Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, September 26, 1908, Image 2
THE WAYCROSS WEEKLY HERALD THE WEEKLY HERAID A. P. PERHAM A BON. Editors and Publishers. Entered at the Pont Office at Way- cross, Qa., as second clas matter." The Evening Herald la published •very evening except Sunday. The Weekly Herald every Saturday. All aubscrlptlona are payable advance. Advertising rates reasonable aDd Dade known on application. HATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: Dally. One Year I5A0 Dally. Six Months $ Dally, Three Months $125 Weekly. One Year WAYCROS. GA., 8EPT., 26 1908. Joseph M. Brown la having ul march through Sout.i G friends ore not lying down Moultrie Observer. jHoeph M Brown's trip Sout.i Georgia looks to ns ' like u triumphal match. i triumph ogla. His The quail reason will soon he her and It Is rumored that some lawles people hav • b< «*»'j.«*lUng in a few ktl logs nlieaJ of time. The man who at tilt Hies hlmseir h bolt lug th«» democrat U: prltuary shottl never again he allowed a seat at lit democratic table. *j. There Is no excuse for the rac which Yancey Curler taluks he Is mn« Ing in Georgia, especially us ho has failed to get that roll of green hacks expected. from Hettrst which he *- Yancey Carter Is just one of the Hoke Smith supporters who will holt the primary In which he entered. Most of the others have a higher sense of political honor than that.—Ex. + What right Yancey Cartor has have his name placed on the straight Democratic ticket is a mystery to us. We don't believe he has any such I I'm. *- Mr. Bryan covered the two planta- ons which comprise the state of ..hode Island In one day last week, and didn’t have to hurry either.— News. Sheriff Hoard, of Clay county was mortally wounded yesterday by a ne gro ho wah trying to arrest. A posse later shot the negro to death la swamp. Brown should pay no more attention to Carter than he would to the haying Of hounds. Carter Is a bolter and Is not entitled to any consideration w over from the wulte democratic voters of Georgia. Poof old Yancey Carter, ho is In deed between the devil and the deep, blue sen.—Brunswick News. Perhaps you mean that old Man Car- tor In between Joe Brown ami over whelming defeat. The editor of the Herald wore crepe In a very becoming manner and In public, when Estlll was defeated. And now, If w.e mildly and pleasantly sug gest that some of our Hoke Smith friends ought to look a little sad, who shall blame us. 4* Every paper In Georgia should come out good and strong for biennial ses sions of the legislature. If we had biennial sessions of the legislature fpearl-shell oysters w An exchange asks: “Where has the TO THE OEMOCRAT8 money gone?" You can't prove it by the country editor In this lititude, Hon. Joseph M. Brown Is having a great reception at Valdosta today and will go to Cordele tomorrow. Carrie Nation will not give her sup port to Taft. So there Is one handi cap he will escape. + The Chicago dinner at which Messrs. Bryan and Taft will be guests, will be notable for the absence of Col. John Temple Graves. The Worth County Fair commences m xt Thursday the 21th Inst, and will last two days. It will be held at Byt- says Taft is dodging. I dodging behind a tree Ij ere 1= no true bi- enough ys Carter 1« a bolter crude primary and i honorable opi**n,ent, eminently correct as * him 'he proprietor of the Hotel La imle is doing his best to often up October 1st. Mr. Wooten will not t»w opt n his doors to the public il everything Ih In apple pie order. * fouston Post: "Any man with two Sara and a half oug.U to be happy Texas.'• But not for long. A man with two dollars and a half in ills pocket in Texas would havo a swarm iscals chasing him in ten minutes. Alt .tough dn pan is slowing down in ir warlike preparations. Congress man Hobson will not be deceived, but will proceed to climb to the comb of he roof, crying aloud and sparing tot.