Newspaper Page Text
Notice of weave to sel.
RT OP ORDINARY, Ware county
August Term. 1908.
e written petition of G. P. Wash-
i, as administrator of the estate
>0 na Polite, deceased, praying for
to sell the land of said deceased
jng been duly filed and It appear-
tiiat notice of same has been pub*
led as required by law. That it is
isary for the purpose of distri-
loo that said land be sold and no
tlon being fixed thereto, it is or-
by the court that said adminis-
be and is hereby granted leave
for the purpose aforesaid, the
ig described land of said deceas-
II that tract or parcel of land
ig and being in the City of Way-
,g, Ware County, Georgia, com
, c lng at the southeast corner of
nson, and P. Streets, running
0 ce easterly along Johnson street
[[stance of one hundred and five
[) feet to lands of McGraw Bros,
oce along said land of McGrawn,
i„ a distance of one hundred and
feet (105) feet to an alley, thence
■t along said alley a distance of
hundred and five (105) feet to
street, thence north along said F
eet a distance of one hundred and
105) feet to Johnson street, the
dii n t and place of beginning,
ug. 7tn 1908.
dmJnislrator Estate Anna Polite.
te of Georgia, County of Ware.
[’ill be sold before the Court House
at Waycross, Ware county, G.eor-
during the legal hours of salo on
first Tuesday in September A. D.,
the following described property
wit: All those two several tracts
land located in Ware county. Geor
and in the 1231'’ District G. M., of
county, being portions of land
No. 122 In the 8th Land District of
county and described as follows,
a) Tract Number 1. Commencing
the intersection of lands now or
marly belonging to W. M. Harbin
Johnson Ave., said Avenue being
part of public road leading from
lycross, Georgia to Waltertown,
jrgla. thence running west from said
.1743 feet and bounded on north
said land now or formerly b.elong-
to said Harbin, and thence running
ith 1130 feet; thence east parallel
first line 2115 feet, and thence
along said Johnson Avenue as
iresaid 1189 feet to point of begin-
together with all and singular the
tements, buildings, rights, mem
'll! appurtenances thereunto be-
saving and excepting the
swing crop now on said tract,
jb) Tract Number 2. Commencing
a point in the run of kettle Creek
10 feet West from the Northwest
of said first above described tract,
ice East 1510 to the northwest cor-
of said first above tract; thence
iuth along West line of said first
tract 1130 feet to the Southwest
rner of said first above described
ict; thence West 1420 feet to run
Kettle Creek, thence with the run
said creek to point of beginning, sub-
ct to a reservation of the pine timber
ereon reserved for turpentine pur-
for four years from January
t., 1905, and also subject to a strip
20 feet‘wide along the entire Eas-
rn side of the above described land
be left open for the use of the pub-
c as a road, together with all and
ngular the improvements, rights,
embers and appurtances thereunto
eionging, saving and excepting any
rowing crop that may be now on
Also at the same time and place
en (10) shares Certificate number 37;
nd 25 shares Certificate Number 4&.
the capital stock of the First Nar
tonal £ank, of Waycross, Georgia, of
be par value of One Hundred Dol*
ars ($100) per share. The said real
tate and the said bank stock levied
as the property of A. Sessoms to
tisfy that certain execution Issued
>ut of the City Court of Waycross,
Georgia, on the 9th day of June 1908
ipon a Judgement obtained in said
:ourt upon said 9th day of June 1908
favor of the Brunswick Bank and
Trust Company, vs. The EnBign Man
ufacturing Company, as maker, and
Bailey ft Parker (a firm composed of
8. Bailey and G. Q. Parker) and J.
Bailey and G. G. Parker as Individ
uals, and A. Sessoms and R. E. Brels-
enick as endorsers, for the principal
sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5000.-
,) interest to June 9th., 1908 $261.10,
ttorney’i fees $526.10; $23.50 aa costs
all future costs and interest on
principal at 7 per cent from the 9th
4iy of June 1908. Written notice
given the said defendant A. Sessoms
and tennanta In possession of said
real estate and written notices given
to A. Sessoms, and A. M. Knight,
President; George W. Deed, Vice-
President; and J. W. Bellinger, Cash
ier, of the First National Bank of
Waycross, Georgia, of such levy on
the said capital stock of said bank as
Georgia, Ware County.
