Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, October 14, 1908, Image 4
MEN’S SUITS, 100' Suits, Worth from $12.50 to $20, close at half price. MEN’S PANTS- 150 Pairs ol Men’s I’anis to dose at cost or Tegs, • BOYS’ SUITS. 40 Suits for Bbys from $4 to $6. to close at half price. Copyright 1908 by Hart SchsITner & Mux BOYS’ PANTS. 175 pairs of- boys’ pants to close at actual cost. V OCTOBER m TO 17, 7 Day Sale lo Close October 17., 100 Suits At Just Half Price. 1 This means a big loss to me but they must go. i have gone through my entire stock of clothing and placed them on a special counter. WE ARE HERE TO STAY AND DO BUSINESS. A big lot of hats ' alUittfdJif’^frift' be , . .’ piaccd on (he hr.if f , ; ligee shirts, worth IgW |8MHA.ga ' ■■ $1 to $1.50 to close r" T - i Don’t fail to call and have a look i at the Lagest Stock of cloth ing in Waycross; i.fiisf»4'0fc2& 1 ’■ You Can Always get What You Want i 1 FOR LESS AT SUSPENDERS J Big lot of 25 apd, JH3| 35c suspendors to. ^ go at 20c. lK \: ^ Copyright 1908 by . V Htrt Schiffncr 8c M«rx THE STAR CLOTHING STORE. W. D. O’QUINN, Prop. WAYCROSS, GA. MAKING GREAT PRPARATION8. FOR THE SAVANNAH RACE. Now York. Oct.. H.—Very elabor ate preparation* are belnit made tor the apeclal crutae to Savannah which Iht Automobile Club of America baa PlannoJ to raaho during Thank,riving week In connection with the running at the Grand Prlss Race. The entire lower dock of the City ot Savannah, which the club haa char tered tor the uae ot Ita membera and goeata to and from the race, la to be converted Into a floating garage. Packing apace for thirty can haa been arranged, and a ayatom ot rack# do Timed to prevent the running amuck of care la the erent of rough aeia be ing encountered. Special accommodation! are prorlded honua. for the chauSeura to that the owner! can atop directly Into hit car from the boat and be whined to the apace re- aorved tor him la front of the grand ■Ian ,5. It la atao Intended to embark a special chaufleur’a and a private commlaaariat. The boat la to leave on the Satur day proceeding Thankagtvlng Immedr atety after the Harrard-Yale football game, and la expected to land Ita paa- aengera early Tuesday morning. The homeward trip la to he timed ao aa to «nd Monday morning In time for bual- Thoro are 196 yards of purple velvet In tho'flrar phri netting. Elks' Min- strles Thursday 'October 16. STATE OF TEXAS TO START ITS OWN RAILROAD. Aiiatln, Texas, Oot., M.—The State at Texas Is* soon to begin operating a railroad owned by Itself which was built to handle products of the Rusk penitentiary, principally Iron and pipe. The Government road establishes a connection frith the Texaa A New Or leans, sad International A Great Northern and will carry both freight and paaengers. The town ot Pales- tjno Is now agitating an extetulon ot the line in. thpt.point’In return for which II offers a right of way and s Nearly a hundred member* have ah ready reserved pa-aage, amung them P.-H. Gary, president of the Club, and John Jacob Aator, member of the Board of Oorernora. both of whom cabled their booking from Europe. Among three who will make the (rip are Cornelius Vanderbilt, Dar H. Morris, Colgate Hoyte, Henry Bander, aoa, Waldron Williams, George P. Chamberlin, Edgar L. Manton. Dr. Schuyler Skaata Wheeler, William Pierson Hamilton. Robert Lee Morrell, 3. B. Roosevelt, 0. 8. Ftoyd-Jonea. Henry Souther, Jefferson Demoat Thompson, A. R. Pardlngtloa and PhU T. Dodge. TO DEVELOP WATER POWER , ON SOUTH’S GREATS RIVERS. LEFT 01IER DOORSTEP FOR THIS MOTHER Mrs A. O. Toaon, of Livermore, Cal., writes: “I picked up from my door step one day a little hook In which 1 aoon became very much Interested. My little gtri of Are year* ot age had been troubled for a long time with Ires of appetite, extreme nervousness and undue fatigue. She woe all run down and In a vary deltcata condition. "This little book was vary compre hensively written, and told of the new method of extracting tba medicinal cla mant* of the cod'* liver from the pH, eliminating tha obnoxious oil which la so hard tor children to.take. “ 'Juatlho thUg/sald t Tor my Uttla daughter,' and 1 Immediately went for a bottle of Vlnol U helped her won derfully. She hit gained rapidly In flesh and atnngth, and aha does nil taka cold halt w anally. *1 am extremely grateful for the good It haa done her, sad I hope other mother* who bare weak, delicate or ailing children will be beneflted by my experience and Rut girt Vlnol a trial.' Washington. Oct, 14.