Newspaper Page Text
in big i
Fort Smith, Ark., Nov. 24.—Among
tbs point* reported to have been
•truck by * tornado in Northwestern
/ Arkansas yesterday are Ozark, Mol-
berry and London. Meager reports
•ay that several persons were killed.
Little Rock, Nov. 24.—At noon to
day reports from the tornado swept
section of Western Arkansas are still
meager and indefinite. There were
two distinct tornadoes yesterday af
ternoon and it is believed that thirty
lives were lost in the country in the
neighborhood of Knoxville, Berry-
vllle, Hiney and Barrs were laid to
waste. One man was killed at Bar*
ryviHe and unconfirmed reports trow
Piney say that that town was des
troyed and ten lives lost. Piney Is
a small German settlement on ths
Iron Mountain railroad near Knox
vllle. Physicians wero sent from
Xnoxvllle this morning.
From Cravens the report comes
that four persons, members of the
family of John Rosin, a farmer, are
dead. Two others wore fatally hurt
at this place and eight are mlssiag.
In the vicinity of Mulberry five are
reported killed. The Methodist
church at Lodi was blown down and
one woman was Injured seriously.
Washington, Nov. 23.—The statue of
General Philip Henry Sheridan, in
Sheridan Circle this city, will be un
veiled ou the aftternoon of November
26tb, twenty years after the death of
Gen. Sheridan.
President Roosevelt and former
ambassador to France, Horaco Porter
will make addresses. High army of
ficials, members of the cabinet ani
other government officials are oxpect-
ed to attend and -4,000 troops from the
different military divisions, marines
and cavalry will participate.
In atands on Masaachusetts Ave.,
opposite tho statue, the President and
the chief dignitaries, Including mem
hers of the Sheridan family, will be
•eated. Tho troops, in two divisions
will be reviewed by the president and
the various exercises held at that
The troopa will return to Connec
ticut Avenue, where Maj. Oen. J.
Franklin Boll nn l military officials
will review tho parade.
Lieut. Phil Sheridan, last year on
4uty at the White House, will be
present at the unveiling.
•WttUa alnye prate Jw.
for it weed (Mr botft Ufa.'
M rs,earnest • • r*L*TH, 17W
Maple SL, De# Moines, Iowa,
writes i ••Two yean ago our little boy,
Herman, was taken down with scarlet
fever. lie took cold with It, and in
stead of the *ruplions coming to the
■nrfaoe they affocted his lunirs and
stomaoh. For woeks we wetclxxl by
his bedside, hardly expoctlng him to
live from one hour to U»e next,
“Finally he bocame a little better and
was able to sit up. Then be commenced
to cough, and in spite of everything we
souid do he eeomed to get woree ail the
time. Hie ooaghlng spell* would last
until he was completely exhausted, and
his lungs hurt him a great deal. Every
body thought be bad ooosumpUon.
“One day, while at ths drag store, my
lusband saw a Parana almanac and
brought it home. We read In It a per
fect description of bis case and w*
thought we would try Parana, We
bought a bottle, quit everything else,
and began giving him Parana,
“By the time two-third* of the bottle
was used the cough had almoet gone.
After he had taken two bottle* be was
perfestly oared. He lias not aoen a sick
day since and Is a boarty, healthy boy.
“We shall always praise Peruna, tot
It saved our boy's life.” ,
Uan-R-JIn the Ideal Laxative.
New York, Nov. 24.—Ctrl Looa to.
day (hot an,I killed hi, 16-yoar-old
daughter, and mortally wound
ed hi, non Fred, a young Lutncreu
mlBliter. Loon had planned lo kill
hit wife and neoond non and necond
daughter bat wan overpowered hy
member, of hla family. Loo, I, old
<0 havo been drinking and ahualng
hi, wife. The young mini,ter ,u
■ummoned from South Dakota and
on yesterday had the elder Loos ar
retted. The wife, however, refuted
to proaecm, and th, man wan relent
ed. Tbl, morning whtlo the family
-wa, at the breakfatt table the elder
Lee, daggered In and began •hooting.