Will be sold before the door of the
Court House of said County on the
first Tuesday in September, 1908, with
in the legal hours of sale, to the high
est bidder for cash, the following des
cribed property in said County, to-wit:
The saw mill plant of the Ensign
Manufacturing Company, located upon
the saw mill site of said company on
land lot number two hundred of the
8th District of said County, lying just
West-of the City of Waycross, and des
cribed as follows:— AH that certain
saw mill machinery, saw mill fixtures
including engines, boilers, saws, and
saw carriages and all other equip
ments use-l in and about and In con
nection with the sa wmlll business of
said company and located upon said
saw-mill site; and also all the lumber
and logs upon the saw-mill grounds
of said company at said saw-mtll site;
alfo that certain railroad or tram
road track, beginning at the saw-mill
of the Bailey Mfg. Co., in the City of
Waycross, Georgia, and extending in
a Southwesterly direction a distance
of about one a half miles to said Baw
mill of the Ensign Manufacturing Co.,
—said property having been levied on
and to be sold as aforesaid as the prop
erty of said Ensign Manufacturing Co.
under and by virtue of an execution
issued from the City Court of Way
ci css in favor Chas. J. Haden against
said Ensign Manufacturing Company,
as maker,' *-. G. Parker and J. S. Bailey
securities and W. W. Sharpe and
W B. Ellington, as endorsers, said fi.
fa. having been transferred to the
Third National Bank of Atlanta, Geor-
gia^-for whese benefit said levy was
Tills Au'-»i»rt 6th, 1908.
She: hi. Ware County, Georgia.
GEORGIA—Ware County.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have applied to the ordin
ary of said county for leave to sell
land belonging to the estate of Anna
Polite for the purpose of distribution.
Said application will be heard at the
regular term of the court of ordnary
for said county to be held on the 1st
Monday In August, 1908. This July
11, 1908. G. P. Washington,
Will be sold on the first Tuesday In
September next at public outcry at
the court house door, in said county
within the legal hour* of sale to the
highest bidder for cash the following
The western half of lot (No. 7) seven
numbering east from Gilmore street,, 1
running back south parallel lines from
Williams street, one hundred feet
fronting north thirty feet on Williams
street, bounded east by half of lot
number seven and west by lot num
ber six (6) with all improvements
Said property levied on as the pro
perty of J. R. Whitman to satisfy
execution Issued from the city court
of Waycross, Ware county in favor
of Chas. S. Hirsch & Company against
the Wayne Brick Company, a partner
ship, ns makers and said J. It. Whit
man et al. as endorsers, said property
being in possession of J. R. Whitman.
Tills 3rd day of August, 1908.
D. A. Woodard, Sheriff, W. C.
Waycross, Ga., June 19, 1908.
Notice is hereuy given that the
partnership heretofore existing be
tween G. A. Thornton and J.
Thornton under the name of Thornton
Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual
consent, G. A. Thornton having bought
the Interest of J.\M. Thornton. G. A.
Thornton will hereafter own and con
duct the business and will be
sponsible for its debts and he alone is
entitled to collect the accounts and
debts due to said firm or said com
G. A. Thornton,
J. M. Thornton.
Unde:* and by virtue of a power of
sale contained In a certain mortgage
executed by W. W. Sharpe of said
County to the Mayor and Council of
the City of Waycross, on the 9th day
of June, 1903, and recorded in the
office of the Clerk of the Superior
Court o' said County In Mortgage
Book "B" pa go 434, the undersigned
will se|l at public outcry, to the high
est bidder* for cash, at the door oi
the court house of said county In Way-
cross, Georgia, within tlia legal hours
of sale, on Tuesday the 14th day oi
July 1908, the following real estate,
tc wit:
All of lots two aundred and thlr*.
