Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, October 31, 1908, Image 1
m Waycross Weekly Herald OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYCROSS AND WARE COUNTY AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS VOLUME XXIII WAYCROSS GA SATURDAY OCTOBER 31 1908 NUMBER 37 6ETTIN6 ODDS ON TAFT HAS THE BEST END OF IT IN BETTING CIRCLES. Chicago, Oct. 30.—The betting here is 4 to 1 on Taft; Deneeu 2 to 1; Hughes 5 to 4. San Francisco, Oct. 30.—The betting here Is 3 to 1 that Taft will carry Cal ifornia. Denver, Col., Oct. 30.—There some betting here at odds of 5 to 1 on Taft. KING EDWARD IN AUTO ACCIDENT London, Oct. 30.—It Is reported that King Edward was in a serious motor accident today near new market. He thrown on his head and rendere! unconscious. Chauffeur Is said to be killed. It is impossible to btain any details of the accident. Great excite ment prevails in the house of parlia ment. New York, Oct. 30.—There are lew- er election bets here this year than has ever before been known. The odds on the National result have neen boosted to 6 to 1 on Taft. Hughes is the favorite for Governor and odds o’ 10 to 9 are offered. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 30.—Even mon ey is being offered that Bryan will carry Maryland and 4 to 1 that Taft will be elected. Washington, Oct. 30.—The betting Is even that Taft will carry Maryland. There is some Bryan money on the National result but the owners wantj 4 to 1. J Louisville, Ky., Oct. 30.—There is considerable Bryan money here at 1 to 3 but no takers. The Democrats are betting 3 to 2 on the state. WEATHER REPORT Pair tonight Int he Interior. Light northerly winds. — WILL REMOVE LEPER BUCK TO HIS ROME REVELS OF MRS. HAINS New York, Oct. 30.—Mrs. Claudia Hains, wife of Capt. Peter Hains, in dicted for the murder of William An- nis, had many midnight revels in her home according to an affidavit of Lil lie Sawyer, a former servant of the Huins household. The affidavit says that Mrs. Hains drank excessively, smoked cigarettes and indulged in somersault endeavors. The Sawyer woman swears that Annla and other men were frequent visitors and char 's that Mrs. Hains and her cousin were often out all night. NEWS OF A DAY FI Washington, Oct. 30.—A decision of Attorney General Bonaparte permits District of Columbia to send John Ear ly, the leper, back to his home In North Carolina. The Marine Hospi tal Department will take no action looking to this removal for several days. Meanwhile Early Is still liv ing in a tent near the quarantine sta tion. His wife and baby occupy a cottage near by but are not allowed to aproach closer than six feet of-him. GOMPERS WARNS LABORING MEN Washington, Opt. 30.—In a special edition of the American Federations today, qiptoj}Vra warns laboring men that misrepresentation, coercion and threats will be used to prevent them from voting Tuesday for. candidates friendly to labor. MRS. WM. ASTOR REPORTED DYING The cow ordinance of Waycross requires that you ‘'keep your cows ftp at night.” The citizens of Waycjoss who own cows seem to have forgot ten this ordinance or never knew it. New York, Oct. 30.—Mrs. Wiliam Astor, former leader of the Four Hun dred, Is said to be dying at her-home here of heart troublo. Members of her family have been summoned. It seems to be a foregone conclusion that the better part of the Okefenokoe swamp will be coming to Waycross in the near future. Ware Superior Court next wools. Call at the Herald office and leatPNfue price Qf. a years subscription to the Herald. CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS 15 to $30 Strouse & Bros, High Art Clothing Ranging in price Sam Peck’s Golhing For Young Men and Boys. Prices Young Men’s - IJTIa Hj) BOY’S «.«10 $1M lei III tjJwv STETSON jAND HAWESIHATS. Twenty-four New “Fall ’08” OJa Blocks Prices - * w W HANAN, & SON, HOWARDS & FOS TER AND W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES JUST ARRIVED. COME TO SEE US, OUR PLEASURE WILL BE IN SHOW ING YOU THESE, WHETHER YOU ARE READYi i TO BUY OR NOT. THE LgADIN CLOTHIER. H.C.SEAMAN WAYCROSS GEORGIA. ANDERSONVILLE WILL NOT GET THE MONUMENT. •-Savannah, Ga., Oct. 30.—Anderson- ville will not get the monument to Capt. Wirz who sacreflce.l his life be cause of his connection with the fain- ions prison. The Georgia Division' United Daughters of the Confederacy yesterday afternoon voted upon the proposition to place the monument at Andersonvllle and it was lost. This was the most important sub ject debated by the Daughters and it took all day to complete It. Thore werq some impassioned speeches for r^acon, Americas and Andersonvllle onfh place having peen presented by Its admirers as the proper eito for the monument. Thoso who supported An- dersonville wore confident of victory until the first ballot was taken. It was then seen that the prison town had lost. - i Boys’ Youth May Save Him From Gallows. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 30.