Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, November 07, 1908, Image 6
THE WAYCROSS?VFMvr. *»r' Subscrbe For JgR Herald $ ‘Brief Nelvs TromOber The World At Larged Subsbiiba For m Herald M Savannah, Nov* 3.—Congressman Charles G. Ed war Is, who was recent* Jjr operated on for appendicitis, is not 90 well today. There is consid erable apprehension on the part of his friends. Savannah News. C<'ii_«rebefnan Charles O. Edwards, war DR. THOMAS NOT ' SERIOUSLY HURT « New York, Not. 2.—The latest re* "been'coii'flnt*d"Io"^Is”b• ■ 1,for 1 “ “> th(! condition of Dr. Jdlwu the last ten days with wh.t w». .up-, Thomnn. who w»» Injured when hi, pored to be acute Indigestion, audden. ^roplane, which he built, wna wreca- ly developed appendlclta late last I™ 1 - la that ho wa, not aerloualy hurt, night and an operation wa. reformed. Dr. Thoma. expresseda dealre to at- ahortly after midnight. -He wlthatood j *° fl)f J 11 * °® the operation well and his speedy | J>y n tria * at *” e Aerodrom. recovery is looked for. Mr. Edward, wa, taken .uddenly 111 TWeLVI NIGHT RIDERS IN ten. about ten day, ago. but a, he had Naruvllle, Tenn., Nov. l.-Twelre been attacked In apparently the same Priaonera. alleged night rldera. were manner before his family was not at all alarmed. It was supposed he was suffering with octito Indigestion. He .’Id not even cancel speaking dates for two or three days until the day before ho was expected to go on the stump. A« he did not get any better his brother. Dr. T. M. EJwards, of Green Cove Hrrlngs, Fla, and Dr. D. E. Mlller'of Claxton, an oldtime friend of Mr. Edwards, wer# sent for. His brother believed ho would be all rigm and went home Sunday. Yesterday two physicians, after a careful examination, dlftgnosed hU case as appendicitis anil as he bad been III somo time deemed It wise to operate at once. As soon as It was apparent that an operation would be necessary Dr. Edwards was notified and on his arrival last night the Con gressman wns removed to the operat ing table at the Park View Sanitarium where the operation was performed after midnight. ♦ brought from ReelFoot lake to Nash ville today anl iem'rai in the Davidson county Jail. The men are: Garrett Jones, Tom Johnson, Kby Han som, Bob I^e, Sam Applewhite, Tom Whllson, Jess Carter and Elijah Cloer. NOTED AUTHORESS DIED TODAY. Columbus. Oa.. Nov. 2.—Mrs. Emma Moffett, toe noted authoress and lee turer, died today at the ago of C2, of paralysis. She was a metnbdr of one of the oldest families in Alabama. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the in dlcations are that more than 1,000 ballots will bo cast in Ware county, 800 or more of tho total vote being caat in Waycross. The negroes bare turned out in fu’ force today voting tho straight repub lican ticket. The Indications aro that tho vote for Bryan In Ware county will bo at least 2 to 1 against all the other can didates combined. J^cxlngton, Nov. 2.—The Ross-Anglo feud, which has been smoldering for tho last few yoars, was reopenod ht Hetdleberg, In Leo county, yesterday and Kphriani An?le nnJ Harry Ross aro at tho point of death, each being the victim of the other’s bullet. The men met near a church and before friends of either were aware of trou* ble, bullets began to fly. Reports indicate that the two fac tions are preparing for war toiay. The authorities have bean notified of the killing but so far uo efforts have been made to mako an arrest, ‘holding* thn: It will bo tlnjo enoug-i to tako action if Ross survives his wound. ' MURDER AT PITTS, GEORGIA. Pitts, Ga., Nov. 1.—Much mystery surrounds tho death hero early today Pt Ploas Hull, whose fcoJy was found on the Seaboard Air Lin' ttacks near the Gulf Lino Junction with tho head completely severed and with an ugly knife wound In the side. The .general theory Is that young Hall, who had been drinking earlier in the evening, was stabbed and his body placed on the track with a view to making his death appear accidental. Annapolis, Nov. 2.