Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, September 12, 1908, Image 3
i«»ai .1 ii r* ^■ rt -*n-frrr^tTi , ^ti»fwnpifi< mi i n^mim imtuim WHY SUFFER LONGER? * 0-* 9 * 9 * 9 * 0® * ® * ® * ® 4> 0 * 0® * ® * ® * ® * ® 4* + @ ^ j + ® + 0 © * 9 + 9 * 9 + 0 * 9® 4. © 4. ® •>. ft THE HUMAN MIND CANNOT PERFORM IT8 FUNCTIONS. WHEN THE BODY IS AFFLICTED WITH IRRITATING DISEASES THEY ARE PAINFUL AND LOATHQftuv * TORTURING—ENERVATING, AND DESTROY MENTAL AND PHYSICAL ENERGY. TETTER AND ECZEMA ARE THE MOST COMMON FORMS OF 8KIN DISEASES. NO ONE IS ABSOLUTE IMMUNE FROM THEIR BLIGHT THOUSANDS ARE THUS AFC. ir TED. THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY CURED BY YOUNG'S TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY, YOUNGS'S TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY HAS, FOR YEAR8, PROVED ITS MARVELOUS CURATIVE POWERS. IT IS AN EFFECTIVE AND HARMLESS ANTISEPTIC A BOTTLE SHOULD BE IN EVERY FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST—IT IS INDESPENSIBLE. CURES DANDRUFF AND ITCHING SCALP PERMANENTLY AND QUICK 9 4- 0 ❖ 9 * 9® 4 , ®+®*®4 , ® + 0® 9® 4. ® 4. 9 4. ® 4. ® 4. 9® 4. 0* 4. ® 4. ® 4. ® 4. 4. ® 4. ® 4. ® 4. ® 4. ®© 50c And $1.00— -BOTTLE 50o And $1.00. Order From Vour Local Druggist, Or From Our Laboratory Direct, MANUFACTURED BY J. M. YOUNG, JR., Way cross, Ga. O THINKS GAME WAS UNFAIR Manor, Ga., Sept. 6th, 1903. Editor. Waycross Herald. Ithe South in recent years a WouiU thank you to publish the fol-'that has been prominent Is t lowing in your excellent paper, in re- j progress made in wood-workln terence to the base ball game ot Sat- tries turning out products of twenty-five NEW CORPORA- Uroxton, Gn., and LavonU. Ga., and TI0N3 ASKED FOr CHARTER. | turners' Union WurehoiV'e conipa. I * | was formed ;tl Milner, G.-. were Interest in: deroIo'.Kiuncs in ho! enterprises at Birmingham, Ahi., C< ,dol.e t Ga., Menlo, Ga., an .I Marietta, C rent of! in the construction nows of the we feature are included several handsome'apai e great I mont houses® to be built in Atlaiit ; Indus- j Ga. a high-j Columbus, Gn., Sept. 9.—The Geor gia and Alabama Industrial Index say’s in its regular weekly issue: ‘In the industrial development of urday, Sept. 5th at this place “To all friends and lovers of clean base ball. The game Saturday between Beac.r and Manor, was certainly r decidedly unfair .same. T.re game was arranged as I understand, by the captains of the two teams, to play another, Beach having a team of their own and Manor having one also. When the so-called Beach team arrived In Manor, instead of a team from Beach, the majority of them I am positive was from two other towns, some of the nine being from Blacksnenr Institute and three or four of Waycross’ base ball players. Now the Manor club I ad mit is by no means strong and they are certainly not strong enough to win against a team of college ball players and the strongest of amateur^ teams. However, they played tery well and fought to win but the so-called .Beach team, with a Blackshear pitch* er, was too strong for them. The Manor captain understood the position In which his team, was placed upon the arrival of the team from Beach, but from a centleman’s standpoint decided not to make o move to rule out the players other than the Beach team men. this would have resulted In much confusion and dissatisfaction and would have broken up the gam?. I am t> a young man, myself and have played P the national game a great deal and have, I don’t believe ever, remember, seeing a game played that was as un fair and unjust as the game above mentioned which resulted In a yictory for Beach, Waycross and Muckshear. J. E. R0BERT3, Jacksonville, Fla., Umpire. Possums will be ripe in a few days and it Is reported that t icy are fat and Juicy this season. Always some thing—you understand. ^ A number of citizens have been to us recently asking that wc urge the council to give the people back the spigot ^ filch once supplied fresh water from the artlsian well to the t’.I. / multiutdes that visit Waycross. They should never have been closed Tv \ should be reopened as soon as p:ss!b. • We have fountains for the horse< an 1 cattle and Jogs but no okteo for th.» white people to g-t a drink. 7.ie H*r- aid considers it an outra o that v.