Newspaper Page Text
We. the Grand Jury, sworn and em-
pannellcd to serve during the Novem
ber Term 1908, Ware Superior Court,
beg leave to submit the following os
our General Presentments:
We have examined, through Com-
nlttee and otherwise, into the condi-
t of the roads of the county and the
Convict Camps and submit herewith
four report.
Nothing advertises a county more
than good roads and we are in hearty
sympathy with the good roads move
ment and applaud the efforts that our
Governor is making to Interest the
people of the State in this movement
and to this end we recommend that the
County Commissioners look into the
advisability of paving our roads with
Augusta gravel or some hard material,
believing that a road so paved would
be permanent and cost the county
practically nothing for maintenance.
We submit herewith the report ot
our Book Comlntttee, who have made
careful inspection of the records kept
by the various officers.
We commend to the careful consider
at ion of the County Commissioners
the advisability of renewing negotia*
lions heretofore pending looking to
the adoption of a thorough and ado-
quate system of tax returns and pro’
perty valuation.
It is urged that the example set us
by some other progressive counties
of the State be followed, in providing
a permanent record book for the Gen
eral Presentments of the Grand Jury,
thoroughly indexed, to be used by
each succeeding Grand Jury.
The Property Committee has round
conditions as outlined in their report
which we Incorporate herewith as part
of these presentments, as follows:
The work being done by the King’s
Daughters Hospital in Waycross was
reported to the Grand Jury and by In
vitation the Jury visited this institu
tion in a body. We cannot too highly
command the work at this Hospital
And feel sure that the contribution of
seventy-live dollars per month being
made to the by the County Commis
sioners Is fully warranted by the sav
ing effected to the county In the care
and maintenance of the sick and af
flicted, and that their action will meet
the approval of every voter of the
Believing that the observance of the
Sabbath Day is necessary to the wel
fare of our people and that it is at
the very foundation of our liberty,
prosperity and happiness, and without
It’s careful observance we cannot
claim the blessings of an All-wise
Creator, we therefore call upon our
people In every town, village and coun
ty district to keep the Holy Sabbath
Day and not to violate it's tacrednesi
by engaging in any aecular duties or
even in any unwanted pleasures. By
thus adhering to the mandates of the
Divine and Civil law*Bh(dl our people
come to that place of and re
ligious' greatness that \fiall disting
uish us among the counties of our be
loved 8tate and insure to us and to
our children the blessings of Divine
favor both In basket and in store.
While It la not perhaps within the
prpvlnce of the Grand Jury to go Into
a matter such as we now enter, in
recommendations, still believing It to
be for the betterment ot the morals
of our people we unhesitatingly speak
cl It. Namely, the divorce evil and
—i* r'*ffimmend that onr representa
tive tee Hon. S. F. Mirer, prepare
- v? prohibiting d'.vrrce excopt for
Scrip* uraJ r r.^oni in ibe Stato- of
r-K^rjia, os *'•- boKevo r« jn-v enacted
by our Lcrlrhwon!* ’ e ro ben©*.
Trial to tho general r.oril ton' of the
v.hrle xtote and lb?t tee mid bill
rral-o the'ago ot ccnur.t fi/foon (IS)
of t
ahded ■'
the' roll; also thai fu R. Thompson
and Abraham P. Pitman, Sr..“be4iJ
Pauper roll has been examine.:
and attention is called to attache
It Is recommended that the prop
erty committee serving during til
sitting of the Court be continued for
the purposes named In the report •
said Committee and that W. S. Boot
shd W. H. Buchanan be continued p.
a Book Committee for the purpose
indicated in the report of the Boo:.
We recommend that these present
ments be published in the Waycross
•Herald and the Waycross Journal an .»
that Ten dollars be paid each ol
them for such publication.
The thanks of the body are ten
dered the Foreman and Clerk, and
recommendation made that Ten Dol
lars be paid each of them in addition
to their per diem.
