Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, October 14, 1908, Image 2

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THE. VAYCR05.' EVENING HERALD THE EVENING HERALD A. F. PERHAM A EON. Editors and Publisher*. Entered at the Post Office at Way* cross, Oa., as second claa matter.'’ Toe liven lug Herald is jmoJl&he*: rery evening except Sunday. The Weekly Herald every Suturday. Ail aiib-erlptlons are payable tn advance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known on application. HATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: JSlIy, One Year I 6 - 01 gjally, Six Months V pally, Three Mouths I*- 2 * Weekly. One Year 6° WAYCR08S, OA., OCT. 14, 1908. Ware county people want good roads. Let Ware county have good roads. That's what the Herald nays. And now comes the startling rumor that the Mormons are thinking of getting out a candidate for president. "Shall the coal man rule" asks an exchange. Not so long as there is a light wood knot In Ware county. You will bo pleased wlta Governor Joo Brown's latest letter which ap pears In our Issue of today. Little Joe gets better and better. Surely noboJy In this section Is so much in love with Yancey Carter as to be offended when we give him a jab in the riba. Col. Graves, vlce-prosldontlal candi date, la coming to Georgia October 20. It la too late now, Joo Brown has caught the coon and gono ’long home ^ ■— — Ketports cornea that a Chicago heiress has been kidnapped. If,-at our tlmo of life, we were kidnapping anything it would be an nelress. * ——+ Georgia’s Democracy soems to'be on straight In 146 counties with the Okeronokee. swamp thrown In for good measure. A 17-yeaV-qld ed 804 pounds of’cotton In 24 hours. That boy Is allright. Forty-eight hours would have given him a bale at that rate. BRYAN NO LONGER A BOGEY. President Roosevelt himself Is safJ to be dismayed*by the great numbers of Republican manufacturers and- bankers and railroads who refuse any longer to be frightened by Bryan— New York Evening Post. The newspaper quoted eruahlrigly adds that "the man who has made W. J. Bryan cease to appear alarming Is Theodore Roosevelt." The Evening Poet also says: "We agree with Mr. j Bryan tnat for the Republicans to predict that his election will bring on panic and hard times is the height of Impudence. That cry was raised against the Democrats In 1&98, 190^ and 1904. But after more taaa ten years of undlstputed Republican as tendency, we had one of the worst panics In our history, and the hard 1 times aro still upon us. Under tneso circumstances the Republican orators might interest their hearers raoro by explaining why the miraculous Intel llgeucu and administrative skill of the Republican failed to save us." Yet the Evening Post calls for the election of "Me-Too’’ Taft who soerns to nsplre only to "clinch”—that Is his own word—"my policies" and become only an ad Interim president until the terrible Roosevelt shall return like Napoleon from Elba and make con servative souls onco more quake In their boots. Truly there Is no account ing for tastes. Ob yes. the car factory will run and tne A. C. L. shops will run, and the Cypress mill will run and the J. S Bailey mill will run, and the Hebar mill will run and Waycross will quit running and go to flying the first thin, you know. The war clouds In the East seem to be passing away. —1 ,j.. IF YOU MIS8 THE ELK’8 MIN STRELS YOU WILL MISS THE ONLY SHOW IN THE OPERA HOUSE THIS SEASON. Youngsters teased a wild man at a Pennsylvania county fair until he did get wild. and. climbing out of his cage n very mail negro, spankeJ several kld« to a Antsii. The republican candidate for Con- grfess. J. M. Elders, postmaster at Ha gan, has been arrested for cmboxsle* ment. If ho can't go to Congress he may go to the penitentiary. "When a woman gives you a piece of her mind It Is not as a guarantee that she has a peaceful mind." says The Nashville American. No guaran tee la offoroj, either, that your own peaco of mind, will remain.—Ex. Now brethren, ain’t that the trutu? It la stirprlalng that there is such lit tle Interest In the national election. The average Moultrlo man takes.about the same Interest In tae contest be tween Bryan and Taft that he would take tn an election in England.—Moul trie Observer. Yes, but there Is no fight on In Moui trie or Colquitt county. Everybody from the coon dog down Is for Bryan. % + The Mllltown Nows wants a passed for depot fur Its growing town. The citizens of Mllltown hav.