Newspaper Page Text
Waycross, Ga., 2-25-1'JOS
Mr. J. M. Young. Jr.,
Way cross, Ga., —
Dear sir:—
ha«l seven cnsog of the genuine old seven
years itch in our nuighborhood nuriog urn past
three or four months, and after using everything
that we could hear of without relief, we were iuduc-
ed to try YoungR Tetter and Eczema Remedy, whicu
cured six cases completely and we are working on
the sevent'.i case now.
Our entire neighborhood feels very grateful to you
and your remedy and we cannot recommend it too
Yours very truly
(Mr. Alfred Jordnn is among Ware County’s most
successful farmers.)
February, 20th, 1008 ?
Mr. J. M. Young, Jr„ l
Waycross. Go.,
Dear Sir:— ?
Last Summer I was troubled with a breaking out ?
m one of my feet something similar to ground Itch £
»r Tetter, and used quite a number of different prep- §
.irations without relief, finally I bought a bottle of ?
’Young's Tetter ami Eczema Cure" and with two ?
applications my foot was entirely well, and I take *
pleasure in recommending It, ?
Yours truly i
J. M. Young, Jr.,
s. Ga..
Waycross, Ga.. Feb. 17. 1908.
Dear Sir: —
I beg to advise that I am constantly using Youngs
Tetter and Eczema Remedy in my Berber shop, tor
Dandruff. Rchln.j Scalp, and Falling Hair, end with*
out an exception I have found it the: very best reme
dy that I have ever used for scalp and lmir.
I have one customer who suffered with Itching
scalp for eleven years and I applied Youngs Tetter
and Eczema Remedy twice which gave him instant
relief and I have heard no complaint since.
It gives mo pleasure to recommend this remedy
to all who suffer with scalp or skin trouble.
1 am Yours very truly.
Proprietor of Hughes Barber Shop.
Ruskln, Ga., March, 3rd J908
Mr. J. M. Young, Jr.,
Waycross, Ga.,
Dear Sir: —
1 have tried Young's euro for Tetter and Eczema
and found it good. Last Summer I had a severe
case of Barber’s Itch, I tried a few applications of
this solution and was cured, I take pleasure in say
ing to those who suffer from any similar affection
they would do well to give it a trial
The Waycross Board of Trade is to | est in the corporation to be transfer-
be operated as an incorporation in fu- ] re ^ onl >’ as provided by the rules of
(the organization, and the members
lure and application has been made; ® , .
„ „ , _ . # , . . . to mutually agree In tae by-laws as to
to tne Superior Court for a charter. * ® , . * , .
. . t . ; tne d sposition to be made of member-
The application,, prepared by Judge) t , . . ...
, . _ ^ , . , .ship and property rights on the death
J. -L. Sweat, is published below: » 1 * '
... . . n , ,,, _ . jof a member.
State of Georgia, Ware Cout.v; j . , . , m . . ... « r> * , a . * n - ‘ In Jhe election of officers, and in all
To the Superior Court of SalJ Coun-j * .. . . # ^
^ . i other matters that may come before
The petition of R. M. Westcott, A J member, meeting., each member .hall
M. Knight, J. M. Cox, A. O. Villee, 0.] h0 ' e ° ne ' ote * ,
W. Deen. J. L. Walker. C. H. Redding, Said corporation to acquire hold
J. R. Whitman. J. M. Ml. D. Lott, P. I *' , st "‘ bo h real anJ ^
..... _ .. _ . ... .... .1 sonal, and to rent or lease real estate
N. Harley, C. M. Sweat, W. W. Lamb-1 ’ . . . ,, ..
ji. o o t r. O I ,rom or ‘° others; to erect .ultable
buildings, and rent or lease such por
tions of same as it may desire.
Said corporation to have power and
authority to Issue bonds and promis
sory notes and to secure the same by
I mortgage on any property of the cor
No member to be individually liable
for any debts of the corporation, or
for any wrongs committed by it, un
less a member shall have failed to pay
the admission fees or dues, and then
only to the »"*'»•* 1 ** *
din, S. S. Ludlum, E. P. Peabody and
W. E. Birmans, all of said county, res
pectfully asks that they and their as
sociates and successors may be creat
ed a body corporate and politic, for the
period of twenty years, under and by
the corporate oamc of "The Waycross
Board of Trade," and by that name
they may sue and be sued, plead and
be impleaded, enter Into such contracts
as may be necessary or proper to in
augurate or carry on the organization,
to have and to use a common seal,
and the same to alter at pleasure,
and to do all other lawful acts for
the promotion of the objects and pur
poses hereinafter named. The place
of business of said corporation la to be
in the City of Waycross, in said State
and county.