, The difficulties of our deliberations
have been greatly lessened by the
efficient service rendered us by the
Solicitor General, to whom our thanks
are tendered; and in taking leave of
his Honor Judge T. A. Parker, we
wish to express our appreciation for
the clearness and forcefulness with
which he charge 1 us touching the
leading matters for considers Mon. We
regret that he is not enjoying the us
ual vigor of his wanted good health
and it is the unanimous wish of out
body that he may be speedily restored,
that ho may continue with unabated
energy his fight against crime and
the criminal.
These presentments are respectful
ly submitted,
M. L. Moore, J. B. Crlbb, William Jor
dan, M. M. Woodard, W. L. Knox,
J. G. Justice, John Lynn, G.W. Eden-
fleld, J. W. Starling. J. H. Gillon,
William Guy, Sr., W. H. Buchanan, J.
F. Bennett, J. R. May, J. M. Bell7 7.
J. Smith, F. B. Hargraves, O. P. Mur
phy, T. J. McClellan, E. P. Peabody,
V. C. Parker, W. M. Roberts.
Report of Committee on Road and
Convict Camps, Grand Jury, No
vember Term 1908
With the exceptions in this report,
we find upon Investigation, that the
roads and bridges in the County are
In good condition.
The road leading South from Mill-
wood needs attention and the bridges
between Millwood and Fairfax should
be fixed.
There are some washes on the road
from Millwood to the Satilla river.
Attention of the County Commis
sioners is called to the condition of
the road leading from Manor In a
Southeasterly direction leading to u
connection with the old train road and
to the road between the Obedlab Bar
ber place and Clinch county line, with
request that they give same attention
as early as possible. Also construct
bridges near Suwannee and Water
Oak creeks.
The Importance of opening a public
road from the Iron, bridge through
the Eighth District to the county un«*
to a junction with public road lead
ing from Waycross to Douglas is, call
ed to the attention .of the'Commission-
We revere the memory of cer old
Confederate Soldiers who risked their
life. vroper ty and ill In the defense
rf their country red rclo'cc to Vnow
Shat the aawlxest to the Tirte Con
stitution srsntfn.r ren-tons to khrrn all
r.-r cVnir.l In tho lilt c-lectlcn. but
v. n rc.:re* .r krrn f'it for. c of them
3 sdn-n.-a-r
, -• ;•? r- - -.**», rr.J t.-e-ctll upon
. ■ > r- • * "- tr-.r- errr'» -.ere
- - v• r" hr J£cr*'-.!-r.Uon
to ’“fin*; I t tie hlyh moral standard,
clrr^c’crietip to our V-iterars.
V.*? ruconjrtend that Alfred Davis
mro’ntcd Notcrr rahllc ar 1 Ex-
Officio Justice cf tho Pose* In the
Cwtrt District.
The name cf J. F. Harbin Is submit-
f—f. with recommendation* that he be
appointed a member of the County
B ard of Education.
It la recommended that the per
diem of Jurors sod Bailiffs for next
, We commend the policy of the
Commissioners in constructing the
roads now being built, upon the lines
laid down by */c law and deem It un
necessary to urge upon them the Im
portance of bringing the existing
road up to the same standard as rapid
ly as possible.
We found the convict camp and the
stockade In Waycross In very satisfac
tory condition.
In order that proper data may be
bad upon which to base an estimate
of the expense of maintaining the
work of the County Convicts, we rec
ommend for the consideration or the
Commissioners the matter ot adopt
ing a moro thorough record and chock
of expenditures and that a record ot
tools and equipment be enstallcd and
kept up to date.
Re3peetully submitted,
M. L. MOORE, Chairman.
Win. GUY.
We the Booif'Commlttoo of tho J Cr: , .'\t ;
Judy at November Term 1908. 1 c.t !
to report 03 follows?
We have examined the booh:! rl :
the Justices of the Peace and E" O’-1
fick), J. P. and find them well V< \*..
have examined'the Books of C 1
nary, Clerk of the Courts, 8herir. ~ c
Receiver, County 8chool Commlrr!-
ere, and Commissioners of Rood
Revenues and find them neatly t r l j
correctly kept .
