Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 12, 1908, Image 1
■ • ' ‘ - - . ... * T ., 1[ . * * I Waycross Weekly Herald - . — ■; 1 1 - 1 "‘T OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYCROSS AND WARE COUNTY AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS VOLUMEXXUI WAYCROSS GA SATURDAY DECEMBER 12 1908 NUMBER 43 MANY DELEGATES AT CONVENTION Washington, Dec. 10.—Three ses sions are on the program today (dr the National Rivers and Harbors Con' sre-s. Delegates are ar.lvlng on every train. Eighteen governors are now in attendance, Including Ansell, of South Carolina, Smith, of Georgia, Broward, of Florida, and Sanders, of Louisiana. Former Senator Higgins of Dele- ware, spoke at this morning’s session on the subject, “The Atlantic Coast’s Interest In the Rivers and Harbots Policy.” Speaker Cannon and Sec retary Oarlleld also addressed this morning’s seslon. James W. Vancleave, president the Manufacturer’s Association, spoke on “The Interest of Manufacturers on, the Improvement of the Waterways.” Governor Broward, of Florida, Sena tor Owen, of Oklahoma, and Col. Goodyear, of Georgia, are among the speakers for the afternoon and even ing session. There will be no addresses tomor row. It Is the closing day of the session and will be devoted to tne transaction of routine business. CARNEGIE SUMMNOED Washington, Dec. 10.—A subpoena directing' Andrew Carnegie to appear before the Ways and Means commit tee to testify regarding the tariff , re vision, was served on the- magnate this morning. “8AWDU8T TOWN. ’ Where Most of the Acrobats and Turn biers Come From' Where <lo all the acrobats and tumb lers come from? Where do they learn their trade There is no school, as such, for the training of the men who Imperil their limbs for a living. The Advance Car Manager, of the Bun Brothers’ Greater shows, which was recently here billing for the appear ance’of their exhibition, and who by the way Is an old retired acrobat and Is now following .the advertising branch of the show business, solved the above questions when he told where he had learned to leap and turn springs In the air and fall on the back of his neck, without Injuring himself. Most of the tented show acrobats, and not few of the rough and tumble commedlans of the stage, who have graduated from the ring) were reared and learned (he rudiments of their business In the lumber towns of the Northwest. In the business there are known as “ Sawdust” towns, on ac count of the sawmills, which are their chief Industry. Thero are many of these In Wis consin and Michigan and several in Iowa that have turned out the hulk ot acrobats and tumblers In the business. In the “Sawdust towns” the small boys have exceptional facdlltles for learning to turn somersets and hand springs In the - gnat bo la of sawdust that surround the mills. Soon they begin to try the more difficult feats they see done In the shows that visit the towns. After school hours they tumble until Ibis time to go home and do the felons.? From out of them all there generally TlW two or three boys who get the knack of acrobatic feats and these work In constant rivalry, each trying to excel the other. One day along comes a tented ahow and the best bOy applies for a Job and shows what he can do. Perhapa he Is given s chance as a "top mounter,” or a top man In a pyramid act, became ho Is light and active. When he gets older, heavier .gild stronger, he may become an “understander,” or one of ths men who help to bold tbe mountain of men on. hi* shoulders. If bo worse hard and studies he may become a good acrobat In time. -But he got his start on a sawdust pile. The Sun Brothers Greater Shows which appear here In the near future present as a special feature an ensemble -of tome of the very best acrobatic r.nd athla* tic acts ever pot together, they will be offered by such clever people os the Atlas Troupe, LaJPaeflue Trouble the Avallon Troupe and the Llnlger Trio. RUBBERS failed IN ATTEMPT Spokane, Wash., Dee. 10.