Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, October 17, 1908, Image 4
tvr?~ THE 7VAYCR0SJ WEEKLY HERALD SOME ITEMS* Tl« receipts of the Atlanta post of See tor the month of September were S7VM. The new postoffice building It At* hots. Os., will be completed by March ISIS. The Divinity school of Atlanta has opened its doors with an unusually large attendance. Congressman Livingston, of Geor gia, has gone west in tbe interest of the Bryan campaign. The attendance at tbe Georgia state ■Diversity has passed the four hun dred anJ fifty mark. A Texas negro has been arrested for stealing 12 turkeys. Big nigger or ■null turkeys, suggests an exchange. *i* Tancey Carter hasn’t yet published a statement of his election expenses or who paid them. :—+ Tafts car ran off the track at Ster ling. Ohio, yesterday. That was a bad aacn for Taft. + Tom Watson speaks at Statesboro today and as there Is no other* circus to town he will doubtless talk to a good crowd. ^ Waycross Is fast becoming the Mec ca for the commercial pilgrim. In o*her words the drummers are flocking tore again. 4* Waycross can be mnjo one of the ■oat beautiful and prosperous cities a the South. Our task is to go to aorfc and make it what we would like a aoe IL *" Georgia is determined on toe humane treatment of her convict#. The barter aad sale of human fleah will bo no store forever. Cruelty must end and labor, confinement and isolation be tke punishment. + Ton don’t mind our prodding Yan- cejr a little do you boys? If you do we caaT kelp it. Such capers as he at* toatptod to cut In Georgia should be StarnC in tho early bud. —F ■ — "When a woman gives you a piece off lor mind it Is not as a guarantee that she has a peaceful mind.” says Us Nashville American. No guaran ies to effereJ, either, that your own gaaaa of mfnd, will remain.—Ex. Haw brethren, ain't that the truth? ^ Ha Democracy of Georgia la step- gtoff lively now. Let Bryan’s majori ty equal Joe Brown’s. "Tape, what Is a duce?” "A duce, aaa. U what one usually gets when Mmwbig for an aco."—Houston Post. * New York pays a large funeral bill. M costa the city f32.50 to burry each aff Cm unclaimed bodies that pass Omagh the morgue, and there are 1 about 9,400 of them in tho course of | DOLLAR WHEAT AND OUR CROP. Philadelphia Press. The United States haa grown a wheat crop this aummer well above the average of ten years. In fact (it ’was one of the banner harvests on record. And yet we have dollar wheat This is tbe more noteworthy, since tbe average price of all commodities has fallen considerably from tbe high point reached during tbe boom period that culminated last year. It Is true that In some countries wheat was a partial failure in 1908, so that the de mands for tho American cereal are greater. But It Is also a fact that the world is not ovestocked with breadstuff*, and It seems Incapable of ever attain ing that condjtlon. Dollar wheat may appear high for the consumer, but it has its redeeming quality for tbe Amer lean nation, which exports from 100,- 000,000 to 150,000,000 bushels a year It is one of the chief commodities that swell this country's traJe balance to such splendid proportions. And now comes the startling rumor that tho Mormons are* thinking of getting out a candidate for president. 4- Shall the coal man rule" aBks an exchange. Not so long as there is a llgbtwood knot in Ware county. l l You will be pleased with Governor Joe Brown’s latest letter which ap pears In our Issue of today. Little Joe gets better and better. Surely nobody in this section is s< much In love with Yancey Carter a» to be offended when we give him f. jab in the ribs. 4- Col. Graves, vice-presidential candi date, is coming to Georgia October 20 It Is too late now, Joe Brown has i-ght the coon and gone 'long houii' 4- V. C. PARKER, Contractor & Builder, Waycross, Georgia. LOtfle Joe Brown says he will go Omagh every county in the state, ao- ^Minting himself with the people and tot goods of the different counties. TWh looks like he wants to do sdme- ffktog (or the state.—Statosbdro News — .j. Arrangements are now being* made fcy Bon. Joe Illll Hall, president of toe Btbb county Democratic club and Mr. Jesse B. Hart, chairman of the «Mg(tvo committee of Bibb county, tor bringing Governor Smith, to Marsm on Thursday night, October 22. J*e Brows nay, he Intend.to be the ■m ot tee people who lire in th* amltcrj bounded by (he marches of An Okefenokea and the peak* of the ■nn Ridge niountaina, from tne Sav- nnanh rtrer ea.l to the Chattahoochee dwr wnil. That takes us all In boy*. ’ End lights have beep proved to be whMa to a greater distance than —nn In recent tests on a clear dark Atkt. a red light of one candle power man dearly dlacernable at one mile nme ad three candle power at two mllea •an natdle power, through a binocular, at hir miles, amt thlrty.tbroe candle pnnnr at live miles. On an exception- •By dear night a while light ot 3.2 «nA power could bo distlngulabed at Ann mites; 17.2 candle pojrer at lire Vn rotod an open, straight Demo- •suite ticket. It had Joe Drawn at As krai of It We did not scratch It. Bar E aff or eren turn It down, but A naked the Lord do forgive na, and AA fc Baking a great deal.