Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 05, 1908, Image 6

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THE WAYCROSS WEEKLY HERALD STATE MUTUAL LIJE INSUKAHCE COM?AH'! - Of GEORGIA — Anchor of the Southern Home. OUTSTANDING INSURANCE, OVER - - - - . _ $40,000,000.00 ASSETS, September 1, 1908, - - - ... . . $ 1,713,205.24 SURPLUS, September 1, 1908, . $ 139,902.20 Payment of Renewal Premiums Indicates Confidence of “Policyholders in Their Company. COMPARISON RENEWAL PREMIUM RECEIPTS. ' „ Amount Percentage 1907. 1908. Gained. Gain. $ 77,886.19 $142,959.33 $ 65,073.14 84 - - 231,331.26 617,318.22 385,986.96 1.67 July and August, January to August, Inclusive, STATE MUTUAL Policies Contain the Most Liberal Terms and All the Advantages Consistent with safety as Determined by Scientific Methods. STATE MUTUAL Funds are Invested in Southern Non Fluctuating Securities which better Conserve the Interest of the Policyhold ers and Protect the Company’s Assets from being Affected by Huge Market Manipulations. HEAD OFFICE, LOCKRIDGE id TANNER, SOUP AS THE SOUTH. C. R. PORTER; President. District Managers, ROME, GA. DOUGLAS, GEORGIA. STATE DEMANDS A LARGE SUM Parkeraburg, W. Vo., Dec. 2.-Near- 1, M.000.000 hit. been demanded by the State aa a forfeit from the oatate of former United Btatea Senator Camden for falluro to report to tho aaaoeaor the true value of hla prop erty during the but four yeora. THB RESULT OF REFORM. Ocllla Star. Joe Drown will take charco of a bankrupt atalo goverment when he la Inaugurated governor of Georgia neat Juno. In another column wo pub lish n statement from State Treas urer H. K. Park which ahowa what havoc two y.'ara of reform have play- aid with the dnancea of old Oeorgla. llpke Smith, the pecpulla candidate— wad later the peepulla'a governor— aided by a reform legUtlaure, have - brought about a deficit of ono million dollar* hi t ie atalc'a revenue which the tax; '-yen will have to make good, And tkia waa done with tho atato tax rate aa high aa It can be puahed un der the coaalllutlonal limit. Where win the money come from to pay the -•gular expend', of the atata gov ernment and at the aame time make ap tho deficiency brought about by the laat two yeara < reekleaa extrava gance upon the part of tho admiule- trmtlon la a qucatlou which will have to be met by Governor Brown and tho logtilaturc next lune. The next govc. j 0 r will go Into olhce racing ouch dldlcuitlea aa have been faced by no other admlnUtratlon within the put thirty yean. INDIANS TO SION RECEIPTS WITH THUMB PRINT. It bu been reveral yean alaee (ho •thumb print” crate ravaged the eoantry aa a remit ot Mark Twain'. •Puddtn-head W ilton," but It blda fair to bo revived by a recent offer pro mulgated by Secretary Garfield. The Araorlatcl Pma report recently Car rie J the following lalafaMlng atory under dale rf Fawknaka. Oklahoma: "Secretary OarOcId and tho totorior deparlment have officially Indoraod too thumb print aa a algnaturo con cerning tho transactions of the Maude 'adlaat. . Indian Agent) Millard, lo- I Tho • 11 Georgia School ||| of Technology b better equipped and organltad In all department! than aver before, and pre- pared to do tbe beat work In Its hlatory. Free Scholarships In order to afford tba young mtn Of Oeorgla high clan technical educa tion, fifteen fiat scholarships art assigned to each County In the State. Taka Immediate advantage of tMa opportunity and writ* for lattat catalog, containing all in formation neceaaarr for proapectlve students, and setting loath the ad- vaatagaa of -the Georgia Tech. Advanced couran la Mechanical, Electrical, Textile, and Civil Engi neering, Engineering Chcmiatry, Chemistry and Architecture Ex- tensive and new equipment of Shop, Mill, laboratories, etc. New Library and new Chemical Labora tory Tka demand for th* School's grad uates la much grtattr than the supply. Newt session opens Sept. 30th. For further Information address K. C. - BMTHfSON, A. KL* tL II, Pres^ Atlcnta, Ga. cated hare, haa been notified that here- attep the thumb print ot eaeh Indian ehall be a (fixed to bla receipt for the payment ot annuity money, and wilt alto bo recognised by the department In signing leasee and other Instru ments In writing. Records will ba taken cl tho thumb prints ot the var ious members ot tbo tribe, about 1,100 In all, and preserved for reference." GOING INTO THE SWAMP AFTER SEAR. ipt.J. il Irby and Df. J. A. Wood, ot akh^torj’kl cl accompanied by their colored' cook and fully prepared la every reaped an la tbe eity today maklag arrangement to go Into tbo Okefenokee swamp after bear. They oxpoot to moot Ur. Otti Mtltar, ot Waresboro who wOl probably accom pany them. CapL Irby aad