Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, October 31, 1908, Image 3
M WHY SUFFER LONGER? tf\ *J* © •S’ © * © * © + < * © + ©© * © + ■ AND LOATHSOME— © * © + ji * © * © * © ❖ ©© * © * © + © * © * ©® * © + ® * © * © + ©© * © + © * © + © ❖ © © + © + © * THE HUMAN MIND CANNOT PERFORM ITS FUNCTIONS, WHEN THE BODY IS AFFLICTED WITH IRRITATING DISEASES. THEY ARE PAINFUL TORTURING—ENERVATING, AND DESTROY MENTAL AND PHYSICAL ENERGY. TETTER AND ECZEMA ARE THE MOST COMMON FORM8 OF SKIN DISEA8ES. NO ONE IS ABSOLUTE IMMUNE FROM THEIR BLIGHT. THOUSANDS ARE THUS AFFLIC TED. THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY CURED BY YOUNG'S TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY, YOUNGS'S TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY HAS, FOR YEAR8, PROVED ITS MARVELOUS CURATIVE POWER8. IT 13 AN EFFECTIVE AND HARMLESS ANTISEPTIC. A BOTTLE SHOULD BE IN EVERY FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST—IT 18 INDE8PENSIBLE. CURES DANDRUFF AND ITCHING 8CALP PERMANENTLY AND QUICK. V 1 <b © <b © •b ©© + ®+ ©+ ®4 , #+ ®© 4 , ®+©4 , ®4 , <®4* ©® 4*®>fr©*l-€»•!•©•!• ©® 4* 0 4* ® 4- © 4* © *f> ©© 4. © 4* © 4. © 4* © 4* 50c And $1.00 BOTTLE 50o And $1.00. girder From Your Local Druggist, Or From Our Laboratory Direct, MANUFACTURED BY o © J. N. YOUNG, JR., Waycross, Ga. © 31 111 D TO REORGANIZE BANK Mfy L. A. WILSON CALL8 MEETING TO DI8CUS3 MATTER. Hon. Leon A. Wilson and others have started a movement looking to ward the re-organization of the Bank of Waycross and have today issued a call for a meeting of the stockaold 1 ers of that institution at the offices of Wilson, Bennett & Lambdin in this city on Saturday, November 1st. For some months Mr. Wilson has been in correspondence and in con sultation with bankers and others in regard to the reorganization of the Bank . of Waycross and plans have been outlined whereby It seems pro bable that an agreement might be reached between stockholders and de positors that will develop Into great benefit to all concerned. k ' Other banks, closing their doors un der as great or greater difficulties than the Bank of Waycross, have been reorganized with resulting bene fits to stockholders, depositors and creditors, and with the proper desire and effort on the part of those inter ested, thero is no question as to the success of the move started by Mr. Wilson. % Incalculable benefit will result' to Waycross should the now defunct Bank of Waycross be reopened, anj no spirit of opposition to the move has so far been manifested by stock holders or depositors when the matter has been discussed with them. It is very likely thaj an expert ac countant will bo secured to carefully look over the present status of affairs of the defunct bank and at an early date will be prepared to make a re port. The call for a meeting of stockholders Issued by Mr. Wilson to day is as follows: Waycross, Oa.. Oct. 26th, 1908. To the Stockholders of the Bank of Waycross: You are requested to meet at the offices of Wilson. Bennett ft Lambdin In this city at 10 o'clock, a. m., on Saturday November 7th, 1908, to dis cuss a proposed reorganization of the Bank of Waycross in order that the depositors, creditors and stockholders may be protected.' It is particularly important that every stockholder shall be present or represented by some person authorized to act for them. It Is my opinion that with proper efforts this bank can bo reorganized, and tf thia be true every stockholder should do his full duty and more to accom plish so desirable an end. Leon A. Wilson. WILL GIVE ALIBI New York, Oct. 27.—On the opening of the second day of the second trial of Theodore Whitmore for the mur der of ilia wife near Jersey City, it was announced that tho defense would offer evidence showing that ::::::::::::::: 11 ,; 11 ■ FOR BRUTAL MURDER ! Suffolk, Va., Oct. 27.