—Six torpedo h here have received orders from tho Navy Department to proceed to Charleston, S. C., for repairs. This will mark the opening of the navy yard and repair station for Charleston. JUDGE PARKER’S CHARGE WAS 8EVERE ON LYNCHER8. The adjourned term of tho super ior court of Ware county convened at the court house this morning at 10 o’clock. Judge T. A. Parker, who was, too 111 to open court on Monday, was able to preside this morning, and Is assisted by Solicitor General John W. Bennett and Clerk E. J. Berry. JUJge ParkeFs charge to fae grand Jury was heard by a largo number (of persons, the court rooqi being prac tlcally filled. As Is always the casi Judge Parker’s charge was an abh one, and was listened to with grea attention. Besides calling tho atten tion of the grand Jury to the laws which 'It Is customary to do, Judge I’arkor‘dwelt with somo length on tho lynching of tho two negroes In this city some months ago. ‘Judge Parker’s remarks were es peclally severe on tho members of the mob who lynched tho negroes, and he requested a thorough Investigation by tho grand jury. WRIGHT TO GET MEDAL. Paris, Nov, 4.—Tho Aero Club .will give a banquet In honor of Wilbur TAFT 314; IRYAN TB9; IN ELECTOR! COLLEGE, REPUBLICANS SHOW SLIGHT LOSS II CONGRESS. - BRYAN PROBABLY CARRIED NEBRASKA New York, Nov. 4.—At 1 p. m. the returns practically assure wu.’Iam Howard Taft 314 votes In the elector al college, while William Jennings Bryan will receive 169. Bryan carried the sc-call*-! Solid South with the exception of Mary land, but only two oyier states, Ne braska and Nevada. New York, Nov. 4.—Although Bryan carried the Solid South, Taft made a greater advance over any republican vote polled there since the mconstruc- tion days. In the manufacturing and mining states where the labor unjoin were strong, there Is little or no indication that President Gompers of the Ameri can Federation of Labor, aided Bryan to any great extent. Bryan seems to have carried N braska, Missouri and Kentucky, wit Oklahoma and the Solid South mak ing up the rest of the Bryan quarto with probably tho addition of Neva da. Speaker Cannon was re-elcctcd a member of Congress and the next hous'c will contain 221 republicans, a loss of only 3, and 170 democrats. The republican majority of 5J will be de creased by 6, but still there is a very good sized working majority. Tho complexion of the New York State legislature indicates that tile republicans hava 62 members while the democrats have 30, a gain of 2 for the republicans. A republican will succeed Senator Platt, of New York. Taft seems to have swept the Pa cific and Rocky Mountain states with the possible exception of Nevada. Johnson, Democrat, in Minnesota, survived the Taft landslide, and was elected by 30,000. gives Taft a plurality of 30,000. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Concord, N. H., Nov. 4.—7z‘ rles this state by 20,000. MINNESOTA. . Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 4.—This ! state goes fer Taft by nearly 20,000. ( PENNSYLVANIA. | Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 4.—The re- ’, publicans carried Pennsylvania by va«# caes usual substantial majority, approx!- OHIO. Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 4.~Ohi republican by a plurality esU.-n-ited | rnately 200,000. . f at from 15,000 to 30,000. j " i RHODE ISLAND. * ARKANSAS. | Providence. R. I., Nov. 4.—Taft car- Little Rock. Ark., Nov. 4. Or. sn s I r j e( j this state by 1.4,000. plurality In Arkansas la 20,000. ! •— MASSACHUSETTS. ’TENNESSEE. . noston, Mass., Nov. I.—Taft wins Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 4.—Bryan j n Massachusetts dry 100,000. Draper, carried this state by a reduced ptui- republican, was elected governor, ality. t Massachusetts gave Taft a plurality cf about 150,000 cgalnrt a Roosevelt COLORADO. Denver, Col., Nov. 4.