—The Improve- meat of steam -engine practice put water power Into the. background, and kept It there for several years. But In this age of wonderful electrical advancement, water power Is again to tha front, and hyjnretcctrieal work has assumed large proportions in the •ontb. Over M0.W0 la now under if velopment, at a coat of from forty to Llano. flfty million dollare With much al ready aeoompllshed In tha James Riv er In Virginia, the Roanoke la North Carolina, tha Chattahoochee la floor gta, the Tallahassee In Alabama, , and In other.atreama, activities are being speeded ter Iht making available of jullllona ,-ot horsepower In the vast region stretching from tee Susque hanna to the Rio Oreade. In sections tributary to the Potomac, the Jamoa, Catawba, 1 'Yadkin the Teameaaaa. Warrior, Cnmbartaad. the Ohio. <Jba JKanawba, the Red and the SOME 8PECIAL8 AT THE CASH GROCERY. Aprlcota. Peaches. Prunes. Cranberries. Citron. Curranta. ( i Evaporated Apples. Urasil Nuta. Cocoanuts. Nice Line Fruits. ' V. Celery. CanneJ Cherries. Canned Peaches. ! j Canned Apricots. Edam Creese. Oraham Flour. New Georgia Syrup. Our cash plan aasurei you better goojs for less money. THE CASH GROCERY. J. K. Bibb A Son. LOST -Between 9°*! office gnl Jefferson Hotel, one watch fob on which there la a medal bearing the name of B. O. Parka. Finder will (If honeat) return to Herald office or Myers A Parks, and get reward. 16 (t SALT LAKE CITY HAS IARTGUAKE. Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct.— IS.—A rather aevere earthquake shock was recorded by the Instruments at the Unlveralty ot Utah here last night. Nft damages hare been reported. HOKE SMITH 8AYS / WE MUST ELECT BRYAN. Lincoln, Neb, Oct. 11.—Governor Hoke Smith, of Georgia, delivered an address here yesterday before the aril- dents', and membera of the faculty of the State university. He reviewed the hlatory ot the Democratic party and eulogised Wil liam J. Bryan. William J. Bryan, he declared, rank ed far above William H. Taft In exe cutive ability. “8lnce hearing Governor Hngbes •peak," he declared, "1 am poaitive wa must elect Bryan." Hair gobda are necessary for this season styles. We have them. The hon Ton. AN HEIRESS KIDNAPPED. Chicago, Oct. 13 —Margaret Frances Mitchell, 8 years old, said to be an helresa to a fortune ot 1260,000, was kidnapped while on the street with her grandmother. The little girl was snatched by one of three men in an automobile, and taken away after the grandmother, Mrs. Caroline P. Mitch- ell, haj been knocked down. The police are working on a cine that the child was taken out of the city, prob ably to Sparta, N. C. The kidnapping la said to be the climax of a prolonged struggle for pos session of the girl. She haa been living with her father, Robert Mitchell, at 4829 St. Lawrence avenue, while the mother Mrs. Margaret B. Mitchell haa lived separately. The fortune was left to the girl by her giother'a father. HOW DOES THIS SUIT YOU. New York. Oct. 19.—Vice-Chairman Mudapeth ot the Democratic National Committee made public today a list qf ISe states In which he aaij Mr. Bryan’ ' There will be more gmulne fun In would receive the electoral vote. They j the Elks' Minstrels than In anything ire as follows: The aolld South 164: jof a like ncture. Nebraska. 8: Indiana. IS; Ohio. 2S; West Virginia. 7; Nevada, 3; New I TO SEND VESSELS TO MEET York. 59. Total. 261. Necessary to a[ AROUND-THE WORLD FLEET, holes 242. Washington. Oct. 14.—The Navy The rlee-Chalrman pnt Wisconsin Department la considering the »<ivr In the doubtful column and said that 'ability of sending several vessels p, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Is land and Illinois were still debatable, with New Jareey and Connecticut fav orable to the Democratic party. TOMORROW AT ttS. COWART WILL HAVE PLENTY INDIAN RIV ER FISH AND FRESH OYSTERS, BUT DON’T FORGET TO HAVE THE MONEY WHEN YOU PHONE 7% H asCit home, stations to meet the battleship fleet now on Ita trip aronnd tha world. The Idaho, Mississippi, Montana, New iramsMpe and North Carolina. \r. available ter sack assignment. It aogeeted that those vessels meet the fleet either at flibreltcr or tha Arena, ted become part of U. It may he de cided to aead these Ore available ves sels to jola Admiral Sperry's fleet In Where the^| Door Opens 'Constantly Ynf can quickly krai anil keep coxy ike draughty Kill or cold room— no mailer wind the weather conditions are—and i! you only knew how much jitil comlort you cut have itom a PERFECTION Oil Heater Stripped wkk lasktltsa Pnhri\ yen wouldn't ho without one another hour. Turn Iks wick as high or S3 low as you please—ihere't no dingo—no smoke—no smell —just direct intense heal—that's because ol (he smokeless device. Beautifully finished in nickel and (span—orna- menta) anywhere. The brut lont holds 4 mute, giv ing heal nr 9 home. Il is light in wogjil—easily carried bom room to room. Every healer warranted. steady light—ideal to read or study by. Msde cl brass—nickel plated, latest im proved central draft burner. Every lamp warranted. II your dealer docs nil carry Perfection Oil Healer and Rayo Lamp write our nearest agency. •TAimxnnancaaranY V. C. PARKl.K, Contractor & B ider. J. M. MARKEV, Attorney-At-Law. OBIce In Court Huuso. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. Way ro88, G oraia PALACE BARBERSHOP- 12 Mary 8treet GUS REYNOLDS Prop. THE KtaONIF.CV*’ > ADI.' tOME ON CARSWF’ l *-■>»* ' VILL REMAIN ON TH» *<’C" 4HOST TtMff ONtV vr» sir. BOWDEN »»OUT IT O'”'*’ D. M. BRADLEY. rhvslei-n a Surjson. T mrer-r- CT e sea • * Brinson's Drug Btcre, Th-Inr-U EVir.R- R.NOSS AND THROAT. 'Ofllre with Dr. Fleming, over Young's OWING TO THE DEMAND FOR‘ Dm* Store. RESERVED BEATS THE ENTIRE { HOURS 10 A. M. TO 8 P. M. ^ BALCONY WILL BE HELD FOR' STRfft OCTOBER IS. * <*. ' u