Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, September 26, 1908, Image 4
thf ^••rcr.osg weekly herald WANT NEW STATION AT WAYCROS8. It ii reported on good authority tffeai citizens of Waycross, tiring of 93m Coast Lino's delay In making ftnovn their Intention In regard to a lev passenger station there, will fil- Turin.ii complaint with the railroad SBOanaissfon. asking for an Investiga tion of tue facilities offered the travel ing public at WaycroBS. The Coast ’MAum Munounccd that they would s\ TK*ycroas a new station and It was Craight the work w'ould be taken up •pen -completion fcf their Immense sabops there. Ho far as Is known no «fe*pa has been taken, and the citizens •111 now ask that the road be made to ■wmedy tae evil.—Valdosta Times. So Tar ns the Herald knows no pres- mmrw Is being brought to bear on the ML.91. L., people In the matter of a new ■taJmi here. We nave the utmost WMf&dencc in flu- management of the Jk. C. I*, and feel assured that at the jsuper time and ns soon as isissllde mmrr wants will be attended to. Way- wrong people do not feel justified In at 9>vn lAlny, to dictate a business j*ollcv Co Inis corporation It lias mlllk sl«Tl«ir.< Invented here and we are fkw; that they should do their Ihrs-hlitg and t.ieir own building In •an-n time. tn today's Herald .1. K. Mil; pnojirletors of The Cash Gr<, saivom • that the solicitation i BK? wagon will bo discontinue Octole*r 1st. This i aade by arte corns] deration. and with a view of glv- &VT tbelr custom* rs better service and •feuibtlONS lower prices by the cut tang off of an exp. ise which never nan ftwarn nr any great value to either Ouar customers or themselves. O* ‘October 1st an additional telephone will be Install, d and special arrange- mints male for f; ■ prompt answer to alS telephone culls. All orders r«*ce|v- «*t ta-fore I* o'clock In the morning, by 'phoju' or otherwise, will be delivered It* lime fur dinner, and orders recelv- ral before 1 Hu will be delivered be- fi»v* ni-’ht. While some customers nto? find ilikt new arrangement < mum - inconvenience for a short tine Sheen lllbb & Hon are confident that IH will be more satisfactory to nil con amnrvl In the end because of the great Vw improved service the store will be enabled to give. This woman says that after months of suffering Lydia E. Pinkliam’s Vegetable Compound made her as well as ever. Maude K. Forgie. of Leesburg,Va, writes to Mrs. Finkham: ] want other suffering women tc >\v what Lydia E. Pinkh&m’a Vege !e Compound has done for me. For nibs I suffered from feminine ills that I thought I could not live. J *t<* you. and after taking Lydia E khum’s Vegetable Compound, and using the treatment you prescribed J PA8TE THI8 IN YOUR HAT. I write to apprise You men who are wise If you’J begin More trade to win You must advertise. «- read the WAN s ADS. Weak Women To traak aod alll&f women, them !* at lout on# SHUT nCRMUnUn r«Ae. (irouibout U» step fflPSS* Tbs*T*iib* Curs", as ft* cams Implies, doss It* work while you sleep. It soothes sore and Inflam, ed mucous surfaces, heal* local weaknesses and dUcharr*. while the Bestorativ*. eases nervous excitement, give* renewed elfor and amUtlon. builds up wasted tissues. brinatM about renewed strenxth. rtxor. and energy- like Dr. 8hoop t ReUGratire—Tablets or Liquid—as a feceral tonic to the system. For posMrs local help, uss as wall Dr. iShoop’s Night Cure -ALL DEALEKS* rtr READ THE WANT ADS. ^ felt like at i ong, i id well I am ns ever. und thank yoc have done for the good y FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN For thirty years Lydia K. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, ami has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation,ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that 1 •car ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion,dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don’t you try it Y Mrs. I’lnRham Invites nil sick women to write her for advice. 