Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, September 05, 1908, Image 4

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THE WAYCROSa WEEKLY HERALD, SPELLBINDERS GET NO CASH. S'othlnx show. *o clearly that the Republican campaign committee Is without funds as the announcement o Chairman Hitchcock that tola year Re publican spellbinders will not be paid for their work. It Is even announced that Conisrossman, when maitlnx a perches In their own states, will not tie paid their traveling eapensei. There was a time, and It Isn’t so very Iona ago when the spellbinders of each of the great political parties depended upon tho railroads for free transportation, but that time Is passed. No passes arc issued to Congressmen. They have to pay their fare Just like ordi nary people. It mutt go much against the grain of a Congressman to have to put hi* hand In hit pocket for rail road fare when campaigning for some body else, or even for himself. It has been evident from reports that have leaked out lately that the Republicans are feeling the pinch of poverty In their campaign work. In former years they had all the money they needed. In some year* they had enough to buy votes In every doubtful states. The blocks of five campaign Is atlll remembered. In those years of plenty the great corporations con tributed liberally, but their officials didn't contribute their own money. They gave the money of the stock holders of the corporal Ion they dom inated, and tho stockholders knew nothing about the matter. It doubt less often bappenod that the money of Democrats was given to help elect a Republican ticket. Chairmen Hitchcock takes the mat ter philosophically. He says Senators and Representatives will he called on to make speeches, and that they will give their services for love of party and the cause they represent. There for there will bo a higher class of ora tory. Tho people will bo enlightened by hearing tho doctrines of the party explained liy men who really under- stand thjnm. Thnt is ono way of looking at the matter, but. a*a rule. gouty old Sena tors nnd busy representatives are not tho boat campaigner*. They don't draw the crowds. Ilonco there Is like ly to be a lack of enthusiasm. It Is certain that If the Republicans had a full treasury the ablest speakers mon ey conl.l get would he the spellbinders the Republican campaign committee would endeavor to unt. As the money Isn’t forthcoming the committee will have to do tno lwst It can. Just ut present It doesn't look as If the Repub licans would succeed In making their campaign n very exciting one.— News, If Taft iias no belter luck catching rotes than ho lately had catching fish bo Is In the 23 hole. wj. The Democrats are importuning Judge Parker to accept the nomination for governor of Now York. If ho should do so there will he something doing In the empire state for a fact. “Good I/ord, deliver ua from the Georgia Democrat who says he Is go ing to vote for Taft." says the Bruns wick News. There are no Georgia democrats going to vote for Taft. There can be no such thing ns a Taft ^democrat.—Columbus Knqulrer-8un. No we 'haven’t hoard a word from , John Temple Graves since he went to the hospital and had his democracy cut out.—Coluntbua Knqulrer Sun. But you may rest assured thnt he atm retains hta egotism and self-con- celt, and Hearet’a money.—Marietta Journal. . „„ FOR HAY FEVER. Pe-ru-na it SnuUmtt Uui With Em- ttllent Reiultt. A CASE IN POINT, M ISS MAYME E. SMITH, 444 East Mound St., Colnmbos, Ohio, writes t “Have need Parana for catarrh and hay fever. The results being remark* able, I can highly recommend It to all who are suffering with the above dls* esses. I am happy to be able to say It has helped me wonderfully." What la known aa hay fever la In reality endemic catarrh, a catarrhal condition of the nose, throat, some* times the bronchial tabes, Induced by some local irritant. « The Irritation Is generally dne to vega* tsl emanations of some sort. Hay has been suspected as being tho cause of this malady, hence its name, hay fever. It has been attributed to rag wood and other vegetation also. It Is a Tory capricious disease, coming and going. A modlclne that will holpone case may not help another. Much treatment has always been very uncertain and unsat* lsfactory. Parana helps some cases without a doubt, although It Is not claimed to be an infallible remedy for such cases. Man-a-lin the Ideal Laxative. * The result In Vermont pleases Taft. Well no respectable democrat has been expecting much from Vermont. Taft will need several Vermont’s before ho reaches the White House. Hon. Seal) Wright has Just returned from Ohio and Indiana, und says It looks like Bryan, aa the Independent labor and prohibition vote is for hint. They are telling It around