—Solomon Riley, the negro boy who killed Mrs. W. E. Torrence at Pooler on Wednes day, was Indicted hy» the grbiid Jury yesterday afternoou for murder and ill bo tried within the next week or ten days. The boys youth may him from death on the gallows but he is pretty Bure ’ to bo convlcteJ of some grade of murdbr before the mid dle of the month. The people of Pool- are indignant at the crimo and have run the Riley family out of town. Thero was considerable excitement lu Pooler yesterday afternoon and it '.iE&vd £pr a time as if all the negroes li vfrtg In and around the placowoulJ be made to f hike out. The dead lady was buried yesterday afternoon. Riley hag told a wild story about an un known black man forcing him at tho point of a pistol to shoot Mrs. Tor rence. No ono credits this story. MORSE TRANSFERS AN APPEAL BLAME ON OTHERS Now York, Oct. 30.—Charles W. Morse, on trial in the Federal Court for a violation of the banking laws, resumed the witness stand today. Morse proceeded to place the blame on President Curtis for most of tho peculiar financing that ruined the Bank of North America. Morse also shifted the responsibility of much of (he banking transactions upon the shoulders of Miss Wilson, his private secretary. He declared *that Miss Wilson was ensued in outside enter prises and permitted many of her du ties in tho banking busines to be at tended to by others. IMPORTANT THAT ALL SHOULD VOTE FOR BRYAN AND KERN. Getting Ready Forf New Trial.. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 30.—Sylvester Sasser, of Screven county, has been in Jail In Savannah thveo years and five months today. Sassor was brought hero for safe keeping Immediately af ter he Is alleged to havo killed Fayette Parker, near Sylvester In the spring of 1906.' He has had two trials and has bhch convicted twice, each ttbme a sontenty to life imprisonment. Both verdicts trero sot aside by the 8u premc court. -Now Staler is getting ready to bo tried a?ain. He may ask for a change of venue as it is claim* ed that bo cannot get a fair trial in Screven, county.- Con, P. W. Moldrim and Mr. E. K. Overstreet are his at torneys Sasser’s health is very good in jail and he takes a great interpic in affairs. He ig by long odds the old est prisopwjjn the jail. There Is none other who has been thore near so long. Remains Hatched City This Morning. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 30.—’The re mains of Mr. H. P. Smart the Savan nah cspitalnst who died on a steamer whllo on route to Japan Jast Septem ber reached the city this morning and wore carried to the home oft he decas- ed, on Abercom stret. Tho funeral took place, this afternoon at 3:30 o’clock and waa very largely attended. Mr. Smart ij/na one of the best known men In this section of the state. His son’ accompanied the remains from San Francisco, where ho went to meet them. The Savannuh Auto Club have agreed to reserve an entire section of seats on ono of their grand stands for Waycross people who will attend the races on Thanksgiving Day should this number of seats be desired. Reservations have been made from all parts of the w orld for boxes and grand stand scats, and as many Waycross peopio are expected to attend, the au to club are of the opinion that It will be plensanter for all to bo seated to gether. The races will undoubtedly bo the greatest every beforo run in any country. Tho Hebbards may and probably will erect their mammoth plant at Waycross, but the matter has not yet been definitely decided. Yon can catch a bird by putting suit on its tail amj you can catch a costumer by advertising. Try It. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. There will bo no day service of eleo- trie current for several days commen cing on Monday Nov. 2nd. This shut down Is necessary, as we are prepar ing to Install new wires to increase tue efficiency of our service. Llgjhts will be on each night as usual. Tho Waycross Electric Light and Power Co. » 30 2t. 8haw Gives Ohio to Bryan. • Toledo, Ohio, Oct 30.—It is report* eJ hero that following bis speech at Kilos, Ohio, Friday, Leslie M. Shaw, formerly secretary of the treasury, called up tho Republican national headquarters in New York and told the men in charge that Ohio is lost to Taft. Niles had a bank failure recently and the guarantee bank de posit plan q? the*. Democrats has caught on with a vengegnoe. The hunting party who went fertile Okcfenokeo swamp -last Monday are expected home tonight, doubtless load ed down with "game. It la certain that they wilt be glad to see home again. , , Sit steady la-t&fe boat and try to hold your gHp ’till the pay train a rives. She Is a-coialng b?e and byfc. REWARD Tho undersigned will pay 1100.00 reward for the arreat with avldenco to convict the party or partloa who burned tho depot of tho Atlantic Coaat Lino Railroad Company at Pearoon, Georgia, on tho night of October 10th, 1008, tho reward to be uld upon final conviction. At Waycron, Georgia, October 23rd, 1908. R. A, McCranlo, Superintendent, A. C. L„ R. R. 28 Ot d lw Only 17, But Ha, Run Away With Four Man, Philadelphia, Oct. 30.