Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 05, 1908, Image 2
•'&' l‘,vSHF Pre«h Meal and Qriu only 25c per peek. Telephone May’, Mill * Feed Store. B CL HY should you hum' a hod of coal and make the X whole house uncomfortably *t- warmjustto'heatcflatiron? ' hexamethylenetetramine The above le the name of a German According to the Auguata Herald, A* authorities ot Brooklyn, N, Y., %m decided that "Kissing In modera tion" la to he permitted In the pari*, ■t will be rather disquieting to hare an policeman stand by and aee the agHd limit Is not exceeded.—Amer- teas Recorder. chemical, which Is one o! the many ralnable Ingredients of Foley s Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine la recognised by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid aolrent and antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any Irregularities, and avoid a seri ous malaJy. Central A Union Pharmacy. MIND YOUR BUSINESS! If you don't nobody will. R jg. your business to keep out of all the trouble yon can and yon can and will keep out of liver and bowl trouble If W take pr. King's New Life Pills. They keep biliousness, malaria-and «•■**»***■. ««« FOR CONSTABLE. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office ot constable ot the mi District 0. U. roe election to be held In December. I respectfully ask the support of the voters of the district Very respectfully, Henry J. Sweat This November 18th, 1108. Real Estate ££i Insurance Try the ELECTRIC METHOD •‘Nothing hot bat die bom'- ~ Rents Collected tnd Taxes Paid for Non Resident* v ^ Simple, safe, sure, economical, clean, always ready. Heat turns on ^ and off like rn Incandescent lamp ^ EI3CTRIC FLATIRONS ON TRIAL FOR ALDERMAN. I desire to announce my candidacy for alderman from the third ward ot the etiy at Wiycron at the ensuing primary. I wtU appreciate the support of the registered voters of the city. lit KT-TOPlUNg. jfllSWBElKTMC IT. AfWHO naOUd south In Use—Georgia trill go ■sgmhlletn" Let Democrats lit otNsady la the boat tad watch things. I THL WAYCROSJ THE WEEKLY HERALD A. P. PERHAM A SON. Editors and Publishers. Catered it tbs Post Office at Way- Oa., as second clas matter.” The Evening Herald la published evening except Sunday. The Annoucements. Herald every Saturday, subscriptions are payable Advertising rates reasonable and known on application. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: EBafly, One Year 15.00 -Sally, Six Months 82-50 Three Months 81-25 One Year .* 50 WAYCROSS, OA.. DEC. 5, 190« We are having a, little touch of tSccembor weather this morning. Today Is eloctlon In Atlanta, and *the fireworks Is on In full force. The democratic craft needs no re- modeling but It Is very apparent that udt needs a new captain or two. .J. Judge S. C. Townsend, of Homer- verDle, will become a citizen of St. •Ttar/s. Wo wish the Judgo well ‘Wherever ho goos. For Al dorman. I hereby announce myaelf as a can* didate for Alderman from tbo fifth ward at the enaueing primary to be held Id December and aak the aupport of the citizens.' C. E. DUNN. FOR ALDERMAN 3RD WARD. The frtendi of Mr. C. M Sweat an* nounco that he will be aupported for Alderman from the 3rd ward to sue- ceed himself in the primary to be call* ed later. Mr. Sweat ha* made a most efficient Alderman and we feel assured that be will again be slctd to serve the city. Friends. FOR ALDERMAN. The Herald Is requested to nounce that Mr. A. 8. Morton will bo a candidate for re-election to' the office of alderman from the fifth ward of the city of Waycrosa. Mr. Morton has glvn tbo city competent service during his past terms of office. He will ap preciate the support of the voters et Waycrosa. Too site for the Glynn county jail iwt Brunswick will bo located today. 