—Rev. Ernest j \ Lyons was arrested at Reldu Ferry to- j) day on the charge of murdering his f - predecessor. Rev. James. L. Smith, • ■ who mysteriously disappeared anu l missing for three months. j J Smith was an exponent of “sancti-1 ? "Gold Tooth Bill" Bartlett, Whit- q e j*» or «f ree j 0 ve" belief and had I more's chum, had killed Lena Whit-1 been mentioned in connection with a, more. A statement was made to a newspaper man that tho defense claims that they will be able to estab lish an alibi for Whitmore. FIFTY CENTS ON $100. TO ASSESSED. BE Brunswick haa a registered vote of 550. If the keeps on the may eventu ally be In the same class with Wa* cross. MCGEE ELECTED •. . VICE-PRESIDENT At a meeting of the directors of. the South Atlantic Car and Manufac turing Company held at the offices of the company In this city yesterday, Mr. F. H. MdOet was sleeted vice- president The resignation of Mr. M. R. Catherwood, which was tender ed. several days ago, was accepted. **t:d Mr. Gus Purdom was elected sec retary and treasurer of the company in his pitot., / (Special Called Tpra of County Com missioners, September 9th, 1908.) GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. By Warren Lott, Ordinary, W. A. Cason, D. H. Bennett and J. F. Taylor, Commfsioners of Roads and Revenues for said county, sitting for county pur poses. It is hereby ordered that fifty cents on the $100 on tho triable property ot said county as per Digest of 1908, bo, woman in whose reputation Lyons bad interested himself. They had a difficulty and last week a body was found in Nasemond river. It was burled but later exhumed and posi tively Identified as that of Rev. Smith. An autopsy showed that death was due to a blow on the head. The November term of tho Superior Court of Ware county will convene next Monday and the two first days of court will be confined to the civil docket. Contrary to the usual cus tom, the criminal docket will be taken up during the first week of court and Wednesday morning has been set for the beginning of this docket. This is done for the purpose of clearing and the same is hereby levied, and. the docket as far as possible before that the same be collected by the I Judge Whipple, of Cordele, comes t< Tax Collector for the following pur poses, to wit: 1. 17 Mills on the $100to pay the legal Indebtedness, due or to become due during tho year 1908 or past due. 2. 1G Cents on the $100 to build or repair Court House or jail, bridges, or ferries, or other Improvements accord ing to contract. 3. 15 cents on the $100 to pay Sher iffs Jailers, or other officers’ foes that may be legally entitled to out of tiio county. 4. 3 Mills on the $100 to pay Cor oner’s fees that may bo due them by the county for holding inquests. 2 cents on the 1100 to pay tho expenses of the county for Bailiffs at court, non-residents witnesses In criminal cases, fuel, servants hlre.j stationary and the like. 6 cents on the $100 to pay jurors I a ptr diem compensation. 1 7. 9 cents on the $100 to pay ex-j peases Incurred In supporting the. poor of the county, and as otherwise | * prescribed by the political code of 1895. | 8. 1 cent on the $100 to pay other lawful charge against the county, viz; Donations to Georgia Industrial homo etc. Making in the aggregate the sum of FIFTY cents on the $10# on the tax able property of said ' oounty, for county purposes for the year '08, which when added to the'8tato Assesment of fifty oents on the $100, will make tho sum of $1.00 on the $100 for State and County tax for the year 1908. WARREN LOTT, Ordinary. W. A. CASON, D. H. BENNETT, J. F. TAYLOR, Commissioners. try the cases In which Judge Parker la disqualified. Every stump In New York state Is occupied by a speaker this week. TAFT COLLAPSED AFTER SPEECH New York,. OcL 27.—William How ard Taft nearly eollapaed at tile done of lait uieht’s adilreia la brooi-iyn. He waa very hoane and spoke with the (reataat dlfflculty. At the close of hl.'apeech hie vole* wa. almoat In avdlhla.. With hit brother, Henry Taft, and physicians, be, was hurried In an' automobile to his brotiiM's tom, for etqerzeney treatment SEMED FOOLHARDY. “Look here!" .aid the ofllclal, "there'll be trouble if your wife dla-’ regard, ui when we peralatently tell ber aho must not pick tho flower,." "Then," replied Mr. H. Peck—for It waa no other way—"why ever do you peralat "—Judge. | Pl∋ Wood’. i\ | Garden Seeds V] FOR S-JPERIOR VEGE TABLES & FLOWERS. Our business, both in Gatdrz- and Farm Seeds, Is oca of tUa iargen in this country, a .