—Ftugcr- AI Enterprise, On congratulations to you, Utreer; Si an praying and yon will get right Earnwhna and come to the eonclu- exa that your notion about, Joe Brown ERg ouch corrupt man nod that the would go to th* bad under hla al- nEdsfnllon. waa all an Imagination, Am probably to n disordered Liver.— ■kwtfhsvllle Dispatch- BLACKSMITH & WHEF.L WRIGHT BLACKSMITH WOHK OF ALL KIND8. HORSE SHOEING, BUGGY AND WAGON REPAIRING. Can cure Traab, special attention given to all disease* of the feet. Prompt Service An!' Satisfactory Work GAURANTEED Will Dimer, Tebean SI Hear Herald Oiliee. The wholesome, harmless green leaves and tendor atoms ot a lung healing mountainous shrub, r:m 'to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy Its cura tive proprieties. Tickling or dry bronchial coughs Quickly and safe yield to thlu highly effective Cough medicine. Dr. Sboop aaaurct mothers that they con with aafoty give It to even very young babloe. No opium, no chloroform—absolutely nothing harsh or harmful. It calma the dla- Ironing ocughs, and heals the aensa- Uve membranes.' Accept no other. Demand Dr. Bhcop'e. Sold by dealers. * _ M a Lika tho vary latest SOmC PCOplC— «d.nmnestthh... lu Footwear and nothing short of the newest and swellest styles. Ollier People— ter ^leaa-d with good, comfortable, durable and easy * h0 «- ..J&3 Don't care ao much for style, but are bet going Most People- Want both style and comfort combined In reasenaby 'priced, good looking, well wearing s'aoes. Now, -Reader- classes yc*j belong—your shoes are here. Come In and we’ll certainly take great plasure In showing them to you. It doesn’t matter to which of the above HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON, Dry Coeds, Shoes and Millinery." For th« next ten aaya wo will fell the famous Jewel tailor made ahirts at reduced prices. 2.50 fhirta for $2.00; f2.00 shirts for 11.50. The Waycrosa Pressing Club, F. L. Page Prop. tf* woman interrupts POLITICAL SPEAKER. A well dreased woman interrupted a political speaker recently by contin ually coughing. If she had taken Foley’a Honey and Tar It would have cured her cough quickly and expelled the cold from her system. The genu ine Foley’a Honey and Tar contain, no opiates and is in a yellow packa^ Refuse Substitutes. Central & Union Pharmacy. For tbe best bicycle tires at tin least' price see J. T. McGee, 21 Al bany Avenue. 2d tf e.o.u. A NICE LITTLE - MEAL AT BROWN’8 Is always appreciated, where yon get everything so appetizing and toothsome these September morn ings, when your appetite is fickle. When you want to treat your friend, your wife or your sweet heart, to a meal that la cooked to the Queen’s taste bring them to Brown’s. .-jLiuiiliifl WAYC ROSS RESTAURANT. YOU CAN’T FAZE A ROBESON POCKETKNL -»•- Rercl You don't tafe any chances in bqyind because they run unifonn jegardl^sof price P N;Harley Hdw. CO, MARRIED MAN IN TROUBLE. A married man who permits any member of his family to take any thing except Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung trouble is guilty of neglect,. Nothing else Is as good for all prolmonary troubles. The genuine Foley’s Honey and Tar contains no opiates and is in a yel low package. Central & Union Pharmacy. ARE YOU ONLY HALF ALIVE? People with kidney trouble are sc weak and exhausted that they are only half alive. Foley’s Kidney Reme dy makes healthy kidneys, restores, lost vitality, and weak, delicate peo ple, are restored to health. Refuse any but Foley’s Central & Union Phaimacy. X HEALTHY FAMILY. "Our whole family has enJoyeJ good health since we began using Dr. King's New Life Pills, three years ago,” Bays L. A. Harriett, of Rural Route 1, Gilford Maine. They cleanse and tone the system in n gentle wa that does you good. 25c at all drug stores. GINGER ALE THE HEALTHFUL SUMMER DRINK “RED KEEN” ginger ale. THE BEST OF ALL Sold by the case from the Fac- tory or at Soda Fount*. Mixed Soda’s delivered anywhere In the City. . _ WOOD! WOOD!! Best Stove Wood Dellverd at Your door 82.50 Cord. Georgia Bottling works D. L BEEN, Prop. TELEPHONE NO. 337. WAYCROSS PR1ESS1NG CLUB F. L. PAGE, Prop. 25 Pendlelen Street, Phone 345 Repairing, Steam Cleaning and Dying, Reblocking Hats. Ladies Work • a Specially. Telephone And Have Our W agon Call WOULD MORTAGE THE FARM. A farmer on Rural Route 2, Empire Ga., W. A. Floyd by name, says: Bucklin'* Arnica Salve cured the two worst sores‘I ever saw: one on my hand and one on my leg. It Is worth more than its weight in