Newspaper Page Text
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Ivs Trom The World At Large.
I Another Innovation to be Introduc- [ 8.v.nnnh, Os., Sept. 8,-The mem
Wien the A., B. A A. rein pulled ! ed by the Atlantic Coast Line In their! Confederate soldier was
out ytaterday morning It was fairly, freight yard* here la the lighting of h ° D ° r * ” TT’Tvinete n.Ttnl"
well mtei with a happy. Jovial crowd I every , witch light In .» yard, b, ; «*« *'* F,i!nc <* *****
■ f men, women and children, headed, electricity. I^nth. Lotted Son. of Confederate
tor Waltertown and on pleaaora bent. | There are between three hundrec! Veteran* placed a laurel wre t
The party wan composed or many of and four hundred switch lights In the
the bent*and moat substantial people i Waycross yards, and and It has been
of toe city and thejr were laden wlt^no small Job to Ilglit «he Kerosene
well-filled baskets of the best proven* j burners every nixht. Thr Coast Line,
der the land affords, also bottle* of :ln preparing In Waycross the most up-
min water. Ice. lemons, rusor, etc. If !tc *late freight yards In the country
there wa* any "near beer" In the • -.ave tlvpp order* for all old ker>
crowd we could not detect it and we ell switch lamps io be replaced
with electric burners.j
Outside of the work on the switch
JlKhtH t'ne electric wiring for the Coast
the j i ine Is practically complete. Reside*
1J the 75 arc light* of .1,000 candle* pow-
are something of a Jetectlve oi
tain line*.
The flay was spent on the bar
the beautiful Hatllla river and
fl"« s’lod rarddly a* the Joyous <
the base of the *haft erected to Fran
cl* 8. Bartow’s memory In Vhlppwa
Square, Bull street. Yesterday was
the birthday of the Illustrious Confed
erate officer who fell In the first battle
of Manassea at the head of hi* Georgia
troops. The camp of Son * of Veter
an* a* a law which require* that the
memory of the man for whom the
camp Is named shall be honore^ upon
each recurring anniversary of his birth
by the placing of a laurel at the
base of the memorial. It I* mada the
• rrtr.l itself beneath the spr-ading
rVI *
dfnee- h
r»pe and r-
r^h’r s*t hi*
was e!evmt. «nm?flou« and p! ntlful.
It I* reported that *ome of the num
ber distinguished themselves at the
table, but we mention no name*. It
wa* a most enjoyable occasion and
the Herald hope* that many other* of
like nature will be held In the pro*
-porous days to come.
Washington. 8ept. 8.—Judae Alien
B. Parker, will appear for the
American Federation of Labor In ,t:ie
Injunction cn*es against the Buck
Stove and Range Company, arrived
her«* thl* morning. The political alt
nation, In the opinion of the former
candidate for President. I* favor
to Bryan. He *nl1 that Bryn
gaming In popularity every flay an
look* for the election in Novembr
result In a Democratic v dory.
Port la ml, Oregon, Sep. 8.—D<
five* are working on tn disappear
ance of a pack i««* contair Ing $52,000
worth cf Jewelry *fr m» the WeUs-Fargo
expres* office at Portland on Aug. 21
The package wa* addre* ed to Jos
eph Meyer*. It I* *ttlu to have ar
rived at Portland hut ha* been missing
ever alnce.
.■art which have been placed In! '»“»> °* lhn Hlatnvlan of the camp to
^ perform this service. The wreath
wa,* placed in position early yesterday
1 morning. .
railroad yards, hundreds of arc
lights cf a smaller candle power have
been placed In the shop buildings. It
I* not yet Known when the railroad
company will turn on the current for
testing their electric lighting system.
Criminal Operation Performed.
Savannah, Ga.. Sept. 8.—Dr. Arnold
| Rosett. the physician who was arrest-
i eJ on Saturday afternoon on the
Oyster Buy, Sept. 8. There is scant J c - nar g e Q f having performed a crim-
foundation for the report that Pr»«l- , nal oper ati 0 n upon Miss May Yrasrf
horseback • from effect* of which she rlcd. If
Rosindale, N*. C„ Sept. 7. 1908.