—Bast bound passenger train No. 4, of the Great Northero-Rallroad, was held up early today by three masks: men who would hare secured a rich booty but for their attempt to secure 820,000 m the baggage car, The robbers. were foiled by the presence ot mind ot Uranian Herrin, who after the engineer and firemen had been driven from their engine at the point of revolvers, slipped back and uncoupled the baggage ear and whirled away before the robbers could enter the car. Tbe robbers made their PROMINENT LADY SUICIDED ON THAI PROCEEDINGS OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Cross-ties are bringing s good price now. If yon need any CollIn'sBroad Axes. Dlsston's Crosscut Saws . and rood Axe Handles yon srlll find them tt Harleys’. . December Term, 1908. John T. Myers, Salary Judge City Court, 8125.00. Jno. O. McDonald, Salary Solicitor City Court, 8185.00. M. Johnson, Salary as County Physician, 850.00. Warren Lott, 6 days County Com missioner, 812.00 W. A. Cason, 5 days County Com missioner, 810.00. D. H. Bennett, 8 Jays County Com missioner, 816.00. J. F. Taylor, 9 days County Com missioner, 818.00. Geo. D. Barnard & Co.. Stationery, 85.90. Waycross Journal, Printing, 810.00. Foote ft Davies Co., Books, 824.65. Bennett Brothers, Livery Fees etc., 89.60. T. H. Wilson, Expense J. D. Spivey, 81.66 Southern Belt Tel. ft Tel. Co., Tele phone, 84i60. E. J. Berry, Clerk, Services as per bill 8145.30. _ D. A. Woodard, Sheriff, Jail Fees, 8212.00. D. A. Woodard, Sheriff, Expense bill, 8103.00. Evening Herald, Printing, 824.00 W. A. McDonald, J, P„ Issuing War rants, 88.75. E. J. Jones, care Nellie Blake, a lunatic, 815.00. Lucinda Hlghsmltb, Care Jno. Nor ward, 84.60. J. H. Rivers,’ Janitor, $16.00. John W. Moore, H ft B Grand Jury, 82.56. Waycross E. L. ft P. Co., llghtss, 87.45. Lott ft Jones, Livery (eea, 873,00. Brewer ft Slrmans, Ice, 76c. Waycross "Journal Blanks, 81.25. Lott, Fain ft_Co„ Coffin, 810.00. D. A. Williams, Treasurer, paid stenographer and witness lees 8180.84. W. S. Booth, H ft B. 81.00. McGraw Bros, Keys for Court House 81.20. R J. Thomas, Building Trough, 82.75 R. L. Jefords, Wood 83.50. H. C. Driggers, WOod.-87.00 Darling Construction Co., Lumber, 83.24. ROAD BILLS. Jack Mustek, BosrJ for Mr. Howard, 823.70. R. J. Anthony, Hdw. Co.. Merchan dise, 83-35 T. J, McGee, work and Merchan dise, 88.90. Gem Pharmacy, Drugs, 811.36. ,J. A. Jones Buggy Co., Msrchin- disc. 88JM. ' ; Albert Deen, Merchandise, 88.04J -Jew Keel, Merchandise, 88.00. Armour Packing Co.. Meat, 848.85. J, I. Waite, Medicine chest for camp 82.50. — - • HsrJy Bros., Merchandise, 87.88. Waycross Furniture Co., Blankets, 825.00. D. A. Woodard Sheriff ct. a]., Costa convicts on gang, 8882.60. J. F. Taylor, Commissioner, Expense blit, 829.61. Jf R. MJnchjew, Repair of bridge 8100. # > - Warren Lott Ordinary, Expenae bill 8104.72. W, A. Cason ft Bro. .Merchandise, 835J0i Armour Packing Co., Merchandise, 855.65. ... J. E. Vann ft Co., Oats. 813.20.' W. H. Roberta, Salary Supt. Roads, 876.50. J. W. Adams ft Co., Merchandise, 82.70. Don X Cason, Merchandise, 820.76. P. N. Harley, Hdw. Co, Merebso- Wheollng, W. Va.. Dee. 10.—Mrs, Margaret Merglister, wife of a prom inent politician of McDowell county, suicided yesterday In a crowded coach on the Baltimore ft .Ohio RallroaJ by cutting her throat with a ratui She was on route for a visit to friends In Wheeling. It la believed that she had worried over her husband's de feat In the recent election until her mind become unbalanced. For Collin's Broad Axes, Dlsston'i Thin Back Crosscut Saws, and guar anteed Clnb Axes call at Harley’i JOHNSON SAYS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS O. K. Washington, Dee. 8.—"I don’t think the leaden ot the democratic party are cast down by defeat, and It they are right, aa I think they are, they will wlnn eventually.’ Thus Gov. John A. Johnson of Min nesota, expresses In an Interview his abiding faith In Democracy. "I think the Deomeratlc party is In better position than It was before the campaign opened. I am, of course, unable to say what caused tbe result to be what It was. Mr. Bryan was much misunderstood, and was pur posely misrepresented; there yas a lack of organisation in the Democratic party and a. unity of organisation in Republican ranks. Then It la always ■o much easier for the party In power to win.” American wire Fence 4G Inches high 12 Inch stay at 33 centB per rod with stay wire and staples. We have It in stock, order now. P. N. HARLEY H'dw, Co. ROOSEVeLT. WILL WELCOME A THE RETURN OF FLEET. -Wellington, Dec., 8.