Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, November 02, 1908, Image 2
THE WAYCROSJ EVENING HERALD THE EVENING HERALD A. P. PERHAM & SON. Editucs and Publisher*, lotcod at tbe Poat Offlce at War truss, Ga., a* second cla* matter.' Tbe Evening Herald la published /erj evening except Sunday. Tbe Weekly Mera.d every Saturday. Ad Bub-crlptlon* ire payable advance. Advertising rate* reasonable and made known on application. HATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: JaJIy, One Year .|5.ot sjally, Six Months 12.50 Dally, Three Month* $1 Weekly, One Year WAYCROB, GA., NOV. 2, 1903. Bryan aaya he la confident of victory tomorrow nn.l Taft replies "Same tiling at this end brother." Tho Savannah New* ought to make That fellow Win. 11. Ix-aken pay full price for those republican fake ads, an.l wo suppose It does. The presidential campaign la o\ and tonight both sides are confid< of victory, or ai least they pretend to Annoucements. For Alderman. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Alderman from the fifth ward at the ensuelng primary to be held In December and ask the support of the citizens. C. E. DUNN. FOR ALDERMAN 3RD WARD. Too friend* of Mr. C. M Sweat an nounce that be will be supported for A Merman from tbe 3rd ward to suc ceed himself In tbe primary to be call ed later. Mr. Sweat has made a most efficient Alderman and we feel assured that he will again be sLtd to serve the city. FricuJi . FOR ALDERMAN. The Herald Is requested to nounce that Mr. A. S. Morton will ho a candidate for selection to the offlce of alderman from the fifth ward of the city of Waycross. Mr. Morton has glvn the city competent service during hi a past terms of offlce. He will ap preciate the support of the voters of Waycross. It Will be dim ha* lied. Hope boys. If thore should be a regular Joe Brown landslide for Bryan wouldn't we nil howl?' But don’t lei* holler 'till we get out of the woods. *- will be At anyrate, go as It may it a change from Teddy Rnos< some one else. Wo hope It will be Bryan. If Bryan Is defeat?J the editor of the Herald will look up that old Hoke Smith crepe he used to wear and tag himself with a portion of It. For Aldermfi. The friend* of Mr. John T. Watt are urging hlrn to become a candidate for f.ldermarj from the fifth ward at the primary to be hold in December. Mr. Watt has not glvon any enswer as yet o repeated requests bu. bus the mat ter under consideration. FOR CONSTABLF Th- Herald is requesto 1 to an nounce that^Mr. H. O. Freeman will] bo a candidate for re-election to the offlce of Constable for the 1231st Dis trict G. M., at the election to be held in December. Mr. Froeman has been ronstahlo for the past six months and us been one of the most faithful men ho have yet held this offlce. He will bo warmly supported for re-elec- tf. ring * THE v. b£LL! When exchange says, "Number, please" you say, Humphreys & Wil liamson, No. 61.” A man will ask, "Wjat Is it, pleAse?" You answer, "Are your new Fall and Winter Shoes in, and can you live me a Shoe to please and fit me at a price to please?" Man will answer yes. "WE CERTAINLY CAN— NEW SHOES ALL IN— JUST COME DOWN AND SEE THEM— THAT'S ALL WE ASK. V/ILL YOU COME?" YOU ANSWER, “YES.” / Theh ring off and come right down to our store and If we don’t meet all your expectations and requirements In regard to fit, style and price, we will pay you for the time you have lost. Humphreys Willianson. HAD A CL08E CALL. Mr*. Ada L. Croom,the widely known proprietor of tho Croom Hotel, Vaught; Miss., says: ‘For several months 1 suffered with a severe cough, and con* sumption seemed to have Jts,grip OQ: me, when a friend recommended Dr, King’s New Discovery. I began tak ing it, and three bottles affected * complete cure.” The fame of this life saving cough and cold remedy, and lung r.ad throat healer is weri- wide. Sold at all drug stores. Ooi and $1.00. Tris* bottle free. For the best bicycle tiros at tho least price see J. T. McGee, 21 Al bany Avenue. 