He win nrreited and idmlttoj the
Wilkeabarre. Pa, Nov. 24.—Cbarle,
Dagatoe and John Htn,o were thot
and Inatantly killed thin morning try
lsg to raecoo lira Anna Dagato, from
(he fury of her hntbtnd, Michael Ba
gatos, who became enraged because
-when he returned home curly tbl,
morning he found the door locked.
Bagatoa began beating hi, wife wit
• chair when il« brother and Hanao,
who were boarder, at the house, rush
ed down-ituira. Bagatoe eicaped.
New York. Nov. 24.—Mr. Rockefel
ler wa, live minute, late when be ap
peared at the Custom House thin
morning for a resumption of bin lea-
tlmony In the Standard Oil Investi
gation. Alter apologUIng tho Oil
King said that It waa tho first time
In hi, Ufa that he bail been tardy
In keeping a business engagement.
Mr. Kellogg resumed hi, question*
Ing In an effort te draw out the (nets
concerning the mothod, employed by
the 8tanilard in securing control of
Independent companies and details of
the various stockholding. In too Stan
dard Itself. In tho mala Mr. Rock
efeller wan again placed In the faulty
memory role.
Mr. Rockefeller waa compelled In
the cross esamlnatton to give a list
of the railroad. In which he I, a
stockholder. The Standard lawyer,
vigorously objected to this question
but were overruled. Th, list In
juries tho Delaware, Lackawsaa tad
Western, New York Central, Western
Maryland and Texas Pacific.
The Great Pythian event on Decem
ber the 9th and 10th, gives promise
of being one of the geratest in the
history of Waycross. The program
Is especially attractive. The Grand
chancellor of the State, will deliver
the Anniversary address, and other
grand lodge officers will be with us
Every Knight who can is expected to
be present, it matters not whether
he is a member of Wakefldld Lodge
or some other Lodge. He and his
family are invited to take part witn
the Waycross Knights. The varous
committees are as follows:
Committee of Arrangements—C. H.
Lowther, D. T. Cowart, Allen James,
and T. C. Sauls.
Reception Committee—T C. Sauls,
R. W. McCormick, Allen B. Spence.
Entertainment Committee—Allen
James, M. M. Johnson, C. H. Lowther.
Invitation Committee—Chas I
Cason, Judge J. 8. Williams, W. D.
Manila, Nov. 25.—Some concern Is
felt here regarding th esafety of tho
American hospital ship Relief, which
left here November 15 for Gaum, duo
there last Friday. She hac not yet ar
rived. The supply ship Supply was or
dered to search for the Relief.
New York, Nov. 23.—John C. Jen
kins, formerly president of the Jen
kins Trust Company and the Wil
liamsburg Trust Company, waa placed
on trial in Brooklyn today charged
with misappropriating the funds of
the bunks. It was apparent from the
start that it would be a bitterly fought
trial. The first draft of 50 talismen
was exhausted in loss than half on
Bristol, Tenn., Nov. 23.—Charles
and Harry Fobes. the two young men
•told here on the charge of forgery
broke Jail this morning and permit
ted four other prisoners* to escape.
The men left behind them skeleton
. counterfeiting Implements and
burglars tools, Indicating that they
are accomplished crooks. A diary
foutid In their cells showed that they
bad visited Meridian, New Orleans
and other Southern cities recently.