gold. I would not be without it if I had to mortgage the farm to get it.” Only 25c at all drug stores. Foley’s Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs and expels colds. Get the genuine in a yellow package. Central & Union Pharmacy. pains, womanly paint, pains anywhere each 25c box of Dr. Shoop’s Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your doctor or druggist if this formula is not complete. Head ore dispensing everywhere, ,a clever get Instant relief from a Pink Pain Tablet All dealer*. . PRACTICALLY ALL PAINT JMANUFAC- LRERS & DEALES THINKi THEY HAVE THE BEST ° \INT HAD A CLOSE CALL. Mr*. Ada L. Croom,the widely known proprietor of the Croom Hotel, Vaughn Miss., aaya: -For several months 1 suffered with a severe cough, and pon- sumption aeemod to have Its grip on me, when n friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery. I began tak ing It, and three bottles affected complete cure.” The . fame of this life saving cough and cold remedy, and lung and throat healer Is world wide. 8oId at all drug stores. 50c and $1.00. Tr-.?.l bottle free. ANNOUNCEMENT. I, hereby announce to my friends ami fellow cttliens, that I will be. a candidate to succeed myself, for the office of Justice ot the Peace for the 1231 District O. M., Ware county, at the election to be held on the let Sat- urday in December next. It being the St'a dey of said month. I havo daring my term In office endeavored to All tae office to the beat ot my ability, faithfully, Impartially and honestly, and will pursue the same course the next term. If elected. I wlU fully ap preciate the corJIal support of my friends and fellow dtiiena In the elec tion. Very truly yours. . R. P. BIRD. WATT HARDWARE COMPANY 4.. Au WARE C0MPAHY A JEWELERS Ia C. R. Klugcr, T'. Virginia Ave., Izilajci "I waa to weak tro-a could tirdly ieL Four Bcttle. *y Remedy cleared u,, •-IENQE. . •Ti 1060. writes: ev trouble • Vindred i Kid- aplexlon, stomach troubles would more quick ly disappear It the Idea of treating the cause rather than the effect, would come Into practice. A tiny. In- •Ide, hidden nerves, eaya Dr. 8hoop, -overas and given strength to the tomach. A branch also goes , to the wort, tad one to the klndnvyt. When hero -Inside nerves" fall, than Oa rgana mast falter. Dr. Shoop's Res- oratlvn Is directed specifically to the ailing nerves. Within 41 hours aft- r starting the Rrotontlv* treatment .•attend* say they nallw a gain. Sold by all dealer*. THE PAINTER KNOWS Ask kirn about this Brand - before you buy. __ -ltd my taekaco* end the Irregular- i'vtppoarei . ' I can now al ter.: tc hutite-.- every day. nud ree- commend ren-y e Kidney Remedy to all sufferers, as it cured me after the doctors and other remedies had fail ed.” Central A Union Pharmacy. THE BEAUTIFUL HOME OF J. E. T. BOWDEN, ON. CARSWELL 8TREET, IS FOR SALE. A QUICK PURCHASER CAN GET A BARGAIN, SAVED HIS BOV’S LIFE. -My three year old boy waa badly constipated, had a high fever and was In nn awful condition, t gave him two does* ot Foley-a Orino Laxative and the next morning tbe fever wa* goo* and h* was entirely well. Pol- ey'e Orino Laxative eavej hi* Ufa." A. Wolknih, Caalmer, Wts. . Central A Union Pharmacy. HmSHosir™™ Mw*a MU Praviat* Painainln Served a* coffee, the new coffee substitute known to grocer's every where as Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee, will trick even a coffee expert Not n groin of real coffee la It either. Pure healthful toasted grains, malt nuts, etc., have been so cleverly blended a* to give a wonderful aat- Isfylng coffee taste and flavor. And it It -'made In n minute,” too! No tedious 20 to 30 minutes boUIngfl Teat It and nee. Dr. 8 hoop created Health Coffee that the people might' have a genuine coffee lubetltnt*. and on* that would be thoroughly satisfying every possible respect Sold by the Waycroee Grocery. Co, and the Mutu al Oroonvy Co. WHERE BULLETS FLEW. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y-, a veteran of the civil war, who lost a foot at Gettysburg, says: ‘The good Electric Bitters have done Is worth more than live hundred dollars to me. I spent much money doctor lug for a bad case of stomach trouble to little purpoee. 1 then tried Electric Bitten, and they cured me. I now take them a* a tonic, and they keep me strong and well." 50c at all drug stores. I. w vnvi PAINE’S COMPOUND LAXATIVE SYRUP FOR STOMACH AND UVER Does Not Sicken or Gripe PRICE 25 CENTS • .To quickly check a cold, druggists a* dispensing everywhere, a clever Canity. Cold Cure Tablet called Pre vent! c*. Preventie* are also line’for feverish children! Taka Preventie* at the sneeze stage to head off alt aolda.' ar mad thi WANT ADS. 1301 ®* 4S ~ 1(e - AU d “ te »- Heal Estate - Insurance Rent# Collected ■ad Taxes Paid for Non Resident* ■new** t»wiMmtrnm law Um* ,Wj % SHARPE, Jr* 38 Paadhtan. St