Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, November 14, 1908, Image 4

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wj.'gm'mmm THEWAVCROSS WEEKLY ”RALD LOTT & JONES LIVER Y PHONE 39 "Birs« <mm smm (mmi sense Mien ; $4.10 TO SAVANNAH VIA Atlantic Coast Line FOR THE INTERNATIONAL GRAND PRIZE Automobile Rajce November 25-26, 1908. 200 MHF, IHiHT (ftR RACE NOVEMBER 25!h, 490 MILE GRAND PRIZE RACE NOVEMBER 2Sf£ $5,000 Gold Cup and $8,000 Ca«h Prize lias Attracted the World's Most Famous Racing Machines and Daring Drivers, TICKETS ON SALE NOVEMBER 21ST TO 25TH AND FOR TRAINS SCHEDULED TO ARRIVE IN SAVANNAH BEFORE NOON NOVEMBER 26TH 1908. FINAL LIMIT NOVEMBER 3QTB 11108. Grand Stand Scalin' 25?>00 ppople affon lnllcs of t*i«» racing machines driven at Urea King Rpee-1 by the frunoUH V.Tnn:’ - « over the* finest 25 mllo Automobile four THIS RATE INCLUDES ADMISSION TO GRAND STAND For iiato.n and further Information T. C. While, - Gen. fa*. Agt. Wilmington, N C NO MORE RENT FOrl MEI Thi» is the Expression of Thouear.ds who are 'Taking Advantage of Our Offer, TEE STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN Co, WILL LEND VOU MONEY TO B(JY A HOiViF STRAIGHT OUT. To use medicines only of known composition, and which contain neither alcohol nor habit-form ing drugs. It i3 foolish—often dangerous to do otherwise. The most intelligent people, and many ot the most successful, conscientious physicians, follow this judicious course of action. The leading medical authorities, of all schools of medicine, endorse the ingredients composing Dr. Pierce’s medicines. These are plainly printed on wrappers and attested under oath. There’s no secrecy; an open publicity, square-deal policy is followed by the makers. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription THE ONE REMEDY for woman’s ailments, sold by druggists, devised and gotten up by a regularly graduated physician of vast experience in treating woman’s peculiar diseases and carefully adapted to work in harmony with her delicate organization, • by an experienced and chilled specialist Tn her maladies. THE ONE REMEDY for woman’s ailments, sold by druggists, which contains neither alcohol (which to most women is the rankest poison) or other injurious or habit forming drugs. THE ONE REMEDY for women, the composition of which is so perfect and good that Us makers are not afraid to print its every ingredient, in plain English cn its outside bottle-wrapper, and attest tlie correctness of the same under oath. ' We have a profound desire to avoid ail offense to the most delicate sensitiveness of modest women, for whom we entertain the most sincere respect and admiration. We shall not, therefore, particularize here concerning the symptoms and peculiar ailments incident to the sex for which Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription has for more than 40 years proven such a boon. We cannot, however, do a better service to the afflicted of the gentler'sex than $o refer them to Df. Pierce’s Common Sense Medics! Adviser, a great faniv/ doctor hook of 1000 pages, bound in cloth and given away gratis, or sent, post-paid, on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps—to cover cost of mailing only. All the delicate ailments and matters about which every'woman, whether young or old, single or married, should know, hut v.krch their cense cf delicacy make* them hesitate to r.sk even the family physician about, arc made plain in this great book. Write for it. • Address: World’s Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President. GG3 Alain Street, Buffalo, N. Y. If you Own Yotr Owr -ot Will Lend You Money tc Build. W. D. MORTON, AGT, ROOM NO. 4. Southern Hotel Bid. For a Warm Bath Room A bath in a cold room is a “shivery”operation and is extremely liable lo cause colds. The bathroom above all should be kept warm. This is easy and the bath is a % comfort if you have a ’ERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) It may he carried from any other room lo the hath room, which H will heat while you are preparing for the hath. Impossible to turn it too high or loo low. The most economical heater you can buy—intense heat for 9 hours with one filling. The A3a^Lamp hold purptr.* nhl. !,!*!< cl Lv .3 lh* i- t cuu«:il.:e(A H you cahnot gel ltealer or lamp al your dealer’s, write our nearest agency for descriptive circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY tlieorporalH) •> *5* 4 v 'I* *1* *P v *4 v -r IVE HAVE 2JEE5Y TORTUNATE TO SECURE + J Ji'K. H. ULSTER ?i c ARVIL, * TO HA VE CHARGE OJ OIJH * Undertaking Department. * »2 Mr. Marvil comes 'Highly recomended both as a Funeral Dir- cctor and Embaliner, and Is considered one of the best In his •b profession. Mr. Marvil can be found at our place‘of business during the day and at 35 Mary atreet at night. Yours respectfully. * LOTT, TAlTi & CO. 4* Furnishing Undertakers, Furniture. . Office Phone 49 Night Phone 243. In to let It Mo. Thl* woman Fnyn Lytltn E. Ptliklmm*'-' Ve;; 'fabto ColitpomttJ ftavt-Hi'iu life. Ih.til tier letter. Miv ’V. c. V~r '•! \ * Manning. low.:, v . ! ‘ \ “It HV V thst ! >.:■. K. Pini barn’s i ..tved in Kfc, nud l tuaaov \ - ifraUujU DLACKSMITH WOdK OF ALL KIND8. HORSE SHOEING, BUGGY AND WAGON REPAIRING. Can euro Trash, special nttentU Riven to all disease- of the feet. Prompt Service \m Satisfactory ork GAURANTEED Will Ulmer, V Tebcau SI Rear Herald Olflctf. 1 1 I II k. r Waycross Bakery. 8 n Headquarters for all Kinds of Fresh Bread, Rolls Pies and Cakes & & e Waycross Baker/. I i i ■ i , i Start The Winter Right by Getting your Liver Right; REDDINGS’ LIVER PILLS AreJGuaranteed to put your System in Good Shape-they will make you feel better. Don’t let your cough get a “strong-hold” on the lungs, it is dangerous. REDDINGS’ SYRU® OF [WHITE PINE WITH TAR Will Relieve your cough, destroy the C3use and save doctor's bill. Don’t delay but start in time and get best results. For Sale by, ' REDDING, &. CO. &JNL» m ,£• & " COMPANY** O I?, ". SVEUZTT, KBS.