Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, September 19, 1908, Image 6
fHE WAYCROSS WEEKLY HERALD Weekly 'N.elvs Trom The World At Large. CHANLER NAMED iitlROiO LIGHTS Fjr GiVh.il. io BE ON TONIGHT CHOLERA NEAR CZARS PALACE Wv >,. Rochester, S'. Y., Sept. IC.-howls, - LECT RICAN8 NOW READY FOR Btuyveoaot Chanter ms nominated for | F|R8T TE8T AT NEW SHOPS. Gov. rncr of New York etatetEnoXZA j _ for OoYernor.by the New York State Un|ef(1 tho une , pe cted oceuri, the Democratic Convention this morning. | n g hi« of the Atlantic Coaat Toe nomination was made by acclam- ihops anJ yardg wm tumei i ailon. | for tlle flr , t t i me »t or ahortly af- John A. Dlx, of Washington county, f(r 6 o eioca tbit afternoon. Toe for Dominated by acclamation Lieutenant Oovernor. When tho session was called to or der the reports of committees were reaJ. The report of the committee cn contested seats disclosed the fact that complete harmony existed. When Judge Alton B. Parker. In hit speech, mentioned the name of Bryan, there was a ^r.-at buret of applause. The tie'ejafes sung "My Country, T!s r.f Th e." Bryan Is expected to a/uve this afternoon and he will be u guest of the convention. Senator Gore, of Oklahoma, is one of the prom inent visitors. Mr. Watson cannot carry tho popu list arounJ with a string as he spems to think he can. They are declining to enthuse this time. New Bedford. Mass.. Sept. 14.—The submarine flotilla, composed of the Octopus, Plunger, YTper and Cuttle fish were today todered to Newport for the most Important test ever made. The entire fleet, with crews aggregating 34 men, Will bo submerg ed for forty-cljht hours. Tho com pressed ulr tanks of the submarines usually rnrry twenty-four hours sup ply of air. Tho supply will bo charg ed io double tho amount before the test Is made. The September term of tho City Court of WaycroBs convened at 10 o'clock this morning. Judge John Myers presMIng. In many oi cases on X!)o civil docket Judge Myers Is disqualified and It is likely that Judge Roan of Douglas, will come down one day during the week to try them. The civil docket Is unusually heavy, as Is also tne criminal docket. The Jail la nearly full of prisoners awaiting trial and It may be that the end of the week will not lop the final disposition of all the court's business. lights have all been placed, the elec tric wires connected and everything is in readiness for the first flash of the current which will brijbten the build ings and railroad yards of the Coast Line In this city. It was the Intention of the com pany to surprise the people of the city by turning on the current at 7 o’clock :ast nlvht, but one imperfect connec tion prevented this and the electri cians had to wait for daylight to re- nedy the matter. The electric lights turned on in the power house last night, however, and that build ing's Interior was almost as bright as daylight. Mr. R. O. Heyl, an electrician from the Westinghouse Electric Company, Plttsbnrg, Pa., arrived in the city yes- terday for the purpose of testing the ILghta and dynamos which were fur nished the Coast Line by bis com pany. He was present at the power plant last nightdynamos were started up. -ffi^Tfeyl will re main here for several days or until all the electrical apparatus In the new shops Is in thorough working order. The railroad lights have not as yet been connected up in the passenger and freight «lopots, hospital, general offices and other buldlngs of the rail road compauy here, but tho shop and yard lights are practically complete. There are between 70 nnd lights of 3,000 candle power each In the railroad yards and hundreds of lumps of a smaller candle power in the new shops. It Is tho Intention of tho electrlclnns to test all lights which are connected up early to night St. Petersburg, Sept. 16.—The ap pearance of cholera in the neighbor hood of the Czar’s palace brought an official order today that henceforth all bodies of cholera victims must D.e cremated. The hospitals are all over-taxed to care for the suffering cholera vic tims, and it is claimed that they show only about on/e-fourth of the cages. It is admitted that there are at least one thousand cases in St. Peters burg. There Is an exodus of the bet ter classes who are thoroughly alarm ed. Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 14.—Thos, 8. Hlsgon. presidential nominee of the Independent party, John Temple Graves, candidate for vice-president, and William It. Hearst, chairman of the national committee, arrived here early this morning. They will ai- dr.eru a meeting of tho independents In the spacious auditorium of tho Hip podrome tonight. From tho demand for tickets the Indications aro the at tendance will l>e enormous. LYNCHING IN TEXA8. Brookshire. Texas, Sept. 13.