We have examined the hoc’. * -f
the Treasurer and find' tame as l I-
Balance on hand found Book C
Total Disbursements April SO to
November 1 '1908 ....20,161.30
Balance duo ‘county by Treasurer
v $6.289.40
Accounted for as follows:
Balance hue TreasureV by Bank of
Wappross $5,189.28
I Balance due Treasurer by First
! National Bank of Waycrote ... .$18.00
! Total 6,207.26
j $1,082.14
' Overdraft at Exchange Bank of
{ Waycross $164.86
I Counted in disbursements
Balance unacounted for by Treas
urer $1,247.00
Wo recommend that the Grand Jury
'appoint a committee to have Treas-
| urer's books audited by an expert ac-
| countant and submit report to tho
J next Grand Jury,
j We are inclined to tho belief that
I the apparent shortage In treasurers'
Books is chargeable to the lack o?
systematic bookkeeping.
We recommend that tho Treasur
er inaugurate a system ot bookkeep
ing which will show the itemized re
ceipts and source from which receiv
We further recommend that depos
its bo made with Treasurer by other
officers making collections
Treasurers' account Instead of depos
iting with bank for his account.
We have Investigated tlio matter of
balance due County Treasurer by
Bank of Waycross and beg to say that
Ordinary and County Commissioners
give us the information that action
for collection Ot said balance is now
being-taken, which action we hearti
ly recommend.
* Respectfully slbmltted,
W. S. BOOTH, Chairman.
Committee on Public Property, sub
mit the following recommendations:
We find the Court House in fairly
good condition.
We recommend that the old closet
In Court House lot be removed and
discontinue. In our judgment It
Is Injurious to publlo health, and we
also recommend that the small room
in rear of court house be fitted up
as a toilet room for use of ladles
We recommend that the streets
around the court house be paved, or
at least the side walks leading to the
oourt house steps be paved.
We find the jail In as good condi
tion as is possible to keep It, but It
Is entirely Inadequate to accommo
date the number of persons that is
frequently placed in It and is injurious
to health. We recommend that a new
jail be built at once on the county
lot northwest of court house.
We also recommend that a commit
tee of five of the present Grand Jury
be appointed to act with the county
commissioners in regard to building
said jail
We have examined the Pauper Roll
and recommend that W. E. Arnold
b* dropped, that David Corbitt be
reduced to $3.00 per month, that Elis
abeth Smith be Increased to $5.00 per
; (Dublin Times.)
ernor-elect Joseph M. Brown,
in Dublin the other day was
asked his opinion of tho result of the
national election and what he thought
was tiie future of the Democratts
The governor did not hesitate to
express his views, and they are defi
nite and pointed. He said he believ
ed the Southern Democrats had been
the tail to the kite long enough, and
It was time we were cutting loose
from, the Eastern and Western wings
by following which we nre led every
four years to defeat His idea id
that tho Southern States should hold
a convention four years hence sever
al months before the time of'tho oth
er party conventions, nominate the
best Southern Democrats that we
have, and then go to the East and
West and offer them ns candidates.
If those sections will take our can
didates, tho governor says, well and
good; if not, the South should voto
'Real Estate Agent
The old Joe Lott home No 16C
Plant Avenue, now belonging to James
F. Creel, one of the most comfortablo
homes in the city, Lights, Water, Well.
Large Barn, Fino location, Near
Schools. Complete In every respect.
Apply soon for I Intend to sell this
Also beautiful new nine room house to Mrs. R. B. Ballard. Just
built in Central Park, a complete home
in a deslreable section. Large lot nut
for them solidly. If the support of j f aP f rom business center of tho city
the Southern candidates bo confined
to the vote of tho South, and wo
fall to elect a president, we shall be
In no worse condition than we nro
In now. Our (Democratic* nominees
get very few electorlal votes not fur
nished by-the Solid South.
