Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, August 15, 1908, Image 5
THE WAYCR0S3 WEEKLY HERALD FEED WHOLESALE and RETAIL HAY, GRAIN, 8RAN, COW FEED, CRACKED CORN, '•'TTON SEED MEAL, HULL8, SHORTS, CORN CHOP, FLOUR MEAL, GRITS, ETC. We Sell at Retail at Wholesale Priees TERMS LASH I T. Q. BIBB PHONE 263 SMOKE si. M. COX, CO. FIGARO’S THE BEST ClEAB HAVANA CIGARS rCocal & Personals. PLEASANT MOMENTS STATION Gives the public this Information to avoid Uncle Sam’s condemnation Instead of through any mailed publics- tion, by hand we’ll do our circulation, and at Pleasant Moments Station, on Board or Slate for your inspection, write what you’ll want to know, as from home and back to home you go. We do try to give pleasure to the people through our entertainments; lor we are with the people, one of the people, and we are for the people, at Pleasant Moments Station. See notice of rooms for rent at 33 ick" street. V. C. PARKER, Contractor & Builder, Waycross, Georgia. BRIDGEG PARTY. A most delightful morning bridge was enjoyed by a congenial party Wed nesday morning at the Wigwam, In dian Springs. There were six tables and the game was played on the spacious western veranda of the hotel. The ladies wore cool, pretty shirt-waist suits and the entire affair was altogether Ih accord with the summer morning. The first prize was a lovely hand made bag. Among the players were: Mrs. Chas. Edwards, Savannah; Miss Myrtis Beach, Waycross; Mrs. F. S. Palmer, Miss May Quinny, Waynes boro; Mrs. A. C. Bacon, Tampa, Fla.; Isn’t It about time for Waycross Jem Mr „ c w . nanks- Mlas Mai . y w ,„. ocrats to form a Bryan and Kern club? chester Mrs F s cullum. Miss Neal ^ and others. JudM Su'd Mrs. Perham are spend- An unusually largo number of guests toe daY ,° ut at Saints Rest today.! arc enjoying the month of August and # j the dance on next Saturday night will be the largest and prettiest of the sea- Mr. Earnest tfoliV ind ’ of A,a " ,s a L isitor in the city for a * ew days KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING. F:r oneo the American had diseov ?red something British that was bet ter than anything that could be pro iuce-i “across the pond” relates the Detroit Free Preas. His discovery was a fine collie dog. and he at once tried to induce its owner, and old shepherd to sell it. “Wad ye be takln’ him to Amer! ca?” Inquired the old Scot. “Yes. I guess so.” said the Yankee. “I thousht as muckle," said the shepherd. "I couldna part wi’ Jock.” But while they sat and chattered an English tourist came up and to mui the shepherd sold the collie for much less than the American hud offered. "YOU told me you wouldn't sell him,*' said the Yankee when the purchaser had departed. "Na," replied the Scot: "I said 1 couldna part wi’ him. Jock’ll be back In a day or so, but he couldna swim tne Atlantic.” Mw Jfs the Jime The Majestic THEATER Pendleton Street 3 Moving Pictures Open From 6 To 11 P. M. PROGRAM “A Good Boy. ” “Nellie, the Beautiful Housemaid.” En chanted Glasses.” “The Jug glers.” Complete change ol Pro gram Daily. H. J. Morris •*( Manager. f I ... : j 00 * 0 * © * 0 * 0 * ©55 *0*0*0*©* 00 *0+0+0+0+ 00 + 0 * O ❖ 0 * 0 + 0 0 V. 0 + +r « * « yo £uy your Skirt I expect to leave in a few days for the North ern Markets to buy my Fall Stock and to make room for New Skirts. Every skirt on the racks WILL BE OFFERED AT A BIG REDUCTION Theso skirts include Voile, Panama and Linen some of which have only been in the store for a few days. 48 PLANT AVE THE WAYCROSS BAZAAR. R.B. POLLARD. PROP. @0 4- ©* 0*0*0* 00 *0+0*0* 0 + 0© *0*0*0*© + ©« W&nt Adds Adds under this Col umn 0 Cent* a Line. FOR RENT - Room, lu Soutbem Hotel for rent See D. ft O. Lott ANSLEY Coa * Company Co» and WooJ. Phone 