—Charleston Courier. OF WARE COUNTY. As chairman of the Democratic ex ecutive committee of Ware county 1 have never felt that there was any necessity after the primary, for further appeal to the loyalty and patriotism of the white voter* of the cuonty. In fact I havo felt that to doubt me fealty of the rock ribbed Democracy of Ware would be an insult to their manhood, their intelligence and their devotion to principle. It is true that In the gubernatorial campaign we'had a heat ed contest but each man voted for the candidate of his choice. When he cast that vote ho pledged himself to support the candi lates who should re ceive the greatest number of votes from the governor’s office down to county coroner. The rumor that a number of white men who voted In tae late primary w ill vote for an independ ent candidate In (he October election, haw no weight with me. I da not be ll ve It. I have too mue.i confidence In my own people to barber for an in stant the thought that any democrat iri this grand old commonwealth of Ware would stultify himself by voting oilier than the straight ticket, Bryan Brow i HIES NORTH AND SOUTN The negro is having a hard time among hU friends and sympathizers (?) of the Non west. Our readers are familiar with the recent disgraceful oc currences In Springfield. 111., In which Innocent negroes were made to suffer at the hands of lawless men. The ne groes were driven out of the town. Peaceful, law-abiding members of that race were forced to seek homes else where. Many who had fled from that town to seek quiet homes and means of making a livelihood elsewhere among friends have found :io IJ.8S » mm "from the faotorV to YOU 35.000 CHAiffS Ixbr AT MANUFACTUREHS’ COST TIM* 1* A BICI Stxe CAXC %tAT Ht«M SiCAROOR** ccLOca <ail rmisa. oaqi* to-lay. FLORIDA CHAIR FACTORY /.'.CKOoNvtuc. rtoaisA What can tho democrat think of himself who voted In the primary and votes for Yancey Carter now. The truth Is he should never trust himself to vote In nnot.ior Democratic primary for he will ho out of his class. * "Johnlne, 1 will glvo you a quarter if you can get me a lock of your sister's hair." Gimme four bits an’ I’ll git you clo whole hunch. I know where slip hangs It nights."—Houston Post. :h<- formation of I)< further organize!lo The battle Is over v tlon of candi lates i can now only ask and urge you to rome to the ballot box and ratify w.iat vcu did in tho primary. That you will lo so I do not for a moment doubt. Joe Brown says be has faith In the people of Georgia and I have faith in e people of Ware county. A. 1*. PERHAM, Sit., Chairman Democratic Executive Committee, Ware ot'unty It now looks as if the general Binbly after lurching up the ottld march down r.;;;.in. without doing anything. Mr. Brown will attend the great Bonn and Brown rally at Macon on the 21th. Mr. J. P. Coffee, a ml., man t dosta. reports that dr is-.ul lumb advanced three to four dollar thou.-and. That lookd good. For the first time In the history of St. Petersburg, It Is said, orders have been Issued to clean ami disinfect the slums of the city. Under these condi tions tae epidemic of cholera In ta« Russian capital is not so much n mis fortune ns a crime. * Engineering corps are now engag ed In making a survey of the proposed lectrlc ear line from Jackson to Grflln. They were In Jackson tho past week and should reach Grflln in f or so. Tho tw’o captains, L. oberts, of Atlanta, and W. F. Smith, of FIovIIIa. are In charge of party.—Griffin News. * stors are sometimes regarded angerous, but they are not usually j Little Joe has kept his word. Way- cross Is the second city he has visit ed on his trip through the state. Ho told us he would do It. Waycross is honorud and South Georgia la pleased. .j. Tho Blackshear Times says ‘‘We understand there Is no doubt about an independent candidate entering the raco for sheriff." Lay him out, brother Byrd, cold and stiff. .J* Hon. Joseph M. Brown was in Sav annah yesterday and last night. Ho received a warm welcome in too city nnd county that gave him 3,000 majori ty' .. »•*- . {take tha j wait till A dairy tanner borhood Is quoted as saying: “Wo won't stand for them hero. There's no reason why taey snouIJ come here, and If they Jo there’s gong to be mor • trouble than there was In Springfield. There’s nothing