—The republi cans and democrats both claim this state. ILLINOIS. . Chicago, Nov. 4.—Taft wins in Ill- Hnol8 by 100,000. Deneen was elect ed governor. WASHINGTON. „ Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 4.—Toft wins in this state by 30,000. WEST VIRGINIA. Charleston, W. Va., Nov. 4.—The republicans claim West Virginia by 15,000. MICHIGAN. plurality of 92,076. CONNETICUT. Hartford, Conn., Nov. 4.—Conneti- cut gives Taft a plurality of 15,000. M%NE. Augusta, Maine, Nov., Nov. 4.—Taft carries Maine by about 25,000. OKLAHOMA. Guthrie, Okla., Nov. 4.—The demo crats carry this state. INDIANA. Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 4.—Taft car ries this state by 8,500, but the Dem nernts elect Marshall Governor. Seven democratic Congressmen were elected. The"republicans concede a Detroit, Mich., Nov. 4.—Taft carries ! democratic legislature. This means this state, by a large majority. j a democrat will succeed Senator Hemans, democratic candidate for | Hemmenway. Seven of the 13 con- governor is much ahead of his tick-' grossmen are democrats. GEORGIA Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 4.—The Demo- { crate carried this state by 22,000 plur- altly. x » MARYLAND. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 4.—The Repub licans. carried this city aud claim the state by 5,000. While Roosovelt carried this state i. uu.ih.iul iu uuuur ui tviiuur ■ ■■ —- v • —- —— - Wright, the Aetnrlcan aoroplanist, l by 53 votes- it Is Taft’s by 6,000. on November 6th, at which the club’s 1908 medal will be presented to Mr. Wright. NEW JER8EY. Trenton, X. J., Nov. 4,—‘This state et. KANSAS. Topeka, Kas., Nov. 4.—The repub licans win by 30,000. KENTUCKY. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 4.—The demo crats claim to have carried this, state but tho vote is close. DELEWARE. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 4.—Taft car ried this state by a large plurality. IOWA. Desmoines, ta., Nov. 4.—Taft car ried this state. MISSOURI. « St. Louis, Mo., Nov. .4.—'The demo crats carry this state by a safe plur ality. florSda. Tallahassee, Fla., Nov. 4.—Every democratic candidate was elected In Florida. NEW YORK. New York, Nov. 4.—Thla city went republican by about 10,000 and New York atato by about 191,000, compar ed with a Roosevelt plurality of 17S,- i 652. JAP ARMY MOVING - OUT OF KOREA. ~ Seoul, Nor. 1.—Tie thirteenth di vision of the Japanese army, after bar- ln< been on duly 'acre since the out break ot hostilities with the Koreans, la embarking fur Japan. This action la taken as slynlrant ot the termina tion of the trouble, although a number of Irtvroti' t nb'ei cimlaue to create disturbances In various parts of Ihe country. I OUT OF WORK. CHOT HIMSELF. Chattanooga. Tenn.. Nor. i.—With r. bullet hole In hla head, the dead body of John Q. Jonea, a locomotive fireman of Atlanta, waa found In a vacant la* at S o'clock this afternoon. Jonaa had taken hla own life. He had been here for about a week eeeklni employment The following letter waa found on 'ol. NO SCARCITY OF ELECTION NEWS “Chattanooga, Tenn.— “My little darling wife: I ashamed to tell you what I am going to do. I am going to kill myself. Dear, 1 am craay. I cannot come toaeeyou. May God bleu yon all. “Tour loving hnabahd till death, t John Jones.” CORN GROUND. I hare large watermill rtCka. Don’t take but Bra minutes to the bushel to grind your com. Meal or Grits on hand to tell or swap all the Ume. Olre me a trial and be convinced. Tnee- log to Orange Park. Fla, for Interment day and Saturday grinding day*. Mill accompanied by nil the-members of near Car factory. the family, and Rot. 8. J. French, her ltd 5tw. S. V. JEFFORDS, pastor. N , There was no scarcity of election new* In )Vaycrosa last night, but Judg ing from the lack of enthusiasm, It wasn't the right kind. nullotlns werp displayed Jy store- optienn machines at the Herald offleo and the Journal oftlce, and