that next Monday Is "labor Jay." Hopo we won't labor any harder next Monday than we have to every other day. THE BEAUTIFUL HOME qF J. E, T. BOWDEN, ON CARSWELL 8TREET, 18 FOR BALE. A QUICK PURCHASER CAN GET A BARGAIN. BLACKSMITH &. WHEF.L WRIGHT ' “Well air. 1 ' aald the old farmer," this here durtied red-taped government Is ** lh« devil. Why, you’ve got ter stand a Trglar school examination fer every thing! Fust, they turned John down Far the rural carrier .lest kazo he didn't know nothin* *bont spellin’ an* 'rlth- metlc. an' now they won't take him In the army kaxe he’s how-legged in leg and knock-kneed In the other! How ttn they expect people to llro happy ■Oder a government like that?” *• 4- An Indiana paper saya that 8unday mad Day are the names of two farmers near Martinton. Sunday baa five sons wad Day five daughters. Three of the 8*aday boys have already marrtet Day ffrlm. With the other two broth ers courting the remaining slaters, tt looks as though every day would be Banday by and bye.—Ex. TW» hope there will be little Sunday* • enough to be named after every day ita the -week. ^’Tfce Transvaal gold mines made a WMgh record |Mt month, their out- pal retching *00,000 Qunoe. or about gll.tw.000. That would make a year. 2y tale of aboat $1*0,004,000 In produc- Hob. Nor la there any Indication of a d (Old output at aay Important Ml la the world. Too indication, aaw are that the total production tor M wilt he the largest la history; al af which ought to make far better paateeea coadltioaa practically eveey wVre.—New. BLACKSMITH WORK OF ALL KINDS. HORSE SHOEING. BUGGY AND WAGON REPAIRING. Can cure Trush. special attention Klven to nil illscaiea ol the (ecL „ Prompt Service And Satisfactory Work GAURANTEEO Will Ulmer, Tebeau St Rear Herald Office, Established 1893 Established 1893 We are now showing a new line of Fall and Win® ter Dress Goods in Silk and Woolen weaves. We can supply your wants in pretty goods for school dress. Ginghams, Madrass and White goods. Look our stock over and you will find good values and bargain prices. HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON A GOOD JUMP can’t be made by every horse. They must be trained to it Good feed, thor.gh, makes frisky horses. When you aay. HE FEELS HIS OATS you refer to his being well fed. We are careful In stocking up on feed, to see it’s fresh, sweet and clean. In or* dering our feed you don’t have to bother as to whether It’s good or not, That’s worth something and doesn'a Varnedoe. Brick! Brick!! Before you buy brick in any quaintity, it will pay y ou to in vestigate wbat we bave to offer. It depends very much ontbe size Brick ycu get as to bow many hundred cr thousand you [will bave to buy j for tbe job. We Have The Large Brick. P. N. HARLEY HARDWARE CO, ■| PRACTICALLY ALL PAINT MANUFAC- URERS &IDEALES THINK THEY HAVE THE BESTi PAINT WATT RARDWAREJ COMPANY WATT HARDWARE COMPAMY •J* *Jo Oja *Ja *Jo *|o * * W. L. HINSON A CO. 4. UNDERTAKERS AND 4. EMBALMERS, 4. ■PHONES S< AND 413 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. Weak Women buifck u» wanillqMfchrtagyjfrga liaawwl Dr. Shoop’s Nig'ht Cure ■ "ALL DEALERS" TH E1PAINTER KNOWS Aik Kim about this Brand before you When the itomach heart or kldeuy nerves get weak, then these organs always falL Don’t drug the Stomach nor stimulate the heart or kidneys. That Is simply a make id 1ft. Get a prescription known to druggliti ■verywhere aa Dr. Shoop’s Restorative The Reatoratlre la prepared especially for theae weak Inside nerves. Streng then these nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoop’s Restorative—tablets or liq uid—and see bow quickly help will come. Sold by al dealers. THE beautiful home of j. e. T. BOWDEN, ON CARSWELL STREET. IS FOR BALE. A QUICK PURCHASER CAN GET A BARGAIN. Have your horse shod at j. T. Me- Oee-a.. , 23 tf ajo.<L FOR SORE FEET. *1 nave round Buckten. Arnica 8alve to he the proper thing to nao for eon feet, ae well aa for healing bnrna, aorta, cote, aad all manner of abra- L" writes Mr. W. Stone, of East Poland Maine. It la the peeper thing too for pUsa. Try It! 8old under guarantee at an <n| (tno* Mo The Waycross Bakery WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE STORE AT THE COTTINGHAM BUILDING. YOU CAN GET ANY THING IN THE UNE OF BAKERY GOODS. WE HAVE FRESH BREAD, AND ROLLS IVERY DAY. AND A GOOD ASSORT MENT OF NICE, FRE8H CARES, AND PIES, TICKETS ARE GOOD, WE ARB OPEN SOON IN THE MORNING AND CLOSE LATE AT NIGHT, OUR -PHQNE IB 72. Tke Waycross Bakery n.L MAUN, PNfi WHY JAME8 LEE GOT WELL. Everybody In Zanesville, O., knows Mra. Mary Lee, on rural route 8. She writes: “My husband, James Lee, firm ly believes abe owe* his life t othe us® of Dr. King's New Discovery. Hla lungs were so severely affected that consumption seemed Inevitable, When a friend recommended New Discovery, We tried it and its use haa restored him to perfect health'” Dr. King** New Discovery L the king of throat and lung remedies. For cough* and colds It has no equal. The first dose give* relief. Try it. Sold under guar antee at all druggist*. 