Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 12, 1908, Image 3
*©*©*•*©**©**+*+****** *©+©+©+©+ ©© + ©*©*©*© + ©©*©+©*©*©* THE HUMAN MIND CANNOT PERFORM IT* FUNCTIONS, WHEN THE BODY 18 AFFLICTED WITH IRRITATING DISEASED THEY ARE PAINFUL AND LOATHSOME- TORTURING—ENERVATING, AND DESTROY MENTAL AND PHY8ICAL ENERGY, TETTER AND ECZEMA ARE THE MOST COMMON FORMS OF 8KIN DISEASES. NO ONE IS ABSOLUTE IMMUNE' FROM THEIR BLIGHT. THOUSANDS ARE THU8 AFFLIC TED. THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY CURED BY YOUNG'S TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY, - YOUNG8’S TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY HA8, FOR YEARS, PROVED IT8 MARVELOUS CURATIVE POWERS. IT IS AN EFFECTIVE AND HARMLE8S ANTI8EPTIC. A BOTTLE 8HOULD BE IN EVERY FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST—IT IS INDE8PEN8IBLE. CURES DANDRUFF AND ITCHING SCALP PERMANENTLY AND QUICK. © * © + © * ®*«*©*©*©©*©*©*©*•*©9*«*©*©*©*©©*©*©*©*©*©©*©*©*©*©*©©*©*©* 50c And $1.00 BOTTLE- -50c And $1.00. * *© * * I Order From Your Local Druggist, Or From Our Laboratory Direct, MANUFACTURED O O J.JV. YOUNG, J'R., Waycross, Ga. 0 BY O foreclosure by MENT UNDER SALE: Under and by virtue and power of rale, contained In a certain Inatrument ■ of writing, executed by Lewla A Wright a co-partnership, composed of J. B. Lewis and M. L. Wright, and doing business under the said firm name of Lewis A Wright, dated on the 16th day of November 1907, and re corded In the offlce of the clerk of the Superior Court, of Ware County, Georgia, In book number 6, of mort gages, of said county, on page 109, the undersigned will sell said property, at public outcry, before the court house doors in said county during the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash on the first Tuesday In December 1908, the following des cribed property, to wit: One mile of 35 pounds, steel rail (being 70560 feet of rail) track, to gether with bolts, plates, fastenings, etc., used In laying same, said rail lying and being on the tram road of Lewis & Wright, In the county of Ware and State ol Georgia, at or near the town of Glenmore, and being the same steel frail and fixtures and fastenings pur- prchaseil from G. W. Deen. and moved from Astoria, In said county to tho present location. For tho purpose of paying principal, Interest and 10 per cent attorneys Tees j on three certain promissory notes, aggregating the sum of 11,630.00, prim Ipal, besides Interest and 10 per cent attorneys fees, each noto having been executed on November 16th 1908 by said firm of Lewis & Wright.to the Bank of Wayeross, as rollows: One note for 1300.00 becoming due on De cember 16th 1907, one note for 9600.00 becoming due on January 16th 1908 and one note for 9730.00 bocomlng due February 16th, 1908, each of said three notes stipulating Interest from date at the rate of 8 per cent per an num and 10 per cent attorney fees. The total amount due on said notes, to,date of this foreclosure, Including principal, Interest and 10 per cent attorneys fees, being 31.906.56. together with the costs of this foreclosure under power of sale given In said Instrument Said _yau, bolts, and fixtures are located at or near Glenmore In Ware county. Georgia, as above described and same This October 38th, 1908. A. M. KNIGHT 1 and A. P. BRANTLEY. the original land lot number 120 In ten per cent attorneys' fees, the 8th district of said -Ware county, Georgia, containing four and one-half (4 1-2) acres, more or less, and being the land conveyed to said D. F. Kirk land by H. Murphy by Jeed of Novem ber 30th 1904, recorded In Book “Z" folio 401, which Is here referred to. The two above described parcels of land constitute a tract of nine (9) acres, more or less. In the 8th district of Ware county, Georgia For the purpose of paying principal, Interest and ten per cent attorneys' fees on a certain promissory note tor 92,300.00 principal, besides Interest and ten per cent attorneys’ fees, said note having been executed on August 14th, 1907, to' the Bsnk of Waycross, by F. A. Bates, and becoming duo ninety days after the execution thereof, and bearing Interest at the rate of eight per cent per anum and stipulating thoreln for the payment of ten per cent attorneys' fees provided sold note should be collected by law. The total amount due on said note to date of this foreclosure, Including princi pal, interest and ten per cent attor neys' fees being 12,775.67, together with the costs of this foreclosure un der power of sale given In said above described Instrument. This October 28th, 1908. A. M. KNIGHT and A. P. BRANTLEY. Receivers for the Bank of Waycross. 81* Hundred, fortnight and 36-100. To ,*" /w'TT (9648.36) Dollars, together with the . Jo,eph h * vln *' 1,1 proiK * cost, of this foreclosure, under power' 0 ™' ,or of sale given In said above described. Ie,ter * of admlnl,trRtlon 00 e,t »' In tru mt te o fJohn E. Cleland, late of said ’ 11 ’ 'county, this Is to cite all and singular I the creditors and next of kind of | John E. Cleland to be and appear at Receiver, for th. Bank of Waycross. 