returns were also received at, the opera house. Tho negroes received the returns it Washington's drug store, and ’ a largo crow! was congregated around 'bat place. Tho two free shows on tbo streets caught the Su , crowds, however, and until Iji.j ufiei nidnlght the ftmvopttcan machlJea' were at work. MRS. 8. F. REYNOLDS DEAD. Mrs. 8. F. Reynolds pfter an llmeei of about two weeks, passed away at hej home In this city Satur day afternoon at half put four o’clock. She wu n moat cstlmab'le woman am* an active, member of the Episcopal Church, nnd was connected with oth er benevolent societies of tho city. 8ho leaves a husband. Mr. 1 R. Reynolds, of the A. C. L. Ry, and three children, besides her father, Mr. EJ UOrere and sister. Miss Clothllde, of Savannah nnd two brothers," J. B. Le- Orere, of Albany, Oa„ and R. B. U- OrertL of Miami, Fla. Tho quantity of beautiful floweja which’ kdogteinth* room, was an evi dence of the hlyh esteem hi which she i Where Chieftains o! the Waring Political Parties Received The Election Returns President Roosevelt at tho White House In Washington. Mr. Bryan at his farm In Lincoln, Neb. , Mr. Taft at the homo of hla brother In Cincinnati. ■ Mr. Hligcn at bis home In Springfield, Mass. Mr. Watson at his homo at Thompson, On. Mr. Debt at his home In Terre Haute, Ind. * Mr. Preston (Socialist Labor) In Jail, Pbosnlx, Arts. TWO WEN KILLED IN ELECTION RIOT New York. Nor. 4,—Two men killed, four wounded In a fight nnd sereret women and children Injured la to day's record of election rioting, small rows occurring throughout the city. The greatest trouble came when two rival factions, parading, met on Arcane “A.”' HYENA'S RIGHT TO BITE WOMEN. “My sympathies are altogether with the hyena,” salJ Supreme Court Ju lies Marean, yesterday, when Anna TRAIN PLUNGED IN FUNERAL PROCESSION Chicago, Nov. 4.—Four are report ed to have been killed outright and several injured when a lake Shore railroad passrn er v trrln yljttiel through a funeral procession at a street crosfUs this' morning. ANOTHER CHAPTER IN JAM JANCFF POURSN'S CASE. New York, Not. 4.—Another ch.nit- er in Jan Jan^it Poured* in4* for liberty has begun. Poureu bat been a prisoner in the ‘iorahs since Decem ber 21ct, held on chargee of attempt- PRICES ADVANCE ;,IN STOCK EXCHANGE !>>■* vj.? •: : V e - MARKET MUCH STRONGER THAN ’ ON YESTERDAY. New York, Not. 4.—A surging crowd was on the floor of tbo siocx exchange when It opened thin mroa- Ing. The confusion was so great It was Impossible to pick out the offlclal ] opening In rrtcen, but ev'rftbln? Ira- ided allowed a decide ! idvnnco o-cr (the prices of yesterday. Union Pa cific and Reading were prominent leaden. Tbo market was cnycnlally strong en Union Pttclt'c. • RETURNS FROM A FEW COUNTIES WARE COUNTY. The result in Ware 'jounty yester day was as follows: Bryan, 771. Chnfin, 14. Taft 190. Watson 12. Dehs 19. HIsgen, 0. For Congress, W. G. Brantley, 824. For Soldiers' Pensions, 649. Against Soldiers’ Pensions, 200. For County Police, 501. Against County Police, 266. The small Watson vote Is one of the surprises of the eleetion. PIERCE COUNTY. Bryan, 295. Taft, 150. Watson, 72. COFFEE COUNTY. Bryan, 266. Toft, 134. Watson, 22. Sidney Tapp, 1. For many years Coffee county was considered a Populist stronghold, 'and for several terms was represented by a populist in the legislature. CLINCH COUNTY. Bryan, 202. Taft, 157. Watson. 11. Chnfiiv 1. M. Downey Wires Herald. Mr. M. Downey wires the Herald to day as follows: St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 4.—Put Bryan away wit'n Yancey Carter Missouri elected republican governor by 16,- 000. M. Downey. PAY YOUR CITY TAX AND REGISTEh. The city registration books are now open in the city clerks’ office ana wll close the last day of November. Call at my office and pay your city tax, before the 16th of this monia, aa- amounts unpaid by that time will be subject to interest nnd extra cost. You cannot register until your tax for this year is paid. Chas. A. Sheldon. Tax Collector. CALIFORNIA HAS EARTHQUAKE^ Independent, Cal., Nov. 4.