22. Jeliico, the finest coal -lellverl quick. Seasoned wood, aoj length. Brewer & Slrmana, Phou> NOTICE—T ele bbone No. 20 for tinning, repairing, roofing, guttering of any kind. A, P. King ft Co. WOOD - ° et ■ vour kood, seasoned weed, any length, delivered quick from Brewer & Slrmana, Phono 206 tf r i . .. , „ v.rwoiv’d will I 0no of ,hc Ms "ow locomotives of Col, and Mrs. J. C. liCUODk. > tu a atinntn T1 . , . _ . . . . . . . t . . _ lays ll,e At * a nta, Birmingham and Atlan eave tonight for a visit of some > I.. No£th Carolina. V Myers and children of St Peters arg, Fla., are guests at the home of Jol. and Mrs. S. W. Hitch. Mr. Keen, proprietor of Georgia lottling Works will leave tonight for nllan Springs. Col. and Mrs. J. C. McDonald left t iU morning for Asheville, N. C., here they v^^spenJ some days. Miss Janie Lilly left frr her home : Quitman today. Miss Lilly has been tie recipient of many social attentions hile the guest of Miss Rawls. The reception given by Mis3 Rawls honor of her guest, Miss Janie Lilly, o Quitman, last evening was one of t e prettiest affairs of the season. Mr. R. B. Pollard accompanied by h s sister Miss Louise Rainey will It ave in a few days for Baltimore for 1 r o weeks. ^ -w I tic Railroad which will pull though passenger trains * between Wayc»’. 0Ss and Atlanta beginning next Sunday. am\ ved ln Waycross today. Six additional fuh train crows of this road are making arrangb.’ 116 "* 8 to re move their headquarters t<J 3' f ay cross and everything Is now In readiness to make Waycross the Southern tormina* point this road. ' A few more nice Linen Skirts to go at half price at - The Waycross Bazaar. Chills, FVyej Malariji sufferer^ can how obtain Wind's i.ti-fcr MgJIcind In liquid form. Regulates the liver, kidneys nnd bladder, relieve, blllnus- ness, sick headache, constlpafWih, fa tigue and weakness. It's tonic effect on the entire system is felt with the Itrst dose. Pleasant to take, Cloars tho complexion quickly. $1,00 bottle con Inins 2 1*2 times the quantity tho 60c size. Sold by Cherokee Pharmacy. HOARDERS WANTED — EITHER table boarders ol board amt rooms fur led at 41 Pendleton .trr-rt. allg3 Alt rAliLff.' - •s-i&R.. ; : o ii*f *** " E * D THE WANT ADS. FALLING OFF IN FOREIGN IMMIGRATION. New York, Aug. 13. - Immigration figures, just compiled for tho fiscal year ending June 30th shows a vast falling off in.arrivals at this port. It has amounted to almost 50 per cent, as against the figures for the fiscal year of 1907. Up to July 1st, 585.970 aliens passed through Ellis Island, last year, 1,116,- 295 foreigners arrived here. On the fiscal year Just ended approximately 600,000 foreigners left this city for their home countries. For the first years, therefore Mr. Daa Bibb Is being congratulat e -today over the arrival of a little t,me ,n Bome * rl at his home. Tho little visitor j ml * ratlon Is greater than tho Immlgra- b gins the fourth living generation on j tlon- • "*«S9 b( th her mother's and father’s side, i Mr. H. H. Burnet left this morning) fot* Grahamville, S. C„ for a visit of| several days. Mrs. Burnet has been la Grahamville, her old home, sotne time. The Brunswick base bail team ar rived In the city today and will play three games with the Waycross team, Ladies will be admitted free to all games. If you have any trading checks of The Waycross Bazaar bring them ln this month. They are not redeemable after September 1st. R. B. Pollard, Propr. years or less Waycross will QHH^ccond inland, city ln size in u^rgia. This Is assumed by our geo graphical position. Now wait and *ee and when the time comes give the Herald credit for having made the pre di’Mon. ( Senator Geo. W. Deen writes that he will return home from Atlanta to morrow. He says that the special session of the Legislature will likely be called to begin on the 22d, and he will have about ten days at home be fore hit services are again required In Atlanta. Don't fail to get yon a Voile or Pan- ama 8klrt while our sale to on DilX Si ^ mm Umar. ************* * W. L. HINSON ft CO. UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, •PHONES 64 AND 413 * * * * * ******* *** ** WHY JAMES LEE GOT WffUU Everybody in Zanesville, O.. knows Mrs. Mary Lee, on rural route 8. 