3lope the commissioners will put It •swt of our reach. -4 r Atlanta U having one of the times •*»df her life today. Hope the good gmople of the Gato City will come out -■4m top and wo bollovo they will. Thomas L. Hisgen. recently a can- did at o for President of tho United States on’_the Independence Party ^ticket, announces that he Is out of j0olltlcs for good. FOR CONSTABLE Tin Herald Is requested to an nounce that Mr. H. O. Freeman will be a candidate for re-election to the office of Constable for the 1231st Dis trict G. M. f at the election to be held n December. Mr. Freeman has been constable for the past six months and has been one of the most /aitbful men who have yet held this office. He will bo warmly supported for selec tion. tf. An exchange'suggests that men 'Who complain of the cost of their 'Wives* hats these days must admit •(hat tho ladles havo something for their money. . Ilaytl looms to ho having a very Tworlous revolution this time. Tho no- .T«n> can scarcely be rolled on to gov- «iii himself. -H*- So mutter what difficulties confront £Tb. Brown when ho takes hla aoat » governor ot Georgia, a large ma- *Nty of the peoplo aro satisfied that will do hia honest besL ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce to my friends and fellow citizens, that I will be a candidate to succeed myself, for the office of Justice of tho Peace for the 1231 District O. M., Ware county, at election to bo held on the ttrJay in December next, 5th day of said month. I r.iy term In office endeavored to fill the office to tho best of tny faithfully, Impartially and honestly, and will pursue the same course the next term, If elected. I will fully ap preciate the cordial support of my friends and fellow citizens in the dec lion. Very truly your*. . R. P. BIRD. FULL' COMPLETE line of DRYGOODS, SHOES and NOTIONS HERE YOU WILL FIND BE8T QUALITY AND LOWE8T PRICES. FINE LINE OF LADIES, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN'S 8HOE8. LOME TO SEE US AND WE WILL PLEA8E YOU BOTH IN QUALITY AND PRICE. Humphreys & WilliansonJ RAW LUN08. When .the lung, are tore and in- -dammed, the germs ol pneumonia an: consumption find lodgement and mul tiply. Foley's Honey and Tar Win too cough gers, euros the most obstl- nate racking cough, heals the lungs, genuine Is In the yellow package. Central & Union Pharmacy GINGER ALE THE HEALTHFUL SUMMER DltlXg “RED KEEN T” For the best bicycle i:ies at tlu least price see J. T. McGee, 21 Al bany Avenue. 2$ tf e.o.^ GINGER ale. THE BEST OF all Sold by tbe^aee from t Je fac tory or at Soda Founts. Mixed Seda’s delivered anyw In the City. Good Old Jhanksgiqing Jime ANNUONCEMENT. Tho friends of Mr. C. E. Cason, nounco that he will he aupported for Constable ot the 1221 district, O. M. at the election to me held In Deconi her. Mr. Caaon I, well known an hai many friends who will gtvu him a •trong support. The Woodward parado la Atlanta rifcjht was a whopper and was formed late eighteen divisions. Tho Mad- Bn people were not Idle by any If we had anything to do with It we mould certainly make Congressman W. G. Brantley leader of the houao to John Sharp William,. Brant- would be a aafo leader.—Darien tttte. The whole atato I, latere,ted In the 'aotchell ease at Thomasvllle and the -Woodward-Maddox ease at Atlanta. At thl, distance It appeara that Ttoodward’, lucky ,tar 1, about to go In dUaater. The postal deficit for the Jical nr ending June SOlb, laat, la the In the. history of the depart- iL amounting to nearly $17,000,- A few more salary raises will this deficit for another ynr. H It I, about time tor the Woodward vaepls to hire the Atlanta directory naaager to prove that the Maddox ■■U are padded with hundred! of mamei of fellows who don't exist. Bat parbapa there would be a Joe Brown result Just the name.—Ameri can Recorder. -4* JAMES SINCLAIR FOR ALDERMAN FROM 1ST WARD. Tho friends ot Jas Sinclair announce that he will bo a candidate for alder man In the coming primary from the First WarJ, and beg to ask the snp port ot hi, friends and the voters of Waycrosa. J. C. Jons* For Cons.sbte. We are authorized and requested by friends ot the candidate to an nounce that Mr. J. C. Jones will be u candidate for constable for the 1231 district, O. M„ at the forthcom ing election. Mr. Jone, will he warmly aupported by Many Frlenda. For Alderman Flrat Ward. The Herald Is requested to an nounce that Mr. John A. Lott will be a candidate tor re-election to the of fice ot Alderman from the Flrat WarJ at the ensuring primary. He solicits the support of the voters of this city. Is gone once