Dr. Wood are very pleasant gentlemen and wo do not donbt bare the grit to tackle a bear all rltht. They will procure tho aervteeo ot tho beat guide to bo found and will go through the coun try (ram here la Wagons. They havo tents, fishing and hunting outfits, dogs rations and etc. The party proposes to stay In the swamp for some days perhaps weeks, and bars promised to call at the Hoy aid office when they return, the writer having expressed a desire to see them before and after taking. Wo thank the gentlemen for an invi tation to accompany them Into tbe swamp and ragnt exceedingly that a previous and pressing engagement prevents our doing so. We wish tbe party good lack-and charge nothing for this notice exoept a bunk of boar mast and prlvDoget of taking their picture when they ALL A6AIN QUIET AT PORT AMBOY Port Amboy, N. J., Dec. 2.—Drink- erased detectives employed to gugrd the strike breaking employes at the plant of tho National Fire Proofing Company qt Koaaby, fired their pis tols over the heads of a gathering mob about tho stockade of the plant this morning. Word then want out that the strikers and their sympa thizers ware being murdered, and In a short time men and women gath ered about the plant this morning Jeering and throwing sUcks and peb bles at the offloers. Tho detectives opened fire which angered the men, and a fuallade followed. Quiet haa now been restored. THIS* GLORIOUS GOLDEN CLOCK-FREE POSITIVELY A LETTER FROM NORTH CAROLINA' WarrentOQi N. d—I was nearly dead 1th kidney affection for six month*' growing worse all the time. My case was hopeless—was unable to get about, but little. I bad tried everything with little benefit I took three bottles of Stuart's Budm and Juniper and waa ' perfectly cured. Am now well and all If you suffer with backache, doll head, ache, swollen feet stiff joints, and have no energy and see knaginary specks In tbe al* you hare symptoms o/kidney trouble. . Stuart's Budm and Jnnlper win reUevc yarn An druajriat* «.00. Writs toe free sample. We ana sad enough to prove Its wonderful merits. Stnart Drag Manufacturing Co. for a few mtnutea of your time. No one who has W boms to live In can afford to mlsa this truly GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY To secure FREE ef el most Important thing I such a Clock, tool BEAUTIPUI AND GUARANTEED FOR TF BEAD EVERY WORD OF THIS 6RI To gat this beautiful Clock FREE !• tbe simplest thins In the world. All you havo to do la write me a postal card and say you want to get It. Z will then send you by maf* — paid* a carefully w packaro. of handsome portraits of Otoraro Washlnctoi ask you to show them 1 neighbors. These portraits are copies or the best known painting of tho flret President of the United States, and are different from and handsomer than any pto* tore o£ the kind you ever This la Just tho plcturo for tho dining-room or sit ting room. and. because tho very name George Wash ington strengthens ths love * ‘ ome and country in ‘ r them to your and young alike, everybody will want one of them and will bo glad to pay for It on the liberal proposition | X will authorise you to make. You only havo to collect $1 In this way to make this Glorious Clock EXTRA I your, forever. W G. with tUa < TWO BEAUTIFUL EXTRA GIFTS p «VS*n£tTh'8S will ho delighted with. One of these PAID as soon as X recelvo tho nenta which anyone .... Ta* editor ot th* Thomaaton Time* Is proparly "thankful that tn the county of Upson than la but one man who thinks himself 'holler than thou.- Fortunate Upaoal There may be a few others that the editor hoe failed to count, but ho !m wise tu tearing them bid out and worshipping them- selves In the bushes. May their tribe decrease everywhere, as It seems to bo even In Griffin.—GrIBn News. Next Saturday la the day for" the election of J. P„ througout tire state and tn our earn district aa well Tbe holUday spirit baa at ruck Waycroes aad tba kids are getting ready (Or a good time. T A* fine Una of ladles and childrens tare received yesterday from New York at Miss Eddie Parnell. ' PAY YOUR TAXISI Tax Collector W J. Multi’ can bo found at hie office ta court hon«e every day this week for the purport 1 rf colt- ting state and county taxes. CJJ early and avoid the ruth. ~ 1 It etoaews LEADING BUSINESS TSAlStNO SCIOOk Xtst to CwrvnwV XM.-ruA .. .. 1 Thaoa rbuinci IU M cotlpffG (A tbe Soatt MiThf Mild'or ffieitulYi ly. | n trail- ( • ' w» ti.Vw* ' hOOgglEriNG t.ar'it br "Acme! pis.ness lr ns^t-'^ns’* t.v>-n %*\% start. mu* r radical end n .mpr. henjlro eoorao li lh4**ub. #«.•' who com. wKuiSr - “ r -“* * b ” k * - nr? • Write today for Uaadaomely Illcs!rated Catalog. * Chanel byMifl. J. O. BAGWELL, Pre*. IS* Peachtree St.. Atlanta. Ga.