Washington. Nov. 23.—A small ap
propriation by Congress will bo re
commended by Brlg-Oen. Allen, chief
signal officer, that be may be In read-
Ineaa to purchase any Improved wire
less telephone device that may be
offered during the next year. The
wireless telephone Is now regarded as
one of the moat Important develop-
menta for the advancement of the
work of the signal corps and the fact
that several experimenters of reputa
tion are engaged In Investlgatlonn
along this line gives the chief of tho
•Igotl service hope that he will be
New York, Nov. 24.—Showing no I nblo to secure some device of a prao-
evldonco of his (7 years, Richard Cro-
ker celebrated tho anniversary of hit
birth today vary quietly. Scores of
friends called at the Democratic
Club to see him. A great many flow
ers ware sent him sod the Tammany
chieftain spoilt moat of the day shak
ing hands of friends. He was taken
on an auto ride In the afternoon.
tlcsl nature In the near future.
Hie recommendation tor an appro
priation by Congreaa for this purpose
It Is excepted, will tend to atlmulate
Interiors In their efforts.
Macon. Ge„ Nov. 24.—Judge 8peer.
In Federal Court this morning, acn-
fenced Henry Tucker, a ll-yearold
lad, to five yean In tba Federal pen
itentiary for robbing the postofllce at
Richmond, Va.
New York, Nov. 22.—When the oil
king entered court this morning he
looked worried, despite the fact that
be told Referee Ferris that be felt
wery well Following a conference
betareen counsel on both aides, Mr.
Kellogg began a line of questioning
by which ba attempted to establish
the trust's connection with numerous
corporations. Including relit eada,
through stockholders and officials.
Mr. Rockefeller's memory was very
■The oil king admitted that the Ac
me Oil Company was controled by
the Standard. This fact waa to con
tradiction of the testimony la 2B2 of
John D. Archbold and created • sen
sation in-the Standard OU lnraefea-1
tlon today.
Constantinople, Nov. 24.—Dispatch-
ea from Medina say that ths attack
on the town has been renewed end
reinforcements have been requested.
New York, Nov. 23.—Everything la
now In readiness for the Dorando-
Hayes Marathon nee. at Madlaon
Square Garden, November 23th. Do
rando has arrived In this eliy and em
presses himself as confident of de
feating tho man who beat him In
England. Sheriff Thomas Feley la thf
•take holder. The promoters of tho
race and the contestants have posted
e forfeit of 21,000 each.
Plant Wood’s
Garden Seeds
Oar buatnees, both In (iardea
and Farm Seeds, la one of she
largest in this eountry, a icault
dot to the tact that
i Quality is always our r
first consideration, r
Wa are headquarters for
Grass and Clover Seeds. Seed
Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow
Peas, Sola Beane and
other Perm *
For she cannot help it Women are
often cross, irritable, hysteric, and
declare they are driven to distrac
tion at the slightest provocation.
Men cannot understand why this
should be so. To them it is a mys
tery because in nine times out of
ten this condition is caused by a
serious feminine derangement.
A remedy is necessary which acts
directly upon the organs afflicted, re
storing a healthy normal condition to
the feminine system, which will
quickly dispel all hysterical, nervous
and irritable conditions. Such is
The following letter serves to
prove this fact.
Mrs. Mattie Copenhaver, SIS So.
81st SL, Parsons, Kans, writes:
“ For two years I Buffered from the
worst forma of feminine ilia, until 1
waa almoet driven frantic. Nothing
but morphine would relieve me. Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
brought me health and happineea and
made me a well woman."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink-
ham’s Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear
ing-down feeling, flatulency, Indiges
tion, dizziness,ornervous prostratio
Why don’t you try it f
Mrs. Plnkham Invites all sle
women to write her for advie
She has guided thousands 4
health. Address, Lynn. Mass.
New York, Nov. 23.—Joseph Monte
Ferrle Meyers, who was arrested
Saturday and brought to New York
where he was confined la police
headquarters, this morning said that
he was a business broker and hla res
idence was In Pittsburg. He also
claimed to have apartments at
Ansonla and the Waldorf In New
York.' Through letters of Introdnc-
tlon hearing the signatures of General
Nelson A. Miles and others. Meyers Is
alleged to have succeeded In meeting
many men of prominence socially and
In a business way and swindled them
out of large sums. Hla operations
were not completely revealed but the
police expect to convict him oo most
of the swindling charges.