-’r.j an arMsean well in the mid3t of on. - city, neither ourselves or our vl-iters can got a drink. We appeal to our city fathers for relief. gra de character. It was only a few j • years ago that all the furniture, busi-j ibe thrice-a-week world. were manufactured in the North, and Jin THE PRESIDENTIAL the complete transformation that is taking place In this respect is not fully appreciated except by close students of the situation. The fact that the South Is now learning to 1111 its own wants along this line has been well Illustrated by several recent Incidents Contract has just been closed to fur nish several of the modern high school buildings being erected in Alabama with desks and other school supp’.lo- made In Columbus, Ga., right in the heart of Dixie. Business fixtures ol the most elegant and artistic kind »N|jb now made In Georgia and Alabama factories and the bank or jewelry store or drug store or millinery emporium that plans to install new Ilxtures does not write to distant factories but turn- CAMPAIGN YEAR j | j More A*ert, More Thorough and More I • Fearless Than Ever. .Read In ‘‘If Every English Speaking | l Country. - *• President of the United Stat-.s will be elected this year. Who is he I ho Is th.e man whom he willj beat? Nobody yet knows, but the j Thrlce-a-Week edition of the New York World will tell you every step and I ■ery J.etiil of what promises to be j campaign of the most absorbing in terest. It may not tell ycu what you hope, but It will tell you what Is. Th*> j Thrlce-a-Week World long ago estab-, ! 1 to home institutions and has Its wants t |(shed a character for Impartiality at: supplied. The beautiful snow casee i fearlessness In the publication of new that adorn new mercantile establish ments these days are all Southc.n- made. The shipments made by i show case company In Columbus dur ing the mid-summer month of August were the heaviest for any month i its history a fact which strikingly il lustrates the commendable tendency above referred to. and this It will maintain. If yon wa u I | the news as it really is subscribe lojf the ThrIce-a-We.ek edition of the New j | York World, which comes to you every | e other day except Sundav, and is thus j * W ay cross Furniture Co. Warren L. Hinson Gen. Mgr. Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, flattings, Stoves, Ranges Etc. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Main Stores 21, 21 1-2, 23 & 23 1-2 Pendleton Street. WHOLESALE WARE HOUSES REMSHARTAND PARKER ST. Phonographs, Records And Supplies. :: : I || II price I i practically a daily at th* weekly. j ? f THE TRICE-A-WEEK WORLD’S J | § regular subscription price »g onlv $1.00 t f \ “The week Just closed was marked j per year, and this pays for 150 papers by quite a number of land deals ] We off^r this unequalled newspaper which well reflect the appreciation of'and the WEEKLY HERALD together real estate values In the two states. A 1.340-acre tract of land near Dade- •.•Ill'S Ala., sold at $30 an acre. Up Ir. Northeast Georgia, near Cornelia, the satisfactory sum of $37 per acre was obtained for a tract of lan 3. Other deals at {2^ an acre, $25 an acre, etc., are reported. oi. year for $1.29 The reiulnr subscription price of tbc two papers is $2.00. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 10.—-Five children of .1. E. Dunht were suffo cated last nlgot at their farm-house £?ar Brighton. The neighbors wore Down on th-. Flint rkei In Borough- J l “ fia " e th » h°ur,*l.old <-•««<*• the family and were Ignorant that the little ones were Inside. The parents pending the evening out leaving erty county, Georgia U Company ni>- piled for charter with $40,000 capital to engage In pecan culture, an industry ''' which is so attractive In its possiblli- * 0 0 onos There were Interesting devel-1 in minln? enterprise, inrln^i "'LL* ™ ™ 0U “ N “ CAU - ED FOR BY COUNTY. The Ware County Commissioner:; i their meeting yesterday fixed the tu* 1—to fn- the county frr the i year at 5 mills, the same rate ns la. The state tax rate Is also r ipjaents be week In both Georgia and Alan am | A tract of bauxite and Iron or? la-ad | in Bartow county, Gcrgla has l« Kodqi&&&£? palpi tati-a cl tir ’ ORlBD Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take Yhe new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con- fitination by restoring the lighting and power aerrlce of Mont- TOpa*- / . gomery, Ala. A power anl lighting “ natural action of the stom- .’stamp mill has Just been bought i!‘i which to better carry on gold min- ojK-ratlons In Randolph county. ..:.ian:u. Preparations are in pro- r • to mine Iron are at Chalybeate , ’Irgs, Gn. A $40,000 company was ;rtered to mine and manufacture | v) itl.ig and chalk along the Mobile ! -5 • *. near Mobile, Ala. “Twenty-five new corporation* | ■ * r -o I at the doors of the Gaargu : Tnd Alabama courts for charters, be 1 their business life with mini- :,T capital of $410,000. Two new jbanb.A areVeported for the week, both j< f them In Alabama, j -in? the true spirit of progress, j EiV *-f -eunty, Georgia, will rebuild (by t!»» f f ood with steel structures. ; Hcr.il : r. Ga.,-ordered an election cc |th“ i of bonds for buildiug fc gr:» a ’>*- ♦. and Douglas, Ga., will vote on • $35,000 of bonds for sr.hoo’ He ittn-j cr.d waterworks pnrposses. “Announcement is made that $100. 