•'o Marietta young men, Mr. Hen--
ry Bishop and Mr. William Cooper,
made a wager on the presidential elec
tion; Cooper that Bryan would bo
elected, and Bishop that Toft would
be the winner. The conditions wero:
Tho loser to roll tho winner around
tho city square in a wheelbarrow for
thirty minutes or forfolt five dollars.
On Wednesday evening nt 6:30
Cooper was on hand with his wheel
barrow to comply with his obliga
tions. Bishop soated himself, and
Couper. began to push iho wheelbar
row and kept It up, round after round
until the thirty minutes expired.
On Cooper’s back wan pinned a
largo paper bearing the Wording,
“Bryan and Bread,” “Taft and Pros
perity.’’— Marietta Journal
The election of a county physician
for the year 1909, will take place at
the regular Decembor mooting of the
county Commissioners on December
2nd, 1908. All applicants tor this
place should file tholr application
with the undersigned before that aaiu.
Ordinary and ex-offlelo, Chairman,
County Commissioners. tr.
year ba fixed at Two (11.00) Dollar., mlttee, April Term tPJK:..U
We ban exiunlaed the Pension Roll Total Receipts alaeo April *0, UOt
Resolutions of regret on the reals- S* filar tburl A It? Cr
nation of J. Houser Cowart, from the
postorage of the SeconJ Baptist
church of Waycross, as expressed by
the church In conference, Thursday
evening, the 5th of November, 1908:
Resolved First—That the church
deeply regrets that Brother Cowart
will no longer serve as our pastot,
he being called into other fields In.
which he feels that ho can do more
effective work for the masters cause.
Resolved Second—That during hla
two years of leadership with us, he
he has proven himself to be truly a
follower of the lord , meeting the
many difficulties incident to such a
service, with cheerfulness and courago
that wo feel It will be difficult to find
In our search for his successor.
Resolved Third—That this church
experienced a growth In spiritual
things an well as In 'membership .lur
ing his leadership that wo believe to
he above tho average, this deep spi
ritual nature la couneqUon with his
conRinLl disposition was always
winning so'iln tor the mister.
Resolved Fontrh—That we ull lovu!
him for his sincere interest In tho (
wellfare of our church, exqggcislng all j
the time a disposition unconquarablq ?
to see the church established on true j
Christian principles, in which wo bo-j
Hove he was successful. j
Resolved Fifth—That a copy of \
these resolutions be furnished the
two papers In Waycross for publica
tion, and a copy sent to Brother Cow-
• Signed, by the Committee-
L. M. Breen.
H. V. Peade.
J. B Smith.
Frost and Ice sre reported at Amer-
cus yesterday morning. Waycross
has had frost hut not Ice.
SMpillB Hour
Write (or Clrcnlars'.
Present Prices Standard
lies Delivered Brunswick 48c
And necessary outbuildings.
Ihe city for sale or trade ft r city prop
erty. Good horses, vehldfs, etc. etc.
A money making proportion, in per
feet miming order. Apply quick and I
wRl put you to some'.Vng good.
FOR 8/ i-E—One of the finest farms
in Brooks county. It contains C6S
acres nnd is located 2 1-2 miles from
Pavo, u railroad station, 400 ncres of
this farm are In cultivation, 12 plows
being opjarated, 2G8 acres of timbered
lend. Eight good tenant horses, a
rcry comfortable end convenient dwell
ing with 9 rooms, largo fine house and
big barn, stables nnd wagon houses,
etc, fine wnter,.
ALSO a farm of 300 acres, 3 1-2 mile
from Pavo, 200 acros in cultivation, six
plows run on this placo, nlco residence,
four tenant houses, largo bam, wagon
and buggy house, cow house, a large
number of fruit trees snd everything
to make a model farm.
The above two Incompletely described
farms are among the vey best in tho
“banner” farming county of Georgia—
Brooks. The land on both places Is
a dark gray gravelly soil wtyh red clay
sub soil and will grow anything pro
duced in the south. Both places well
stocked and the* stock is also for sale.
This property will pay 20 per cent on
Investment. Correspondence In regard
to tbo*o magnificent properties soli
• • •
Also 100 of the best lots In* River
side Park.