—An. earthquake, lasting five seconds, was felt here shortly after midnight. No* damage was done. MORSE CA8E G0E8 TO JURY. New York, Nov. 4.—Judge Hough In the Federal Court today delivered hfs charge to the Jury In the case of Charles W. Morse and Alfred H. Cur tis, on trial for violating the nauona! banking laws of Conneticut in alleged < manipulation of the ' National BankV of North America. There will be a strenuous wrangle in the jury room. COURT TOOK R2SE38 IN H.VNS TRIAL. TWO WiRELESS ME88AQES AT ONE TIME. For Uie first time in the history of the wireless, a steamer betwee San .* Francisco and^HoaoluItr hn3 teen in communication with both stations at , tho same time. This took place aboard the steamer- Lurline of the Matson Navigation com pany, which talked at tho same time to both ports when 1,400 mi!e3 out of Sah Francisco, bound for Honolulu* Vienna trt’a # “onfE r tock for flSJMX) on the ground that one of his beasts had bitten her hand. It developed that the woman was standing in front of the hyena's cats was held by those who knew her. The!at Coney Isle when the eaimsl bit fnneral services were held ether Ute j her. resUence on Remshsh street yestrday *1 think It cruel to lock op wUJ afternoon, 4>y Her. B. J. French, of the j beasts and l.don't blame them for Mt Episcopal Church. ing those who go to look at them— Her remains were taken this morn- Richardson, a Brooklyn woman,led murder, arson and burglary, pre brought suit against Frank H. Bos-1 ferred by Russian Government So far Counsel for th* refugee have bafTled tbo efforts of the Czar’s at torneys in this country to extradite him to Russia.' His cate was recent ly called up before United States you didn’t havo to go,” said tha jus tice. "I therefore cannot allow any damages.” V The hyena—now dead, and stuffed Ijlfl— TA —was on exhibition In oonft—New the new hearing is the rehnlt Yot% American. . « New York. Nor. . “cferj C. Halm and his brother T. Je ikins j Heins, indictc-i for r- e M fn-r t Wll- j Ham E. Annis, were . rrralrned in'* court at Flushing thi ?/ tror-ilnv. The I \ District Attcrney asked »*«st-rhe inst a of T. Jenkins Heins h*» f*»r tomor row and attorneys fer 'in ins o\'acted en the grounds that *' Vr|r» Trains Was Inssne.* He aske.1 v»r time f-»r him to vf^pvef and p-e-*ire for hi* care. .' recess was !*•* *v ttnttf ti ls afternoon when the roil: wll . an nounce the rnllnr- ITR30PS FUS l l TO SEi.Vla) FliOfiriEK No*. 4.—A number of re®- ru!-' ed toward the Servian - I ’ t.-'-ops and ammunltldn ■' •" from the frontier nr If. u-'-v of a -klrmlxh will e ntrr-li SELF-EVIDENT. - ' He talked about her beauty. - He thourtit xuch gab hi, duty . With every dune. y CcmmUiloner Hitchcock for Anal du-! And the with eye* that u lrleaed prettlon. nad the comateloner en-1 CompUdnt tat nnd listened . (j., ,xme. ‘ nuuuetd that ho would hear tettlmony Wedoe-da-.- tfreraaw. Norember 4ij. President -Roomroll tniiructed r elxry of State to Mt Puoren at 1 , •tty but week, hut he wu retrreMeJ on n new wirrant. which hi* conuecl tried untnecoufuUy to hare rncatod <Jno{h ahe: 'They lay you flatter. Bat-that nut be chatter. For mo t .ran. By every «ort of token, Tlpt you are n fvlifnepoken An earnest man." ; -T -C:- 'Vr r? TIJE THREE. I 1 * v - o' -i tht Mid to blx mother: ““.’er, A-r. were only three hoyw ’•t r-rVt who codid an,wer one J ’ut’T’ i k »» t’e teacher ukd u».” 1 “ • nd I ’'-'-re my boy wu one of the I • s r--*.'’ re' I ' --* -roud mother, nccerd- • — <y the f Itadelphln Record. “T"e fw | war," anewered Young Hopeful, “end Sam Harris nnd Hurry Stone were the other two." “I am r.ry glad you proved your- telf a good xcholar, my xon; ft nuke* you.- mother proud of you. WJhht question did tho texcher txk, John- nyl” •Whe hrehe tfcte (test In the back j