The objects and purposes of said
organization are to .enable the busi
ness men of Waycross to act together
for their mutual protection and bene-
fir. and for the advancement of the
commercial, manufacturing and finan
cial interests of Waycross; to foster
and promote an honest, active
and enterprising commerce; to
agree upon commercial forms
and regulation; to decide and
determine all matters of difference
between it* members, and between its
member and person not members, when
submitted to its arbitration; to collect
and keep a record of Information and
statistics, local and general, relating
to manufacturing, commercial and fi
nancial matters, and especially such
as may affect the business of Wycross,
and such other matters as are cusom-
cry in such organizations.
The business of the corporation to be
such as Is Incident to and proper for
the carrying out of the objects and
purposes named.
The officers of said corporation,
elective by the members, to consist of
a President, First Vice-President,
Second Vice-President, fifteen Direct
ors and a Secretary and Treasurer—
the President, First tnd Second Vice-
Presidents and. the Secretary and
Treasurer to be ex-officio Directers
of said corporation, all of whom shall
constitute the "Board of Governors',
the officers named to be elected annu
ally, by the members, to serve for one
year, and until their successors are
elected and qualified, as the by-laws
of the organization may provide.
Slid corporation to have power and
authority to pans such by-laws aud
adopt such rules and regulations as
may be necessary or proper to com
mence and carry on the organization,
rnd to enforce such by-laws, rules and
regulations by penalties not contrary j
to law. i 1
Said corporation to have a capital j
stock made up from the admission fees 1 aD ,
and duos of members amounting to jgtt
r.n*. thousand dollars, ten percent of j j
which to be actimSy paid la before j T0 ^
commencing to exercise the privileges j
conferred by the charter, which may: * U ;
be increased or diminished from time j : >u t
to time, by the "Board of Governors." I j U £
Each person, firm or corporation j •„ c
becoming a member of said organiza* | n
tlon, and having paid the proper ad-jtey... „
mission ft-e. to own one share of stock, j tjy ?e e it happen.
Nc -*?ron. firm or corporation ’to i *j*————
< v-n rao-e than ona share of start j The Atlanta Journal says that Hoke
therein. * ! Smith touched the fuse that started
Non-compliance with the by-laws, j the convict Lease investigation. Tat
r ,;., g and regulations, and failure to J Journal is mistaken. The only fuse
r;;% - dues, may work a forfeiture of ,hs* Hoke has touched lately was the
membership tnd of property rights lone thst let off the Joe Brown rocket.
Georgia, Ware County.
Will b,e rold at the Goulit House door
in said county on the first Tuesday in I •
September next, within the Iegnl hours 11
of sale, the following personal proper- j|
ty to wit: One stationary boiler and j •
engine. Levied on ns the property of ] |
the j. H. Gillon Machine Co., to satis-; |
fj an execution issued on the 29th day | ?
of Juno 190S from the city court of
Waycross, in said county, In favor of
E. 8. Mobe* *y, against The J. H. Gil
lon Machine Co.
This the 6th day of Aug, 1908.
D. A. Woodard, Sheriff.
Tiie appraisers appointed to set aside
a twelve months support for the widow
of Jacob M. Stlger, late of said ciunty,
deceased, having duly filed their re
turn, all persona concerned qre hereby
cited and required to show cause in
of Jacob M. Stlger, late of said county
on the FirRt Monday in September,
1908, why the application for sai l
welve months support should not be
(ranted, and Eald return made the
ludgtn.ent of the Court.
This August 7th, 1908.
Warren Lott, Ordinary.
Will bo sold at the court house In
aid county on the first Tuesday in , |
leptember 1908, within the legal hours j ?
of sale, to wltt. A certain saw mill, |
owned by the Thrift Lumber Company | J
near Ruskln. Georgia, In said county, j |
mid saw mill levied on as the proper- I ?
y of Thrift Lumber Company, said l
len was foreclosed on the 27th day of 11
une 1908, in the Shperlor Court of
,Vare County, in favor of Thorpe &
Company against said saw mill and
'hrift Luiqber Company as owners.
This 7th day of August, 1908.
Waycross, Ga., July 18th, 1908
Notice Is hereby given that the firm
f Wood and Varnedoe has this day
jeen dissolved by mutual consent,
Ir. J. T. Wood having sold his entire
iterest therein to Mr. S. C. Varnedoe
ho assumes all of the debts nnd lla-
Illties of the firm of Wood and Var-
edoo and who will collect nil debts
ue and owing to said firm.
The business will hereafter be con-
nuctcd by S. C. Varnedoe alone.
J. T. Wood.
S. C. Varnedoe.
W ay cross Furniture Co»
. Warren L. Hinson Gen. Mgr.