Savannas, Ga.. Nov. £5.—75e ligtif
car race, with seventeen entries,
off promptly at 11 o'clock today. The
driver* all reported their car* in ex
cellent shape and record time is
pected. The short courre 1s admit
tedly the fastest in America and it 1*
believed that the vnlsb will show that
all records for this country have beau
The cars were sent away at short
intervals In the order of their num
bers. All got away In good order.
At the end of the sixth ls.p. Hurman,
In a Buick, No. 8, had a lead,'with
Lancia second.
With the race half o-er the lead
ership was changed, Hilliard, driving
the Lancia (Italian), going to the front
traveling faster than at any previous
portion of the contest. Kearne, driv
ing a Buick, No. 11,'and Lorimer in
the Chalmers, No. 10, started a great
battle for third place.
The Lancia car (Italian), Hilliard
driver, won the light car race.
The Lancia's time was 3 hours, 43
minutes and 33 seconds. The race
consisted of twenty laps over a course
9.8 mile*.
memorial resolutions
Waycross, Ga.,‘Nov. 10th, 1908
Our Brother N. J. McClellan born
and reared in Ware county hat past
ed over ths river that marka tne un
known ahore at the early age of thir
ty four. Though the ties that bind him
to thia life have been severed, we
cherish the fact that in the garden of
Friendship he waa a bright flower and
to hla boat of friends won by his
eleven years service to the city as an
officer he will remain a bright star..
It is strange to us that he just In'
the strength and power of manhood
should be called away. That he must
lay down to eternal rest In the midst
of Health and active service.
Though the mile-stonee muit
Rochester, N. Y.. Nov. 25.—Charge*
with the murder of her husband but
insisting that she is Innocent, Geor
gia Allin Sampson, daughter of Frank-
lln Allin, a wealthy Wayne county far
mer, is in jail facing a fight for her
life. Harry Sampson, the dead man,
was a nephew of the*late Admlrdj
Sampson. Her arrest la the culmin
atlon of an inquest which lasted a
week. Sampson was shot on Nov.
14 at the Allin home where he and
his wife occupied apartmdnta. He
quarreled with hi* wife because of a
letter which she received from a Fair
mont man. He was heard to remar*:
that he had rather shoot himself than
to live with his wffe. Twenty min
utes later he ran from his apartments
and fell dead, shot through the heart
with a small calibre rifle. The
bad a package in his hand when he
fell. The riflle was found leaning in
a corner. These facts caused the
relatives of Sampson to discredit tne
theory of suicide and an investigation
was instituted.
While Mrs. John H. Sims, of Cecil,
and Mrs. Holt?endort o. Waycross,
were out driving at the latter place
a few days ago the! rhorse took fright
and ran away. Both ladles were
thrown out of the buggy and Mrs.
Holtzendorf’s Up waa badly split op
en and both ladles were considerably
bruised up.—Adel News.
The following Grand and Travers *
Jurors have been drawn tor the next
term of the Superior Court of Ware
County which convenes in Waycross
on the third and fourth Mondays In
April, 1909:
J A M Johneon W. D. O’Quinn.
W. H. Booth,
J. W. Bunn,
J M Cox,
Geo W Deen,
F. B. McDonald,
L R Rouse
Elisha Moore, br
H J Benton
C. M. Sweat
J Griffin
R C King
Johnnie StricklandRobt L Singleton
John T Watt S T Wright
J T Mlnchew F A Bates
T A W If E S Hendersou
J J, Graves J M Miles
H J Thompson W H Lynn
O N Morton
W M Keaton
Geo Thrift ~~
J W Lyons
R M Wescott
P L Hatcher
W H Roberts !