8he writes: "My husband, James Leo, Arm* ly believes she owes his life t otho use of Dr. King's New Discovery. His lungs were so severely affected that consumption seemed inevitable, when a friend recommended New Discovery, We tried It and! Its use has restored him to perfect health.” Dr. Kings New Discovery Is tho king bf throat and lung remedies. For coughs and colds It has no equal. The flrst dose gives relief. Try it, Sold under guar antee at all druggists. 60c and $L0O. Trial bottle free. WANTED—Ibformatlon regard ing good patent!; only Inventor, who wishes to sell outrlffat, or on royalty basis, need answer. Give price and brief description, L. D„ Box $84, Rochester, N. Y. Have your horse shod at J. T. Mc Gee’s., 23 tfo.o.d. Ii This You? Smstfsg Is tk. grip of ilnssnies* StfTta rirstngj ■nuiae. Pit dost act $he you .welso- Sob fa CTPT wsy bring °» baft the WfV bottle sad we’ll shre you back die mflocy. TWt’i the coabMoo wo boos in StessSS RHEUMATIC CURE Nodftsowdeeonwl hoe fmi m dSTiad efccdToie curing and ft* #Tw»**SO»«4SL0» _ •SALS PHARMACY. Have your buggy rubber tire* re paired at J. T. McGee’s, 21 Albany Avenue. 23 tfe.o.d. REPUBLICAN’S DILEMMA. There is a lot of inside work going .n in the Republican party manage ment. The Republican* evidently are scared up and realize that they have hard work ahead of them in the Na tional campaign. They are arranging and rearranging their plans for the political battle . The Secretary their National Committee, through re signation and reappointment has been changed from that position to that of secretary of the advisory committee which will work ln harmony with the National Committee’! treasurer, this latter position evidently being cfnslder of more Importance In the very uncertain state of affairs of the party. This would Indicate that the matter of ampalgn finances was giving the Re publicans some trouble. It Mr. Bryan wants only half a million dollars to secure their defeat, evidently they need much more to prevent such de feat and are worried to know whence It to te come. FOR RENT —pleaHant rooma *° r light housekeeping; furnished or un furnished. Apply 33 Hicks street Id 2t FOR RENT —House No. 29 j Brunei! St., apply C. H. Andrews, 10 Gilmore. II 2e FOR RH.NT—LARGE STORE ROOM Opera House Bldg. Apply to C. W. Parker, Lo Grande Hotel BullJing. FOR RENT -Sovon room dwell ing, 24 Isabella; three 6-room dwell ings, Nos. 9, 11 and 13 Reynolds street. Apply B. D. Finn, 82 Albany Ave. FOR RENT“° n Se P t * lBt ’ dw * u * ing No, 23 Huinos Avenue, 6 rooms and bath. Also 17 Stephenson, 8 rooms. Aplpy No, 9 Haines Avenue. S. T. Bfcaton. LOST~" Botween Albany Ave., and Hn/./.ard Hill; A large amount of money roled* Up with rubber band around. Re ward of $25 will be paid If finder re turn* to Herald office. 