Mr. A. C. Vlllee,
Secretary, Board of Trade,
Waycross, Ga.
Dear Sir:—-
I wrote you when delayed at Flor
ence on account of t'ae dreadful Hoods
and now undertake to give you only a
slight description of tho destitution
a:U distress among tie people for
miles and miles from the various
I never in all my life have s?en such
Jestruction as t'ne water ha* caused, as
crops have been destioyed entirely tip
and down the rivers in the various
counties, and thousands of dollar*
worth of stock of all kinds drowned.
The water ran Into houses miles
from the river, and absolutely ruined
hundreds of dollars worm of furniture;
and scores of families have been forced
to abandon their homes and seek shel
ter In s.'jeJs and tents.
Sued awful destruction was never
known before, and the more fortunate,
a little farther from the rivers eai in
the ci’ie.s. have been forced to r *nJ
provisions to the hungry people, many
ci-jpa almost read
to house.
Washington, Sept. 9.—Orville CA8E N0T VERY STR0NQ AGAINST
Wright, In his new aer.plane, pis TROOPERS AT COURTMARTIAL
morning shattered all wit Id's records j
A-hen he sailed over Po.'t Meyer for j g a vanab, Qa., Sept. 9.—The Irapres-
57 minutes and 31 seconds. The g j ong preva jj g among the military men
flight was a magnificent light, and , n gavannah that no very strong case
in concluding the most wonderful ex- ^ flg ^ een ma j e out against the two
bikltlon ever before known, the ^| younJ troo „ er , who havc been tried
onaut alight gracefullj near the po nt 8y courtmartlal because o! their having
where he first arose from (he ground I flred from th( . traln from
The mgat far surpassed the pr • Chlckamauga anJ hlttlng one or two
vious record of 31 minutes mads by j
the Frenchman DeLacrange. There j
was not a hitch or blunder of anv
No official test was made, but Pres- j
blent Post, of the Aero Ciub of Amtr !
jea, was present and warmly congrat-j
iilaced Wright. Those who witnessed !
the flight were wild with enthusiasm.
Washington, 8cpt. 8,—Rev. Sylves
ter Corrother*. a prominent ne;ro di
vine, addressed a meeting of colored
voters Inst night and tb-c-loTed that
over i million negroes would vote
for Bryan ns a rebuke to the Roore
relt administration for "Treachery In
dealing with the negro euldtera and
against the "Lilly White" propoganda
of the South."
Rome, Ga., Sept. 8.—Tile First N:
tional Bank of thl* city received
deposit of $5.non from the Southern
Railway tills inornln?. It I* und<
stood thnt the Southern will transfer
Ita deposits again to 0-orglu banka
after having kept them In Chattanoo
ga for several months because of al
leged adverse garnlshmen* laws. It
Is stated that the First National Bank
of Rome has been design'ted a* the
depository for North Getor.ln.
New York, Sept. Four dead Ind
ies have been taken out and tnanv
others are believed to be In the ruins
of the bull linit* oceupl* l hv sweat-
•hops on the earner of Water and
Cherry streets. An unidentified wo
man and man and two charred Inci
dent Roosevelt, while
riding la#* Saturday wa* flred upon
from ambush, and official denial was
made today by the seeret service men.
The sensation Is explained a# a re-
#u!t of an active Imagination following
the arrest of John Coughlin, who tried
to imaa the secret service men who j f„,that it w”aa murder. John Prick-1 you people eou! I Just look upon this
■wre on guard wound the President's. eU wV)0 Q(]m , u havlng carried the glri > I scene. I think >'°»r hearts would
house. j t0 nr RoBct ,. H offlrP he says the ! go up to Him In gratltut.) and praise
*of»erailon was performel Is held as^for His great love and compassion
| an accessory. The girl tiled on Satur-
! take thin method of announcing
still confined in Chatham county Jail
and it 1* likely he will remain there
for sometime. The coroner has sworn
out a warrant against the doctor charg-
I Ing him with murder, the coroners jury j
which Investigated the case having
The pHoi.le had suffered on account
f the panic and a recent storm, ami
fere not i;i con lit Ion to help themselv
i wher. the Hoad came.