©suit duo to the bet that i 3 Quality is always our r i first consideration. ~ We arc headquarter* for Grass ami Ctovor Seeds, Bead Oats, Swd Potatoes, Cow Pass, Sr»Jr» Beans and other Farm Benda, Wood's Descriptive Catalogue Is tho l-rt I»u-t|*rnetlo*l0«wvtl coci’/H oft all »d 1‘u/IU Or. t^. OUftlftCU* Blaailwl Write tut it. T. W, V730D & SOnS, j . ftcStcaid, u ■BULBS 'Xf wxMtM waa- mm* H SPECIAL OFFER! 1 I ,*•. i.1» wu a., a<a. Waycross Furniture Co. - — "■ Warren L. Hinson Gen. Mgr. Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, flattings, Stoves, Ranges Etc. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Main Stores 21, 21 1-2, 23 & 23 1-2 Pendleton Street. WHOLESALE WARE HOUSES REMSHARTAND PARKER ST. Phonographs, Records And Supplies. w l. Hinson & q., U?iD ERT&KERS, W. L. HINSOX, D; J. HICKS. Licensed Embrlxers, ‘Phones 413 91 Chapel & Sample Rooms 22 Pendleton Street. :: i: it MORTGAGE SAL*. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. Will b, aold, on the flrat Tu-'day in O, ‘ober, 1908, at the Court Houac la «• Id county, wltbln the I.'gal bouts cf aaln, to the hlgheat bider, for eaa'.i the following property, to wit: One certain logging akldjer now it the plant of rue Waycross Cyprest Company, In Warn county, Ooorgla. made by the J. F. Byera Machinery Company, Ravenna, Ohio; alao a oar tain locomotive In the possession of and being naed by Bailey Mannfaetnr- Ing Company, In Waycroaa, Oeorgla, which baa painted on the tender there of the worda: "Enalgn Manufacturing Company,* alao that tract of land con veyed by’ deed on May 4th,' 1907, from A Beaaoma. J.| S. Bailey and O. fl. 1’.'her to Enalgn Manefactnrtng Com pany: recorded In Book “Y" page #3». more particularly deecrlbed ae follow.. Beginning at northeaet comer of 1st of land No. M0 In Iba Eight Diatnot of Warn county, Georgia, and running along north line of aeld lot 11 chain went; thence aonth « chain, at right angles to the north -boundary of aald lot: thence east 38 cbelns at right angles to east boundary of MU loti thence north to point ol beglnlng, sain real estate being part of lot ot land Number 200, In tho Dlatrlct aforesaid. Toe sklJder aforesaid Is In the posse, sion of Waycross Cypress Company and the locomotive In possession ol Bailey Manufacturing Company, ot Waycross, Oeorgla. Bald property levied on aa the property of tbs' Enalgn Manufacturing Company, to satisfy an osacutlon Issued from tbs City Court of Wnycrosa in furor of Charles J. Haden against aald Enalgn Manufac turing Company, and transferred by said C. J. Haden to the TLIrd National Bank of Atlanta, Oeorgla. This 9th day of September, 1903. D. A. WcodirL .■3V; (Sheriff. »>- NOTICE. L. C. Childers baa applied far ex emption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of homeatead. and I will pass upas the same at 10 o’clock’ a. m„ on the 7th da> of Nor. amber, 1908, at my ofllce. Warren Lott, Ordinary, Ware Ceunty. SHERIFFS SALE. GEOROIA—WARE COUNTY. Will he aold on the first Tuesday In November next, it public oatcry at the Court house In said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the hlgheat bidder for cash, certain property, to which the following la a full and com plete description: Three bad room suits, 13 chairs, t mattresses, 1 cook ing store and flxtnres, 4 tables, 1 trunks, 3 boxes and contents, 1 machine, 3 bed springs, 1 clothing and ( pillows. Bald property levied on as the prop erty of Mrs. J. F. Frailer, to aatlsfy an execution issued from the City Court of Waycroea, held In and tor said county, In furor of Wilson Gro cery Company, against said Mrs. J. F. Frailer; aald property being hi pos session of Martin Storage Co. This the flth day ot October,. 1903. D. A. Woodard. -i ' V* ■ Ebertl.