—Dave Newton, a negro, charged with compll city In the murder of John Buchtrln, a white man, who was shot and killed at his homo noar here yesterday, was taken from jail Into last night by a mob and hanged. The father and brother of the uegio lynched, under urest In connection with the killing, have boon placed lu the Jail at Hempstead to prevent fur ther mob violence: Intense excite ment prevails here and all Idle ne groes have received Instructions to leave the community. New York, 8opt. 14.—The six day tdcyclo race starts tonight at Madison Square Garden at the crack of the ptstol. McGraw's collection of Cham pion base ball players are to be there to help along the enthusiasm. Thirteen teams of stars from all parts pf the world are gathered to participate and tho fastest pace ever seen Is promised. There will not be continuous racing such as the last December six-day race but the racing Is limited to two hours daily. Fans are betting even money that the hour record for team racing will be broken in the first sixty minutes of the coutest. OUS HURST INSALE. Gua Hurst, former Sheriff of Thomas ounty, was locked up Tuesday at a lunatic. HU story is a very pitiable one. Some years ago Hurst was one cf t'cc meet promlrent figures ThomnsvK’.e, ard was known all ove- thlr section for fib* foarlersness H t v *' discharge of hfs duties. He lost hi- office and began wandering aroun. over the country. He has been re ported killed s v?ral times.—Qnltma Free Press. Gu« Hurst is well known throughout South Georgia. Whiskey has been *nd this country and will be a triumph hla ITALIAN ABSCONDER PLACED ON TRIAL. New York, Sept. 14.—After laying In constant dread of assassination for over two years, Pasquel Caponlgrl, charged with absconding owing tho depositors of his bank in "Llttel Italy r quarter over # o hundred thousand dol lars, wae arraigned in Harlem police court today. 3TORM8 ON EA8T AND WEST COAST. Washington Sept. 14.— The Weather Bureau late this afternoon Issued special forecast as follows: “Tne first well defined disturbance jf the present season U approaching the North Pacific coast and a West udlun storm is advancing townr Southeastern coast. This combination should produce abundant rains in the drought stricken districts of tho north central and .east central States before the close of tho present week.” IN SHORT TIME THE JEWI8H HOLIDAYS BEGIN. SAG WORKS WILL AGAIN BEGIN WORK PRESIDENT ELECTED AND ORD ERS FOR CARS RECEIVED. INDUSTRIAL REPORT FOR PAST WEEK NEWS OE A DAY El MANY LARGE TRACTS OP LANDS CHANGE HANDS. On September 26 occurs the Jewish New Year, which begins a series ot holidays to last until October 18. This new year wll mark the beginning of the year 5,669 of the Jewish calendar, which dates from the Biblical begin- lng of the world. The feast days will be observed with appropriate ceremon ies. New Year’s will be celebrated on September 25 and 26.Aa the first of these days falls on the Jewish Sat,- bath, it will be observed as the day of memorial for blowing the horn. On the following day the actual ceremony of blowing trumpets or Shofar, will take place in the synagogue. These lays are the first and second of the Hebrew month of Tishrl. On tne third day of Tishrl will be observed th.e feast of Tishrl. Yom Kupper, or the Day of Atone ment, wll be observed on October 6th. On October 10 and 11 will bo oo- served the Feast of Tabernacles. On October 16 Is Hashanah Habba. Sol emn Assembly will be observed on Oc tober 17. and the Rejoicing of the Law on October 18. The directors and board of control of the South Atlantic Car and Manu facturing Company yesterday elected Mr. Reiner Denmark, of Savanna.!, president of the company in place of George Dole Wadley resigned. The directors also instructed Mr. Frank H. McGee, former vice-president and gen eral manager of the company, to com mence at once the construction of a sample box car and a sample flat car at the plant here. Thesp samples are to be the models of an order for one hundred or more cars which the company has just received from John Skelton Williams' road. Mr. McGee began the preliminary arrangements for the construction of the sample box an J flat cars this morn ing, and there Is jevery Indication that the car works will again be In opera tion within the next thirty days. The newly elected president of thp car works is a son of Hon. E. P. S. Denmark, of Valdosta, and a nephew of Mr. Mills B. Lane, the well known banker of Savannah. He was raised In Quitman but has been a resident of Savannah for a number of years. Mr. Denmark is less than thirty years of age, but is said to be thoroughly capable to handle the car factory’s affairs. Mr. McGee goes back as general manager temporarily at least, and his friends are confident of th,e success of the plant under his management. The reopening of the car works will give employment to a large. number of men who have been bile since the plant shut down several weeks ago, and it will mean greatly