We do not thank God enough for His
ns. in our city; and if
my candidacy for the office of Pension
Commissioner, and respectfully solicit
vour support.
The fact has forcibly presented itself
to my mind that. South Georgia has
had hut little representation nt Atlanta
for the past many years, and while
the office to which I aspire has but
little power, atlll my election will give
South Georgia representation.
1 solicit and will appreciate support
'roni all sections of the stute. While I
am not an Ex-Confednrte soldier I am
the son of one who braveiy battled for
the South and home fiom ’Cl to ’G5. 1
know the privations endured and the
terrible task they tn ably met, and now
In their old age my heart goes out to
them. If 1 be honored b/ election It
will be a most pleasant duty for me
to do nil In my power to make their
declining years as free from cave as
possible. * •
Thanking yon In advance Tor your
valuable aid, 1 ntn.
Yours nrrtruly,
Jay morning of peronitls. The family j
called In a physician other than Dr. |
Rosett a Hhort time before she dleditroubl.
i!thou?j we have been,
now yet, suffering from the
rtd many local disasters and
and he declined to Issue a burial per
mit for her without an Investigation.
Tne Investigation revealed the fact
that the criminal operation had been
performed and the arrest of the two
tnen followed. As this Is the second
case of thl* kind In Savannah to come
to light within the past few months. It
ha* caused ft good deal of Interest. In
the other case no arrest was mode hut
the offending physician for a time los*
his membership In the medical society
to which he belonged. The victim
of the more recent allegfd crime was
one of four or five dauvhteri of a
widowed mother who came he.v sev
eral year* ago from Liberty county.
The girl had been employed as a sten
New York. So^t. 8.—District Attar*
ney Jerome declared tr. ’av that he
would not permit Harry Thaw to be
taken out or tne state i^. respond to
the bankruptcy proceedings now pond
ing nt Pittsburg. He said that the
Federal authorities were powerless to
move him except by hi.bens corpus
and this could not be ImHtut.ed In a
mere bankmptcy case.
New York, Sept. 9.—Henry 8chu-
naker, 10 years old. wis killed, and
a two playmates were ptrhaps fatal
Injure | when they run down
a speeding automobile nt New
Ighton this morning. They were
j play jug In the road when the accident
occurred. The chaffeur his been ar*
Duluth, Minn.. Sept. 9. Forest Are*
In the northwestern part of this state
have been burning fiercely today
Thousands of people are fleeing for
their lives. It Is certain that there
have been many deaths of those
innte oy smoke and ox r.utstlon.
Five hundred square miles of for-
rM* are ablaze. Every train brings
• tugee* to Duluth. The town
Snowball Is reported completely
*t toyed.
Two steamers with twi- conrpanle-
f naval re*erves and lmded dow
with supplies were dispatched to Lit
north shore today to rescue the set
tier* who '.rad been driven to the lake
or safety. tt Is belle'eJ that the
Ire win not Ire extlngul-hed until It
burns to the edxe of the lake.
heart goes out towards these
people, and I started this very day to
meet the Commissioners of one of the
counties to get them to aid the suffer
ing in their county, hut was cut off
by the again rising waters, nn.l could
not reach the county seat, and am now
on my way back to Wilmington,
l I hope everything la coming to the
front In Waycross, and that you are
all tn position now to scarcely realize
that you have hA a panic and oth^r
financial troubles.
I trust the Board of Trade has In
creased in numbers, and ?. good work
Is being done. I think of you all as a
people. Board of Trade, and otherwise,
and want to see great things in the fu
ture for Waycross, and believe it is
coming. With kind regards to you.
and Inquiring friends, and again wish
ing the city and Board of Trade suc
cess beyond anything in the past, I am
Yours truly.
R. M. Wescott.
fes have beer
»l. an.I many
St. Louis. Sept. 8.—Mi ». Thomas B.
Warren, stster-ln-law of Edward J.
Nally, Vice-President of the l*ostal
Telegraph Go., shot herself last nlgst.
lingering four hours before she died.