—President Roosevelt will Welcome, the battleship fleet to Hamptm Roals from Its cruise around the world, about noon on Feb. 33. The exerciser will take place with the President’s yacht Mayflower In tho same position aa upon -the departure of the fleet on Dec., 16, 1907. Admiral Arnold’s third squadron of the Atlan tic fleet la to moot tbe battleships, possibly well on towards Gibraltar and escort them home. About 2,500 of the bluejackets of @perry's fleet will be brought to Wash ington to participate In the Inaugu ration ceremonies. After the review In Hampton Roods the fleet will go to New York, where tbe men will bo given shore leave. disc, 847.50. Albert Deen, Beef, 82,00. C. C. Andorson, Vegetables, 81-00. J. C. Rouse, Mcrcbandlae, 81.25. Ram Smith, Merchandise ,87.60. D. A. Jordan, Corn, 884.00. J. H. Bennett, Merchandise, 818.22. Cash Grocery, Merdhandlse, 823.40. Dare Starling, Guarding, 830.00. Bill Davis, Guarding, 840.00, A. J. Jordan, Merchandise, 834.75. E. J. Roberts, Porit, 83.18. Walter L. Cason, Guarding, 88.00. Allen Handy, Work on rood, 810.00. J. J. Murray, Shingles, 8149.48. II. C. 'Howard, Part Payment ou Bridge, 818.00. Jo? Arnold, Commission on Road Jfsx, 85.80. V-j-f „ , D. J. Cason, Commission on road Tax, 85.50. D. J. Miller, Commission on road Tax, 831.00. . J. C. McQualg, Commission on road Tax. 811.50. Sweat, McDonald ft Paikgr. Clothes To Convicts, 84.00. Watt Hdw, Co., Merchandise, 860.40. .J. M. Harrington, Cutting Logs. 53. After reading and considering the. several applications for appointment lor county physician for the year 1909 and on motion. Dr. M. M.* Johnson was re-appointed county physician for year 1909. a t and for salary 8——and ho to furnish all'mejiclnes. IN SIX DAY RACE New York, Deo. 10.—During a tur- loun sprint of tho six day raco early j^hls morning, Walker of tho Austral ian team, collided with a post and his color hone was broken. Hla partnor, Helmet 1 , doubled up with Drabauch, of tfie Russian team, when Devonvltch dropped out at 10 o’clock thla morn ing. At II o’clock the aeore of the lead ers was aa (Allows: Rutt and Stoll, McFarland and Mo ron, Hill and Demaro, 1,019 miles situ laps. Walthour and Root 1,619* miles and 4 laps, Tbe previous rec ord up to this hour Is 1,618 mile*. SHERIFF’S SALE. STATE OF GEORGIA:—Wsro County Notice is hereby given that as Sheriff of said county, t will sell at public outcry, tt the Court House of said couhy, at Waycross, therein, on Jarpary 6th, 1909, between the hours of It o'clock a. m., and 4 o'clock p. m„ for cash to the highest bidder, tho following-described land and bank stock, to'wit: Lots of land numbers one hundred and seventy one, wto hundred and forty, and two, hundred and forty one, containing four hundred and ninety acres each, more or loss; and three hundred and sixty live seres more or less of lot number one hundred and seventy, being all of said lot lying west of Kettle Creek except fifty acres conveyed by Geo. W. Deen to the Board of Directors of tho Georgia Experlmont Station, by deod ot date May 39th, 1907, and re corded In -book BB page 209, of the public records of Ware county: all of said lands lying and bolng In the Eighth District of originally Appling noil Ware county, Georgia. Levied on'-ciH the property of George W. Deen and in his possession at the date of levy, and pointed out by said George W. been to be levlod on un der aald execution. 1 ’.lave given tbe said George W. Docn notice ot said lovy as required by law. That tract ot land In lot numbor one hundred and twenty two of tho Eighth District of Ware county, Geor gia, boginning.hi a point in the run of KetUo Creek located 1510 loot west from north west corner of property owned - by A. Sesaoms, hence east 1510 feet .to said north west corner of properyt of A. Sesaoms, liionco south along west line ot property Sesaoms 1130 fe?t to tho south west comer of A. Sesaoms’ property, (banco west 1430 foot to the run or Kettle Creek, thence north along the run ot said creek to the polift of be ginning, containing thirty eight acres more or leas, except the pine timber for turpentine purposes for tour years from January 1st, 1006 and a atrip of land 10 feet wide along the east aide of said tract of land for a public road, bell c the same property, conveyed by