Increased business to the merchants of the city. Columbus. ( tin nnd Alaba' In Its regular Just about fort . Sept. 16—Tho Geor- i Industrial Index says eekly issue: "It was ngo that Geor gia and Alabama passed through the historic 40-tcre-and-a-mule period, and it is interesting and refreshing to note that the forty dollars-nn-acre era is now being ushered in. Recent events tend to show that this Interesting stage In the South’s development has been reached, and while it Is true that the Increased land values mani fest themselves not uniformly, but at first In the most favorable sections, It Is Indeed gratifying that so many sales are being made at such satisfac tory prices. It Is an Interesting coinci dence that $40 an acre was the price paid for land in several transactions in th.e two states during the past week, the most notable sale, perhaps being that of the 500 acres In Pulaski county, Georgia, for $20,000. Down in Clinch county, Georgia, the timber privileges on a tract of land sold for $60,000. A Georgian sold 25,000 acres of farm land across the line in Flori da to a Chicago syndicate for a hand some -sum. Brunswick capitalists in vested heavily In a tract of land In the city of Jacksonville, Fla. A good siz ed timber tract changed hands during week. Into the business affairs of th,e two states is Injected the new blood of some 20 corporations, which began exlstance with a minimum capital of about $400,000. Tnese new corpora tions represent numerous lines business endeavor and shows that en terprise and Investment continue to assert themselves in aggressive man- Savannah, Ga., Sept. 10.—Sidney Tapp is here and will speak at thj& Savanah Theatre tomorow night. Ha has Issued his usual defet of the mlnia ters through the newspapers and thia afternoon there are something like half a dozen church people taking shota at him through the afternoon Press. Tapp says he will not be introduced by anybody as he doesn’t want to em- barras anyone by having them stand for his views because of an Introduct ory. "I'll just get up on the platform and sail In” is the way he expresses Death of Lord Sackville West Tho death of lord 8ackvllle West which occurred in England, recently, recalls an Item of the campaign of '88. During that campaign, when Mr. Cleveland was runnlg against Mr. Har rison the first time, a Republican by tho name ot Murchison in Utah who having been a subject of Great Brit tain, wrote to Sackville West the Brit ish minister and asked which candi date he thought would prove the hpst friend of England. The British Min ister replied that the re-election of Mr. Cleveland would be to the best Inter est of Great Brittain. At that time, the feeling In the country was not very kindly toward Great Britain and the publication of this letter which was broadcast had a tremelous weight n aiding the election of Mr. Harrison. THEATRE TRAIN AND EXCURSION TRAIN CRA8HED TOGETHER. Chicago, SepL 14.—Two persons are dead, a number ar.o dying and over forty were Injured ns a result of a rear end collision early today at Ches terton, lad., bet woo n a theatre train Yom Chicago on the Lake Shore Rati- -oad, nnd an excursion train from Chi cago to Indianapolis on the Lake Erie and Western Railroad. Tho dead, dying and Injured arriv ed at Chicago on a relief train after a record breaking run. They were tak en to the Mercy hospital and to the morgue. The fog and smoke from the Wis consin forest fires is blamed for the tccident, but some of the juisaenger? -:arge the collision to carelessness of aemt •m* of the crews. The lea 1 ore Mrs. Hester Hccox ,of ’htea‘o. n«-‘ •»-’ miumtlfled man. Treaty With China. The latest advice from China to the Government at Wafttntgon indicates that the Chinese Government earnest ly desires a strong treaty with the U. S. Government. The Chinese have ob served with much interest, the manner In which Japan has swallowed Co rea, horse, wagon and dragoon. While China Is too big a mouthful wallowed In a lump they realize that la pan Is endeavoring to occupy their crrltory,. step by step, until they shall aw served Cfclua as they have serve: lorea. So China d. sires the contln ted friendship of Uncle Sam, as skt nows Uncle Bam will hold Japan In heck. This treaty will be beneficial n the greatest decree to both China Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 16.—At 12:60 this afternoon the state convention of the Democratic party was called to order by Chairman Conners. He an nounced the selection of Judge Mor gan J. O'Brien as temporary chair man. When Judge O'Brien In his speech mentioned the "Great Com moner." an extraordinary demonstra tion followed. The great crowd shouted Itself hoarse. Somebody proposed three cheers for Bryan which was lustily given. The de monstration lasted ten minutes. At 1:46 the temporary organisation was perfected and the convention ad journed until 10 o'clock tomorrow. FARMER DE8PONDENT JUMPED IN WELL. Gadsden, Ala., 8ept. 14.