Furniture, Carpets, Rugs,
Art Squares, flattings,
Stoves, Ranges Etc.
Main Stores 21, 21 1-2, 23 & 23 1-2
Pendleton Street. WHOLESALE WARE
Phonographs, Records
And Supplies.
w. l. mnson. & q.,
Licensed fEmbalmers, ["Phones 413 153 s
Chapel & Sample Rooms
22 Pendleton Street.
: i
Auckland. Aug. 1ft.—America's
iat battleship fleet rested anchor at
tChlund harbor this morning. Tlu»
xn was early aztir and residents
: excursionists flocked to the quay
look upon the inspiring picture the
:at war monsters made. The har-
• was soon alive with small craft
ly bedecked with burning and flags
all colors.
fany Jackies were granted shore
ve today. They were especially
erly on<l words favorably commead-
them were heard on all sides. Ad*
al Sperry is highly satisfied with
successful manner In which the
so has been accomplished.
aves, slaves, braves and knaves
ue with Graves, bnt. no poet has
found a word to rhyme with HIs-
who’ heads the Independence
n- ticket.—Macon News,
'vigpen.” hits the spot we think.
TLn bouse of representatives Satur
day morning adopted the resolution by
Mr. Candler, of DeKalb, appropriating
the sum if |3,000 to meet the /expenses
of the Jotjt committee Investigating
the state peaiteiUIary and the convict
At first, we folt certain that all who
lost out In the recent gubernatorial
•ace would get over It but It now
rooms that some will not, and their de
feat is undermining their good ‘dispo
sition. The lion. Joseph M. Brown,
who will continue to Increase In popu
larity as his good qualities become.:
known, Is pursuing the* oren tenor
of his way." These people who are
showing such bad temper brought
their own trouble upon themselves
and their present course will only
aggravate It.—Bamsville Gazette.
Mr. Tom Watson made a speech Ir.;
Savannah Thursday night, and knock
ed Bryan, boosted Taft and made a i
plea for the solid South to be broken. *
Mr. Watson Is rendering tho republic* j
an party very valuable service.—Daw- j
son News. »
The marvelous niet-lmnlcul Inventions j _____ x
of tcKlny arc but mere toys compared to !
the human body. This Is one machine v ’ nehlngton Star,
that must lie given constant pnd Intclll- j Geographically this voyage 'room!
vent care. Once permitted to run too ; #i... • .,,m« . „ - ,
Tar without skillful repair, the wreck u j ml , l " iportant loK '
Just ahead. I* 00, demonstrate in a concrete-
STUARTS BUCHU AND JUNIPER ! ™ annep tho fnct that the United State*
has repaired more human Ills, relieved j He* between tho two great seas In
the strain “on weak parts and completely J the path of commerce In tho com
checked the cause tluin any otlwr invlgo- j m an# ji n » nnaftlnn «•.
rating cordial. It relieves kidney <«*- i T.." ®[ V °* l " on Europe and
eancHt catarrh of the bladder, diabetes, j A nation that must send its*
dropsy, gravel, headache, dyspepsia, pain , Helps thousands of miles around u
in the hack and side, loss of appetite* {great continent to go from ono’door
general debility, neuralgia, sleeplessness, j. fh , ,,
rheumatism anil nervousneas. SfUAlirS j J? anot,lcr "'»< able to vend
BUCHU AND JUNIPER positively re- j thft ni t.-.o rc3t of tho wiy around the-
Ilcves these diseases. At all stores, |1JK) world In oribr to return to the start
ler bottle. Write for free sample.
Stuart Drug Manufacturing Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
It may that the wolf reported In tV
vicinity cf Atlanta may turn‘out
bo an over-grown blind tiger.
Sugesta an Exchange: It would
be a great happiness to Worficn If doc
tors would have bargain daya to dose
•*-- «•*-• «ah|K
Yen may now thank the Lord If you
were not a convict or ^ knwn-0 ©( con
vict::. They have both boon catching
th?i devil.
Tom Watson says ho wonts the dem
ocrats of Georgia to "rcu^e* 'themselv
es. Well Tom they aro up and doing
lug point luroving Itself it puiver of.*
tho first multitude and I- commtn.irn;'.
by its achievement* the most ro;.. rk-
ful consideration of ntl pcoplcg.
All the rattloanolces hilled In ttnV,
nock of tho woods recently are ecld to •
hnvo had Jo, Brov/it buttons uf i:’o-
end of their rattles. However, they
nro not registered voters.
1 Let the negro who cleans the street#
and that meaas a snowing under tor »I*o clean out the drinking Vasins tag*
w ,f mf rn* J ©IMSfiMBS. h0 ” e *’ •» Ieast twlc «» wcek > *iM