fo ‘nigger’ to do In tals place and can t stan 1 for any riffraff. What Schulze says about shotguns is right. We’ll us We publish these facts, not to preju dice the negroes against the people of the North, but to show that the white people of the South are the best friends the negroes have. No such hostile sentiments against negroes on the part of white people of the 8outh are ever heard and no such brutal treatment of them ever occurs In this section of the country. In the South the negro who obeys the law and de votes his time anl his enrgy to im proving his condition Is well treated, encourased and respected. one of th,era lays his hand upon one of our white women, we simply hang him and lot the others go. We know the negro and treat him well. We also know our business. That part of Mr. Brown’s speech at Savannah yesterday in which he refers to Mr. Bryan. Is respectfully referred to tho Atlanta Joural. .j. Will some kind friend phase tell I »nce>- Carter where he Is at. How-' The Georgia School of Technology is better equipped and organized in all departments than ever before, and pre pared to do the best work in its history. Free Scholarships In order to afford the young men of Georgia high class technical educa tion, fifteen free scholarships are assigned to each County in the State. Take immediate advantage of this opportunity and write for latest catalog, containing all in formation necessar; for prospective students, and setting forth the ad vantages of the Georgia Tech. Advanced courses in Mechanical, Electrical, Textile, and Civil Engi neering, Engineering Chemistry, Chemistry and Architecture. Ex tensive and new equipment of Shop, Mill, Laboratories, etc. New Library and new Chemical Labora- Thc demand for the School's grad- is much greater than the supply- Next session opens Sept. 30th. For further information address K. G. MATHES0N, A. M, LL.D., Pres., Atlanta, Ga. BROWN ON BRYAN. looking ■ v: through the shop of a dealer in nick- I I\ nacks picked up a small handbag, IJ says the Philadelphia Ledger. "Are you sure." she Inquired, "that this la a real crocodile skin?’’ "Absolutely certain, madam,” re plied the dealer. “I shot that croco dile myself.” "It’s looks rather soiled,” observed his customer. "Naturally madam," explained the salesman. “That Is where It struck the ground when it tumbled off the tree." er, for fear such i found we volunteei } that he Is a long u friend cannot be the Info] from BOWLED OUT BY BROWN. Mr. W. Yancey Carter, the candidate of the Independence party for Gover nor, had forgotten evidently Joseph M. Brown’s ability to handle a pen when he challenged him to a Joint de bate on state Issues. In a short state ment given out at Valdosta, Mr. Brown states three reasons why he wouldn’t notice the challenge, any one of which Is so conclusive that Mr. Carter hardly renew It. Mr. Brown points out that, accord Ing to his own admission. Mr. Carter gubernatorial primary, and as defeated i for the gov quietly, but Plant Wood’s Garden Seeds \ FOR SUPERIOR VSGK- J TA3Lr7.6 S» FLOWERS. j Our hu? : D; «. both ■ : n Gar j and Farm Is, is >#oe oi largest iu ih * : mut:y, a .Lv-.w j! due to the Ucl ;:.a: Sj ( Quality is always our - j i first consideration, o Wc are headquarters for j Grass and C’ovor Seeds. Soed ! j Oats, Seed f*ot*'.&•*, Cow j Pen*. Sc.;*» Ejvis end j Oh:*.. Fa.il, siwJ*. i Wood's D''3?-Jot!vaC.' f .*log»J* I Uth«l*H4Uld uwtp tf’ 1 1 Mt-iloeirf*. /- - . r-- ,-dl ; A*.<1 ’ f• I / >' t. » CHDSO, - ¥• udg«\ howf . A Queensland The ncar decided t.iat thoy J nre make lid beasts. Befor.e a royal mm 1st; Ion on the pearling industry witness stated that eight years ago 1 had laid one hundred thousand shells In tho neighborhood of Friday or men cf Drunswlc tic it t against the $2“ near beer tax. What's the use, can’ go right along with their straight bee as they have hern doing. * tbouands of dollars would be saved and this money could go towards the education of the children in the back- woods. 