2d tf e.o.u. Fcr the next ten Cays we will sell the famous Jewel taller made shirts at reduced prices. 2.50 inlrta for $2.00; $2.00 shirts for $1.50. The Waycross Pressing Club, F. L- Page Prop. tf. What a great difference of opinion there I* In rcgnrJ to the outcome of tomorrow's election Hon. Leon Wil son says Bryan will win. Let u# all redouble our prayerB for Bryan. * Joe Hill Hall will address Savannah people tonight, at the wind up rally for Bryan. Mr. Hall Is tho most pictures que character In Georgia (tolltlcs to day. * PLANNING FOR GEORGIA. "Little Joe" Brown Is planning for Ceorrin's prosperity^ Evidently he wishes to nee the state take an advance step during his ad ministration. During the full he Is touring the state, seeing and meeting the people, discussing the neews oi tho state with farmers, merchants, editors, factorymcn and ohers. He Is seeking Information and attaining a better knowledge of the need* ot t'- working men. All of which recalls his statement made previous to the primary, that If nominated ho would put in much time • between the nomination and his quail- . flcutlnn next June In studying the state’s conditions an 1 need* at first hnild and among our own people, In stead of running over to Europe and getting In touch with an alien and out side peqplo, and looking at condition* at home from the obscure dlsadvant ago point of old world castle*. Lit He Joe believes in ctu*crvatlam In dealing with btalaes* interest* of three million people and of n great state He doe r not pc* where haste and by- stera 'till tv.com Hall lasting benefit. He doW see where haste has made for Injustice, and where Injustice has wrought much damage. We believe that under Mr. Brown’s administration, Georgia will begin anvvv the onward and upward march toward* a greater industrial and com mercial activity, t-To«th and prosperi ty than the t/.ate has heretofore f rqowh. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce to my friends and fellow citizens, that 1 will be a candidate to succeed myself, for the office of Justice of tbe Peace for the 1231 District O. M», Ware county, at the election to bo held on the 1st Sat urday In December next, It being the 5th day of said month. I have during my term in offlce endeavored to fill Too offlce to tho host of my ability, faithfully, impartially and honestly, and will pursue the same course the next term, tf elected. I will fully ap preciate the cordial support of my friends and fellow citizens In the elec tion. Very truly yours. , R. P. BIRD. WHEN FRIENDS MEE AT BROWN’S RESTAURANT there is good fellowship and no lalk of good things to satisfy the palate of tbe bon vlvants. Our spelial dishes, our choice viands, and our exquisite cigars are the magnets that draw lovers of good eating to Brown’s.Open all night. WAYCROSS RESTAURANT ANNUONCEMENT. The friends of Mr. C. E. Cason, an nounce that be will be supported for Constable of the 1231 district. G. M.. at the election to mo held 1n Decem ber. Mr, Cason la well known nn»> has many friend* who will give him a strong support. WINTER H’WARE FOR THE HOME Gocd articles at low prices, everything now and up-to-date, tbe best that modern genius ha* devised to relieve the housekeeper of work and worry. Coal Scuttles, Shovels, Tongs, Ash Cans and Fire Dog*. Wo have the best portable rate made its name U “Sreenn way”. TEirPUONE 1S8 ';:j P. Harley. HPwar® Co MARRIED MAN IN TROUBLE. A married man Who permits any member of his family to take any thing except Foley’s Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung trouble Is guilty of neglect. Nothin* else Is as good for all prointonary troubles. The genuine Foley’s Honey af.d Tar contains no opiates and is In a yel low package. Central & Union Pharmacy. WOULD MORTAGE THE FARM. A farmer on Rural Route 2. Empire { Ga., W. A. Floyd by jame, says: I “Bucklln's Arnica