Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, August 15, 1908, Image 2
THE WAYCRO&3 WEEKLY HERALD THE WEEXLV HERALD COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. A. P. PERHAM A SON. Editor* ond Publisher*. Entered at the Poet Office at Way. cross, Ga., aa second cla* matter.' The Erenlns Herald la published orcry erenlns except Sunday. Tha Weekly Herald errry Saturday. All subscriptions are payable adranoe. Advertising rates reasonable and fhade known on application. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: Dally, One Year *5.00 Dally, Sis Months $2.60 Dally, Three Months $1.25 Weekly, One Year WAYCROSS, OA„ AUG. 19 1908. Total number of electoral votes Is 48$, 111 being necessary for selection ■Of president. + Three hundred thousand cars are idle on account of the panic and the The negro was a desperate character When Georgia gets through with the •convict* she might try to aolve the problem of what to do with her tbous- ond* and thousands of blind tigers. •{, Our old friend Adlai Stevenson, tins been endorsed for governor by the democrats of Illinois. >2* Mr. Roosevelt magnanimously takes upon himself all responsibility for the action of tne War Department in the Browusville affair. This Indicates that It la expected this matter will affect the negro vote on the Presidential ■ticket In the Northern States. It seems very probable that the cltl- -genanf Dublin and Laurens county will have the pleasure of hoarlng Hon. Thomas E. Watson, the candidate for presidetit of the United States on JPopullflt ticket.—Dublin Times. What has Dublin done? 8o many houses nre closed. In Pitts burg that numbers of cats are In need of food, and recently children have boon attacked on tho streets by line animal*.--Ex. Quito different in Waycroas. Hero •the cats nre mo happy thnt they sing for us every night. + Col. Watterson Is looking for tire aame ground-swell this year for Bryan t*nat enme Cleveland’s way In 1892. •‘Those things go hi seasons " ho says, “And the Republican party Is duo for a beating.” At any rate, the G. O. P. certainly deserves tho worst licking It •ever received. 4* There sceimi to bo an epidemic of crime throughout the whole country. A dally paper Is not issued tnoso days which does not contain one or moro accounts of murder or worse crime, The cause and the remedy uro ques tions which are puzzling the wisest of our peple. 4. Tho 8L Augustine Record had a splendid editorial recently on “The Stolen of Violence" in Florida, traces the cause to tne law’s delay, to tho frequency of commutation of sen tences and to the easo with which con demned criminals might secure new trial* on technicalities, and every pa per In every state will aoon begin to preach along this line. It was anounml a few days ago that Colonel John Temple Oravea had on tered a hospital for the purpose of having an operation performed, waa anbaequently stated that thooper- ation was successful and Colonel Grav ea would "soon bo on the stump." The character of the operation was not stated, but from the latter declaration U Is presumed It was the amputation of a leg. * The plaint of a pickpocket who wtruck Clncinattl .luring the Taft notl- Rcatlon ceremonies was of the appar ent poverty of those In attendance. Aaldloua search of thirty pockets fail ed to reveal enough to repay him for hla trouble. He reached tho conclus Ion that if the Republican plutocrats are backing Taft they arp guarding against campaign solicitors by attend' tng Taft celebrations with empty sockets. " Here la a fall list of presidential aandidatet, as at present, advised: Bryan. Taft Waycross. Ga., July 10. 