Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, November 28, 1908, Image 3
I THE WAYCROSS WEEKLY © * © * WH Y SUTTER LONGER? ■>««#+• + 025 *©*©*©❖©*©©*©*©+©*©* OO +•*©*©+©*©©+©*®* © + @ + o« + O + © + © * ^ THE HUMAN MIND CANNOT PERFORM ITS FUNCTIONS, WHEN THE BODY IS AFFLICTED WITH IRRITATING DISEASES. THEY ARE PAINFUL AND LOATHSOME— . TORTURING—ENERVATING, AND DESTROY MENTAL AND PHY6ICAL ENERGY. TETTER AND ECZEMA ARE THE MOST COMMON F0RM8 OF SKIN DISEASES. NO ONE 18 AB80LUTE IMMUNE FROM THEIR BLIGHT. THOUSANDS ARE THU8 AFFLIC TED. THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY CURED BY YOUNG'8 TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY, YOUNGS'S TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY HAS. FOR YEARS, PROVED ITS MARVELOUS CURATIVE POWERS. IT IS AN EFFECTIVE AND HARMLESS ANTISEPTIC. A BOTTLE 8H0ULD BE IN EVERY FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST—IT IS INDE8PENSIBLE. CURE8 DANDRUFF AND ITCHING SCALP PERMANENTLY AND QUICK. -I- ® O © ❖ 00 O -S- © -J- © 4* O -J- ©O t 3 <5 4-3 t 0© •£©•!• ©+ 0+0 + 0© + i? + S <<8^3 ©@ •{•©•]•© .{.©•{•©•t* HHiuiiiiuiuwauauiiiiiiiiiiiiriri! 50c And $1.00- BOTTLE 50c And $1.00. Order From Your Local Druggist, Or From Our Laboratory Direct, MANUFACTURED BY O © /. M. YOUNG, JR, Waycross, Ga. o © FORECLOSURE BY ADVERTISE MENT UNDER r’OWER OF 8ALE: Under and by virtue and power of sale, contained In a certain Instrument of writing, executed by Lewis Wright a co-partnership, composed of J. Ii. Lewis and M. L. Wright, and doing business under the said firm name of Lewis &. Wright, dated on the lGth day of November 1S07, and re corded In the office of the clerk of the Superior Court, of Wore County, Georgia, In book number 6, of mort gages, of said county, on page 109, the undersigned will sell said property, at public outcry, before the court house \doors In said county during the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash on tho first Tuesday In December 190S, the following des cribed property, to wit: One mile of 35 pounds, steel rail (being 70.160 feet of rail) track, to gether with belts, plates, fastenings, etc., used In laying same, said rail lying and being on the tram road of Lewis & Wright, In tho county of Ware and State of Georgia, at or near tho town f Glenir.ore. and being the same ateel II and fixtures iinS- fastenings pur chased from G. W. Deen, and moved from Aetorla, In said county to tho present location. For the purpose of paying principal, interest and 10 per cent attorneys focr I on three certain promissory notes, I aggregating the sum of $1,630.00, prin- ipal, be3l<le3 interest and 10 per cent attorneys fees, each note having been executed on November 16th 1908 by said firm of Levis & Wright to the Bank of Waycross, as rollows: One note for $300.00 becoming due on De cember 16th 1907, one note for $600.00 becoming due on January 16th 1908 and one note for $730.00 becoming due February 16th, 1908, each of said three notes stipulating interest from date at the rate of 8 per cent per an num and 10 per cent attorney fees. The total amount due on said notes, to date of this foreclosure, Including principal, Interest and 10 per cent attorneys fees, being $1,906.55. together with the costs of this foreclosure under power 0 the original land lot number 120 In the 8th district of said Ware county, Georgia, containing four and one-half (4 1-2) acres, more or less, and being the land conveyed to said D. F. Kirk land by II. Murphy by deed of Novem ber 30tb 1904, recorded in Book “J folio 401, which is hero referred to. The two above described parcels of land constitute a tract of nine (9) acres, more or less, in the 8th district of Ware county, Georgia. For the purpose of paying principal, interest and ten per cent attorney fees on a certain promissory note tor $2,300.00 principal, besides interest and ten per cent attorneys' fees, said note having been executed on August 14th, 1907, to tho Bank of Waycross, by F. A. Bates, and becoming due ninety days after the execution thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of eight per cent' per anum and stipulating therein for the payment of ten per cent attorneys' fees provided said note should be collected by law. Tho total amount due on said note to date of this foreclosure, including princi pal, interest and ten per cent attor- ' fees being $2,775.67, together the costs of this foreclosure un der ao\vcr of sale given in said above desertbed Instrument. Thi* Octobor 28th, 1908. A. M. KNIGHT and A. P. BRANTLEY. Receivers for the Bank of Waycross. of sale given In said instrument. Said . «(l rail, holts, and fixtures are located at ty. Foreclosure By Advertisement