4* * One of the strongest planks in tne national democratic plnform is that which favors the guaranteeing of toank diqiohljh. by the government Mr. Bryan himself Is strongly in favor of the Idea, and has lucidly outlined 1U details, in several public speeches since hla nomination for tae presiden cy,—Romo Tribune. Stand by your Democracy, it re deemed Georgia from negro rule, scalawaghm and carpet beggars. It ‘has protected >our life, your property and your family for forty years. De mocracy Is our rock of refuge and safe ty. Let us uot forsake B or desert it Outside of our Christian religion it Is our mainstay and our hope. Tho glowing prospects for tho pass The Japanese stole tho shells J D f the convict bill an dt’ae breaking up of the general as sembly. seem to have been nipped in tae bud. The jury may adjourn with out bringing in a verdict. Island. nd tho District Court Judge held tout ! ani mals. there was no penalty for steal ing them. 8TEEDLY ON BROWN. Atlanta Journal has forced all toe net to speak up and express them 's and It now seems that all reran will be "regular" this year, mor 8mtth has stated tiuit he will tow for Joe Brown for Governor and Joe Brown says he will vote for W. (there Is no position of honor or trust J. Bryan for President Tommy Wat- in the gift of tne people that a* would ■on will get what the boy shot At— not fill with ability, and honorably to Observer. In the true Interest of the people. W. E. Steedloy say <o much about Little Joe’# looks he woB almost afraid he couldn’t llo lown and sleep without dreaming, but u> saw him and shook hands with him nnd went home and went to bed and | to sleep and bad no bad dreams. Mr. Sttadly says he thinks Joe Brown is a nice, neat little man. It has turned out as we told Mrs. i Joe Brown that we feareJ It would, had heard uule *1°° 1* fa sl developing Into stump orator, Mrs. Brown did not snare our fear when we told her of it on notification day, but yoh see how It is. HON. W. G. BRANTLEY. Governor, Wm. G. Brantley, sounds all “O. K.” to us as a suitable succes sor to Governor Joseph M. Brown number of the state papers ar ediscus- ing Mr. Brantley as a probable can didate. The truth is Georgia has no l r Oner man within her borders, who d grace an office, not only of the state but also of the nation. He has de an ideal congressman—Is In fact ablest man in the eGorgla delega- >. The fact is we would hate to • him as our Representatives here in the Eleventh. Still if higher honors awaiting him, we're willing, for A Frenchman has Invented a cen trifugal gun thnt will discharge sev eral thousand bullets a minute. "T»iis weapon," says a writer about It, “will make war impossible by reas on of its terror.'* We have heard the same sort of thing many a time be fore. It was said that dynamite would make war Impossible; that the Maxim and Lyddite would atop armies from advancing upon each other, and so to prevent fighting people who really want to fight. Powerful hapld- fre guns make soldiers stand further apart; that is about all. The casual!- ties in the war between Japan and Russia, or between the British and the Boers, was nothing to compare with the casualties In the wars of Alexander and Darius. It may he Chat j Inventions will finally get the armies- ■o ter apart that they won’t he sole to] hit anybody at all.—Saranah llorn-1 log Newt. In his speech at Savannah yester day. speaking of Mr. Bryan, Mr. nrewa ar.M: When tho national Democratic con- .‘cnllon. In Denver ii.miluated William Icsaihit Bryan and John W. Kern, j entered tl •eipccH'. ly for President and Vice- because his candidat President of the United Stn’es, they ! be proposed to bolt am nriantly became my candidates. Be-1 ernorship himself. V< 1 Jin-; myst!.' honored by the Democracy (none the less emphatically, Mr. Brown • f Oc.rJa as Its candidate for Gov- J says that he wouldn’t show proper re- •rticr, I, of course, could ’.lave no ) spoct for his party If he were to recog- ■ jt’xught»*. -or than to support the uoml- j blze a bolter as n legitimate candidate ■’nova cf the Democracy of the nation !against its nominee, j v Ir.tident and Vice-President. Any j H wasn’t necessary for Mr. Brown other course would necessarily