jIx (236) and two hundred and thirty
reven (237) in tire 8th District of
Ware county Georgia, each containing
four hundred and ninety (490) acres,
more cr less;
Said sale being for the purpose of
psyhu a certain promissory note exe
cuted by said W. W. Sharpe to tb»
Mayor and Council of the City 0*,
Waycross for the principal »um ot
$1,2D3.CC, dated June 9tn, 1905 and
due twelve months after date, sau
bearing lutorest from May 16th, 1905,
t*. 8 per cent per annum, together
with 10 per cent attorney’s fees; the
total amount-'due on said note being i
un the day of tale $1,293.60, principal,
$327.70 Interest and $162.13 attorney’s
feus, together with costa of this pro
ceeding; said mortgage having been
i.-ado for purpose cf securin'? the
payment of tajd indebtedness; and
proper conveyance will be executed
to the purchaser or purchasers of
said lands.
This 20th day of June, 1903.
The Mayor and Council of the City
yl Waycross,
By A. Mj KNIGHT Mayor.
“Landlord, Ibis soup U frightfully
1 am sorry, air, but the cook la
very careless.’
“Then why don't you discharge her?”
"Unfortunately, f can't”
"Why not?"
i . . - . . . . „ "8he'» my wife."—Illustrated Bits.
required by law. Levy made by H.
I of Wuk*. MCfct to bo Mac enmeshing la At-
_ "• A wiwiinir. Uitta tokr mmA we bass Cur cm
\' m Sheriff OHr 9omi oC Warorsss- 1 ™ w
Sealed proposals, or auction bids,
as may be decided upon at the time,
will be received by the undersigned
up until 12 o'clock noon, August 14th,
1908, at site of proposed bridge, for
the construction of a steel highway
bridge across Satllla river, near the
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad bridge
between Ware and Pierce counties,
Plans and specifications to be shown
on the day of the lotting or upon those
now on file in the offices of the Ordin
aries of Ware and Pierce counties.
Georgia. Bidder will be required to
deposit a certified chock for One
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) as
evidence of good faith, before submitt
ing their respective bids.
The right la reserved to reject any
or all bids.
Ordinary Pierce county, Geeorgia.
Ordinary and er-offlcio Chairman,
County Commissionors, Ware co, Ga,
County Commissioners, Ware Co., Ga.
By virtue of an order from the Court
of Ordiuary of Waro County, will be
sold at public outcry on the first Tues
day in July, 1908, at the Court House
door In said county, between the legal
uours o£ sale the following described
property to wit: All that tract or
cd ut land lying and being in the
t.ity <•£ Waycross, in what is known
e* Old Nine, und described as follows:
Beginning one hundred and fifteen feet
eusi of the intersection of street
and Sdtllla Lane, thence running along
said Lane ninety eight feet, thence
northerly at right angles sixty three
and one half feet, thenco easterly at
right angles ninety eight feet, thence
southerly sixty three and one half feet
to point of beginning. The terms of
said sale are cash.
June inn, 1908.
Administrator of the estate of Fanny
JtV n!.OU.
EORGIA—Ware County. M ^
To AH whom it may concern:
♦ lOier Jones, having ip proper form
. plied to me for permanent letters
of administration on the estate cf
George Hardy late of said county, this
to dte all and singular the credi
tors and next of kin of George Hardy
o be and appear at my office within
the time allowed by law and show
cause If any they can, why permanent
administration should not be granted
to Vloler Jones on George Hardy’s
estate. Witness my hand ar.d official
signature, this Uth day of July 1908.
Warren Lott. Ordinary.
Notice Is hereby given that C. M,
Sweat; J. M. Cox; Shepherd Bradley
Watson; John T. Harvard and L. V.
