Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, November 02, 1908, Image 4
THE WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD ttTSITOY should yonbnrn a ^ !od c ^ coc * r ' l: ' ! m>a " e l ; :c ^ur;(tr,;>;;iAic:t!j ) whole bouse uijcoinfortr.b.y r/« jL’r^At. \ wtiuiju^tto hc-tr.flr.tirf;'.’ Simple, cafe, sure, tconoa clean, alwa/s ready. Meat turns «:» and off like i*n incandescent lamp ELECTRIC FLATIRONS ON TRIAL WAYCROSS ELECTRIC LT. & POWER Co AT- RECIPE FOR A GOOD TOWN. Vim. . v , . , Push. 8nap * Energy. X Schools. ' Morality. ChurchOR. Harmony. f _ , Cordiality. Waterworks. Advertising. Write about It. Electric l.fffut*. Cheap property. Speak well of It. Healtiiy location. A good Newspaper. I Help to improve It. I Advertise In Its pngen. Patronize its merchants. Elect good men to office. Honest competition in prices. Faith exhibited by good works. Make exhibited by good works.. Make the atmosphere healthy. Fire name easts all croakers, loafer, ami deailJwals. them fiiilflyfronl •no system set like a (Irebmml on the nerwp.fflt women,often 'driving Let your object be the welfare, growth ami promotion of your town ini r people. Spoak 'will of the publlc-eplr- men. ami alio bo one of them younelf. De honest with all your fel low men. I'll T f If! TO THE PUBLIC. •-loses lake notice thai we will not solicit order* after he first of October. We * III put In another ‘phone eo that you will have no trouble In reaching at. All order* received by or Indore v a. m., will be dellrercd In time for dinner. All orders received by or be fore 4:19 p. m„ will bo delivered In time for eupper.—We are confident that with this arrangement wo can five you better eervlcs than ever. Thankmt ynu for past patronage and hoping for a e-"Mnuaneo of same 14tf Wry -roly. A nervous, irritablo woman Is a source of misery not only to herself, but to all tho80 who como under her Inllucnco. That such conditions can be entirely overcame by taking LYDIA E.PINKHAR/TS VEGETABLE COMPOUND la proven by tho following letters. Bra. Mary Wood, of. Christiana, Term- writes to lira. Pinkham: M I nod the worst form of femols troubles and my nerves were all tors to pifpsa | sometimes I suffered so much thst it seemed os though I could not live. “I began to take Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and now I feel like a different person. Your medi- cine is worth its weight In gold, sod 1 cannot say enough for your advice." Mrs. Wallace Wilson, Thompson- villi*, Conn., writes to Mrs. Pinkhnm: •* I was all run down, nervous, and could not rest nights. Doctors failed to help me, Lydia E. Pinkhnm’* Vege table Compound health.' / NEW LIMITED THAIIV SOUTHERN R. R. NO MORE RENT FO,.‘ ME! Try the ELECT RSv METHOD \ **\'ofiinu I:c! but :l e »rc;> • —, } ; BETWEEN ATLANTA, LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATI. BEST SERVICE & FASTEST TIME LV. ATLANTA 5:10.p..m. AR. CHATTANOOGA 9:40.p..m AR. CiNCINNATTI 8:00.*..m. AR. LOUISVILLE 9:39.*..nv Solid Tiain Independent of all other Trains, Equipment the best on the continent, Ist-clnss day coach's Elegant Pullman Sleeping cars, South ern Railway Dining car Service. Will te Inaugurated Sunday, October 18. J. L. MEEK, G. R. PETTIT. ATLANTA, GA:, MACON. GA' Thieiatbc Exprcreicn of Tlu-jcarc's w ho are Taking Advantage of (jur Offer. TEE STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN Co, WILL LEND VOU IsIONEV TO BCJY A ROME C TSAIGHT OCT. If you Own Yovr Owr ,ot Will Lend Yon Money <c Bui'd. W. D. MORTON, AQT. ROOM NO. 4. Southern Hotel Bid. 3 oss Bakery, f ir Hcndquartss-s for all Kinds of Fiosh Srocid, Rolls l?ias and Cakos & & & Waycross Ladies's Who Drive IV £ •1* v v v 4* HAVE REEK FORTH KATE SECURE TO lippr.c.'aie nothing so much ns a •mart turnout. Our carriage*. sin gle ar.u double, with bodies ivstln? ou springB that leave uo trace of Jar, or consciousness of movement to- the occupants, and running nolselesssly on wheels of Rubber tires, give riding the acme of pleas antness. ?m. H. LESTETs. M91 EVIL, TO HA VE CHARGE OJ COS Undertaking Department. Air. Marvil enmes highly recomendeJ both an a Funeral Dir ector and