Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, November 28, 1908, Image 6
THE WAVCROSS WEEKLY STATE MUTUAL LI<JE INSURANCE COT1PAHI - Of GEORGIA m i mPT—— Anchor of the Southern Home. OUTSTANDING INSURANCE, OVER- ASSETS, September 1, 1908, - SURPLUS, September 1, 1908, $40,000,000.00 $ 1,713,205.24 $ 139,902.20 Payment of Renewal Premiums Indicates Confidence of Policyholders in Their Company. COMPARISON RENEWAL PREMIUM RECEIPTS. July and August, January to August, inclusive, 1907. $ 77,886.19 231,331.26 1908. $142,959.33 617,318.22 Amount Gained. $ 65,073.14 385,986.96 Percentage Gain. 84 1.67 STATE MUTUAL Policies Contain the Most Liberal Terms and All the Advantages Consistent with safety as Determined by Scientific M cthods. STATE MUTUAL Funds are InvesteJ in Southern Non Fluctuating Securities which better Conserve the Interest of tl e Policyhold ers end Protect the Company’s Assets fiom being Affected by Huge Market Manipulations. HEAD OFFICE, LOCKRIDGE & TANNER,, SOLID AS THE SOUTH. C. R. PORTER, President, District Managers, ROME, GA. DOUGLAS, GEORGIA killing was justifiable. A special from Quincy, Kin., to th Tlmes-Unlon says: “Tho coroner**’ Jury investigating the killing Of T. It. Smith hy Dob Mam My on Inst SaulMny, returned n ver dict late Monday nftorr.oon of Justi fiable homicide. Tho TlmoaUnlon correspondent mado a mistake about Mr- A- D. Cov in (ton being under arrest for the kill- Ing, for he was only one of the parties In tho room trying to tuakn peace and was put undor survollanco for a few 'aoora only. Mr. T. Y. Smith, lather of tho dead man. nncl Dr.. Monroe are Improving nicely and them Is no fuel- jilg exhibited by either. Attorney Itlvero H. Dnrford "•us Interviewed thin afternoon and ox* pressed regret for tho untimely death of his friend. Mr. Smith, and said that none of the parties concerned will tako the mailer any further. The town ts quiet and no trouble Is ex pected from any quarter. The funeral of Mr. T. 11. Smith look place Sunday afternoon In the east ern cemetery with hundreds of life long friends In attendance." We’ll try ’em again in 1913 with a Southern man. and It nothing else, we’ll give him the "Solid Sfiuth."— ~Waycross Herald. Stick to this, now, you brother down In Waycroas and maybe In 1913 we will have the "Solid 8outh‘a" rote for a Southern man.—Montexnma Hee ord. If a solid South didn’t elect Itryan, how can a solid 8oath elect a South ern man? The trouble Is there ts a solid North, and they vote tho Repun- Dean ticket. Whenever you cun per- suado Republicans to role a Democrat, to Uckel. you can elect a Democrat president.—Marietta Journal. If the Journal’s condlUon must he (nUHed. we shall nerer elect a Demo- eratlo president, because the Northern JtepubUcana are too mueh In the ma jority and they are ton much wedded 90 the protective policy of the party. The South may not elect a president In teverml years by striking out for her- •elf, but she can make raatterk no xorse than they an now.—Dublin fimea. And It would certainly affords ns a degree of satisfaction to rote as va pray one time. ... a r, <N , . The Georgia School of Technology is better equipped and organized in all department* than ever before, and pre pared to do the beat work in its history. Free Scholarships In order to ufford the young men of Georgia high class technical educa tion, fifteen free scholarships are assigned to each County tn the State. Take immediate advantage of this opportunity and write for latest catalog, containing all in formation necessarr for prospective students, and setting forth the ad vantages of the Georgia Tech. Advanced courses In Mechanical, Electrical, Textile, and Civil Engi neering, Engineering ChemUtry, Chemistry and Architecture. Ex tensive and new equipment of Shop, Mill, Laboratories, etc. New Library and new Chemical Labors- The demand for the School’s grad uates is much greater than the supply. Next session opens Sept 90th. For further information address X. ©. MTHfSON, A. HI. IX. D* Fret, Atlanta, Ga. tory A LETTER FROM NORTH CAROLINA Warrenton, N. C—I was nearly dead with kidney affection for fix months, growing worse all the time. My case was hopeless—was unable to get about but little. I had tried eveiything with little benefit I tods three botGea of Stuart's Buchu and Juniper and was perfectly cured. Am now well and all right I owe my life to Stnart’j Buchu and Juniper.