Williams, all of the county of Ware
State of Georgia, propose to file with
the Hon. Philip Cook, Secretary of
State, State of Georgia, their petition
asking that they, their associate*,
successors, and assigns be made a
body corporate under tho laws of tue
State of Georgia for a period of 99
ears, under the name of “The Mer-
chants’ Adjustment Company." That
the object of said association is to en
gage In and carry on the business of
an assessment, cooperative fire in
surance company. That the plan of
said association Is purely mutual, or
cooperative and that there will be no
capital stock. The petitioners show
that they. In good faith Intend to go
forward aa toon as Incorporated and
organize said company, with its prin
cipal office In Waycross, Georgia,
complying with all taws of said state
oft Georgia.
C. JL Sweat
J. U. Cox.
Shepherd Bradley Wate-jn
John T- Harvard.
Foreclosure By Advertisement Under
Power of Sale.
Under and by virtue and power of
sale contained in a certain instru
ment of writing executed by C. N.
Wilkinson and W. J. Murray, partners
under name of Wilkinson and Murray,
dated the 25th day of October, 1906.
and recorded in the office of the clerk
of the Superior Court of Liberty coun
ty on the 28th day of April 1908 in
book of mortgages “A-P’ Pago 506
and recorded In the office of the clerk
of the Superior Court of Ware coun
ty on the 28th day of November 1900
in mortgage book "5” Page 90. The
undersigned will sell at public outcry
at the court house door in said county
during the legal hours ot sale to the
highest bidder for cash on tho first
Tuesday In August 1908 the following
property to wit:
One 9x12 cylinder 20 horse power.
Frick Eclipse engine No. 12518 mount
ed on 25 horse power boiler and boilei
iron wheels with six inch tires
with Injector attached aud otherwise
complete; one 6x8 cylinder, Frick
Eclipse detached stationary engine
No. 12403 complete with foundation
bolts, etc., one No. 1 Frick EcJJjwe
saw mill No. 4140 with 36 feet car
riage, 105 feet ways, four head blocks.
Idler and frame, etc., one 52 7x8 guage
No. 3 Iloe I. T. saw, 36 inch cut oil
8zw, 30 inch mandrel, 50 foot 12 Inch
4 ply and 30 feet 8 inch 4 ply rubber
For tho purpose of paying foui
certain notes for tbs sum of 386.95
each executed and delivered by C. N.
Wilkinson and W. J. Mum# undei
name and stylo of Wilkinson & Mur
to Avery & Co., on the 25th day
of January, April, July and October,
»7 ar.d duly stipulating interest
«vm maturity at the rato of 8 per
cut per annum and ten percent at-
feesT tI-‘» total amount du«
n said notes beln . $1,748.68, (again
r with the co-t of this proceeding
under power of sale In said instru
ment given. Said mill and flxturas
aforesaid bolng located ut Glenmore
In Waro county, Georgia, where the
same will bo delivered to tho purchas-
This July 6tb, 1908.
By virtue of an order of the court
of Ordinaryy of said county, granted
at tho July term, 1908 will be sold be
fore the court house door of said coun
ty, on Saturday, the 8th day of August
1908, within the legal hours of sale,
the following property of tho estate
of Jacob M. Stigor, deceased, to wit:
One grist .mill and the equipments
thereof, situated at Glenmore, Waro
county, Georgia. Terms, cash.
This July 25. 1908.
Aug 8. J. T. MYERS.
Notic; is hereby given that tho co
partnership heretofore existing be
tween Don J. Cason and E. L. Gorman,
under tho firm of Don J. Cason & Co.,
is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. Don J. Cason retires from the
firm and the business will bo continued
at the same stand, comer of Parrallol
and E streets by E. L. Gorman under
tht name of E. L. Gorman. The said
E. L. Gorman assumes all liabilities of
the firm and ail accounts due tho firm
are payable to him.
6 July 13, 1D0S.
Don J. Cason.
E. -i. Gorman.
Georgia;—Ware County.