8he has guide;! thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. w&Lwmmmmm tBUUic* KiUn«*;-o and Bladder flight VAs t’fW-y say that about you? That’s —Hr ♦.aid If your cleaning and press- liiirta Coup by us. and taslty done at mrwsfiei tne price. J«at think 15 suits for $1.00 and we •fBcK'ju) for and deliver tn first class Vfcomross Tailoring & Pressing Club "25 Pendleton Street. i j5L : Sr iDID YOU EVER CONSIDER : The Import.nice ol Hav- E ing Your Tecih Ex- : amine! HOW EkSCNTIAL : coon TEETH AKC TO I GOOD HEALTH. E SI31ICT VOtta TtlTH, TOU CM : HAVE THEM E/4MIHED FREE ; Filled ut small cost for cash ! if the nc.*.| filling. INVE8- * TIOATE. D->c*t pay two : prices for your work when ; you can get just as good E work for half price. ; : CVCItYTHINU GUARANTEED : OR. DANIEL, j DENTIST OVER CENTRAL PHARMACY ^ immuiumiuiuiummmfi SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIES White Macon by the side 12 1-2 Smoke Macon by the side Smoke Shoulders 9 1-2 White Swan flour per sack Do Soto flour per sack Meal per peck Cracked Corn per peck | Sugar 251b sack $1.25 Try our mixed feed for horses, cows and chickens. It Is clean and whole some. Telephone No. 3. 23 2t May’s Mill & Feed Store. Customers for tho popular E. J. Cientley Putter nre now solicited by our agent Mr. M. Blizzard. This pop ular butter Is making regular custom ers of nil those w r ao try It once. 2t a w Ton coTimssioTizn oj PE7YS10AS \ A. J. HOW TO AVOID APPENDICITIS*. H0M who «n> habitually coottlpat mB. Ftfley-a Orino Laiatlr. cum deme oocltlpatlon by atlmulatlaf tea Iwr hi* bowala. rMey'a Orioo Laxa- ■auAoci sot nauacate or (H(w and la MM M pieaaant to taka. Refuaa ■Mkttatoa. Oa.tnU.aod tJotos Ptar- D. & 0. LOTT i Peach S Pecan Land ; We are offering slv attractive £ peach, pecan lat.d tracts, runs- lug in size from thirty to sixty- five acres each, ut low price nnd easy terms. It Is elevated ku-d and near the railroad. "ST-i US QUICK.” : Offices For Rent I Offices, the best in the city, * over the Post office, Telegraph - office and Telephone office foi • rent j Residence lor Rent Several good residences for rent, aud rooms furnished or un furnished. D. & 0. LOTI a of flout we make many varieties of OREAD. tvach kind Is different tn shape, dif ferent In method of making and On ferciit lu flavor. Hardly necessary «c ( say that all are excellent. We make nothing that we cannot recommend. Jr- C- HUBER- © + *+ »*»*«> + ©3 * , CONLY, KING & ©4•©❖©❖© + © COMPANY, R. A. EVERETT, MGR. Oyslrrs. Crabs. Shrimp. Trout Sheephead Drum Bass. 62 1*2 Plant Ave. ‘Phone 16. CONEY, KING, & CO. WAYCROSS, GA. 4- © 4- © 4- 4* © 4- © “1 c /. •; caniH..: II ^uman. j uioi-vAis 4- ❖ 4- 4* 4- 4* 4- 4* 4* -t* .J* 4- i- 4- 4- 4- 44- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4 4-i^ LIFE INSURANCE And NATIONAL BANKi CIRCULATION 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 114- Wt ?i+ 4- 4* 4- 4- * 4- 4- 4- A National Bank note !■ absolutely safe because It Is aecured by a deposit of bonds with the government. A State Life Insurance Policy Is equally as safe as a National Bank note, because every one of its Policies Is secured by a de posit of its entire value with the State under whose laws It operates No holder of a National Bank x»Me or a State Life Insurance Po:!c> kns lost or ever will loose anything on either because the rlgl t deposit law to whlc; both a;e subject, renders such loss an absolute impossibility. Attorney General Hart, «•! Georgia said recently: “That no mat could afford to trifle with Us Life Insuranti,” lu taking Inaura' therefore, keep your eye on SECURITY. Tho State Life In. .•..me temi hr.y of Indianapolis, lu..*, De posits Its reserve AKNGA* LV with the State, It raised this de posit on the first of Jan .1, t our; ui Fear Million To Five Mil lions Elch Hundred Thousand Cellars. ASSETS 1906 ... -• • •• 55,353,744. ASSETS 1907 $6,674,752. SURPLUS TO PCL:"-Y LUtCC.-.s 1 »;.> $579,625.. SURPLUS TO POLICY Hf I.ULKS 11-57 $707,402.. FOR iNtUllAKCL Tv ;.j im&uRES" V. L. STANTON. MGR. STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO. VV&ycross Ga. 4* 4* 4- 4* -I- 4- 4- • 4* 4- v 4* 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4 BEAR IN MIND WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE TEAMS OF ALL DESCRIP TION. A TRIAL IS ALL WE ASK. PROMPT AND EXCELLENT SERV ICE IS OUR MOTTO. TRY ONE OF OUR TURNOUTS AND YOU’LL BE CONVINCED. . V’i LOTT &JOKES LIVERY STABLE ’PHONE 39