Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, October 17, 1908, Image 7

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Georgia—Ware County. I Notice of Dlaaolutlon.
TO THE 8UPERIOR COURT OF . Notice la hereby given that the CO
SAID COUNTY: | partnership heretofore existing be-
The petition of George F.. Toumans, tween John Pope and J \V Beaton, un
J. M. Bell. C. M. Sweat, and Leon A Jer the name of the Pope Lumber Co..
Wilson, ail of said State and County, of Tlfton, Ga., has neon dissolved. J.
respectfully shows: I W. Beaton retires from the firm. All
That they desire tor themselves, j bills made in future must be under
their associates, successors and as-; the responsibility of John Pope. This
signs, to become Incorporated under Aug. 13. 1908. J. w. Beaton,
the name of
Notice To Debtors And Creditors.
Notice is hereby ^lven to all cre.ll-
Georgia: Ware County. | In the Superior Court of said county.
Under and by virtue of a power of November term lSCfS. Charlie M. Mil-
J.The term for which petitioners ' ',f tte'e'.tafe of’w] J. KenneyVlMe
desire to bo Incorporated I. twenty of count „ decea8edi render
(20) years wltn the privilege of renew
al at the end of that time.
3. The capital stock of said corpor
ation is to be 920,000.00 with the
privilege of increasing same to the
sum of $50,000.00 by a majority vote
of the stockholders, said stock to be
divided into shares of $100.00 each.
Ten per cent of the amount of capital
stock to be employed by them has been
actually paid In.
4. The object of the proposed cor
poration is for pecuniary profit and
gain to its stockholders. Petitioners
propose to carry on a wholesale and
retail Jewelry business and to deal in
Jewelry, watches, clocks, diamonds,
silver ware, glass ware, musical- In
struments, phonographs and phono
graph records; buying and selling for
cash or on credit all such ^ticles and
things as are usually embraced in a
wholesale and retail Jewelry business
and all such articles, things and mer
chandise of every character as may be
profitable handled and sold in connec
tion therewith; acting as general or
specie) agents for other persons or
companies in selling and handling any
articles or class of articles appropriate
to (he business aforesaid or usually or
conveniently connected therewith; and
o qgake contracts to act as such agedts
and to exercise the usual power and
to do all usual, necessary and proper
acta which pertain to or may be con
nected with the business of wholesale
and retail dealers in the articles
5. Petitioners desire the right to
sue and be sued, to plead and be im
pleaded, to have and use a common
seal, to make all necessary by laws
and regulations, and to do all other
things that may be necessary for the
successful carrying on of said business,
including the right to huy, hold, and
sell real estate and personal property
suitable to the purposes of the corpor
ation, and to execute notes and bonds
as evidence of indebtedness Incurred,
or which may be incurred, in the con
duct of the affairs of the corporation
and to secure the same by mortgage,
security deed, or other form of lien,
under existing laws.
<S. TJhe principal office of said cor
poration hall be In the city of Way-
cross, state and county aforesaid, but
petitioners desire the right to estab
lish branch offices within this State
or elsewhere, whenever the holders
of a majority of the stock may so de
WHEREFORE petitioners pray to be
made a body corporate under the name
and style aforesaid, entitled to the
rights, privileges, and immunities and
subject to the liabilities fixed by law.
Wilson, Bennett ft Lambdln.
Attorneys' For Petitioners.
I, E. J. Berry, Clerk of the Superior
Court of said County do hereby cer
tify that the above and foregoing is
a true copy of the application ' for
charter o? "Youmans' Jewelry Com
pany” as the same appears of file in
this office.
Witness my signature and the seal
of this court, this 29th day of August,
an account of their demands to me,
within the time prescribed by law,
properly made out, and all persons
indebted to said deceased, are hereby
requested to make Immediate pay
ment to the undersigned. —
This 5th day of Sept., 1908.
Lizzie Williams.
Aminlatratrlx of W. J. Kenney.
To all whom it may Concern!
Daniel Murray having In proper form
applied to me for permanent letters
>f administration on the e>tate of Janie
Murray, late of said county, this Is
to cite all and singular the creditors
and next of kind of Janie Murray, to be
and appear at my office within the time
allowed by law, and show cause, if any
they can, why permanent administra
tion should not be granted to Daniel
Murray, on said estate.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 7th day of-September, 1908
WARREN LOTT, Ordinary.