Mrs. Warren had been n -oclety lead
er and was strikingly beautiful Poor
health Is doubtless the cause of the
Denver. Colorado. Sentember. s
Five inen are dead om’ eUht are
seriously Injured as a remit of a or *
ic following a fire In tv Hotel li-d-
iwmt here this morning. The dend
ere John D. Kane. H. M. Moore. Uv
Hurt ell. * conductor. C.eorUe Bone and
George Ott. The guests of the hotel
e-r® asleep when the fi e alarm was
turned in. All were cut cf! and their
on’v escape was by Jumt ing from the
. —«■« ‘T
Odessa. 8ept. 8‘—Approximately six
thousand people of Russia have been
stricken wit n cholera th.s season and
three thousand of them hrve died, ac
cording to government reports. The
tUfatttsa It atill reigning trd hundreds
of no* cases have been reported with
in the past few days. The epidemic
'»aa been traced to hawkers of bever-
area along the Nevada river.
Governor Smith Is being urged to ap
point Mr. D. A. Jordan trustee of the
Eleventh District Agricult ;ral School
In place of Mr. Warren Lo t. dece
Several letters have been written the
unernor about the appointment with
in the past few week* but nothing
.h* been heard from him about the
At the present time Ware county
has no trustee In the school board
but County School Commissioner J.
M. Markey has been requ sted to act
n this capacity until an appointment
Is made.
Two students from Were count'
have been enrolled from Ware to the
‘ollege at Douglas. They are Brant
oy Eunice of this city ana Mips Mllly
White, of Manor. Ware is entitled
to seven additional students, three
slrls and four boys. Mr. Markey,
whose office is at the court house, will
be glad to give any Inforn at Ion about
the college.
| Valdosta, Sept. 8.—M. Kassm
I Russian Jew, who ha* living
I near this city for eight or months,
j 'ommitted suicide today ey drinking
carbolic add. He had been despon
dent for some time over fluuuc<u!
• »dii!on and aad tnre.jteri
to take his life. Yets?r lay he re
ceived a letter from his father In New
lork state, saying the latter wt
destitute circumstances request
ed the son to send him money. Raw-
ms not only had :io money with whlc*.
to help hi* father but owoi bills c
vulch he was unable to pny. The
I le lived with his broOer, and
soon as it was found that he had
taken poison, he wa* hurried to the 1
Union Hospital, but was lead when
le reached there. Rassa* was a pho-
ographer and came her* with the
’an Am berg show'* last v!n?;r
Chicago. Sept. 9.—The Blsho's of
the Methodist Vhurch hove decared
open war against Speaker Cannon be
cause of hi* opposition to the Little
field interstate liquor shipment bill.
The Bishops have united in • sym
posium which will nppexr In this
week’s Northwestern Christian Advo- .»red from his recent Illness,
cate. In which they denounce Connon’t
position and urge the nevvslry of Je- .... ....
««UB« him lot ipMaenhip. , H8S OYSPEPSI* TABLETS
ftsMStc InSigwUan «no ».~ntro«t*s>
New York. Sept. 10.—Ja*. 8. Sher-
mail, Republican candidate for th£
v l* r Presidency, arrived here unex-
pectedly today for a conference with
Chairman Hitchcock. Sherman and
Taft are said to be deeply concerned
the reports from several so-called
loubtful states. Report* from In
-liana. New York. Conneticut. Rhoo-
Island and West Virginia Indicate that
’.he party workers in those states are
at cross purposes and so much bit
terness has been engendered that ike
ticket is likely to suffer defeat Sher
man declares that h* has fully recor-
The Ware county c-jinmlasloner*
have b.een in session yesterday and to
day at the court house, closing up the
business which was left over from
the regular meeting of that body la t
New York, Sept. 9.-—The efforts of
Harry Thaw to get out of tne jurisdic
tion of New York State through
bankruptcy proceedings in the United
States Court at Pittsburg with
hope that when he reaches that city
be will regain Ills freeden, is alarm
ing his wife, Evelyn Thaw. She Is
watching the proceeding* closely, and
. aould Thaw succeed in gaining his
freedom she will flee to a hiding place
where there will be no chance of his
flndinJ her. It is said that whatever
opinion tbe alienists may entertain
Mrs. Thaw regards her husband as
dangerous lunatic.