George W. Deen to A. Sessoms by deed dated Hay 37tb 1005 and record ed In book Z page 540 of the public records ot said county. Also that tract of land beginning at the Intef sectlon of the W. M. Harbin land with Johnson Avenue running west 1743 feat, hounded on tbe north by aald Harbin land, and Dinning south on the original land line 1130 feet, theaoe easterly parallel with first line, I1U feet, thence north along Johnson Avsnne 1189 feet to pilot of beginn ing; being part ot original land lot number two hundred end twenty onq, In the Eighth District of Were Coun ty, Georgia and the seme property conveyed to A .Sesaoms by H. Mur phy, by deed dated February ■ 25tb, 1902, end recorded In public records of said County In deed book V page 626. Also that part of lit number one hundred and ninety four In the Eighth District of originally Appling now Ware County .Georgia, known,as the Amy Taylor place , bounded on the South by Kettle Creek, on 4hc STRICKEN WITH APPOPLEXY TOON Washington, Deo. 10.—Henry Worthington, a resident of this city but formerly member of Congress from Nevada, was stricken with appo- plexy while visiting In the House of Representatives this morning, was removed to hts home In an un conscious condition. Worthington la aald to bo the last surviving pall bear er ot Abraham Lincoln. You won’t mako any mistake come right to ua for your Sash. Doors and Builders’ Hardware. Biggest and best stock in this section. P. N. HARLEY H’dw, Co, A PRESCRIPTION FROM OLD IRELAND. Redding & Co., druggists have brok en all records and have received the first shipment ot Irish Liniment ever made to this section of the United States. Irish Llnlmont was pres cribed by Dr. DeCoursery, who In his day, was the best known man In Ire land, where the namo of tho wonder ful article was a household word. It will cure any case of Eczema on top of earth and for Rheumatism In any form, the results are beyond expres sion. It will bring the Impurities to the surface, which moans a cure, and which no other -preparation was ever known to do. Book with overy bottle tolls of other ailments that will sur prise you. Go to Redding ft Co., and get a bottlo of Irish Liniment and you will bless tho day you did It. Cut thla artlclo out and koop It for ref erence. If Irish Liniment will not do all wo claim for it, go back to Red ding ft Co., and they will give you 50 cents for the empty hottlo on your honor aa an Amorican citizen. 60 cents at your druggists or cents by .express prepaid to' your home. Gllhooley Irish Llnjment, Co., St. Paul, Minn. Dee. 14-28 north by original lot line, on the east The sum of 8194.00 Commutation , b T lands formerly > Owned h y o. “' road tax was collected In addition lo their former collection by tbu fol lowing Road Overseers: Millwood, 822.00. Waltertown, 820.00 Waycross, 8102.00 Manor, 850-00. Newman, on the west by line agreed upon, anj containing one hundred and thirty acres more or less; also eighty acres more or less of said lot number one hundred end ninety four, the linos of which are designated as'follows: In the north east'corner of aald lot, E, J. BERRY, Clerk, on'tho cast j»y main line,'on the north County Commissioners.. ( by main lino and. on the sooth by BOOKKEEPER SHOT HIMSELF, Mscon, Oa., Dec. 9.—C. N. Steed, a bookkeeper, shot himself In the breast this morning, apparently with suicidal Intent. No reason for the deed Is given. Kettle Creek and on the wost to s certain fence ot tho lands of said Amy Taylor, being the some premises described In a deed from Sessoms and Taylor to A .Sessoms, of dale April 19th, 1006, and reeordoj In tbe public records of Ware County Geor gia, In deed book Z page 602. Also fifty seres more or less In the south east corner of lot number one hund red and sevonty lire In the Eighth District of originally Appling now Ware county, Georgia, bounded on Decomber 17th 1004, on (ho north by lands of J. M. Spenco, on the south and east by original land lines, and on the west by the public rood from Wsresbaro to Olenmora, and being the samo lands described In a deed from J. M. Spenee to A. Sessoms, dated December 17th 1004, and re corded In the publle records of Ware County, Georgia, In deed book Z page 330. Said land* levied on as tbe prop erty of and In possession of A. Ses soms: also