Geo W Corbett
J D Mitchell
W N Smith
C W Wiggins
A J Morgaa
W J Hodgson
J P Luther
C A Powell
Geo A Croom, Sr Walter Bladen
Fred Brewer J. L Jordan
J*D Thornton N B Garrett, Sr
J A Rowell A M Bailey
I R B James • Geo W Barnes
H Walter Wilson J G Blain
J A McDaniel S B Si ear
W T Jajnes Goo S Finch
H S DuBose J C Jonea
C M 8harpe C C Buchanan, Sr
M L Goodyear H J Sweat
D A Jordan Chas E Harper
S C Sanders Chas E Cason
T G Bibb D J Aldridge
W R Newsome W M Denton
R L Atkinson McGregor Mayo
Leonard Hickox J W Daniels
N A Frier N L Gillls
R. H. Bagley,
J. B. Taylor.
C A Fretwell
D C Corbett
W A Cason, Sr.
O H Jones,
J C McQuaig.
W W Ansley
T J Darling
M L Wright
V L Stanton
John W Moore
R B Pollard
R W Faison
j J WlJeman
Arthur Gillls
B F Goodrun
M S Lee.
J H Kdenfleld
J D Smith.
J B Thomas
W H Fendt
A C Blythe
W L Hinson
A W Townsend
C H Lowther
London, Nov. 25.—Dispatches from-
Malla state that nearly 200 passen
gers on the Liverpool Liner Sardinia
lost their lives yhen the steamship-
caught fire a mllo from shore and fin
ally had to be beached.
The people In the city saw the
flames suddenly burst from the steam
er. The blaze probably followed an
explosion of the vessel's boilers. The
captain headed the vessel ashore and
managed to beach her, the passengers
leaving the ship In a heavy tea. How
many were drowned la not known.
As soon as the flames were seen
tags started to the assistance of the
steamer but because of the intense
heat were unable to get near. The*
tugs gave their attention to the peo
ple In the water and managj to save
some. The number of deaths is de
clared to be large.
Washington, Nov. 23.—Attorney
Washington, Nov. 25.—The local
committee of arrangements have
made considerable progress In the
Eouthern Commercial Congress which
will meet here on Dec. 7th and 8th.
The Congress will be composed of
representatives from every commer*
cial body in the fourteen Southern
States and will have an attendance
of over 2.000. It will be held during
Conservation Week." Topics relat
ing to the resources of the Southern
section of the country, covering cli
matic conditions, education and other
important subjects, will be discussed. | General Bonaparte today filed a petl-
The speaker! include John A. Fox, of tJon the Supreme Court of the Unit-
Arkansas, M. J. Sanders, of New Ot\©d States ter a writ o! oerdore-
leans, A. E .Smyth, of North Caro-j a review of the judgment in the dr-
Una, anl John L. Kaulm, of Binning-. cu lt court of appeals which reversed
ham. Judge Landis’ $29,000,000 fine in the;
- _ ! Standard Oil cose.
Paris, Nov. 25.—Maitro Bonnet, J
counsel for Count DcCactellane. in his'
Wit for cu.tody of hla children and , '
— peniloa of 30,000 franca a year from , ~ * * Pugilist.