Embalmer, and is considered ouo cf the best in his profession. Mr. Marvil can be found at our place of business during iho day and at 35 Mary str&t at night. ' Yours respectfully. . We italic a Specially of 01 fSODE Ml m And StudebakerWagons A BIG DISCOUNT FOR CASH LOTT, TA1H & CO. We Sell American Wire. Fencing 33c Per Rod. A. Jones Boggy Co. WAYCROSS, GA. • Furnishing Undertakers, Furniture. Office Phone 49 Nifiht Phone 243, + 4-4-4- 4- 4- 4- •> + + 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- •¥ +■ + npoaud rciarwl me to perfect TitF. evsit nnocERT. WAYCR088. Only a few monthe exo This Iowa wae all a-glow. With lie ear ehopa running And other plant, hummlnx. Male money In plenty Rut, look at her today An everybody will eay, "Nothing dolnx, and no work here. And everythin* you buy I. eo very « Jeer," The question le "what can we do?" I* naked by men and women too. My rerelon b. bold a stiff upperllp , If yonr ebare la only n email bit, bet all pull together In good or tn had weather. 'And by and by well see a new cloud Then we will all <pe*k aloud, hold Wayerau baa at laat won And empty pocket, well have none." For anrceei onr effort! must crown The (rant battle baa bean fought t And many good lessons bare beau ' tenjht. ’Wayerau la our deer old twn •W* bop* narer to *e* her gq down. Poverty ah* will not embrace- FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty roars Lydia E. Pink-14. ham’s Vegetable Compound, mads I j, from roots and hcrlet, bos been the j T standard remedy for female ill*. 4* and haa positively cured thousands ot 4, women who have been troubled with 1 . displacements, Inflammation, ulcero- *** lion, irregularity periodic pains, 4- backache. Why don't you try It? ■ j. Mrs. Pinkhnm Invites all wick . women to writ* bar for advice. “ + j* we viucu tu wo s saw sss-s iui HUTU + + * * ** * + + + * * * ¥ * * + ** * * * * * * * 1 LIFE INSURANCE t . .And J * NATIONAL RANK CIRCULATION * A National Bank note I* absolutely safe because It Is secured 4- by u deposit Otboods with the govoramssL + A Stain Life bsorscca Policy Is ecuilly as ssf* ss a National . Bank note, because every 00* at Its Follofe* la secured by a da- T po.lt ot ns entire value with the State under whose laws It operate* 4. No bolder of a Natfeosl Bank net* or a State Ufa Insurance StartlTbe\linter Right by fottinglyour Liver Right; REDDINGS*:LIVER PILLS AreJGuaranteed to put your System in Good Shape-they will make you feel better. Don’t let your cough get a “stTong-hold” on the lungs, it is daugerous. REDDINGS’ 5YRU® OF'.WHITE PINE WITH TAR ■Will Relieve your cougb, destroy the cause and save doctor's bill. Don’t delay but start in time-and get be6t results. Far Sale b};, REDDING, eCONLYt 4- % * * 9 KING & R, A. EVERETT, MGR. Putfey. has lost or arer wlD loose anything on elder because tb* rlgti depost- taw to which both ar* subject, renders such loss V C. PARKER, Contractor 8c Builder, Waycross, Georgia. • BOgT YQUR LANDS. Card* lor poeflas* lands may be ob- Utned at tbe-Harald office at I caata each or bS aauts a domn. tt. Metre to what J say | We'll eoon have a better dsy. 1 So l*t all-rata for: Bryan and Kern That good times may toon return. .... w. r. k. „ Waycrots. Oa,.Qct. J1..1IJ*. . I an absolute lmpoasfkllltr. AttornayOeaacal Hart «f Oeorgta said reoently: "That no mar could afford to trite with bis Lll* Insurance," In taring Incurs- therefore, keep your eye pa SECURITY. boro fore, keep your eye on SECUR..... The But* Lite Insurance Company ot Indies spoils, Let, Da- posits Its reasrvt ANNUALLY with tbs State. Jt raised this de posit os the Bret ot last January from Four Million To Five Mil lions Blab Hundred Thousand Dollar*. ' assets iM4.:.i.....;„.e..:.....M 11,353,744. ASSETS 1107 S«,474752. SURPLUS TO POLICY HOLDERS 1101...... K7M2S.. SURPLUS TO POLICY HOLDERS 1197 1707,402.. FOR INSURANCE -VTHAT INSURES" v.u-mmTm-m*- STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO. 4-1 .;. WaycrossGa. J .nsrjtr? -.j v>. - -,ri •> ^ • J Plant Avj GONEY, Rounicr?, o ' ( Whilma.' + Muikll sad si Q i* ^ Other v 4- See v + • + • +*+*+• ♦•+++++++♦+ i£4 wmm -J- t -b -r ■>