1 ^ offl “ *“ hln tho t ' mo M ' owed * — * law, and show cause, If any they can, GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. | why permanent administration should Foreclosure By Advertisement Under Power ef Sale. Whereas,' B. J. Berry, admtnlstr* tor on the estate of Mathias Llnthl- cum, deceased, represents to the court In his petition duly filed and entered of record that he has fully admlnstered said estate. This Is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause, If any they can, why said administrator should not bo discharged from his admini stration and receive letters of dismis sion in accordance with the statute in such cases made and provided. . This November 2nd, 1908. Warren Lott, Ordinary. SHERIFF’S SALE. {not be granted to Joseph M. Cleland . on John E. Clcland's estate. | Witness, my hand and official sig nature, this 7th day of December, 1908 Warront Lott, Ordinary. GEORGIA-WARE COUNTY. Will be r-r.M at the court house door In raid county, on tho first Tues* day In December 1908, within the leg al horns of aele tc. wit: Three maro mules (two Lav maro mules, one about six years old and one about five years old, also ono mouso colored mulo about six years old) each mule ! being about fifteen hands high. Said Under and by virtue end power of, rt belng leTlcU on „ th o prop- .Me contained la a certain Instrument orty of fora ,; nU] rlc „ d D . C. ... .- * ' Carmichael, Issued on the 7th day ot September 1908, from the Superior Court of Ware county, In favor Lewis A Patterson against the said Mrs. Cera Gtubrle and D. C. Carmichael, This the 6th dajr ot November 1908. D. A. WOODARD. Sheriff. of writing, executed on tho 6th day of April 1905, by W. A. Price, Ines E. Sharpe and S. E. Ellington to the Bank of Waycross, and recorded In book "C” of deeds, folio 384 In the offlee of the clerk of the Superior Court of War. County, Georgia, th# undersigned will sell at publlo outcry, within the legal honra ot aale, before the court house door In said county, to the highest and hast bidder for cash on the first Tuasdajr In December 1908, the following described proper ty, to-wtt: that part of original land lot number two hundred and three (303) wHl'be delivered to the purchaser atita the 8th land district ot Ware conn- ***** • • • » A— «—J- -*»—-*—* *— —|| being of the "Hobbs" property, and more particularly described aa follows: Fronting seventy-alSbf and three tenths (78 MO) feet on the west side of Eads street and running back of uniform width a distance ot one hun dred and seventy (170) feet to n lane which separates said property from that of Johnson, Hawklna. Lowtner and Wall. Said property Is bounded on tho north by land of J. B. Lewis and Mrs. L. Johnson, on the east by the west side of Eads street: on the south by —— Lowther 1 . lot and on the west by tho above men tioned lane. It being the purpose and Intention of the undersigned to sell all of the property described In shove mentioned Instrument wbleh has not been heretofore released by the Bsnk of Waycross or Its receiver Far the purpose of paying toe bal ance due as principal. Interest and tan per cent, attorneys* fees On a certain fifteen hundred ($1,500.00) dollar promissory note, besides Interest and ten per cent, attorneys' fees, said nets having been executed am August 13th 1107 to the Bank of Waycross by W. A. Price, B. E. EUIpgton and Ines E. Sharpe and becoming due ninety (N) days after tho data of execution thereof, bearing la tenet at the rata ot eight per not per annum from date, and stipulating therein to the payment ot tea per coot attorneys* fees, provided nld note should be col lected by tew. The total amount due oa said note to date of I hie rondea us*, fadadtaff principal, tafanst aad the Disco where the property Is local. I ty, Georgia, situated In wbat Ip known ed. This November 6th. 1908. »• "New Wayeroas," and being n part A. M. KNIGHT. A. P. BRANTLEY. Receivers for the Bank of Waycross. Foreclosure By Advsrtlssmsnt Under Power ef tale. Under and by virtue an* power of sale contained In a certain Inatrument of-writing executed on the 14th day of August, 1907. by F. A. Bates and re corded in the offlce of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Were county, Georgia, In hook ot mortgagee number 6 of said county on pace ninety, the undersigned will sell P» Mlc within the legal hours of sale, before the court house door In said county, to the highest and best bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday In Decern- K r. 1908, the following described nperty, to-wlt: All the following Ijnd or .real estate In Ware county, Georgia, via: 1 The east halt of lot number twelve (13) Of Mock (180) one hun- dred end twenty, being, a part of or iginal lot number one hundred and twenty to the Stb district of said Wars county, Georgia, containing four and one-halt (4 ID seres, more or leas, and being the tend conveyed to D. F Kirkland by Mrs. ZoUle Stuart and t,n,n..A, Geo. R- Stpart, by dead of October 27th 190*. recorded la Book -CC* Folio 4, Which to boro referred *%. Also the west half of lot of tend .another twelve (U> to Block one bun dled and twenty 0*5), Mng part of GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. Martha Jane JorJan, having mads application for twelve months sup* port out of the eatato ot John Jordan, and appraisers dnly appointed to set apart tbs same baring Had their return nil persons concerned are hereby required to chow cause before the Court of Ordinary of said county nn tho first Monday In December 1908, why said application should not bo granted. This