Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, November 28, 1908, Image 4
"A KISS HE TOOK." A klsi 'no took, and a backward look. And her heart grew auddenly lighter; A trifle, you aay, to color a day, Tot the dull gray morn seemed brighter, For hearta arc such that a tender touch May banish a book of sadness: A small light thing can make ,Ais sing. But a frown will check our gladness. The cberlest ray along our way Is the little act of kindness, And the keenest sting some careless thing That was done in a moment of blindness. We can bravely face life In a homo where strife No foothold can discover. And bo lovers still , If we only will, Though youth's bright days are over. Ah! sharp as words cut the unkind Words. That ore far beyond recalling. When a face lies hid ,‘neath a coffin . lid. And bitter tears are falling. We fain would give ull the lives we live To undo our Irle scorning; Then let ns not miss the smile and kiss When wo part In the light of morn ing. TOE WAYCROSS HERALD To Heat a Cold Comer Don't tit in the cold—a touch o! a match—a steady flow oi genial warmth and in the cor ner that's hard to heat you'll have real solid comfort with a MISSION. (J)y Ella Wheeler Wilcox.) If you are sighing for a lofty work, If great ambitions dominate your tnlnti, -Just watch yourself and seo you do not shirk The common little ways of being kind. If you are dreaming of a future goal, When, crowned with glory men shall own your power. Be ’careful that you let no struggling soul Go by unaided In the present hour. If you are moved to pity for the earth And long to aid It, do not look so high You pass some poor, dumb creature faint with thirst. All life is equal In the Eternal eye. If you would help to make the wrong things right, Beglp at homo; there lies a life time's toil. Weed your own garden fair for all men’s sight Before you plan to till another’s toll God chooses his own leaders In the world. And from the rest he asks but wil ling Hands, As mighty mountains Into place are hurlod, While patient tides may only shape the sands. (DirnHWETHCSK Af t+tidrmnt *dfm» mt*. Mm omlmtm* Tne preachers are preparing to at tend tbo South Georgia Conference which meets at Quitman next Wed* nesday. Many of tho outsiders here would bo pleased to have the same ministers returned home. PERFECTION Oil Heater (Em1;|k4 with Soskticsi Dniet) Just what you need to help out in i cold anap or between seasons. No smoke-no smell—no bother —it’s the (mokeless device that does il As easy to 7 crate and dean as a lamp Brats font holds quarts—gives intense heat for 9 hours. Finished , in nickel and japan—every heater warranted. Equipped with latest improved central draft burner. Made of brut throughout, nickd plated. Just the light to read by—bright and steady. Every lamp warranted. II your dealer doesn’t carry the Perfection Oil Healer and Rayo Lamp, write our nearest agency for descriptive circular. . BLACKSMITH & WHEELWRIGHT BLACKSMITH WO'iK OF ALL KINDS. HORSE- SHOEING, BUGGY AND WAGON REPAIRING. Can euro Trash, special attention Rtvon to all disease* of the feet. Prompt Service And Satisfactory Work GAURANTEED Hill Ulmer, Teb*au SI Rear Herald Oflice. Wf-1. CANOY. dust tho sweetest and purest confec tion* you have over encountered. Too many specials to enumerate nn.i we -shall he Klatl to have you call and see them. M different hinds of Chocolate at Me pound Cream Puffs 10c pound Cocoanut Puffs 10c pound Stick Candy absolutely pure ....lnc Nutt. Raisins, Prunes Currants and Piss. New crop. Our candy assortment H without an equal anywhere. El «. Mutual Grocery Co Start The Winter Right by Getting your Liver Right; REDDINGS* LIVER PILLS Are’Guaranteed to put your System in Good Shape-they will make you feel better. Don’tjlet your cough get a “strong-hold” on the lungs, it is dangerous. REDDINGS’ lSYRU D OF IWHITE PINE , WITH TAR Will Relieve your cough, destroy the cause and save doctor's bill. Don’t delay but start in time and get best results. For Sale by, REDDING, & CO. • v l v + ♦ + + + + T V ... r -r ■ IV £ HAVE FEETi TC7.' uXATL TO SECURE HE. H. LESTI K HZZYIL, TO HAVE CHCU.GE OJ OU ft Undertaking Department. Mr. Marvll comes highly rorrvnettded both Zm a Funeral Dir ector and Embalmed, —d is e.nslJeretl cc.o of the best In hl« profession. Mr. Marvll can be found at our place of business during the day and at 35 Mary street at night. Yours respectfully. LOTT. TAm & CO. Furnishing Undertakers, Furniture. Office Phone 49 Night Phone‘243. + + »»■» *♦♦♦*♦ ** *** ***** * + + © + o + m *C0NLY Plant Ave. I • • * ®0 * © * © * © + © * KING & ' COMPANY. Rat 4.1 EVERETT, MGR.’’ How Can You Expect to Digest Hog Fat? Take any lard-fried food and examine it when it is cold. Yon will find it covered with a thick, heavy coat of grease wmt you would not think of eating under any circumstances. I hat grease is there just the same when the food is warm, but you do not see it It is tiie fore-runner of indigestion, unless you have the stomach of an ostrich. . . Cottolene contains no hog fat, and food cooked with it is not only wholesome and digestible, but healthful and absolutely free from hog fat The reason is that Cottolene is a vegetable oil product, and not an animal fat. COTTOLENE is Guaranteed %sjgZ money in case yon are not pleased, after having given CottoUne a fair test. Never Sold in Bulk ?«■ '•p« ke . d **A!S: tome, and prevent it from catching odors, such as fish, oil, etc. CottoUne Is packed in pans wun an^ air tight top to keep it clean, fresh and whole- tching dust ana absorbing disagreeable Cook Book Free Jj£TOS£Wo85b«58a$ edited and compiled by Mrs. Mary J. Lincoln, the famous Food Expert, * 1 nearly 300 i * *’ and containing i ) valuable recipes. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago “Nature’s Gift from the Sunny South” VISIT D R . DANIEL’S DENTAL PARLORS PANIC PRICES STILL ON J&Sfa®*! EXTRACTING TEETH WITHIUT PAIN 50c PER TOOTH. Offices Over Central Pbannacy, Plant Ave. Ladies’s Who Drive This woman says she was saved from an operation by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lena V. Henry, of Norristown, Ga« writes to Mrs. Pinkham; “ I suffered untold misery froi male troubles. My doctor said an opera tion was the only chance I bad, and I dreaded it almost aa much aa death. “One day I read how other women had been cured by Lydia E. Pi&lcham’s Vegetable Compound, and I decided to try it. Before I bad taken tho first bottle I was better, and now I am en tirely cured. “Every woman suffering with a female trouble should take Lydia Piukham’s Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty yeas Lydia E. Pink lilt'd Vegetable Compound, modi from rooLs and herbs, baa born the standard remedy for female ill and hast positively cured thousands i women who have been troubled with displacement.!, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, ?eriodio pains, backache, that bear- ng-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Sirs. PluS ham invites nil sick women to write her for advice.' She bus gelded thousands to health. Audreys. Lynn, Mass. * CONEY, KING, & CO. • ^ W4.YCROSS* QA. ^ • + 0+4S+ • *• + e************** lry & WiantdD. PALACE BARBERSHOP 12 Mary Street Ct?S REYNOLDS Prop. 8. 8. LUDLUM, M. D. Practice Limited to the EYE, EAR, N08E AND THROAT. Office with Dr. Fleming, over Young's Drug Store. HOURS 10 A. M. TO * P. M. J. M. MARKET, Attorney-At-Law. Office In Court Hoase, WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. appreciate nothing to much as a smart turnout. Our carriages, sin gle ar.d double, with bodies resting cn springe that leave no trace of jar. or consciousd«* of movement to the occupants, and running noisel?e«sly on wheels of Rubber tires, give riding the acme of pleas antuess. We Make a Specially of IE ED’IS And StudebakerWagons A. BIG DISCOUNT FOR CASH J >: We Sell American Wire Fencing 33c Per Rod. J A. Jones Bnggy Go. WAYCROSS, GA. THE SHARK THAT SOLD ASHIP. Tho current Issue of Harper’s Weekly contains a remarkable remin iscence be Edward Warren Guyol. In tho year 17b9 tho American brig Nan is captured by an English cutter In West Indian waters for violating the neutrality laws by celling arms to the French. While her disposition was stilt in doubt tbe commander of the F/rrot. another English vessel captured a large shark, Inside whose maw was found a bundle gt papers. When these had been dried and ex amined, they were found to o&hizln conclusive evidence against the Nan cy, whose commander had evidently thrown them overboard at the mo ment of capture. BRANTLEY TO SPEAK IN CHURCH Hon. W. G. Brantley has been In vited and has consented to speak at the First Baptist church Sunday nisi-' on the subject: “The Spirit of the Law:" Special emphasis will be gi to ptoper regard for law. as aiding , formation -of Christian citizens, tax | j speaker and his subject should attract ! a large audience. j Col. F. E. Twitty will speak at Yl o’clock ou ‘'.’Church Loyaity.”Member8 i of the church are urged to attend this I service. Others tro Invited.—Bruns- i wick News. \ Two cues of plain drank wen up before the mayo* fits mnmtng The area were not lerfetts and were sett- 4 at a dtaooBB^ om tba Baud ^ice. A Waycross gentleman who attend ed the automobile races In Savannan yesterday, says he saw a machine going 150 miles an hour. We have heard that a man could do somecaiag that would make him see a thing twice which was only there once. No reflection on the gentleman’s eyesight cr veracity Intended. .