more,and the man who want! to enjoy a god turkey dinner, such as “mother used to cook," should come In and aee the abundance of good things that we serve In delicious roast turkey, with cranberry sauce, mince and pumpkin pies that no one can* beaten toothsomeness and gratlfi* cation at TONY BROWN’S THE WAYCROSS RESTAURANT NOTICE. L Notice Is hereby given tbaO.the regis tration books for tbo city of tVaycross will be open at this office from Nov. J to Nov. 30, Inclusive from 8 a.m. to 12 m and 2 p. in. lo 4 p. m.. Sundays excepted. J. W. Strickland, a lm. Clerk of Council. Best Stove Wood Dcllverd at Your door J2.S0 Corjl Georgia Bottlingworl D.L KEEN, Prop. TELEPHONE NO. 337. SEVEN YEARS OF PROOF. “I have had seven years of proof that Dr. King's New Discovery la the best medicine to take for coughs and colds and for xvery diseased condi tion of the throat, chest or lungs,” says W. V. Henry, of Panama, Mo. The world has had thirty-eight years of proof that Dr. King’s New Discovery is the best remedy for coughs, and coldB, la grippe, aBthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hemmorage of the lungs, and the arly stages of consumption. Itg timely use always prevents the development of pneumonia. Sold uu-j dcr guarantee at drug stores, and $1.00. Trial bottle free. WAYCROSS PRESSING CLUBl F. L. PAGE. Prop. 2S Pendleton Street, Phone 3is| Repairing, Steam Cleaning- and Dying,! Reblocking Hats. **•{•**•{■*Ladies Work a SpecialiyJ W. L. HINSON A CO. UNDERTAKERS AND * EMBALMERS, * •PHONE 91 AND 413 •*. Telephone And Have] Our Wagon Call 4* 4* 4* 4* American Hog & Cattle Fence 13 Bars, 46 Inches High is what we Sell the most of, in 12 inch stay. We Carry an Immense Quantity of it on hand and can furnish it in any size roU you wish. The price is extremely low 33 cents per rod with stay wire and staples. P. N. Harley, Hdw Co. TELEPHONE, 180. winter blasts, ^causing pneumonia, pleurisy and consumptfon will soon be here. Cure your cough now, and strengthen your lungs with Foley’s Money nnd Ter. Do not risk starting the winter with weak lungs, when Foley's Honey and Tar will cure t most obstinate coughs and colds, and prevent serious results. Central & Union Pharmacy. V. C. PARKER, Contractor & Builder, Waycross, Georgia. FOR ALDERMAN, FIRST WARD. At the requeat ot my friends 1 here by announce myself as candidate for Alderman from the First Ward at the ensuing primary to be held In Decem ber and ask the anpport of the people. Dan T. Cowart For Aldermafi, Third Ward. The Herald la requested to slat* that Mr. W. B. Goodrich la a candi date for alderman from tha third ward of the City of Waycross at the December primary. Hla frlenda so licit the anpport of the voters of the city. RAIN AND COLD WEATHER ARE DUE NEXT WEEK! YOU HOW ARE FIXED FOR GUNS AND SHELLS? We Carry Only the Best Makes. WATT H'd’w COMPANY HOW 18 YOUR DIGE8TION. Mm. Mary Dowling of No. 228 8th, Ave., San Francisco, recommends remedy for stomach trouble, Sho says 'Gratitude for the wonderful effect of Electric Bitters in a case of acute In digestion, prompt* this testimonial. I am fully convinced that for stomach Is the Best remedy on the market today”.This great tonic and altena- tive medicine invigorates the system, purifies. the blood and Is especially helpful In all forms of female weak ness. 60c. at all drug stores. Groceries from the reliable Groc-| ery store THE Wilson Block! PHONE 128 POST YOUR LAND8. Cards for posting lands msy be ob tained at the Herald office at 5 cents each or 35 cents a dozen. tf. WATCHED FIFTEEN YEAP.S "For fifteen years I have watched the working ot Bucklen’a Arnica Salve and It has never failed to care any sore, boll, ulcer or burn to which it was applied. It has saved us many a doctor bllL" lays A. F. Hardy, of Bast Wilton, Maine, 25c at al drug stores. If You Are Over Fifty Read This. Most people past middlings suffer from kidney and binder disorders which Foley's Kidney Remedy would cure. Stop the drain on the vitality and restore neede strength and vigor. Comence taking Foley's Kidney eRm- cdy today. Central A Union Fhannacy. ** Ml Compound Laxative PMNE*S*C0MP01)ND LAXATIVE SYR11PI FOR STOMACH MO LIVER