—A despon dent farmer named Howard suicided today by Jumping Into a well. His daughter was nearby and was unable to reach him In time to prevent his lumping. New York, Sept 14.—A Bryan meet ing at Carnegie Hall will be held next Friday night to inaugurate the demo cratic campaign In the East. Her man BidJor will be In charge. Bry- will be one of the speakers. THREE THOUSAND MEN AFTER ONE JOB. London, Sept. 14.—The number of unemployed in this city was striking ly Illustrated today when three thous and men surrounded anJ attempted to make their way Into a hospital which had advertised for a porter at a wage of $4.50 a week and meals. An extra detail of police had to bp called out to keep order in the crowd. Havana, Sept. 15.—A case of yellow fever was dlcovpred today in Havana, the first case reported since last Jan uary. The patient la a Spaniard and It Is likely that he contracted the dis ease In Eastern Cuba. Orders have been issued prohibiting the soldiers from Comp Columbia visiting the city. Saco, Maine, Sept. 15.—Six hundred persons were made homeless, half a million damage waa done to prop erty and nine million feet of lumber was destroyed In the fire which swept this town today, consuming 85 tene ment houses and threatened the com plete destruction of the place. Many heroic rescues were made and there were numbers of narrow e8cap.es- As sistance was summoned from the Bid- deford department which was proba bly the only thing that saved town. PA88ED AWAY THI8 MORNING AT HOME IN ATLANTA. • ,^^for Pfqsldent Roosevelt. Savannah. Qa., Sept. 15.—F. L. Geor >, a former Savannahian has been ar rested In Jacksonville on the cnarge of wife beating and an officer will be rent to bring aim back here. George will fight being returned and after an extradition has been secured the comi ty will probably have to make a show ing In Jacksonville that a case xs been made out against him here. It i claimed by his friends that the -barges are trumpeJ up and that the, Jaere is nothing in them. George while In Savannah bore a good reputa tion. He Is a drug clerk. Atlanta, Sept. 13.—Hosea Hildreth Smith, the father of Gov. Hoke Smith Burton Smith and Mrs. F. S. White- sides. is critically 111 at his residence, 582 Peaechtree street. It was reported at a late hour that he was not expect ed to survive this attack. Mr. Smith is a very old man and his ago has made the progress of his dis ease more rapid than would otherwnw be the case. Mr. Smith came to Atlanta years &g from North Carolina. At one time he was a professor at the University of North Carolina and has taught In sev eral other states. . TAPP TO 8PEAK SAVANNAH. m AT it. Money Stolen Under Peculiar Circum- stance*. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 16.—The polIc,e are still looking for the party who stole $147 from Mrs. J. W. Waters but there seems little chance of their mak ing an arrest The money which was- pocketbook suspended from Mrs. Water's belt was stolen from her un der peculiar circumstances., A found ling had been discovered in the rear of Mrs. Waters' residence Monday night early and she went into a room crowdede with negroes to see the little youngster. When she came out she missed her pock,etbook which had been suspended from her belt. It contained the sum named. The police were at once notified blit the negroes had scattered and there was no proof against any of them. “Placing itself squarely In line with progressive Georgia municipalities Brunswick has called an election on thp Issuance of $176,000 of bonds for various city Improvements. Covington, Ga., voted for $60,000 of bonds for municipal Improvements. Fitzgerald, Georgia, sold Its $130,000 issue of City- Improvement bonds at a satisfactory premium. “New banks are announced for Car bon Hill, Ala., Kenesaw, Ga., and Jonesboro, Ga., and contract for the erection of a bank builtdlng at Boaz, Ala., has Just been let. "At Birmingham, Ala., bids for erec ting a 15-story office building were re ceived and the contract will be award ed this week, while specifications for a seven-story office building there were placed in the hands of contractors and their bids Invited. Among the inter esting construction items noted are: Will Tender Resignation. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 16.—There la a well founded report in Savannah that Rev. Roger L. Clark, Pastor of the Chistian church will tender hi* resignation In a few days to be accept ed January 1st. He is going to return to Kentucky from whence he came to Savannaih. Mr. Clark has done a great deal since coming to Savanni to build up the church and it is ho] he can be induced to change his mini and remain here. Began Thair Session This Morning Savannah, Ga, September. 16.