Salve cured the two worst sores I ever saw: one on my hand and one on my leg. It is worth more than its weight in gold. I would not be without It If I had to mortgage the farm to get it.” Only 25c at all drug stores. GINGER ALE [AVTHFUL SUMMER DRINK piED KEEN” GINGER ALE. THE DEST OF ALL Sold by the eaee Iroui the Fac tory or ot Soda Fount*. Mixed Seda's delivered anywhere in the City. WOOD! WOOD!! Best Stove Wood Dellverd at Your door $2.50 Cord. Georgia Bbttlhig works D. L REEN, Prop. TELEPHONE NO. 337. i Foley’s Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs and txpels colds. Get the genuine in yellow package. Central & Union Pharmacy. WAYCROSS PRESSING CLUB F. L. PAGE. Prop. 25 Pendleton Street, Plume 345 Repairing, Steam Cleaning and Dying, Rebiocking Hats. Ladies Work a Specially. Telephone And Have Our W agon Call To quickly check a cold, druggists ae dispensing everywhere, a clever Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Pre- ventlcs. Prevehtlcs are also fine for feverish children. Take Preventlcs at the sneeze stage to head off all colds. Box of 48—25c. All dealers. JAME8 SINCLAIR FOR ALDERMAN FROM 18T WARD. Tho friends of Jaa Sinclair announeo that he will be a candidate for "Mer man In the coming primary freu the First Ward, and beg to ask the sup port of his friends and the voters of Waycross. The Housekeeper’s Pride ARE YOU ONLY HALF ALIVE? People with kidney trouble are i weak and exhausted that they are only half alive. Foley’s Kidney Reme dy makes healthy kidneys, restores, lost vitality, and weak, delicate peo ple, are restored to health. Refuse any but Foley’s Central & Union Pboimacy. A HEALTHY FAMILY. “Our whole family has enjoyed gooS health since we began using Dr. Klug’s New Life Pills, three years j ago,” says L. A. Bartlett, of Rural ' Route 1, Gilford Maine. They cleanse I .nd tone the system in a gentle wn j 'hat docs you good. 25c at all drug stores. Buy your Groceries from the old reliable Groc ery store J. C.-Jones For Const* ble. o are authorized and requested by friends of the candidate to an nounce that Mr. J. C. Jones will be candidate for couitable for /he 1231 district, O. M.. at tho forthcom ing election. Mr. *onet will amity supported by Many Friends. For Alderman First Ward. e Herald I* requested to nounce that Mr. John A. Lott‘wilt be candidate fo? re-election to the of- fee of Alderman from the First Ward et the ensuring primary. Ho solicits the support of the voters of this city. FOR ALDERMAN, FIRST WARD. At the request of my friends I here* announce my* elf ns candidate tor j! ferrana from the First Ward at the Mr, Brown will govern* labor and • : capital Impartially and with %»qua» | justice. *He will see ibt\t capital dee* j not violate law; and wll foo that the j people's right lo legitimate rerrulntions j ef great Industrie* Is maintained ami j made to *ul^erw Us proper purpose, it: The Interest* of the laboring men, j .• fae* tollers and works who stand deroeatb, their atroeture, will tooted, their Industry encouraged, their material: benefit* Increased pos slble. The knowledge being gleaned by Mr. rown on his tour of the state at * me when politics are not being dts- m*ed. when partisanship has died iwn and when he can get a clear and calm view of conditions, he will un doubtedly turn to tremendous accounts during hi* encombency of the execu tive chair of the atate.—WrlghUvllIe i^Ins primary to be hold in Decern- and ask the support of the people. Dan T. Cowart. U p well stocked pantry. Sideboard.. or china closet. We offer you a chance to fill your* with crockery and , china that will make you prouder than ever. See our dinner ami tea sets, so prettely pattern ed, so alluringly priced. All per fect ware, too. No chipped or crazed dishes In tills collection. See It now. , Phone 17, Watt Hardware Company. 8AVED HI8 BOY’S LIFE. 