Robert Bldault has applied for ex
emption of personality and setting
apart and valuation of homesteau and
1 will hear same at 10 o’clock a. m.
on Monday Sept. 21st, 1908 at my of
fice in the Court House at Waycross,
Clerk, Superior Court, Ware County,
Notice is hereby given to all cre
ditors of the estate of W. B. Hargraves
late of said county, deceased Jo render
in an acount of their demands to me
within the time prescribed by law
properly mado out, and ail persons In
debted to sold deceased =>re hereby in-
quested to make linmedlaSe payment to
the undersigned. This 6th day of
September, 1908.
Apple Hargraves,
Administratrix af the Estate of W.
B. Harcraves.
To all whom it may concern: i
W. if. Jordan having in proper form
applied to me for Temporary Letters
of Administration on the estate or
John Jordan, lato of Said county, this
Is to, cite all and singular the cre
ditors and next of kin of John Jordan
to be and appear at my office within
the time allowed by law, and show
oause. If any they can, why perman
ent administration shout J not be grant
ed to W. M. Jordan on John Jordan’s
Witness my hand and official sig
nature. this 3rd day of Sept, luJ7.
By Chas. B. Cason, Clerk Ordinary.
Georgia, Ware County.
Under and by virtue of a power of
sale contained in a certain mortgage
executed by W. W. Sharpe of said
county to the Mayor and Council of
the City of Waycross, on the 9th day
of June 1005, and recorded in the office
of the Clerk of the Superior Court of
said county*in Mortgage Book ’’B"
page 434, the undersigned will sell at
public outcry, to the highest bidder,
for cash, at the door of the court house
of said County In Waycross, Georgia,
within the legal hours of sale, on Tues
day the 6th day of October 1908, the
following real estate, to wit:
AU of lots two hundred and thirty
six (236) and two hundred and thirty
seven (237) In the 8th district of Ware
County'Georgia, each containing four
hundred and ninety (490) acres, more
or less. *•
Said sale being for the purpose of
paying a certain promissory note exec
uted by said W. W. 8barpe to the
Mayor and Council of the City of Way-
cross for the principal sum of $1293.60,
dated June 9th 1905, and due twelve
months after date, and bearing inter
est from May 16th 1905, at 8 per cent
per annum, together with 10 per cent
attorney’s fees; the total amount due
on aid note being, on (he day of sale,
$1293.60, principal, $350.71 Interest
and $164.43 attorney’s fees, together
with fcosts of this 'proceeding; said
mortgage having been made tor the
purpose of securing (he payment of
said Indebtedness; and proper con
veyance will be executed to the pup
chaser or purchasers of said lands.
This the 3rd day of September, 1908.
By A. M. Knight, Mayor.
Whereas. W. 8. Booth, Administra
tor of S. D. McConnell, represents to
the Court In his petition, duly filed
and entered on record, that he has ful
ly administered B. D. McConnell’s
estate- This Is therefore to cite all
persons concerned, kindred and credi
tors, to show cause, if any they can,
why said Administrator should not be
discharged from his Administration,
and receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday In October, 1908.
Given under my hand and official
signature this 7th day of September,
1308. ■’ ■"
Warren Lott, Ordinary.
To whom It may Concern:
Whereas, E. J. Berry, administrator
on the estate of Mathias Llnthlcum,
deceased, having filed his petition for
leave to sell the wild lands belonging
to said estate in the couutles of Ware
Clinch and Echols, for the purpose of
distribution, notice is.hereby given
that an order will be granted as.pray
ed for at the next .October term of the
court of Ordinary in and for said
county, unlace good cause Is shown to
the contrary.
This September T. IMS.
Warren Lott.
Ordinary end-.Ex.-Off. Clark Court
of Ordinary.
sale cqntalned In a certain mortgage
executed by W. V. Sharpe of said
county to the Gresa Manufacturing
Company, a corporation of Tift County
Georgia, on the 18th day of December
1997, and recorded In the office of the
Clerk Of the Superior Court of Ware
County In Mortgage Book ’’6" page 117,
the undersigned will sell at public
outcry to tho highest blder for cash, at
the door of the court house of said
county In Waycross, Georgia, within
the legal hours of sale, on Tuesday
the 6th day of October, 1908, the fol
lowing real,estate, to-wit:, .