—Pour elope- monta before aho I. 17 la the record of pretty Mra. Florence Damy, accord ing to her mother, Mra. McKinney. The young woman, the tells tile po lice. is missis* from home, and so Is 1110, tho dUappoarsnco of which was Warren Lo tt> p M Yon „ t j. A> Joao , coincident with that of the girl. Mra. , c _ M-nonaiii n w n».„ i, n‘ Waycross, Ga., Oct. 30, 1908 It is highly important laat we should all go to the polls next Tuesday and vote for the Bryan and Kern democrat ic electoral ticket. There is a strong effort being made by Tom Watson and his populist followers and the repub licans to prevent Brjan and Kern from getting a majority in Georgia. If successful the tax payers would be burdened with the expense of another extra session of the Legislature to chooso electors aud should the election throughout the United States be close, Georgia's vote might be thrown out and Bryan defeated and Taft elected. A vote for the Watson electoral ticket means this and only this and no one knows it better than Watson himsolf, hence his only purpose is to defeat the democracy if possible and elect tho republican ticket. Let Warn county democrats bo not deceived by this arch enemy of that grand old party, the friend of tho south in war and peace, our only refuge In times of trouble and sure bulwark for local self government and the protection of our political and social Integrity. We must not bo prejudiced against demo cracy and its gr^at leader William J. Bryan, by the unjust nbuso and out rageous slanders of Watson, a traltbr party and Its bitterest enemy., and being mislead Into doing that which could only only benefit tho republican party and Its candidate for the presidency, tint patty which by its unjust courses brought on Iho Civil War, robbed the South of thousands of preclpus lives and millions of property; inflicted upon us the horrors of the reconstruction period, disfranchised the Intelligent white man and enfranchised the Ig norant blacks, upheld the scalawags . and carpetbaggers ns they plundered our states and people; the party that has maintained a robbert arlff, tho mother of mondpolies and trusts, and favors a Strong centralized govern ment In the interest of the classes against the masses, and not only spends its billions In profligate gov ernment but its millons to corrupt the elections and perpetuate itrelf In pow* True to all that is noble and good and for the present and future wel fare of our bploved country, let us as lplt«J £4uthortf»rs aid Organized demo crat, aea to It that qld Warp .roll, up Ita usual overwhelming majority for the nomlneea of our party on Tuesday next so that whatever other, may do Or Whatever may be the reault In the nation, our political con.ctence will be kept clear and'void, of offenae. J. L. Sweat, V. L. BUiitou, John W. Bennett, C. M. Sweat, John T. Myera, S T. Wright, A. it. Knight, J. S, Wil liam., D. A. Woodard, J. L. Walker, A. P. Parham, L. A. Wilson, jobu M. Cox, A. B. Cochran, Jamea Sin clair, 'A. B. Sponco, T, J. McClellan, McKinney say. Florence wna only 14 when .he eloped tho flr.t time. City detective, have been n.kod to look for the girl. Thy have been aup- plled by Mr*. McKinney with thF name of the man with whom ahe be lieve, her daughter baa run away. CONGRESSMAN EDWARDS CONFINED TO H|8 BED. Congressman Charles O. Edward., who Buffered a severe attack of acute Indigestion last Sunday, la atill con fined to hla bed and It will be Impoa- ilble for am to be out for a few days. Mr. Edward, hn. several political en gagement! and hla Illness incapac:- ates him for work he would 'otherwise he doing now that election la so near. —Savannah Newi. Congressman Edwards' friends In Waycross, and they are numerous, re- tret to heer of his lllnoss. ■>At the present day we apell lt ”0|c* enokee!" A hundred and tan .years igoft was spelled "Oquaphanotaw." V geography of X81?6 spells It “Oque- uonoque," and saya that It a great wamp or marsh lying between the St. Ilia and and Oakmulgee rivers, ted Is the headwater, of the St. Mary, ■nd St. Juan rlvera."' The “St. lie" r tho original name, for our "Bat)Ua," the “St: Juan” la sow-tit* “Su wannee." _ a f»;- J. C. McDonald, O. W. Deen, R. B. Ballard, W. F. Crawley, J. W.'Strick land, J. E. Wadloy, L. V. Williams, EJ, J. Berry, W. A. Cason and others. MR. OAKFORD LEFT FOR WILMINGTON Meaa. J. W. Oakford and H. Beblm, ot tho Hebbnrd Cypres, Company, and Mayor R. R. Hopklna, ot Bruns wick, who la also connected with that company, left this morning for Bruns wick. Mr. Oakford and Mr. Behir will leave Brunswick tomorrow for their home In Scranton, Pa., atopplng over In WUmlngton on bualneaa con nected with tho erection of their pro posed mill. • ., While’ no Information has been giv en out by Mr. Oakford. there,I* every indication tbit Waycross will ho se lected for the headquarter, and bass of operations for the Hehhard Cypress Company, and announcement to thl» effect may be expected within tho next few days. Accidents will happen In the beat regulated families. Tho Herald's' ma chinery got out of pear yesterday and set us back a point.