'My fchree year old boy .was badly constipated, had a high fever and was in an awful condition. I gave him two doses of Foley’s Orlno Laxative and the next morning the fever wa* gone and he was entirely well. Fol ey’s Orlno Laxativo saved hit* life.” A. Wolkush, Casimer, Wis. Central & Union Pharmacy. ug lurn, i iui land un-j'v. rd 0 f be pro-1 Decemtx ted. and [ the For Alderman, Third Ward. ' Herald is requested to state Mr, W. B. Goodrich l* a can-.il- for alderman from the third the City of Waycross at the ember primary. HI* friends *o- eupport of the voters of the ‘ SECOND SON WAS BORN. New York, Nov. 2.—A second son is born to Jure Knode Ccck, the tm- frockcd pastor cf Hempstead . ami Floretta Whaley, who eloped to Cali fornia. The giri’s grandmother has peaiedly offered her a homo if she renounce the ex-pivacher. but all ov’ erturea have been met with an Itidls* nat refusal. NOTICE. We receive'every day fresh Indian INcr Fish and OyUers, Call 288 Chronicle. NOTICE LL ACCOUNTS NOT SETTLED 10TH OF NEXT MONTH WILL H PLACED IN AN ATTORNEYS ’ NDS FOR COLLECTION. GRACE BRANTLEY CO. J. B. CRIBB 8ENDS 'POSSUM. The following letter from Mr. Cribb and also tbe 'possum mentioned was received this morning: Manor, Ga., Oct. 31, lOok. A. P. Perham, Sr. Waycross, Ga. Dear Judge: You will meet me at depot on 10 o’clock train from Manor November 2. I am bringing you a fine 'pdssorn. 1 want you to procure your- self a peck of fine Inters and onTuea- day Nov. 3rd eat your self full and j then vote for W. J. Bryan and W. G. j Members of the Endowment Rank j Brantley. 1 will have to hurry from f Knights of Pythias are hereby request-j train io the court house. . ed to meet at Iod;e room tonight at ; , Your friend as ever. | 7:30 o’clock for the purpose of elect-1 f J. B. Cribb, ( ins a secretary. Bro. A. H. Hood bav* j Manor, Ga. ; ing resigned. J. A. Jones, President. I NOTICE. Notice is hereby given tliat the regis tration books for tho city of Waycross will be open at this offlce from Nov. 1 to Nov. 30, Inclusive from S a. m. to 12 m and 2 p. m. to 4 p. m.. Sundays excepted. J. W. Strickland, fl lm. Clerk of Council. A JEWEL*: C. ti. ro-igei Vir.dcii Avc., 1. ICMCr. r. ICC 9, .. rites: ov t-uuble PAINE’S COMPOUND LAXATIVE SYRUP FOR STOMACH AND LIVER tr eosU ’" Four Ecu’. KW. Docs Not Sic&en or Gripe f Remedy ci„ *od m/- .-.ylexion. j • ^ . i . T.y trcl: . and the- irregular- i Z t tt*C£ 25 CRTS | ' I can now at- i>- 'Li«>r -. o’.cry day, a2.;! rec- s Kidney Remedy to it curctl tic after the tc , v Li* coruaw-.v. t ■ all sufferer?, doctors and other reined cd.” Central & Union Pharmacy. had fail- ! Heal Estate ™ Insurance REWARD The undersigned will pay $100.00 FUNERAL NOTICE. All member, of WakeflelJ Lodge Xo. reward for t'ae < arreit with evidence -7, Knight, of Pythias are requested to convict the party or parties who to meet nt lodge room promptly at 9 burnedJtbe depot of the Atlantic Coast o'clock a. m. Tuesday, November 3rd, Line Railroad Company nt Pearson, Tor tho purpoM of attending the rtmer- Georgia, on the night ot October 10th! al of onr deceased brother. X. J. Me- M08, the reword to be paid upon final Clellan, which will be conducted from conviction. the residence of T. J. McClellan. *T A t Waycroe*. Georgia. October 13rd, Tebeen street at .10 o'dock. By order i*o». • > r a. McCranle, of ’ ■ - ■ v>' ; Superintendent, A. C. I*. R. R. i tr.o strong and well.” 50c at all drug - Dm. T. Cowart, C. ,C. ■ .j » j 1 w' I stores. Atteat: Chu B. Caaon, K. of R ft S. . - - - —-ih vi l ,V."a WHERE BULLETS FLEW. David Parker, of .Fayette. X. \\, : | j veteran pf tbe civil war, who lost e [ I foot at Cottyaburg, rays: "T... good Electric Bitters have done 1, worth more than five hundred dollars to me. I spent much money doctor tag for a bad case of ■tomach trouble to little purpose. I then tried Klectri. Bitters, and they cured me. I now take them oa a tonic, and they keep fi Rents Co.’itciej and Paid for N'ou.R&hidcr.ts : W. W. SHARPE, Jr, ■ I