All that tract of land In Ware Coun
ty, Georgia. described., aa follows:
Commencing a) the North jrest corner
of lot of land No. 156 jIn (he 8th Dis
trict. .Ware County, Georgia, thence
East along original land line a dis
tance of 771 feet to within 50 feet of
Air Line Railroad; thence on the East
southerly dlnection along
the Air Line Rail Road; a distance
of 246 feet, .thence West on the South
along by land of T. A. Bailey, ft Co.,
a distance of 825 feet, more or less,
thence North on the West along the
original line of said lot a distance of
246 feet to the Northwest corner of
said lot to point of beginning, said
tract containing 4 1-2 acres more or
Said sale being for the purpose of
paying three certain promlssary notes
executed by said W. W. Sharpe, and
by G. G. Parker to the Gress Manu
facturing Company for the principal
sum of $859.60 each, aggregating
$2578.80, dated December 18th 1907,
and due two, four and six months after
date respectively, and bearing, inter
est from date at 8 per cent per annum,
together with 10 per cent attorney’s
tees; the total amount due on said
notes being, on the day of sale, $2578.-
80 principal, $165.05 interest, and
$274.38 attorney’s fees, together with
costs of this proceeding; said mort
gage having been made for the pur
pose of securing the payment of said
indebtedness; and proper conveyance
will be executed to the purchaser or
purchasers of said lands.
This 3rd day of September, 1908.
ler, vs, Clifford D. Miller,
To Clifford D. Miller:
You are hereby required, to be and
appear, personally or by attorney, at
the November term of the Superior
Court of Ware county, to be held on
the 2nd day of November, 1908, at 10
oclock a. m.. then and there to answe-
the complaint to which this process
Is annexed. As 1 default of suen ap
pearance the court will proceed as to
Justice shall appertain.
Witness the Hon. Thos. A. Parker,
Judge of said Court, this the 6th day
of September. 1908.
Orewley & Crawley. E. J. Berry,
Petitioners Attorneys. Cleyk,
AN ORDINANCE—Entitled, an or
dinance prohibiting minors, under tne
ago of eighteen yeare, and unaccom
panied by parents or guardians from
being upon the streetB of tho City of
Waycross after the hour of ten p.
and before the hour of 4 a. m.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and
Council of tho City of Waycross, in re
gular meeting assembled, and It is
hereby ordained by said authority, that
from and after the passage or this
ordinance it shall be unlawful for any
minor, under the ago of eighteen yenrs
to be upon the streets of the City of
Waycross, unless accompanied by the
parents or guardian of such minor; or
accompanied by some adult and with
the permission of the parents or
the parents or guardian of said minor.
Be It further ordained that a viola
tion of this ordinance shall be punish,
ed by a fine, not to exceed twenty-five
dollars, or Imprisonment or work
upon the chain gang, not exceeding
thirty days, in the discretion of tho
Attest: R. P. BYRD.
Signed A. M. KNIGHT,
Passed In meeting February 28, 1896
Will be sold on the first Tuesday In
October, next, between the legal houra
of sale before the Court House door
In Waycross, Ware county, Georgia, all
that one half lot of land number (209)
In the 6tb District of Ware county,
Georgia on the north end bounded by
lands of J. J. Henderson, east
by lands of Tom Mlnchew, south
by lands of 8teve Jordan, and
west by lands of T. J. Tuten, said
tract of land containing fifty (50)
acres more or less also except all of
acre of land being part of lot of
land number (209) in the 5th District
of Ware county, Georgia, bounded as
follows; on the north by lands of Jack
Henderson, east by lands of Tom Min-
hew, south by Store Jordans' land and
west by land of T. J. Tuten, said prop
erty levied to a&tlaty an execution Is
sued from the December term, 1907
of the City Court of Waycross, Ware
county, Georgia, In favor of Peterson
and Lott against J. C. Smith, J. L.
Smith and Elizabeth Smith. Said
property pointed out by plaintiff’s at*
This 8tb day of Sept, 1908.