1908. City council met in. regular meet ing present J._A. Lott Mayor Pro Tem Presiding. Aldermen C, M. Sweat. T. J. McClellan, A. 8. Morton and W L. Hinson. Minutes of last regular meeting and called meeting read and approved On motion the question of the pur chase of s lot of tile from Mr. Klick wa« refered to the chairman of Finan ce Committee with the power to pur chase same If he deems It proper. Mr. V. L. Stanton came before coun ell to urge the Importance of extending the A., B. & A. Ry., to Jacksonville and asked council to pass a resolution indorMlng same appointing a commit tee of council to visit Jacksonville to co-operate with that city. (See resolu tion.) On motion Mra. Parker was permitt ed to put an iron building in place of an old wooden building on Parallel street in the fire limits. On motion the clerk was requested to notify all parties whose taxes were raised and want to be beard, appear before a called meeting of council to be held July 21st to hear said appeals. Dr. M. M. Johnson, City Physician and Health Officer report was read and filed as Information. • On motion the Mayor was anthorized to pay Mr. F. H. McGee twenty dollars for use of the water pipe used by the city at the flush tank near his resi dence. On motion tho name of the Parte given by Mrs Houck and Miss Mollle Williams be changed from ‘‘Virginia’' to "Houck” Park. (8ee resolution). Waycross, Ga., July 1st, 1908. Mr. T. J. McClellan, Chairman Street and Health Com mittee. Dear Sir: I beg to make this my report for the month of June. Tne sanitary condition of tho stock- ado Is good and the condition of the prlHonerH bettor thnn heretofore, There ons boon 10 prisoners treated and 14 prescriptions furnished. Phy Meal condition generally good. The sanitary condition of the City HUMPBEYS & WILLIAMSON Dry and Goods, Notions, Shoes, etc. Waycross, Ga. 8ome of our exchanges are confident that they will succeed in getting Hon. Will Brantley to stand for governor In 1910. Bros. Perhara and Levy have already agreed to stand by him should he enter the race.—Blackshear Times. And that means that he will surely have two loyal supporters. OAILY PULLMAh SERVICE MA- O'" N, GA., TO ASHEVILLE, N. C.* /.MD-'JHE "LAND OF THE 8KY,” Vi A SOUTHERN RAILWAY. LEAVE MACON 5:00 P. M. ARRIVE ASHE VILLE 7:10 A. M. FOR INFORMA TION RESERVATIONS, ETC* AD DRESS Q r. PETTIT, TRAV. PASS. AGEN'i, MACON, 3A. 1 A GOOD JUMP can’t be made by every horse. They must be trained to it. Good feed, though, makes frisky horses. When you say. HE FEELS HIS OATS you refer to his being well fed. We are careful in Blocking up on feed, to see It’s fresh, sweet and clean. In or dering our feed you don’t have to bother as to whether It’s good or not, That's worth something and doesn’s cost more. VA/oocJ Sc Varnedoe. -stoat .rrM-rtodr cosM bo plaaasd Cila at large Is being very much Improved The house Inspection has stimulated ho people to the cleaning of their promises and the peoplo seem to be ady and willing to co-operate \ the Health officer nnJ Inspector. made personal Inspection of the following places. Halley’s log pond, Three Inspections, Ditch and pond fronting Martina store Well, O. W. Deen, Albany Ave., Houao B. P. Finn, Reynolds Btrcet. House Jas Knox, Property Hank Waycross. House J. T. Beaton. Roynolds street, candy kitchen and restaurant, Haines Pool room, barber shop, Heaton Block, Bath tub nnd seweroge, house Brunell street. Throe houses E. H, Reed, Urutiell streot. House D. A. Me- gee, Howe streot. Y. M. C. A., base ment. The following parties have been no tified direct from this office us to cor rection of Sanitation within limited time. In nil cases the corrections promptly made. O. W. Doon, well Albany Ave. O. W. Deen, (3) houses, Reynolds street. D. & O. Lott, Jas Knox property. J. T Beaton, Reynolds street. Restaurant ami candy kitchen, Beaton Block