one hundred (100) share* of the capital stock of (he First Na tional Bank of Waycross, a national banking corporation doing business In Waycross, Ware County, Georgia, as the property of the said A. Ses soms. Legal notice has been given lo A 8essoms of said levy upon said land and bank stock. And notice has also boon given as re quired by law of the lery on said hank stock to tbe president anJ cashier of the said Flint National Bank of Waycross. The said property was levied on uy mo under two (2) executions Issued from the City Court of Wtycron In favor of Epplnger ft Bussell Co., and against Bailey Manufacturing Com pany. a corporation, J. 8. Bailey, O. W. Deep, G. G. Parker and A. Ses aoms. The said sale will lie contin ued from day to day until tho same Is completed. Tills December 9th, 1908. D. A. WOODARD, Sheriff of Ware County, N GREAT TIE M KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS The Knights of Pythias district convention came to a close Tost night. The convention was called to order at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon at Castlo Halt Nearly every lodge In tho district was represented. Too re presentatives gave very encouraging reports as to the progress being mate by their respective lodges. Tho fol lowing officers were elected for thw year 1909: L. LUdwIg, Brunswick, President. Chas. H. Ftcken, Waycross, VIet> President Chaa. E. Cason, Waycross, Secre tary and Treasurer. B. Z. Byrd, Blackshear, M. at A. E. L. Walnwright,- Polksfon, I. CL J. H. Morris, Bristol, O. O. Tho nest convention will be held In Blackshear some time during Ang- gust next year. - Last night at Caatle Han, a lens form degree team from Chink* Lodge, No. 77, ot Savannah, confer red the rank of Knight on three eazs- dldates. The hall was crowded wRH local members and visitors to wftnsam the work done by (his up to date team, and all were loud In their prelaw ot tbe splendid work done. At tlte conclusion of the meeting the mort gage on the Castle Halt was burned and refreshments were served. Tonight the twenty-third snnlveP- sary of Wakeflold Lodge will be ecr«- bratod at tho central school auditor ium, following which an elaborate hnnquot will bo served. The anniver sary address will be delivered by Judge John P. Bosa, of Macon, Grand Chancellor. Following Is tbe program in full: Introductory—Plano Solo, Mtsm Rachel Caldwell. 1. Quartetto Mosdamos, J. W. Seals, W. T. Seaman, Messrs. W. W. Sharpe and J. H. Glllon Anniversary Address, Judge John P, Ross, Grand Chancellor. 8. Vocal Solo, Miss Susie Sbaipsc. 4. Duett Mrs. J. W. Seals and Mrs W. T. Seaman. 5. Institution and pragma off Wakelleld Lodge, V. L. Stanton. 6. Violin Solo, Mlsa Bole Betjemans. 7. Good ot the Order, Judge Au D. Gale. 8. Vocal Solo, Mlsa Kate Wilson. 0. Benediction and BanqaeL ...» .u .** GEOROIA—WARE COUNTY, Will bo aold before the eourt houso- door of Ware county, Goorgla, be tween the legal hours of sale on tie lat Tuesday In January, 1909,'tho fol lowing described proporty, to wit. That tract of land containing I ff aero more or leu, In the-City of Way- croaa, fronting Blackwell street 9X feet, running back >10 feet, to • afreet not yet named on tho weal by Blackwell, atreet, aoutb by lands off Sam Melver, east by stmt not yet. named and north by lands of Henry Roberta. Bald property levied'on to satisfy at mortgage given to R. M. Lewis, by J. H. Davis, said mortgage being trans ferred to Hardy Brothers on the 170s day of March, 1008. Thla December 6tb, 1808. D. A. Woodard, Sheriff Ware County. SHERIFF’* SALE. LAST CALL. All City Taxes not paid By DeOL> 81, will bo subject to Interest mat NoV., 15, 1908, and all costs ot Issulnc executions. Pay now and save coat. C. A. BlfRI.DON, ' Tax Collector. CARD OP THANK*. I desire to (hank my many Irlenldt lor their kind support In the recent; - election held hen. I fotl very, grate ful to my many friends snd especially to thoso ot the country, for puttfliK themselves to- the trouble of coming- to the city to vote tor me. In conclu sion will say I want to thank my op ponent for acting so nicely with me tho campaign, by not trying tt» use. my name In an. eleetlOneerin* scheme as Is so commonly done by op ponents. With best wishes.; to all I am your Friend, N. B. Rogers,, v ' Waycross, Os.,