D. A. Woodard,
H. D. Bunn and othera hare made
appllvation for a first class public
road commencing at the River Bridge
and Waresboro Public Road and run
ning from Waresboro to Millwood,
Georgia, at a point eastwardly of what
ia known aa the Crawley Farm in.said
county of Ware through lot of land
number 51 in the 8th district of Ware
county, Georgia, owned by 8. W. Hitch
and others, and lot number 89 in sgld
district owned by Mr* M. M. Craw-
ley and . othera which has been
marke^ out by the commissioners and
a report made'on oath by them. ,
All persons are notified that said
new road will on and after the first
Tuesday In' October next, by tbo Com
missioners of Roads and Revenue of
said county be finally granted, if no
new cause be shown to the contrary.
Tbit September 1. 1908.
E. J. Berry,
Clerk Comlssloncrs Roads and Rev
enue. •
Georgia—Ware County.
Whereas, W. B.f Booth and-B. J. Me*
Quair, Executors of the last will of L.
P. Steedley, represents to the Court,
in their petition, duly filed and entered
on record, that, they have fully admin
istered L. P. Steedley's estate. This
is therefore to cite all persona concern
ed, kindred and creditors, to’show
cause, if any they can, why said Exe
cutors should not be discharged from
their administration, and receive let
ters of-dUmUzlon, on the first Monday
day in October. 190S. . I
Warren Lott, Ordinary.
New York, Oct. 13.—Roger Omars,
a Pittsburg detective, this morning
secured from the Federal Courts of
Scranton, Pa., a writ ordering Br. Ba
ker, superintendent of Matteawan
Asylum for the criminally insane, to
produce Harry Thaw at the trustee's
hearing at Pittsburg on the latter’s
hearing of Thaw's bankrupt case.
Whether Dr. Baker will obey tbo
writ or lay himself liable for con
tempt proceedings is not known. Once
outside the stato of New York It Is
believed habeas corpus proceedings
will be instituted in an effort to have
Thaw’s sanity passed upon by Penn
sylvania courts.
Under and by virtue and power of
»alo, contained In a certain Instrument
of writing, executed by Lewis &
Wright a co-partnership, composed
of J. B. Lewis and M. L. Wright, and
doing business under the said firm
name of Lewis & Wright, dated on the
16th day of November 1907, and re
corded In the office of the clerk of
the Superior Court, of Wore County,
Georgia, in book number 6, of mort
gages, of saId county, on page 10D, the
undersigned will sell said property, at
public outcry, before the court house
doors in said county during the legal
hours of sale, to the highest and pest
bidder for cash on the first Tuesday
in November 1908. the following des
cribed property, to wit:
One mile of 35 pounds, steel rail
(being 70560 feet of rail) track,..to
gether with bolts,* plates, fastenings,
etc., used In laying same, said rail lying
and being on the tram road of Lewis
& Wright, In the county of Ware and
State of Georgia, at or near tho town
of Glenmore, and being tho same stool
raff and fixtures and fastenings pur
chased from O. W. Deen, and moved
from Astoria, In said county to the I and expensive to bo transported will
Will be sold on tho first Tuesday
in November next at public outcry,
the court house, in said county, within
the legal hours of salo, to tho highest
bidder for cash, certain property of
which tne following is a complete de
I Horizontal tub boiler working
pressure 150 pouuds; 1 80 H. P. en
gine; 1 heater, 2 pressure tanks, 1
pressure tank 2 Kahl presses No 2,
3 mixers, 2 dry, 1 wet; 2 complete
elevators, 1 hand press, 1 hand mixer.