* to stand up In the stroet and wait for tho train to come and If it la a rainy day the best they can do Is to take shelter In the business bouses and keep an eye on the stopping point and they have to make a dash like a partridge when the cars heave in sight. Wo second the move of Editor Black that Lae rail road commission force t.ie "Air Line” to give a car shed to the most Import ant city of its line and the point where Its terminals are. + Mr. Clapp declare* that tne Inle- pondeace party Vlas come to tleontU to stay. He aaya It trill be round ‘John- ny-on-the-spot." when the election Cue rollt round again. and that 1< trill not content UmII with making 1 a try (or the govtrnorshlp, hut wilt g<- alter other State Houae and even coun ty office*. According to' Mr. Clapp oven tut Democratic cornier will not herenttei bo sat* Iron Independence oppoaltton -Jfewg,. Wo are willing that the Imtopedd mep party should ham a^corqoj*. Thoy »eed,*n*,l* Uw4r,»«iMMy , ...tr ■& w - BLACKSMITH & WHEELWRIGHT BLACKSMITH WORK OF ALL KIN08. HORSE SHOEING, BUGGY AND WAGON REPAIRING. Can cure Trash, special attention glvon to.all diseases of the feet. Prompt Service Ail Satisfactory Work GAURANTEED Will Ulmer, Tebean SI Rear Herald Olllce. A GOOD LOOKER Do they say that about you? That’s easily said It your cleaning and press Ing Is done by us, and easily done at s moderate price. Just think 15 suits for 91.00 and wo will sond for and deliver m first class shape. Waycross Tailoring & Pressing Gab 25 Pendleton Street. Some People- In Footwear cad acthii : t cf the newest and Like the very latest and smartest things . styles. Other People ter pleased shoes. Don’t care st for style, but fortable, durable and easy much re Let* Most People-- Want both style and comfort combined lit reasonaby priced, good Icokius, well wearing shoes. It doesn’t matter to which o! the above Now, Reader- classes you belong—your shoes are- hare. Come la and we'll certainly take sreat plasure hi allowing, them to you. For the next tea days wo will sell th** famous Jewel tailor made shlrta at reduced prices. 2.50 wlrts for 12.00; 12.00 shirts for $1.50. Tne Waycross Pressing Club, F. L. Page Prop. tk WOMAN INTERRUPTS POLITICAL SPEAKER. A well dressed woman Interrupted a political speaker recently by ccntiu- j ually couching. If she had takes ‘ Foley's Honey and Tar It would have cured her couga quickly and expelled the cold from her system. The genu ine Foley’s Honey and Tar contbi. no opiates and Is in a yellow packui: Refuse Substitutes. Central & Union Pharmacy. For the best blej e'e tlyes at the least price see J. T. McGee, 21 Al bany Avenue. 2d tf e.o.u. BUMPHREVS & WILLIAMSON, Dry Goods, Shoes and Millinery. WA'I * NICE LITTLE MEAL AT BROWN’8 Is always appreciated, where you get everything so appetizing and toothsome these September morn ings, when your appetite is fickle. When you want to treat your friend, your wife or your sweet heart, to a meal that la cooked to the Queen's taste bring them to Brown’s. RESTAURANT. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby vannounce to my friend, and fellow citizens, that I will be a candidate to aucceed my.clf, for tbe office of Justice of the Peace for the 1231 District O. M„ Ware county, at the election to be held on the 1st Sat urday In December next, it being tho it’d day ot aald month. I have during my term In office endeavored to till tae office to the beat ot my ability, faithfully, Impartially nnd honestly, and will pursue the same course the next term. It elected. 1 will fully ap preciate the cordial aupport of my (rlenda and fellow cltUons In tho elec tion. Very truly yours. . H. P. BIRD. ftniftach troubles would more quick ly disappear It tbe Idea ot treating the cauae rather than the effect, .vould come Into practice. A tiny. In- Ido, hidden nerves, says Dr. Shoop. toverns and glrea strength to the itouach. A branch also goes to the mart and oof to tho Undneya. When hone "Inside nerves* hall, then the mu must tutor. Dr. 8hoop'l Res- ornttro to directed ipectOcslly to the 'ailing nerved. Within 41 hours aft- r ntartlng tbe Segtsntlre treatment patient* say they realise n gain. Bold ■lyul! Mentors. 4* t-‘ i 'i YOU CAN’T FAZE A ROBESON pocket m and the temper is merest You don't take ary chances in tojyintf because they run uniforraTcgaMlesspfgQce. P. N, Harley Hdw. CO MARRIED MAN IN TROUBLE: A married man who permits any member of hi* family to take any thing except Foley’s Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung trouble Is guilty of neglect. Nothing else Is as good for all prolmonary troubles. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates and Is in a yel low package. Central &, Union Pharmacy. ARE YOU ONLY HALF ALIVE? People with kidney trouble are sc weak and exhausted that they, are only half alive. Foley’s Kidney Reme dy makes healthy kidneys, restore:., lost vitality, and weak, delicate peo ple, are restored to health. Refuse any but Foley’s Central & Union Phaimacy. GINGER ALE THE HEALTHFUL SUMMER DRINK “RED KEEN” (1 I N O E R ALE. THE BEST OF ALL Sold by the cm, rro.n the Fac tory or at So.la Foulix. Mixed Soda'x delivered anywhere In tho City. \ A HEALTHY FAMILY. "Our whole family has enjoyed good health since we began using King’s New Life Pills, three years ago,” cays L. A. Rartlett, of Rural Route 1, Gilford Maine. They cleanse and tone the system tn a gentle that does you good. 25c at all drug stores. WOULD MORTAGE THE FARM. A former on Rural Route 2, Empire Ga., W. A. Floyd by name, says: ''Bucklin’* Arnica Salve cured the two worst sores I ever saw: one on my hand and one on my leg. It la worth more than its weight in gold. I would not be without It If 1 had to mortgage the farm to get it." Only 25c at all drug stores. Foley’s Honey and Tar curoi coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs and expels cqlds. Get the genuine In a yellow package. Central & Union Pharmacy. ^ WWWi(tMMi i *< (««• (iVffJiYiVic kV*¥(VWWk mANg. PRACTICALLY ALL PAINT [MANUFAC- 1 | URERS & DEALES THINKi THEY HAVE I THE BEST °\INT % I WATT HARDWARE COMPANY ..AY ARE C0UPAMY pains, womanly paint, pa:ns anywhere each 25c box of Dr. Shoop’s Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your doctor or druggist If this formula Is not complete. Head are dispensing everywhere, a clever get Instant relief from a Pink- Pain Tablet. All dealers. HAD A CL08E CALL. Mrs. Ada L. Croom,the widely known proprietor of the Croom Hotel, Vaughn Miss., says: ‘For several months 1 suffered with a severe cough, and con sumption seemed to have its grip on me, when a friend- recommended Dr. King’s New Discovery. I began tak* Ing It, and three bottles affected complete cure.” The fame of this life saving cough and cold remedy, and lung and throat healer Is world wide. Sold at alL drug stores, anil $1.00. Tr!a* bottle free. THE PAINTER KNOWS Ask him about this Brand before you buy. the beautiful home of j. e. BOWDEN, ON CARSWELL STREET. IS FOR SALE. A QUICK PURCHASER CAN GET A BARGAIN. SAVED HIS BOVS LIFE. My three year olJ boy was badly constipated, had a high (ever and was In nn awful condition. I gave him two doees ot Foley's Ortno Laxative and the next morning the (ever was gone and he was entirely well. Fol ey's Ortno Laxative saved hto life.” A. Wotkush. Caslmer, WIs. Central 4b Union Pharmacy. Served as coffee, the new coffee substitute known to grocer's every where as Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee, will trick even a coffee expert. Not a grain ot real coffee la It either. Pure healthful touted grains, malt, nuta, etc., have been ao cleverly blended a. to give a wonderful sat isfying coffee tute and Savor.' And It to "made tn n minute.” loo! No tedioua 20 to 30 mlnutea boiling# Teat It and sea, Dr. Shoop crested Health Coffee that the people might have n genuine coffee enbetltute, and one that would be thoroughly utisfytng in every possible respect Bold by the Waycross Grocery, Co. and the Mutu al Grocery Co. A JEWEL2RC- 1 C. tf. Kluger, *•. V'rgjrtb Ave.. Jh.'iaT': l wait to weak !.. ■: . it : cculd hfCi" vcl. Four,.Belt!. .(■ -Henudy ct-.rjJ t..)- •’IENCE. -T, 1060, u .. writes: ' ev trouble "•nndred . Kid* ‘np’oxlon. -j-Y ! < -nd tho Irregular o ‘.tprext..' I can ter, tq tLSiS:.. every day. nnd rec- commenc re»yi Kidney Remedy to all sufferer*, as it cured me after the doctors and olhsr remedies had tail ed.” Central A Union Pharmacy.. WHERE BULLETS FLEW. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., n veteran of the civil war, woo lost n foot at Gettysburg, xays: "The good Electric Bitters have done Is, worth more than Sve hundred dollars to me. I spent much money doctor Ing for a bad case ot atomach trouble to little purpose. I then tried Electric Bitters, nnd they cured me. I now take them as a tonic, nnd they keep me strong and well.” 50c at all drug •tores. WOOD! WOOD!! Best Stove Wood DeilverS at Your *loor $2.50 Cord. Georgia BotUing works D. L hEEN, Prop. TELEPHONE NO. 337. WAYCROSS PRESSING CLUB F. L. PAGE, Prop. 25 Pendleton Street, Phone 345 Repairing, Steam Cleaning and Dying, Reblocking Hats. Compound PAINE’S COMPOUND LAXATIVE SYRUP FOR STOMACH AND LIVER Does Not Sicken or Gripe 4 RICE 25 CEWTS , ,11* >i >IILi,ll„„:.h To quickly chock a cold, druggists u dispensing - everywhere, n clever. Candy Cold Cm Tablet called Pre vention. Proven tic* are also One far feverish children. Take Preveottcs at stags to head off all golds. Heal "Estate ££ Insurance Rents Collected <md Taxes Paid for Non Residents W, W. SHARPE, Jr. PI—•*! % Penmen. St. 'j ddtfaaJxM-aiFilie ,