Under °ower of Sale. Under and by virtue and power of sale contained in a certain instrument of writing, executed on tho 6th day of April 1905, by W. A. Price. Inez E. Sharpe and S. E. Ellington to the Bank of Waycross, and recorded in book "C" of"deeds, folio 334 in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Ware County, Georgia, the undersigned 'frill sell at public outcry, within the legal hours of sale, before the court house door In said county, to the highest and best bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in December 1908, the following described proper- rail, bolts, and fixtures are located at'iy. to*wlt: or near Glenmoro In Ware county. All that part of original land lot Georgia as above described and anme I number two hundred end three (203) will be delivered to tho purchaser at jin the 8th land dlitrlct of Ware coun- Die piece where tho property la loeat-. ty, Georgia, situated In what la known ed. This November 6th, 1908. las "New Waycroia,” and being a part A. M. KNIGHT. * of the "Hobbs” property, and more A. P. BRANTLEY, j particularly described as follows: Receivers for tho Bank of Waycross. | Fronting aevonty-clght and three Foreclosure By Advertl«emen» Under Power of Sale. Under and by virtue ana power of sale contained in a certain Instrument of writing executed on the 14th day of August, 1907, by F. A. Bates and re corded In tho office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Ware county, Georgia, In book of mortgages number 6, of said county on page ninety, the undersigned will sell at public outcry within the legal hours of sale, before the court house door in said county, to the highest and best bidder for U vMuh. on the first Tuesday In Decern- ,JJ£r, 1908, tho following described property, to-wit: “ All the following land or real estate in Ware county, Georgia, rls: 1. The east half of lot number twelve (12) of block (120) one hun dred and twenty, being a part of or iginal lot number one hundred and twenty in the 8th district of said Ware county, Georgia, containing four and cne-balf (4 1-2) acres, more or less, and being the land conveyed to D. — F. KJrkUnd by Mrs. Zollle Stuart and husband. Geo. R. 8tpart, by deed of October 27th 1906, recorded in Book M CC Folio 4, which is here referred to. 2. Also the west half of lot of land number twelve (12) In Block ooe boa* tenths (78 3-10) feet on the west side of Eads street and running back of uniform width a distance of one nun- dred and seventy (170) feet to a lane which separates said property from that of Johnson, Hawkins, Lowtfter snd Wall. Said property is bounded on the north by land of J. B. Lewis aud Mrs. L. Johnson, on the east by the west side of* Eads street: on the south by ■>—— Low there lot and on the west by the above men tioned lane. It being the purpose and Intention of the undersigned to sell all of the property described in lbore mentioned Instrument which has not been heretofore released uy ho Bank of Waycross or its receivn For the purpose of paying the bal ance due as principal, interest and ten per cent, attorneys' fees on a certain fifteen hundred ($1,500.08) dollar promissory note, besides Interest and ten per cent, attorneys' fees, said j * ten per cent, attorneys' fees, being Six Hundred, forty-eight and 35-100 ($64S.35) Dollars, together with the costs of this foreclosure, under power of sale given in said above described Instrument. This October 28th, 1908. A. M. KNIGHT u nJ A. P. BRANTLEY. Receivers for the Bank of Way cross. 1EORGIA—VV ARE COUNTY. Whereas, E. J. Berry, ndminlstrn- or on the estate of Mathias Linthl- cum, deceased, represents to tlie court in his petition duly filed and entered of record that ho has fully adminBtered said estate. This is therefore to cite all persBhs concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not bo discharged from IiIb admini stration and receive letters of dismis sion in accordance with the statute in such cases made and provided. This November 2nd, 1908. Warren Lott, Ordinary. SHERIFF’S SALE. 1 EiORGlA—WARE COUNTY. Will be M.ld at the court house door in ‘*aid vnmity, on the first Tues day in December 1908, within the leg al hou»»> of writ* tc. wit: Thrco mare c.uic-3 (two bav maro mules, one about six years old and one about five years old, also ono mouse colored mule about six years old) each mule being about fifteen hands high. Said property being levied on as the prop erty of Mrs. jCoi'a Guthrie and D. C. Carmichael, issued on the 7th day of September 1908, from the Superior Court ot Ware county, in favor Lewis _ Patterson against the said Mrs. . _ Corn Gtuhrle and D. C. Carmichael, 1 ! * This the 5th day of November 1908. " 9 D. A. WOODARD. Sheriff. Waycross Furniture Co* Warren L. Hinson Gen. Mgr. Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, flattings, Stoves, Ranges Etc. WHOLESALE ND RETAIL Main Stores 21, 21 1-2, 23 & 23 1-2 Pendleton Street. WHOLESALE WARE HOUSES EMSHARTAND PA KER ST. PSnosiographs, Rcords And Supplies. ! i - - L. HmSO<M £r Co., um> ERTHKERS, W. L. HINSOX, D. J. HICKS, GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. Martha Jane Jordan, having made application for twelve months sup? port out of tho estate of John Jordan, and appraisers duly appointed to set apart tho same having filed their return all persons concerned aro hereby required to show cause before the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday In December 1908, why raid application should not be granted. This tho 5th day of Nov ember, 1908/ Warron Lott Ordinary. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY, The election-*f a county physician for tho year 1909, will take place at the regular December meeting of the county Commissioners on December 2nd, 1908. All applicants tor this place should file tliolr application with the underslgped before that aau>. WARREN LOTT, Ordinary and exofficio, Chairman, County Commissioners. tr. Licensed Embr Infers, Chapel & Sample ‘Phones 413 91 Rooms 22 Pendleton Street. '****i*"i*. ■»>i.m.,»H>i»H»N>nmin.»H'.ri»nm ( nm wtl , Weak Women To wvak sod *!Un* women, thero Is v. kart w war to bt lp. But with tho* w*r. two treatment* ! tnuat b. coaMn*!. Or* UuxmLorw <* oo^nlnv note hiring been executed on August i m mi to the Bank .( Waycross by; W. A. Price. 3. E. Ellington and Inez ! _ . . . . sptie* mtwo. oKimr (I* repair of *u usnrw E. Sharpe and becoming due ninety I fiigrgy.*iid.ujjood .dgwcaw (90) day* after the Jato ot execution i uvn thereof, bearing Interest at the rate I 1 of eight per cent per annum from I ejffffjfl 1 * date, and etlpalatlng therein for the ’ • payment of ten per cent attorney! 1 feee, provided Mid note (tumid be ooi- lected by tew. The total amount on zald coin to date of tbiz foredos- " A MOUNTAIN LION FOR TAFT. At. and Mm. C. H. Bigelow, of Farm- IngdaK S. D„ were attacked by a mountain lion a few daye ago while driving to Underwool. Mr. Bigelow, while driving through the countty, raw what at ilrut he thought wez a carting calf running ahead of hie rig As bn drew uy to the animal he dls- covered that It wm an unusually large j mountain lion. The lion had attacked tho ponies driven by Mr. Bigelow when a cow. boy Irotn Billy V. ChrUlan'a ranch come to the rescue now, after aeverat ineffectual attempts, succeeded In las soing the lion around the neck and ono of tho front lege. The animal was dragged ncroaa tho prairie until be was subdued and Anally "hog tied." The lion was brought to Farming- dale and la now conffned In a atout cage. According to the captors, the animal will be preMnted to President elect Taft as a Chriatmas gift. j“[Dr. iShoop’s runner ismi, ,*•/ -- —™- ™ v- —— —- — — _ _ ■■ ■ — dred and twenty (129), being part of ere, including principal. Interest and TW ip K? L/lirS WILL FIGHT IN SAVANNAH, Savannah, Ga„ Nov. 23.—Rev. W. ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY Schedulea In Effact September 1, 1908. One cent per mile on Interstate N. Alnaworth, a local minister hM Journeys by buying ticket from agont. appealed to Governor Smith to atop SERVICE UNEXCELLED, , _ G . ,..i, e Aahta scheduled for DEPARTURES FROM WAYCROSS. * . c * ' ®„ W No. 80 6:28 p m For Favunnab next week In thle city. Governor No. 82 10:10 n tn For Savannah Smith referred the matter to Solicitor so. 22 7:10 pm Fnr Savannah Osborno who replied that Mayor Tied- No. 95 6:07 a m (Dlx Fly) for J’vllle ..j No. 21 «:J6 p Hi For .lack'vllle en, * n *** boen a,,urod * h *.P** 1 No. 89 6:10 a ra For Montgomery only glove contests and that tho police No. 85 1:55 p m For Montgomery would guard against brutality. No. 87 10:00 p m For Montgomery No. 43 7:50 a m Tampa via Dupont No. 96 7:50 am Tlfton end Albany No. 90 7:05 p m Tlfton and Albany No. 94 9:55 p m (Flyer) 5!acop-AL' No. M 10:20 a m For Grunawlck No. 97 7:05 p ra For Brunswick No. 68 6:45 am For Savannah Schedules given u Information nnJ, Agurea aro not guaranteed. T. C. WHITE, IL M. NORTH ' Gen. Paa. Agt. Dtr. Pat. Agt. Wilmington. N. a Savannah Oa. SEEDS PrfJgfwiFo t) hav mccwlul !l */ Iff' tS&?£ ScssotuUt i;*cijf: Rr;- Ecriitt! P it the br»t. it 1 - JBHjr-K N«wr WT4 .* WirtU .! a ■. V-j JA" LY r-issar rDa. READ THE WANT ADS. ■** Paper I, to be manufactured from cotton and okra stalks. The supply! of cotton stalks la without limit In the Sonth. , rojEKEEiffiiord tlLka Ididoeys sad Sledger Right gr.- r—- • frt. i ■ - •* » H. V’ St tit turn ». ■ SB