Dies and plates for hand press, 1 pul
verizing machine, 1 emory stone mach
ine with 2 cup stones, 80 feet 3 7-1C
shafting, 48 feet 2 7-16 shafting,
couplers, 6 drop hangefs, 1 15-16, 1
hand hoisting machine, 8 bracket
hangers, 3 7-16, 4 bracket hangers 2
7-16, 4 bracket hangers 2 15-16, 40 feet
15-16 shafting,* 1 mule stand and
pulleys, 1264 feet tracks (30 pounds)
526 feet of track (20 pounds), 24 cars,
4 tranfer cars, 1 lime sieve, Octagon;
1 sand sieve Octagon, 2 scales, 30 feet
stoam hose, 1 drill press, 1 water
stone, 1 vise, 63 pulleys varied sizes,
30 ft. 2 1-2 Inch belting; 2 recording
gauges; 1 hoisting machine (steam
power); 16 shovels, 16 wheel barrows,
1 crow bar, 1 box stock and dies, 1
box stocks and pipe dies; 17 boxes
for slacking lime (shoot Iron), 1 pick,
1 Stllson wrench; 1 solder pot
and Irons, 1 ladle, 2 saws, 1 pair pin
cers, 1 hatchet, 203 feet 6 Inch belting,
76 feet 14 Inch belting, 25 feot 8 Inch
belting, 32 ft 12 in. belting, 100 ft. 12
inch bolting, 50 foot 4 Inch bolting
30 feet 5 inch belting 75 feet 3 Inch
belting; office furniture, desk letter-
press, chairs, and all and every piece
of machinery, tool and equipment used
In connenctlon with the operation of
the sand lime brick plant at the old
A., B. A A., R. R., shops.
Said property levied ou as the prop
erty of J. 8. Bailey and J. G. Blaln to
satisfy an execution Issued from the
City Court of Waycross 4n favor of
Southern Hydraulic Brick Company
against said J. S. Bailey and J. G.
Blalno; said property being In posses
sion of said J. S. Bailey and J. G.
Blaine. Said property being difficult
Bassere, Guadulopo, Oct. 13.—A.
train of ashea from a volcano on eith
er Martinique of St. Vincent Islands
Is falling over Guadolopo today.
Mount Coufriero Is calm so tho ashea
aro evidently coming from some other
present location.
For the purpose of paying principal,
Interest and 10 per cent attorneys reez
on three certain promissory notes,
aggregating the sum of $1,630.00, prln-
ipai. besides interest and 10 per cen!
attorneys fees, each note- having been
executed on November 16th 1008 by
said firm of Lewis A Wright to the
Bank of Waycross, at follows: Ons
note for $300.00 becoming due on De
cember 16th 1007, one note for $600.00
becoming due on January 16th 1908
snj one note for $730.00 becoming
due February 16tb, 1008. each of said
three notes stipulating interest from
dale at’ the rate of 8 per cent per an
num and 10 per cent attorney fees. The
total amount due on said notes, to date
of this foreclosure, including principal,
Interest and 10 par cent attorneys
fees, being $1,006.66. together with the
costs of this foreclosure under power
of sale given In said instrument. Said
rail, bolta, and fixtures are located at
nr near Glenmore In Ware county,
Georgia, aa above described and same
will be delivered to the purchaser at
the place where the property la locat-
I. This October 6th, 1008.
Receivers for tho Bank of Waycross.
In tho Superior Court jt Wore coun
ty, November term, 1908.
J. J. Lee vs Cora L> Lee.
To Cora L. Lee.
You aro hereby required, to be and
appear, .personally or by attorney, at
tlfc November term of the Superior
Court of Ware county, to be held on
the 2nd day of November, 1908, then
and there to enewer the complaint In
the above stated ease, Ae In default
of such appearance the court wilt pro
ceed as to Justice shall appertain.
Witness the Honorable Thos. A.
Parker, Judge of said court, this the
19 day of September, 1008.
;f iy>; ; J '■ Clerk 8. c, w. c.
not bo carried to the Court house;
but may be seen and examined at the
place where aame Is now located, at
tho old shops of too A., B. ft A., R. R.
This October 6th, 1008.
D, A. Woodard,
Sheriff, Ware County, Georgia.
A minister down in Alabama found
his people too poor to purebaso hymn
books, says an exchange, so being of
fered tbo same books freo by a pat
ent medicine house, provide! they iw
allowed to insert their advertisement,
ordered throe dozen for tho congre
gation. He was elated on seeing them
to find no ad. In same. The next Sun
day he distributed the books, lolling
bis brthren his good fortune and re
quested them to slug page 120. His
chagrin may bo Imagined when they
sang ns follows:
‘TInrk, tho happy voices slug.
Johnson's pills arc Just too thiug.
Say tho voices rneeg and mild,
Two for a matt; one for a child.”
Owing to the IllneBa of Dr. Izlar It
was nis desire that the co-partnership
of Walker & Izlar bo dissolved, and
wo horeby glvo notice that the firm
of Walker It Izlar terminated several
weeks ago.
This October 1st, 1008.