000 is to be expended Improving th' gomery. Ala. company with capital stock of $20,00f' liver ond bowels, WM formed during the week to bull. acn » and furnish power and light UNION PHARMACY. ear. mills, making the state and county tax for all Ware county property own ers $10.00 on the $1,000 worth of prop erty. As there is In the neighborhood o? half a million dollars incroaB? in tu- taxable property of Ware county this car, the rate fixed by the comnn* icners will give Ware county about 1,900 In cash more than was recelv- i' for taxes last year. I l ■ ■ !i 1 • W. L. HmSO?i & Q UNDERTAKERS, W. L. HINSOX. Licensed Emt Earners, Chapel & Sample 22 Pendleton Street. D. J. HICKS, ‘PKones 413 91 ) Rooms ! t • • A LETTER FROM NORTH CAROLINA Wtmnfcm, N. C—I was nearly dead wtth kidney affection for si* months, growing worn all the time. My can waa hopelcsa—was unable to get about but little. I bad tried everything with little benefit. I took three bottles of Stuart's Buchu and Juniper and was perfectly cured. Am now well and all right J owe my life to Stuart’s Buchu and Juniper.—H. T. Macon. If you suffer with backache, dull head ache, swollen feet, stiff Joints, and bare no energy end see imaginary specks in the air, you bare symptoms of kidney trouble. Stuart's Buchu and Juniper will relieve you. All druggists, 81.00. Write for free sample. We will lend enough te for Phcnlx City and OlrtrJ, Ala. New prove Ui wonderful merits ning companies were organize! at Df|l£ fflTHlflCtUTlnfl COb ATV ANTA. GA. MORTGAGE SALE. 1FOUGIA—WARS COUNTY. Will he sold, on the first Tu«««lny in Dctober, 1908* at the Court House in ■!i county, within the I'gal houf*r tf sale, to the highest blder, for cash h** following property, to wit: One certain Jogging sk'.dJer now a; the plant of the Waycross Cypres ♦ Company, In Ware county, Georgia, made by the J. F. Byerf Machinery 'ompany, Ravenna, Ohio; also a cor .tin locomotive In the possession of ml being used by Bailey Manufacture ig Company, In Waycross, Georgia, vhieh has pointed on tho tender there- f the words: “Ensign Manufacturing •ompany,” also that tract of land con eyed by deed on May 4th, 1907, from V Sessoms, J.| 8. Bailey and O. G, .• kt r to Ensign Manufacturing Com •any; recordeJ (n Book "Y" page 63f, tore particularly described as follows; ‘."ginning at northeast corner of lot f lan/l No. 200 in foe Eight Distno! r Ware county, Georgia, and running •tong north line of safe! lot 33 chain/ vest; thence south 22 chains at right mgles to the north boundary of said thenco north to jioint of beglnlng, snbi real ustato being part of lot oi land Number 200, In the District aforesaid The skIJder aforesaid Is !n the posses slon of Waycross Cypress Compan*. und the locomotive In possession of Bailey .Manufacturing Company, at Waycross, Georgia. Said propero levied on as the property of the Ensign Manufacturing Company, to satisfy an execution issued from the City Court of Waycross In favor of Charles J linden against said Ensign Manufac turing Company, and transferred by said C. J. fladen to the Third National Bonk of Atlanta, Georgia. This 9th day of September, 1903. D. A. Wcodarl, Sheriff. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. In the Superior Court of said county. November term 1908. Charlie M. Mil ler, vs. Clifford D. Miller. To Clifford D. Miller; You are hereby require.’, to be and •ppenr. personally or by attorney, at the November term of the 3ttperfnr Court of Ware county, to be held on We call special attention to the ad vertisement of the ‘First National Bank of Waycross. The First National lot; thence east 3.1 chains at right tho 2nd day of November. 1908, at 10 Is as solid as a rock wr.;' should be angles to .cast boundary of raid lot. oclock a- ni., then and there to answc* patronized. thu complaint to which th/a procow. Is annexed. Aa I default of ouca ap pearance the court will proceed a. D Justice (ball appertain. Witness the Hon. Thoa. A. Parker, Judge of laid-Court, tbla tho Gth day of September, 1008. Crewley * Crawley, E. J. Berry, I’eUtloqera Attorneys. Clerk, WANTED TO BE REMEMBERED. Tho lawyer was draw ng up Kn- peck'a will, aaya the Cleveland Lender. "I hereby bequeth all my property to my wife," dictate! Enpock. “(lot that down?” “Yea,” answered the nt- tomoy. "On condition." continued Enpeck, “that shn mar.-it a within a year." “But why that condition f" naked the man of law. "Beram-e," aiwered the meek and lowly teat*, tor, “I want oomebody to be sorry that I died.” I