—H. T. Macon. If you suffer with backache, dull head ache, swollen feet, stiff Joints, and hare ifa energy and see Imaginary specks In the air, you hare symptoms of kidney Stuart's Buchu und Ji you. All free sample. prove its wonderful merits. Buchu und Juniper ifc! n, $e rt irilSeend enough t* Stuart Drug Manufacturing Co. ATLANTA, CA. ************ ************** V LIFE INSURANCE And NATIONAL BANK CIRCULATION A National Punk note I* absolutely eafe became It la secured by a deposit of bonds wtth the government A State Life Insurance fkrUcy ts equally as safe as a National Bank note, because every one of Its Policies Is secured by a de posit of it* entire value with Che State under whose laws It operates No holder of a National Bank e-te or a State Life Insurance Pu:lcj lias lost or ever will loose anything on eider because the rlgt' .deposit law to whies both are subject reader* such loss an absolute Impossibility. Attorney-General Hurt <>f Georgia said recently: "That no mat could afford to trifle with bis Idle Insurance,” In taking Incur*' therefore, keep your eye on SECURITY. The Stste life Insurance Company of Indlampolls. he. De- poults Its reserve ANNUALLY with the State. U raised this de- poult on tho first of lust January from Four Million To Five MIL lions El,h Hundred Thousand Dollars. ASSETS i*M SM33J44. ASSETS T90? 95,574.752. SURPLUS TO POLtSSY HOLDERS 1900 1679.523.. SURPLUS TO POLICY HOLDERS 1SC7 S707.4C2 . FOR INSURANCE -THAT INSURES" * * * * * * * * * * * *; * * * * a * * * • * V. L. STANTON. MGR. t STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO. * * W*ycross Ga. * * ******** »*..*.**.* ********** *.* •$ OEINO Laxative Fruit Spp Pleasant to taks The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. . UNION PHARMACY CORN GROUND, have large watermill ricks. Don’t take but five minutes to the bushel to grind your corn. Meal or Grits cm hand to sell or swap all the time. CHve me n trial an ! be convinced. Tues day and Saturday grinding days. Mtti near Car factory. ltd Itw. 8. V. JEFFORDS. THIS-GLORIOUS GOLDEN CLOCK'FREE for a few minutes of your time. No one who has « home to live In can afford to miss this truly GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY To secure FREE of charge a Clock, the most Important thing In the home. And such a Clock, tool BEAUTIFUL GOLD AND GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEAR8. BEAD EVERY WORD OF THIS GREAT OFFER To tret this beautiful Clock FREK !■ the simplest thing in the world. All you have to do Is wrlto me a postal card and fay you want to get It Z will then send you by malt, pre paid. a carefully wrapped package of handsome portraits of George Washington, and ask you to show torn to your neighbors. These portraits are copies of the beat known painting of the first Presldant of the United States, and are different from and handsomer than any plo- turo of the kind yon eves ^This Is Juat the picture for the dining-room or sit ting room. and. because the very name George Wash ington strengthens the love of home and country In old and young alike, everybody will want one of them and will be glad to pay for It on the liberal proposition X will authorise you to make. You only have to collect IS In this w&y to make this Glorious Clock yourm forever. _ TWO BEAUTIFUL EXTRA GIFTS In addition to the Clock I have two other lovely presents which X will rive mil—(urn mnra nannsnma arnomania wLl.k ...... S»»* .So *»«; TOD CAN’T LOSE, so .It ilght do" fells: ■« ^5. »— 4M *“** M ■vrSv? “When a young man goes arounl looking as though ho hadn't a friend on earth it Is either a case of love or indigestion.” say* t'oo Marietta Journal. It may not be cither. He may be looking for a drink.—Dalton Citizen. ■■ * Carnegie says wealth Is no honor Well, we have never found It an incon- Shorthand! ’ ^ ' ' MASTERED ;i 14 Ten Woeks I /^T 7 °--vm fr*rvtp'r**.*vb» V./ \ \ *• • i >-•«: j-v.. 4.. tes-roc. ;* *•*'; Hfw tl! * ^ 6“ w «pt sdi-v is rr +-.T' ftmzp | School, rr.mnnmtncuwta W ^S* n ™ tTU frf £??£." f££ fca/i *~ fkir Lmfcuw <f tk.,4 JlMVtfarAM ttiOC * Wrtte tedtv »* lUaCsorotv Jlbr-ratet cetn’^x. fccmirBiil- J ' BAGWEU, Pres., 1H Peachtree St.. Atlanta, Ga.*