. WANTED —For a customer a
building lot as near the business por^
tlon of the city as possible, to cost nat
moro than $300. Give me discretion of
lot and location.
limber Co,
S. K. Broton, Gen. Mgr.
eSSnSuiT&i-ji .
j*y!lfc»r , ?or*ft pSmSrlliwtotbwr
VRlN»bi« Infomuilon. Ser.ttMiosareAiixntn.
Seventh St.. Washington, D. C.
■’ r^> p ^ ^ I
FOR 8ALE—Ono hunJroil acres ot
land at Lulaton, On., about ten acroa
under fence and being cultivated. A
good frame dwelling with four rooms
and separate kitchen and dining room.
School and church In J00 yards ot
house. Only thert distance in depot
and poitofllce. A splendid place tor
any cue wanting good farm on which
trucking, atock-ralalng, etc., could be
carried on. Land bounds on rlght-ot-
way of B A \V„ Railroad and then the
tract Ilea lmmodately north ut rail-
trad. Healthy section. Good neigh
borhood, etc.. Will, exchange this
property for residence. In Waycroas.
A. F. Perham, Sr.
Also tho Sweat farm. 1 mlloa fra a
toe city containing I an •, r - Mt.
and near the river. Kit.u tor truck
farming niid Block ratting.
Alao two fine lots In Ovvonu Home*
verdr. Block t NVa. 11 nnrf IS one a
comer lot, 50x100 feet on Owens Bteret
and Itosvelt Avenue. Llvcral terms.
X 25 acre farm, 11! miles northwest
at city. All under cultivation, 5 room
dwelling and out houses.
Don’t let the other follow get tills
luce. Dent him to the tank and buy
It today.
322 acres 1-2 mile east of city limit,.
100 ncres under cultivation, about 75
bearing pecan trees on property and
the kind not under cultivation heavily
This desirable property will not re
main unsold ’very long. Strike while
the Iron Is hot.
Fcr Sale, Beautiful brick re
in Owens’ Boulevards, nine rooms, all
complete, desirable location, terma
Alto, 158 feet front on corner ot
Plant avenue and Albany Avenne, just
serosa the street from W. M, Wilton’s
grocery store. And within 100 yards ot
the court house. Tbit plot of ground
contains about 1-2 acre and ta suited
fur stores or residence*. This la tha
only open space on Plant Avanna
from the English Dlook to the .Mel
lon residence. This property has Just
been placed on the market Deo me
about XL
FOR 8ALE—Four room cottage on
Parallel street, sewerage and water.
A nice home, building new and In good
order. Two blocks from Court Houie.
I will sell this property cheep. Apply
«ulck before tho advance prices ooms.
s s s
30 ACRES—20 acres cleared and un
der wire fence, email dwelling on pteoe
10 acres woodland adjoining, 1 l-t
miles north ot courthouse. Sunup Bids.
Good neighborhood, high dry land
with good drainage. Pice tl,760. Cull
or on time with 8 per cent Interest
FOR BALE—One house and one and
a half acroa ot lan I adjoining, on Bat
ter street
s • s
FOR SALE—Two honsei snd one
vacant lot on Brewer street also one
house end two recant lots on B. street
Liberal terms.
Taken night and momfng It relieves INDIGESTION,
and all the ills coming from a neglected LIVER.
CONSTIPATION la one of the curses of civilisation end the
many injurious nostrums taken for relief only help the troublo.
Tbs bewtb are fnsd at tha ttM of tbs pelsoaosa refnaa, but thsy are Isft
in s we&ksted condition*
. LAMAR'S LEMON LAXATIVE tooM op Um Urer sad
VIES tbit It is th* crta'eil bi ml re a e. « jwVw I, . J ?
t ali othtn fctCMM It u ftf n*twt la nature’* o*r
sdlt U«lire*<th*U4r. If il le i.pnlkwd «••►*»-e*l**r.- SM «V
Uetteret'e ExctUlsr Blood ParMtr
JscEimvUIs. r.trUa