—Tho Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineera and the Ladles Auxiliary began their session here this morning at Odd Fel lows Hall. The session waa very largely attended and much interest was shown In It. Tonight at Bene dictine Hall the visitors will be wel comed to Savannah by Mayor Tiede- man and oth.ers. A Very Distasteful Duty. Savannah, 8ept 16th.—Capt. M. Ed Wilson, who has had considerable ex- $25,000 apartment home. Birmingham, ! rience |n „ llnB up the 8eiulment „t Ala.; hotel, Rome, Qa.; ch “ rcb ®*> i crowds and communities, has returned Foley, Ala., Greensboro, Oa„ Mobile, from R tr|p We4t and East . H e .aw Ala.; and Valdoata, Qa.; achool build- Taft and Foraker ,. aak0 handl ,t Inga, Fitzgerald, Ga.; Tuscaloosa, Ala., Dayhm He IayI „ was a very per- Menlo. Ala.; and Carrolton, Ala., and functory proceed | ng and impressed no- the award of contract to build a $60,- 000 hospital addition at Atlanta, Ga. "New buggy factories are to be es- ; ..’shed at Barnesville, Ga., Griffin Ca., and Covington, Ga. An Atlanta Gal., company was chartered to man ufacture artificial limbs. Gladsden, Ala., gave an Attalla company Iran- chlse to furnish the city with electric light and power. A $100,000 Iron and coal company asked for charter at Ced&rtown, Ga. At Dawson, Ga., a $20,000 telephone company was form- Mobile, Ala., is to have a new chemical works and will enlarge an- another ch.emlcal plant already In ex istence there. Ice plants for Hartwell Ga., and Augusta, Ga., are noted. "Cheerful reports of improving prices w ere made at the monthly meet ing ot the Alabama-West Florida body who saw it as being sincere. Foraker grasped the hand of the man who had licked him as If be was per forming a very distasteful duty. 8avannah Elks Opened New Club. Savannah, Sept. 16.—The Savannah Lodge of Elks yesterday opened their new club house on Oglethorpe Ave nue West. The club we* formerly the residence of Col. Blerne Gordon and it will make a very palatial home for the order. It has almost been entire ly furnished by donations from the membership. Hon. J. M. Brown In Savannah. Savannah, Sept., 16th.—Hon. Joseph lumber men, at Montgomery, Ala., al- , M - Iirown ’ Democratic nominee for though It la annouced that that the ; Oovernor of Geor « i ‘ 1 * ln bc ln Savan ' manufacturer, will not n.alte the ml.- |nah oa Fr ‘ da >' aBl1 ,kllver *“ take of rushing too much lumber to a ' ,t,re! '*- He will apeak under t e market during the n.xt two or three ? U3 1 ,|C03 of the Bryan and Kern Club. months, but will accept the bright ening conditions with the proper de gree of conservatism. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 14.—Dr. H. h. Smith, father of Governor Hoke Smith, and one of the most prominent schol- j GOVERNOR MAY BE ASKED ars and educators in tho state, died! TO DISSOLVE PARLIAMENT, this morning. He was in his S9th j Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 14.—The Leglsla- year. Death was probably due to | lure began anew on an entirely new old age. j convict bill today. It waa introduced In addition to the oration of the Geor gian several canned speeches will be turned- loose from phonographs. Tho occassion promIs.es to be one of much interest. Hon. Pleasant A. Stovall President of tae Bryan and Kern Club will probably preside at the meeting. jin the Senate and will be taken up for ( Savannah Dodged Another Storm. Savannah, Oa., Sept. 15.—Savanr.nh St. Peteraburg, Russia. Sept. 15.— /discussion uero tomorrow morning, bus dodged anoL’ier autumn »wrn. Upward of one hundred new *•«**»* nr'The moraine an.i nfromnnn tomu.. ' cholera were reported today which make a total cares ln four days. Authorities aavc taken extraordinary measures to pre w cases of!The morning and afternoon sessions For thres days the weather nureau ,y and for-|o. the two Houses were brief. ; hr. been t!oping t-te people of tho ntal of 495 Mr. Alexander tried to call up bis H, y oS t0 ,* cl t;iat tllrM was a Kern, Democratic candidate tor vice- M- in ,k- to the fact that thn Vr sT," : JU, * S "' aWt - ,i I 11 '’™ *•'■ the Bnhuma" tbr.t might Mr. Barrett, ,f Stephen, announced |,.one this way, hut this morning it rent the spread of the disease but tho that ho la ready to v-te to adjourn j was orldent that the blow had gone 'Itaction !s so appalling that It seents ; 'the ole, and If need bo to join In call-1 somewhere else, ' savannah has not Impost!:,!? to cope with ft, e.-Wrnlc. ] l-C C« tho Governor to dissolve tee j bad a storm In ten years hut regularly Since the oulb.-ak S.747 cMe« have < o^mh.y. every f»n .he b treated to a couple been reported and over three thon-!- Adjournment was taken til! neon to- Jot scares by the eports from tbe south president will speak at Macon cn Oct sand deaths. The people are panic' n-rvow. The Senate merely met and [that there Is n disturbance cn route 7th. * stricken and cn the verge of rioting. *dj3^nieo. jtfclg w*y. '