10 3t Extraordinay Announcement! ANNUAL EXCURSION FROM WAYCROSS TO THE SPRING RESORTS , OF GEORGIA VIA Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic $5.95 ROUND TRIP $5.95 WAYCROSS TO WARM SPRINGS, MERIWETHER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS AND CHALYBEATE SPRINGS. TlckotB will bo cold August 14th, 1908 with return limit Soptomber 1st, 1908. Only 25c higher than one way faro. DON’T MISS THI8 OPPORTUNITY TO ENJOY THE DELIGHT FUL CLIMATE AND WATERS OF THESE FAMOUS REORTS. W. H. LEAHY. J. F. MAYS, General Passenger Ageift, Ticket Agcnl, At * anta - Ga - Waycross, Oa. A. P. Perham, Sr. Real TLstate Agent REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COM MISSION, A SQUARE DEAL AND NO ... SPECULATING ON YOUR PROPERTY " for sale; * The olj Joe' bomo No 166’ WANTED -F "r a cnaiomer k Plant Avenue, now belonging lo JalHoJ F. Creel, ono of tho moJ* 1 comfortable p d ,ot “ s near too business por- homos In tho city, Lights,' Well, ‘*° n 011 0 aB P08B,b, °* to cost not Largo Barn, Fine Location, r ) rnoro thaa $300. Plvc mo discretion of Apply soon for I Intend to sell this property. Also beautiful npw nlno room house GARIE LANO-3 FARM AT WAYCROSS, GA, loo acres, about 45 acros cultivated, belonging lo Mrs. R. B. Ballard. Just a small pasture, part wlro and rail built In Central Park, a complote dome fences,two wells of good wator, fram- In a dealreable section. Largo lot not ed house with 6 rooms, two barns and far from business center of the city stables, about 1-2 mile out of Incorpo. And necessary outbuildings. Also IDO of the best lota In River, side Park. Also the Sweat farm, 4 miles from the city containing 1(0 seres, lying on and near the river. Fine for truck farming and stock raising. Alto alx desirable unimproved Iota In Conway Annex. ration, possession given Jan. 1, 1909. Prlco $3,000, $1,000 cash, balance 3 yours at 8 per cent. Caih down $2,600 Plenty of pine and cypress tlmbor, public, road running by front gate, place has been uaed tor dairy and 'Oaa all conveniences for same, all In fair condition. Terms up to first of Deo- ombor, 1908. List your proporty with me and both buyer and teller will barn a square •••••••• ) deal.. IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A BARGAIN IN REAL ESTATE SEE ME. A. P, PERHAM, SR., RBAI. ESTATB. FOR RENT -Croom 1,ou,e . 46 Reed street, with all conveniences. Ap ply 63 Eads street. THE BEAUTIFUL HOME OP J. E. BOWDEN, ON CARSWELL 8TREET, IS FOR SALE. A QUICK PURCHASER CAN GET A BARGAIN. THE MAGN1FICANT BOWDEN HOME ON CARSWELL STREET WILL REMAIN ON THE MARKET A SHORT TIME ONLY. SEE MR. BOWDEN ABOUT IT QUICK. tf HOW TO AVOID APPENDICITIES. Those who are habitually constipat ed. Foley's Orino Laxative curea chronc constipation by stlrnujatlng the liver and bowels. Foley's Orino Laxa tive does not nauseate or gripe and It mild and pleasant to take. Refute substitutes. Central and Union Phar macy. JUST EXACTLY RIGHT. FRESH GEORGIA BUTTER IN 1 LB. BLOCKS, ONLY 2S AND 30 CT8 POUND, JUST RECEIVED AT MUTUAL GROCERY CO. ' SS PENDLETON ST. PHONE MS GRAND EXCURSION TO Macon an® Atlanta Wednesday Aug, 19$ *08 8pcda! Train will leavo Jesup 9:40 A. M. Rate for round trip to Macon $3.00, to Atlanta, $4,50. Tickets will bo good to leave destination on any regularpnssenger tratn up to and in cluding train leaving Atlanta 12:40 A, M. and Macon 3:25., A. M. Augut 23. This will be the only cheap excursion to Macon and Atlanta this season, so don’t miss It. There are many things of Interest to see and delightful places to visit In and around the great City of At lanta, and the beautiful City of Macon. 4pply to the nearest Ticket agent of Southern Railway for further infor mation, tickets, etc. J. L. MEEK, O. R. PETTIT, A. O. P. A„ Atlanta, Oa. T. P. A., Macon, Oa. WAYCROSS RESTAURANT Tray Brown. Prop. 0PEH ALL NIGHT. Phone 201 Tha Very choicest things are aerved hare at all time. Right now delicious Spring Calckent line fresh and salt water Flab are on menu today. Our club aandwlshes are always good our regular dinner for 35 cants to the. beat meal yonr money can buy. Better dine with u today and eet here regularly while poor family 1a away.