uo»- j anything more. That was credit not only my party loyalty, but enough to settle Mr. Carter. The lat- also my Intelligence, by Integrity, nnd : f< * r went into the primary and, there- I will say, my self-respect. > f°re, should abide by the result of It. “I^et me add that two times before, ^ He doesn’t seem disposed to do so. by the mandate of our l art /, I cheer-j Therefore the Democratic candidate, cheerfully voted for Bryan. Each time f° r oGvernor Is unde no obligations l believed l was doing a good thing.! t0 ®bow him any consideration. And Hence, I believe that whatever is a j it may be said in passing, that the peo- gootl thing to do twice is a \srood thing I l*^ e " M |lot Five Mr. Carter more than to do three times. And with practi* j a moments thought. If he wasn't pre- cally all the Democrats In Georgia j P- ir ed to abide by the result of thp pr*. consurring with me In that belief, I wary he shouldn't have taken part In cannot doubt that we shall carry this j lt - nn<l 11 he was he Is estopped from state for Bryan by a record-breaUltfe! us^iug support from the people. When majority. te voted In the primary he virtually “I believe that the indications from ! *hat he approved the doctrines all sections of the republic point to the of *he Democratic party, and would 1 triumphant election of that gifted ora-; support Its candidate. He hasn’t kept tor. that patriot, statesman and Chris-1 fR,t h with the party and henc* there tlan gentleman, our party's nominee. r ‘° Sood reason why Mr. Brown William Jennings Bryan. ! should regard ills challenge seriously, | If he were to accept the challenge lie " ' | would subject himself to criticism SEEDS j from hls P® 1 ^''.—Savannah News. Buckbce't “Full of Lift" Northern Grown BULBS BUCKBEE*S BULBS SUCCEEDI v SPECIAL OFFERS hUHMKnr BmtiM*. kj J’wtundei ° a or r° ur 1 Souvenir Collecllon?, 0 ^?.?? 1 ^^.^ WWW l *lk. »r*M »•««»*•. !«'». «M.Mk Iri.. Ml 1m, hMik, 1 “■".'’“■ft.-wW,. Iwun, UiMll, 1 f-u Kt* buwU Tilly, runt Tilly, Tuwuri 1 M ***** I ' uiaiTaxti'ed to I'LF.xsr. L Write to’dgy Mention thlt Paper I ^bSosmTc^st® u ’ 1 H*- Tkl* Silk ft wank • i W. Buckbes Pcdt*reed Seeds have s rttmtat. successful seed growing behind them. It pnys to plant the best. ' Ssnso—Me SpocUkietb— j BBAN8 tj.50 Bushel lUtion ot VI years at A LETTER FROM NORTH CAROLINA "r] c , n * <,n > ^ Cf—I wm nearly dead aff '?ion for six months growing worse oU the time. My cose h»r«l«r-w« enable to get about but little. I had tried everything with little benefit. I took three* botues ot nnfcrtf. BUCh n °': d Junl l’* r and wa> ffj.. I cured - A m now well and all right I owe my life to Stuart’* Budm und Juniper—rf. T. Maoon. If you suffer with backache, dull head- ache, swollen feet, stiff joint* and Imre energy and aee imaginary specks In t£Zubil’ i 0a h " e * ym P‘ 00a Stuart's Duchu and Juniper rrill relieve J™- AU driegfata, a .00. Write for •atopic, w, will send enotigti to prove it* wonderful merits. ™ “ Earliest Rid Valentine Rtfim-Enn Early . . New string Ins Green Fed . Ij.70 Bihel Wsrdwell’s Imp. Kidney Wax L.50 Bushel Davis New White Wax . . $4.75 Bushel Currie's Rost Proof Wsx . #4.50 Bushel Atanta, Sept. 23.—Fulton county take* <00 convict* under the new law and toe tax rate has been raised one! mill to pay for nne. The county j beard haa determined to go light uu- j •* r *el}' of member* of the Indepen- eoougb t* Short Drug Manufacturing Co. _ ^ ATLANTA, GA. The Bryan Federation, formed Jer Lie state’s offer. deuce League dls*atl»fled with W. B. Hearn* recent poltucal move*, ha* I**ued a call urging nil Independent* fcSSafedm* : gSKSS i, ^ Fora. t0 ™te for Bwm and torntt th“ Buckbc«‘s Lightning Express ts«o Eushel ! Vet an ounces that Je wll| reply today 111 ai ine BKiocti ucBiauvupnn naoa r-.- f buuhuts mm ae wui reply tOOay c^ttinE election •» the expooure. of Wm. R. Hear*,, j'^ {duo**-for reply. Fortier nya Uat up a big majority for “u ' ’ He We BUCKBEE h * >>*»• wood by hi* neighbor. Brown I* notonoh of a mil a , Mr ' U Mk.it, MMSMIM. MM.B M both wen railed W the mm ton. |* . worker Iu rlgbL-D^'oimm!