Norfolk, Va„ Sept. 9.—Henry Smith
alias Oscar Perry, the wno
convicted of attacking Mrs. Cather
ine Powell, in the suburbs ut Ports
mouth on August 11th lasr, was this
morning sentenc?d to leath in the
electric chair on October 13th.
Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. S.—.
gene V. Debs, Socialist candidate for
president, arrived here yesterday and
last night addressed an audience of
rbout 2,500 people. He attacked both
the Democratic and Republican par
The Debs special train left for Las
Vegas, Nevada, last night.
- . y." -»i«r
Mr. C. J. Thomas returned last nl;L.
from Florida and reports the sale yes
terday by Mr. Geo. W. Deen, of this
city, of 25,000 acres of farm land
Haw Creek In St. Johns and Volusia
counties In Florida.
The sale was made to a syndicate of
Chicago. Mr. Deen, Mr. Thomas and
eral members of the syndicate have
been spending the past week looking
over the lands, and the deal was clOft.
sterday, the party, with the excep
tion of Mr. Thomas, stopping over in
Jacksonville today to prepare the pa
Birmingham. Ala., Sept. i.—The on
try of the Atlanta, Birmingham and
Atlantic railroad into
Monday afternoon was marked by a
great demonstration. Wh;-n the ’In
auguration Special’’ rolled into t.:o
tact, loujr before U r.Mchrd
the city, while It was In the subtilbr—
there was a shriek of whistle* and,
claim Of bolls the Ilko of which ha, I 1 *" tr f n * 1: f rlng the property
not been heard here In many years.
The crowning feature cf the day’s
io I co me was the big banquet -it. the
Hillman hotel, which vaa attended
thousand guest*.
probably the most elaborate feast of
the kind ever attempted in Birming
From LaGrange to Birmingham the
Inauguration Special’’ receive* an
ation. The train left I.nGrange at
fi:30 a. m. It was run by the Com
mercial Club and the Board of Trade.
of Birmingham, and from each town I The Herald Is pleased to be ahter to
along the line there were delegations I Announce that the spigot near the
w ho came to Birmingham ?s gue?ta of .“tand pipe on Plant avenue wits bo re
the two bodies. 9 Jorened today. A cup will be artac • ?c
•to the same and visitors to the cit\
MISER8 GOLD MELTED /hs well as our own citizen# can go*
IN A PIG PEN.! a fresh drink any H*ue of the dav o
! eight.
Berea, O.. Sept., 9.—Afraid of the remove the cup but to leave it hangin;
banks, Frank Marks, a farmer, con
verted all his money Into gold coin
and hid the metal under the floor of
his pig pen.
While he and his wife were in Cle-
land, a robber searched his house, rip
Ping mattresses and upholstery to lo
cate the hidden wealth.
The thief set Are to the bam and
The deal Is one of the largest made
In some time. While the considera
tion given has not yet been made
known. It is said to be a big sum.
Mr. Deen and the gentlemen front
Chicago will Come to Waycross from
Jacksonville tonight and Mr. Dee:
will invito the visitors to stop ovoi
for a day or two la Waycross.
negroes and scaring a white man or
Tbe two members of the Geor
gia Hussars who were tried Musician
Keller and Trooper Sipple were the
two youngest members of the com
mand and they only did what older
members of the troops did. Their
greatest offense seem* to have been
that th.ey did not try to conceal what
they had done from their superiors.
The court sat through a large part of
last night trying the Sipple case, the
Keller case having been disposed of
on Monday ni?ht. The finding of the
case will not be known for several
days but the fact that the Investiga
tion went no further than it did seems
to indicate that the authorities decid
ed it was not such a gross and marked
violation of the military laws. If the
young troopers are found guilty at
all it will probably be with the recom
mendation that the lightest punishment
that can be acorded be made their
share. Capt. R. J. Travis who defend
ed young Sipple made a very strong
showing in behalf of his client when
he showed that the firing of the blank
cartridge was done with the full know
ledge of the officers on tbo train.