! head atone* turn an death mart tire bis former wife, the Princess DeSa- ” , ' , , ? * morrl ' ,g on a war ’
realms place of a friend, let us keep gnn. today charged DoSagan wife “* h, “ " ,u ""“ u “*
ever green hi. memory. -- I having took another won,an to New £££ - /'f COn ' ,uct ' Tl1 *
Like the vaae of rosea that’, long York when ha went to cak Madame £"?.“* ", £*'*“!! U * ior
> been dlatllled, could to marry him and that tho wo- a.,, ' he P .°" C0 , rtWed " r
I You may break you may shatter If, man and DaSagan llvM together “ h f 1 n * ,,r,eJ • ’' ow au ’
, You will, there. He declared that since hla “ disarmed two officers
'But the perfume of the reaea linger, marriage DeSagan had establlahed . , ,n, P cally tho
•tl". I the woman In apartment. In Part., ' r0W ‘ , °' 500 “ eKape -
Resolved: That In the death of The court reserved its decision. i w —
Brother McClellan the logde hat sna-1 » Mon^ren. Pa.. Nov. 23.—tfevezr
talned the lore of a true Knight and I Lo nJo n. Nov. 25,-At 5 o'clock this n ’ e ” bpr * of ,ro of “>« WM familleo
will evar charith hla memory In afternoon 28 bodies had washed T*™ " ,JU " a ' ° n ° ° f
Friendship, Charity and Benevolence.' „hore. More than 200 paeaengera !* . 7, * colll * lo “ ute '»*
Reioved further: That the Lodge were aboard, all Egyptian, who had ^ ' ° * n “‘““Wile and n
will perpetuate hla memory hy Inaerih boarded the steamer at Mails. The J - A - rttrqWart
Gainesville, Mo, Nov. 23.—Mr*. Jaa. •»* resolutions on the ffilnutea Sardinia carried a crew of 44. I “t °' Jer memb 'r* of the Farquhart
Crabtree and Mrs. Frank Graham, I of t>fl © Lodge and a copy be furnished . -- i an<1 CWbcrt tollies were severely
sletere-inriaw, quarrelled after n die-, ‘ he family to whom we attend «ym- JUDGMENT REVERSED. I tBrt '
acting (ha White Houm horeelesa car- pute over a trivial family affair. One P»t»y.ln their dlstreaa. | The state Coart of App-fla haa re- ’ '
riages la kept secret on the ground challenged the other for n duel. They | Fraternally submitted, reread Judgment In the emt of Mr. J. f Atter * thorough Inresttgaton, Gor-
that If known he wonld be bothered met thla morning at tho appointed . M. M. Johnson, ; jj. Smith against the Atlantic Coast! ernor Hoke Smith baa recommended’
a good deal by the agents of manufao- place and hour, unattended. The ~ J. A. Jones. . Muv for damages. At ike first trial ] 10 ,,le eommlawia the dlw.Vtrvc-
turera. j women fought with knives nntU • c - E - Dunn. of tlfla com Hr. Smith waa awarded >of c “ ta,n A - M Coombs, auperinten-
Washington, Nov. 23.—An omcer
of tho War Department hat been In
structed to select two automobiles
for Mr. Taft for delivery after March
4.— Mr. Taft la not \eommltted to
particular make ot machtqa and .the
man comtalaitoned will Inform manu
facturer. Just what la wanted and
they can malm bkla. The name of
the man chosen tor the task of aal-
! Mra. Graham waa killed, her throat
GERMANE WERE FIRED ON. .haring bent cut
Berlin. Nor. 22.—German military Mra. Crabtree waa eut about the
Committee. 24.800 damace. Attorneys tor the A.
C. r„ made a motion tor a new trial
It la probably not tree that Atlanta which was granted. The salt when
expert, were Bred on hy Riuia. aw- fare and ahonMera, but she will proha- lot up such a wonderful municipal at- It came op again, waa n-meulted by
dlera near the frontier today while hly recover. 8he waa arreted and traction to counteract Savannah's An- the attorneys for tho plaintiff, and
experimenting with n balloon. N'o.ona la being held far darter. Both wo- tomoblle races. However, Atlanta la now the rate will came up for trial
waa hurt bat the Incident created the men wet* member* el ^oolneat tarn- np ta snuff every day In the week In- avail at the December t-rr of the
erttwent , ^'^itUae. * , ^ ... . ■ t ... , eluding Sunday. CltrfCom.
dent of the prison farm at Mllledae-
vtlie, who waa arrested at the state
fair In Macon, on October, 21, on the
charge of drunk and disorderly con
duct. and who waa fined 215 in the.
police court of that city.