- cates is much greater than the supply. Next section opens Sept. 30th. Fnr further information address JL G. MATHIS0N, A. tL, LL. D, freJ. Atlanta, Ca. A Busy Business Man Does not fume and fuss when be goes into a bank and has to wait bis turn before be reaches the teller. But when be USES THE TELEPHONE be ir likely to become impatient st even a slight delay ."This is because be cannot see the operator U work. We ere ell bvmen. Southern Ml Telephone and lekgrapfe Co. FROM THE FACTORY TO YOU 35,000 CKAiP.3 AT MANUFACTURERS’ COST FLORIDA CHAIR FACTORY Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to tako The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con* stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. | ■•hiMeubetltutM. PrtcwBOo. j CENTRAL PHARMACY. UNION PHARMACY.' HUMAN MACHINERY. The marvelous mechanical Invention, |0f tod.y .re but mere toys compared to •the human body. Thla Is one machine that muit be given constant and intelli gent care. Once permitted to run too far without skillful repair, the wreck is just ahead. STUARTS BUCHU AND JUNIPER baa repaired more human ilia, relieved . ?' r ?* n on we *i t P*rta and completely checked the came than any other Invigo rating cordial. It relieved kidney dls- eaaea, catarrh of the bladder, diabetes drapsy, gravel, headache, dyapepsia, pain In the back and aide, lota of appetite, general debility, neuralgia, aleepleuneas, rteumatamand nervousness. STUARTS BUCHU AND JUNIPER positively re lieve* these disc ties. At all stores, gl.00 per bottle. Write for free aampE; i a Stuart Drag Manufacturing Co.. Atlanta, Gn. CITATIl, A. Georgia;—Ware County. To all whom it may concern: — W. J. Cnraweil, having In prope: form npplled to me for permanent le:- tera of administration nn the e,ut il. J. Smith, late ot raid county, this la to cite all and singular the creditor* and next of kin of B. J, Smith, to be and appear at my office within the time hllowed by law and ■bow cause if any they can. why per- manent Administration tdtould not '.e granted to W. J. Carswell, on B. J. Smith's estate.WItnes, n.; hand and Mis. Edna Cain, ot the Quitman Cfitork again thi* year and doesn't care Free Press la now in Porto Rico and Ihe Mayor ttnd Council cf the City nfflrlal .lanalure tot.Titth .t.Tef tnlv whether qegro disfranchisement pasaeau writing some very Interesting Ic*. of Waycroce, ' ,1 * nalare tal * 10U| Ja ? of Jul ' ^ not ' ters from that Island. By A. M' KNTOHT Maver. —. —— . .. Ulant Wood's / Carden Seeds i FOR SUPERIOR VEGE. tables * flowers. '■’* both in Garden '•* larw Peed*, it one of the *C-'* *! ,! » country, a .esult •we to tne (act that \ 'ua:;ty Is always our, -* * consideration. ( iVo s« headquarters for t-acs Art. Clovar Sands. Sand Oatv. Scad Potatoaa/Cow Pe v- Sola Banns And ot.iet Firm Seeds. AW. Ooacrfptiv. Catatogu. ; '• -‘.cdntu.t practicalotawd ’ Ac C(kio4&.e at«l re- j T. W, WOOD & SDKS, / SiERSSEE, - tietaid, Ti