60c and $LQ0. Trial bottle free. August time tell* on the nerve*. But that spirit less, no ambition feeling can be easily and quickly altered by taking what is known by drug gists every where as Dr. Shoop’s Res torative. Within 48 hour* after be ginning to use the Restorative, im provement wil be noticed. Of course, full health will not immediately re turn. The gain, however, will surely follow. And beat of all you will real ize and feel your strength and ambi tion as it ia returning. Outside Influ ences depress first the "nside nerve then the stomach, heart and kidneys will usually fall. Strengthen these falling nerves with Dr. Shoop’s Res- toratiive and see how quickly health will be yours again. Sold by all Deal ers. Cured Hay Fever and 8ummer Cold. A. S. Nusbaum, BatesviUe. Indiana, write*: "Last year I suffered for 3 months with a summer cold so dis tressing that It interfered with my business. In many of the symptoms of hay fever, and a doctor’s prescrip tion did not reach my case, and I took several medlclnces which seemed only to aggravate It. Fortunately I Insist ed upon having Foley’s Hohey and Tar It quickly cured me. My wife has since used Foley's Honey and Tar with the same success. Central and Un ion Pharmacy. Weak women should read my “Book No. 4, for Women.” It tells of Dr. Shoop’s Night Cure. Tells how these soothing, healing antiseptic supposi tories, bring quick and certain help. The book Is free. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine Wis. All deals. For tli* next ten days wo will sell the famous Jewel tailor made shirts at reduced prices. 2.50 shirts for 82.00: |2.00 shirts for $1.50. The Waycross Pressing Club, F. L, Page Prop. tf. No one Is Itnune from kidney trouble so just remember that Foley’s Kid ney remedy will stop th,e Irregularities and cure any case of kidney or blad der trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. Central and Un ion Pharmacy. Served as coffee, the new coffe sub stitute known to grocers everywhere as Dr. Shoop’s Health Coffee, will trick even an expert. Not a grain’of real coffee In it either. Pure health ful toasted grains, malt, nuts, etc., have been so cleverly blended as to give a wonderfully satisfying taste and flavor. And t Is “made in a min ute”, too. No tedious 20 to SO minutes boiling. The Waycross Grocery Co., the Mutual Grocery Co, LB. BLOCKS, ONLY 25 AND 30 CT8 POUND, JUST RECEIVED AT tf. MUTUAL GROCERY CO Compound I.AX Vl'IVK PAINE’S COMPOUND LAXATIVE SYRUP FOR STOMACH AND LIVER Does No! Sicken or Gripe mice aa com r Buy your Groceries from the old reliable Groc ery store THE CO. Wilson - Block PHONE 128 WAYCROSS PRESSING CLUB F. L. PAGE, Prop. 25 Pendleton Street, Phone 345 Repairing, Steam Cleaning and Dying, Reblocking Hats. Ladies Work a Specially. Telephone And Have Our Wagon Call For *he beat bicycle tires at the least price OM 1. T. McGee, 31 Al baay Avenue. 23 tf e.o.d. Pain anywhere .topped IA JO mlnu tea sure with one of Dr. Shoo/* Pink Pain Tablets. The formula la oa the 23-cent box. Ask your doctor or drug- sat about the formula! Stops woman ly pains, headaches, pains anywhere. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wi*., for free trial, to prove value of hi. Head- ache or Pink Pain Tablet.. Sold by all Dealers. SHE LIKES GOOD THINGS. Mrs. Cbu. E. Smith, of West Frank- Ha, Maine, aaya: “I like good thing, and bave adopted Dr King's New Lite Pllto at our family laxative medicine, became they are good and do their work without making a tuai about It.” These painless purifiers sold at all drug atores. 25c EXCELLENT HEALTH ADVICE. Mra. M. M. Davison, of No. 379 Clif ford Ava„ San Jos* Cal. says: “The worth of Electric Bitten aa a general family remedy, for headache, btlHous- nets and torpor of tha Urer and bow els la so pronounced that I am prompt ed to aay a word hi Ita favor, tor tha benefit of final seeking relief from tuch afflictions. Then la more health for the digestive organ, in a bottle of Electric bitten than aay othar tame- edy I know a-.- gold under guana- tNuimmh Hi GINGER ALE THE HEALTHFUL SUMMER DRINK “RED KEEN’* GINGER ALE. ; ’vJHE BEST OF ALL Sold by tho cite from the Fac tory or at Soda Fount!. Mixed Sods’, delivered anywhere In the City. WOOD! WOODI! Best Stove Wood Deliverd at Your door $2.50 Cord. Georgia Bottlingworks D.LkEEN, Prop. TELEPHONE NO. 837. Real Estate = Insurance Rea to Collected •end Taxes Paid for Non Residents > vmim a,iMi M t W. W. SHARPE, Jr* PWmM . 18PtaSsMa,St