I. Jenkins, Residence, J. E. Dlcklnc Re sldeuce. W. D. O’Quinn. residence, E. H. Reed residence, Chas Strickland re sidence, Henry McGee residence, R. L. Slnrleton, redldence, Walter Lynns re sidence, W. C. Harvard, Agt, residence W. D. O’Quinn, 2nd. house. D. A. McGee, residence. E. H. Reed residence, A. U. Spence, Agt. resi dence. B. P. Peabody, realdence C. H. Fuller, residence Frank McDonald, residence. J. F. Maya, residence. The Inspector has been making a house to house Inspection and direct ing the occupants as to correction of unsanitary conditions where It was practical for him to do so. When not practical for him to give these instruc tions they were given from this office. We find the greatest trouble in tho un sanitary and unkept grease trap, espe cially in the unoccupied houses Jo they become filthy and produce great quan tities of mosquitoes. I think it would be wise for the city to put a supply of Kerosene In every trap of unoccupied houses. Tabulated report of Inspector No. inspections made 408 Sewerage conectlons No. vacant houses 39 No. occupants ...................1431 Second inspections 12 No. reported bad Surface closets 113 Notice from Inspector 49 Notice Health Officer 24 One house fumigated Tuberculosis. Births reported, whtto «... 6 Deaths. White 6 Burials In city 9 Births reported colored 9 Deaths, colored 0 „..l Removed from city for hartal 6 Accident 1; Onrnhot 1; Hanged V Lynched 2 Brick! Brick!! Before you fcuy brick in any quaintity, it will pay y ou to in vestigate wbat we have to offer. It depends" very muck on the size Brick you get as to bow many hundred or thousand you will have to buy for tjhe job. We Have The Large Brick. P. N. HARLEY gHARDW ARE CO. August time tells on the nerves. But that spirit less, no ambition feeling can be easily and quickly altered by taking what Is known by drug gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop’s Res torative. Within 48 hours after be ginning to use the Restorative, Im provement wil be noticed. Of course, full health will not Immediately re turn. The gain, however, will surely follow. And best of all you will real ize and feel your strength and ambi tion as It is returning. Outside influ ences depress first the "nside nerve" then the stomach, heart and kidneys will usually fall. Strengthen these failing nerves with Dr. Shoop’s Res- toratiive and see bow quickly health will be yours again. Sold by all Deal ers. Cured Hay Fever and 8ummer Cold. A. S. Nusbaum, Batesvllle. Indiana, writes: "Last year I suffered for 3 months with a summer cold so dis tressing that it interfered with my business. In many of the symptoms of bay fever, and a doctor’s prescrip tion did not reach my case, and I took several medicinces which seemed only 'to aggravate It. Fortunately I insist ed upon having Foley’s Honey and Tar It quickly cured me. My wife has since used Foley’s Honey and Tar with the same success. Central and Un ion Pharmacy. PAINE’S COMPOUND LAXATIVE SYRUP FOR STOMACH AND UVEtt Does Not Sicken or Gripe MICE 25 CENTS eak women should read my "Book No. 4,' for Women.” It tells of Dr. Shoop’s Night Cure. Tells how these soothing, healing antiseptic supposi tories, bring quick and certain help. The book is free.. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine Wls. All deals. For the next ten days we will sell the famous Jewel tailor made shirts Buy your Groceries from the old reliable Groc ery store THE CO. Wilson - Block PHONE 128 I WAYCROSS PRESSING CLUB New Line Of Mason’s Fruit Jars, Rubbers & Caps, Just Receiv ed. WATT HDW. CO- \ No one Is imune from kidney troubl| so Just remember that Foley’s Kl ney remedy will stop the irregularitii and euro any case of kidney or bla^' Jer trouble that is not beyond roach of medicine. Central and U| Ion Pharmacy. Served as coffe.e, the new coffe su^* stltute known to grocers everywhe ro as Dr. Shoop’s Health Coffee, w* 11 trick even an expert. Not a grain :°* real coffee in it either. Pure healP’ ful toasted grains, malt, nuts, etj c ” have been so cleverly blended as *° give a wonderfully satisfying tas 116 and flavor. And t Is "mnde in a m In ‘ ute”, too. No tedious 20 to SO mlnu^ es boiling. The Waycroas Grocery C°‘ the Mutual Grocery Co. F. L. PAGE, Prop, 25 Pendleton Street, Phone 315 Repairing, Steam Cleaning and Dying, Reblocking Hats. Ladies Work a Specially. Telephone And Have Our Wagon Call Wbon tile atoraach heart or kldeny nerves get weak, then these organa always fail. Don't drug Stomach nor stimulate the heart or kidneys. Thnt la simply a make shift. Get a prescription known to druggists everywhero u Dr. 8hoop's Restorative The ReMoratIve la prepared especially for these weak Inside nerves. Streng then these nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoop’s Restorative—tablets or liq uid—and see how quickly help will come. Sold by al dealers. Bee* Laxative Cough Syrup young android Is prompt relief tor coughs, croup, hoarseness, whooping cough. Gently Laxative. Guaranteed Cherokee Pahrmacy. FOR SORE FEET. "t Stave found Bncklen'e Aratoa Salve to he the proper thing to use for tore feet, at weU as (or healing barns, •ores, cut*, and nil manner of abra sions." writes Ur. W. Bnooa, of Bast Re^^ttnlir mtoHW. U. K. Mto~ Health oases, YYarsna*. On. pg^tMlt lllf-lf ttry UoT The Waycross Bakery WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE STORE AT THE COTTINGhAM BUILDING. YOU CAN GET ANY THING IN THE LINE OF BAKtRY GOODS. WE HAVE FRESH BREAD. AND ROUS EVERY DAY, AND A GOOD ASSORT- WENT OF NICE, FRESH CAKES, AND PIES. TICKETS ARE GOOD, WE ARE OPEN SOON IN THE MORNING AND CLOSE LATE AT NIGHT,OUR -PHONE It 72. ^ The Waycross Baktry P. L MtACH. Pnp, One application of Man 2an p” 6 Remedy, for nil forma of piles, sootl iea reduces Inflammation, soreness V nii Itching. Price 60c Guaranteed. Cherokee Pahrms 65 ' 1 -5- For the best bicycle tires at the least price see J. T. McGee, 21 Al baay Avenue. 23 tl e.f * Pain anywhere stopped In 20 m| nu ‘ tea sure with one of Dr. Shoop’t P Jnlt Pain Tablets. The formula Is on 25-cent box. Ask your doctor or dt“ 8 ' pat about the formula! Stops won'* 0 ' ly pains, headaches, pains anywh er6. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wla., free trial, to prove value of his H. ' ache or Pink Pain Tablets. Sold by all Dealers. SHE LIKES GOOD THINGS- Mrs. Chas. E. Smith, of West Fr ank ' lin, Maine, says: "I like good thl ,ni * and have adopted Dr King’s New Llfe Pills a* our family laxative modi' 1116, because they are good and do P 6 * 1 work without making a hat abouf lt -„" These painless puriflera sold drug (tores. 25c EXCELLENT HEALTH ADV| CE - Mrs. M. M. Davison, of No. 379 0rlt ' ford Ave.. San Jose Cat, says: worth of Electric Bitter* aa n ge, Mr * 1 family remedy, for headache, blL* 100 *' aeas and torpor of tha llrer and h®"' ela la ao pronounced thnt I am ptf™ 51 ' ed to say i word la Its favor, tf *** benefit of seeking relief tnm such afflictions. There la mors tor tha digestive ergare m a t».t]e of BtectrtoblUen than any other ram* •dr I know ot” Sold under guarao- tea at drug atocsv 60c. GINGER ALE THE HEALTHFUL SUMMER DRINK » “RED KEEN QINpER ALE. THE BEST OF ALL Sold by the case from the Fac tory or at Soda Fount*. Mixed 8oda’s delivered anywhere In the City. WOOD! WOOD!! Beat Stove Wood Dellverd at Your door $2.50 Cord. Georgia Buttling works D.L KEEN, Prop. TELEPHONE NO. 337. ‘Real Estate - Insurance Rents Collected *ad Taxes Paid I* Non Residents k w. tv. SHARPE, Jr, Pfc-sm ZSPadtamASt