Bond Holders Wants Interest.
Savannah, Ga., Sept. 9.—The fight
of the holders of the Central Rallraod
preferred income bonds *o make the
Central pay Interest on them for tbe
year 1906 was started yesterday before
Hon. Win. Garard as Auditor. Col.
Garrard was appointed by Judge Charl
ton of the Superior Court to hear tbe
evidence in the case. Judge Samuel
B. Adams sprang a surprise on the
railway’s attorneys when he proved
that the earnings of the railroad and
Ocean steamship company amounted
to a certain sum and then closed his
case by calling upon the railroad to
show what had become of the money.
This was at the first sitting of the
case. Other developments are expect
ed to come during the day when it will
be continued. ^
' 4...^
Stricken Blind While Going Home.
Savannah. Ga.. Sept. D.—E. H. Can-
-n. a young man employed as a piano
player In a vaudeville house waa
stricken blind on Monday night while-
in route home. He Is raid to have
a nervous trouble which effecta hla
>ptlc nerves. It le believed he will
be oil right In a short time. Mr. Can-
father rode away from home on
his bicycle and waa not heard from un
til a week later when he appeared at
Macon cxlmtiated from his long ride.
^ " rf-fQ-h]
Fixed Price* For Box Seats For Race.
Savannah, Ca., Sept. 9.—Tile Eeae-
cutlve Committee of the Savannah
Automobile Club held a meeting yes
terday afternoon and tlx. a the prlre
of buses for scats at the 1 liauUgtvln*
day races at 110.00. It was also de-
t'L-t to set aside u bo\ for royalty
md .notables of Europe who will come
to the racee. There will alito be a
box for distinguished Americana. It
.» announced that the Automobile Club
Jt America has chartered the steam-
-alp City f Savannah if the Ocean
nteam-hi.i Company tu I ting the ofii-
cers cf the Club and other distinguish-
-•ignests to lie races. Trey will pr;.
“ vo 01 >*wd thi ateamti.'.x
. -'■-■-*• Tho local dub hits arte l,
tae Atlanta Auto c ;ub to tl.el . note tea.
members of that organization to ad at
pilots for the scouts who are coming
Parties are requested not nut "“ v ,i * c voroing
Uteetii, but to leave it!np an Tuto com> 7 *° '»V «
J that the next thirsty In ilvl Uml car , w - ao * be '°"»*'ed by those
likewise quench his dryness. Our pec | thelr marhln ® 1®/° I™* 0 th ® We * 1 1,1
pie trill be pleased to know that Way I I, ke . * ““ G8 - The Atlan’lans will bo
cross again has free water of finri Ianta th ® ‘ CQ,;lE At.
quality for the millions. I ... . *“’**• T ’ le Savannah club
I will have Pilots to meet the scouts
Chicago, Sept.. 10-Ceorge W. Fits- i nah. U fberyTav "ir" 1 *° 8aV * n '
gerald. formerly teller at the aubtreaa-j the Grand Prise rtceMn ^"7*“ ° f
ury, was freed today by Judge Chett- f 8 race » In 8avtnna.t.
pig pen. Upon his retom home Marks lalne In the case charging him with j The Wmvt-rZ, n-I
surprised his friends by digging in the ‘he theft of $173,000 belonging to the yeaterdav SettleCompany
ruins of the pig pen and drawing forth Government. Judge Chettlaine threw 'tnnwntiif. lD * lr ? r,t car lo4d ot
the ««■ out of court on hi. own tnl- j The
‘Ixtlve because of,eg of evuence. jheen ,'he “Lrklt p^
Normal conditions are coming back {company la now In fulfdanv’o ie?*
to Waycrosa « rapidly a. the nature and while “ere 7. * ^
>f tbs case will permit. Well feel tbelr Pro j nct ,7 pj"’
much better before Santa Clan. gets;ment In the market I. renfldeXTT
j Peeled within a short time.
a huge lump of gold. The coins had
all been melted from the heat.
The Hat-v. Sep!.. It.—Queen Wlb
uelmlna today gave birth to a son
which died soon after Ita birth. i