4 tw Respectfully
Libel For Divorco, Ware Superior
Court, November Term, 1908.
Mrs. E. C. Cannon, vs. W. J. Can*
Tho defendant, W. J. Cannon, Is here
by required to appear et tho next term
ot said court to answer complaint of
plaintiff's libel for divorce. In de
fault the court will proceed aa Justico
a'-all appertain.
Witness the Honorable T. A. Parker,
Judge at said court this 24th day of
Soptombor 1903.
E, J, Berry,
Clerk. 8. C„ W. C.
Will besold before tho Court House
door In said county, on the first Tues
day lu November, 1908, within the
legal hours of sale, to the highest bid
der for cash, the following described
property to wit:
190 acres of lanJ, more or less, part
of Lot No. (200) in tho (6) District
of said Ware county, and hounded as
On the Soutf by lsnJs of T. J. Tu
ten. on the East by lands of Thomas
Minchew. on the West by lands of L.
C. Blake, and on the Weat by fends of °^°> A - W f RE COUNTY
D. A. Jordan, formerly owned b/Steve first Tueeday
Jord#n I ’ .V- vectMT. 1908, before the -court
’Said described property, levied on as huJ “ Jstr » « ld county.-within
Will be sold at the court house doors
of said county on the first Tuesday in
November, 1908. Within the legal
houra ot sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, tho following described prop
erty to wit.
That certain lot of ianl located and
being in the City of Waycroea, Ware
county, Gn„ and bounded ns follows:
By a lino commencing on tho weet
side of McDonald street, a distant of
125 feet, south of the southwest corner
of McDonald and Carswell streets, run
ning thence oast along said McDonald
atreet 02 1-2 fret to lands of J. J. and
J, N. Harris. Thence west along said
lur.LB and at right anglo with said Mo-
Donald street 110 feet, thence north
pursleli ot said McDonald street 62 1-2
foot. Thence east and parallol with
said Carswell street 110 feet to emld
Carswell street to point or place of be
ginning, togother with, a certain two
atory frame building, and all other lm-
povements orcctoj thereon, or apper
taining thereto.
Said above described property, levied
on as the property of H. T, Arrington
trusteo for Mrs. Nellio Harris, Mrs.
Fannie Mlddlebreok, Annie Arrington,
Emily Arrington, Luclle Arrington,
Minnie Arrington and Edward Arring
ton, to satisfy an execution issued from
the City Court of Waycross, Ga.. on tbo
15 day of Soptember, 1008, In favor of
P. N. Harley Hardware Company, said
property pointed out by plaintiff's at
This October 6, 1908.
D. A. Woodard. .
Sheriff, Ware County, Orergia.
the property of J. C. Smith, J. L. Smith
and Elizabeth Smith, to satisfy an exe
cution Issued from the City Court of
Waycross, Ga., on the 9th day of
December, 1908, In favor, of Peterson
ft Lott.
This 2nd day of October, 1908.
D. A. Woodard,
the legal hours of sale to the highest
bidder for cash the following personal
property, to wit: One certain Buggy,
levied on under a mortgage foreusje-
uro In favor of Peterson ft Lott, said
property lovied on aa the property of
Wesley Rowell. This October 8, 1908.
D. A. Woodard,
Sheriff, Ware County.
“Upon what,” a its the New York
Times, “does Mr. Bryan base hie con
fidence that he and Mr. Kero will have
'a large majority of the popular vote,’
end a majority of the Electorlal Col
lege?”—Columbia State.
We do not know precisely by what
line of figuring Mr. Bryaq reached bit
conclusions, says the Columbia State,
but we hazard the guess that It u be
cause he believes there are about a
million and a half Americans who vot
ed for Theodore Roosevelt four years
■ago that are better Americana than
tho Tims*.—Savannah Press,
Richmond Pearson Hobson will be
one of the delegates to the Peace
Congress at Oreensboro, N. C., this
week. Hla mission to (he Congress
doubtless will be to lift hla voice and
cry. In the language of Patrick Henry:
■‘Oentlemen may cry peacel peace 11
but there la no peace.” Macon Tele
graph. i
Tom Watson has Just published the
latest volume of bli “Waterloo."
Yancey Carter might add a sequel to
Toms Interesting story and call it
-Two Waterlooo’g." . m