To all whom It may concern: —
W. J. Carswell, having In prope.
form applied to mo for permanent let
ters of. administration on the estate
B. J. Smith, late of said county,
this is to cite all and singular tho
creditors and next of kin of B. J.
Smith, to be and appear nt my office
within the time allowed by law and
show cause If any they can, why per
manent administration should not *„e
granted to W. J. Carswell, on B. J.
Smith’s estate.Witness in; bond and
official signature this 10th day of July
Vloter Jones, administratrix of the
estate of George Hardy, lato of said
county deceased, having applied to
the court #f Ordinary of said county
for leave to sell the following described
real estate: One acre, more or less in
Jot No. 158 in the 8th District of War#
county, Georgia, bounded on north by
Atlantic Coast Line Right of Way and
private dirt road or street; on east,
south and west by lands of Mrs. Mag
gie L. Williams, for the purpose of pay
ing debt and distribution.
All persons concerned are required
to show cause in said pourt by the first
Monday In September next, If any they
can, why said application should pot
be granted.
This 3rd day of August, IMS.
WARREN.. LOTT, Ordnary.
ior a few minute, of your time. No ono who Hti
■ home to llvo In con afford to ml.* thl> truly
To Mour* FREE of charge a Clock, the
mod Important thing In the homo. And
«uch a Clock, toot BEAUTIFUL COLO
To get this beautiful Clock
FREE is the simplest thing In
the world. All you have to do
Is write me a postal card and
say you want to get it. Z will
then Bond you by mall, pre
paid. a carefully wrapped
package of bandaome portralta
of George Washington, and
aak you to $how them to your
These portraits are copies of
Iho best known painting of the
first President of the United
States, and are different from
and handsomer than any plo>
ture ©f the kind you evec
This Is just ths picture
for tho dining-room or sit
ting room. and. because ths
very name George Wash
ington strengthens the love
of home and country in old
and young alike, everybody
will want one of them and
will be glad to pay for It
on the liberal proposition
Z will authorise you to
make. You only have toi
collect t» In this way to 1
make this Glorious crock
yours forever. _
In addition to the Clock I hare two other lovely pnaent. which I will gird
you—two more hendaom. ornament, which anyone who love, a Dr.Ur homo
will b. d.ll.tited with. On. of th... «fft.J will.end to ylu PRES AND PRE*
PAID «■ soon »■ I th. co.l.f card with your urn, on It. Th. other
on. 1 will tlv. to you (u.t for b«!n» prompt In following I— s
will toll you nil about tho ncond extra ,1ft. when I tend t
t will do u won «• I hear from you, .o'*”*-— —* “
school. Wo here contracts with Nt'lroitd* U .. .....
JYi* a Position for Each vf Our Cradoatvs. q Gaoj ih
Slif.OO Per Month, .
I Wrlto today tot llntift'iomcly. Illustrated Catalog.
Course, ty Kill. J. O. BAGWELL, Prut., 196 r-cachlreo !
Taken night and morning it relieves INDIGESTION,
and all tho ills coming from a neglected LIVER.
CONSTIPATION U one of tho curaos of civilization and tho
many Injurious nostrum, taken for relief only help tho troublo.
. Thq hwyl» By freed it th. thn. cd thetilweiwAin bot they M» left
Macon. C-orfl.
One Mol will convince
- you that
Sloaurts ,
will relieve soreness and
stiffness quicker and easier
than any other preparation
sold for that purpose.
It penetrates to the bone,
quickens the blood, drives _
away fatigue and gives strength'
and elasticity to the muscles.
Thousands useStoarfs Liniment
for rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache,
sprains, contracted muscles..stiff
joints, cuts, bruises, bums. (
or colic and Insect stings.
,PRICE 25t,SO«.
Dr.Cori 5.Sloon,Bojton.M«sj,U
A Panacea tor Dfeeaaoa for a hundred year,, Ka medicinal bath,
an obtainable at the W1(wan only tCOVILLE area. (The New Hot*
rle Hotel, Biraloaham, Ala., anJer the