tho Stb day of Nov ember, 1908. , , r Warren Lott Ordinary. OEOROIA—WARE COUNTY, The election of a county physician for tho year 1909, will take place at the regular December meeting of the county Commissioners on December 2nd, 1908. AU applicants for this place ehould file their application with tbs undersigned before that date. WARREN LOTT, Ordinary and ex-offlclo, Chairman, County Commissioners. it. Weak Women SHERIFF’S 8ALE. GEORGIA—Ware County. Will be sold, on tho first Tuesday In January next, at public outcry at the court house In said county, with in the legal hours Of sale, to the high est bidder for cash, an undivided ono half Interest in the following describ ed real estate, to wit: West halt of let of land number two hundred and thirty two (232) In tho 8th district of said county and slate, containing two hundred and twenty (220) acres, more or less, except fifty (50) acres In Southeast corner of whole lot owned by J. M. Corbett and tho abovo described halt lot Is Intend ed to Include the west half of remain der, after deducting sold fifty (60) acres. Tho lino between east and west halves being designated by a line of biases running north and south. Said property levied on ns the prop erty of tho estate of Janie Murray, de ceased, to satisfy an execution Issued from the Superior Court of said coun ty In favor ot Henry Crews against Daniel Murray, administrator of laid deceased and against tho undivided one-half Interest of the said deceased In the above described property. This 2nd day of Docember, 1908. D. A. Woodard. Sheriff. OEOROIA—WARE COUNTY. Whereof, B| Birmans, administrator of estate of Mrs. Ellen Smith repres ents to the Court In ble petition, dnly filed and entered on riword, that he has fully administered Mr*. Ellen Smith's estate. This te therefore to dto nil persons concerned, klndrsd and creditors, to show cause, If any they can, why said administrator should not he dlschsrxsd from bis ad ministration, and receive letter of dismission on tho first Monday In January, 1969, Given under my band and official signature thin 80, day of Nov, 1108.' Warren Lott, Oridanry. CITATION. George W. Deen having made appli cation to require titles to be execut ed to'him to certain land described In n bond for title thereto attached purporting to he signed by Warren Lott, late ot said county, deceased, the ■aid application alleging that tha tend tins been duly paid for, all parties concerned are hereby notified that veld application will be heard before the Court of Ordinary for said county on the first Monday In January, 1909. This 27th day ot November, 1908. Warren Lott, Ordinary. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. Will ha sold at tha court house In ■aid county on tho fimt Tuesday la (January-next, within Us toga lhours of sale the following property to wit: One holier and engine, one lot of scrap Iron., Levtod on as tho propar ty of Gray A Farris, to satisfy an ex ecution Issued by W. J. Mullls. Tax Collector for state end county tax to the year 1907. This December frd. 1108. D. A. Woodard. «**«• State of Georgia—County of Ware. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition ot D Lott and O. Lott, each ot said state and county, respect fully shows: First—That petitioners, their asso ciates .successors and assigns, desire to form, be crested and made t cor- poratlon and body politic, under the tews of the State of Georgia, for the full term of Twenty (20) yean with the privilege of renewal In accordance with the law, under the name aad style of “D, A O. Lott Real Estate and Insurance Company." Second—The chief offleo of said corporation shall bo at Waycross, Ware County, Georgia, but petitioners ask that said Cbrpo ration shall have authority to establish and have such branch offleos and places of business elsewhere In the state of Georgia and In other states of tho United 8tatcs as nmy be doslrablo. Third—The object and purposo' of said corporation Is pecuniary gain and pront to Its stockholders. Foutrh—Tho amount of capital stock employed by said corporation, actually paid, In shall be twonty-fivo Thousand (936,000.00) Dollars, divided Into shores of One Hundred (9100.00) Dollars each; but petitioners doslro the prlvllogo to said corporation ot Increasing tho amount of said capital stock at nny time and from time to time, by two-thirds (2-3) vote of the, then existing stock, to any aum not exceeding Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand (9260,000.00) Dollars. Filth—That said corporation shall have tho power to make by-laws for the conduct and regulation of Its busi ness and the right to fix the number and character of Its offleera and dir ectors, with 'the respoetlve duties, powers and liabilities of each, and power to authorise any ono person to hold not more than ono ot Us offices, except that tha offlce of Secretary and Treasurer, If It 1s to desired, be filled by one and the same person. Sixth—That said corporation shall have power to contract, sue, be sued, borrow and lead money and to secure the payment of same by mortgage, deed of trust and bill of sale, or other lien covering any or all of Its property. Seventh—That said corporation may be authorised u» receive and ac cept real estate, timber rights and leaaes, or any other property, real or personal, which can be used In Its business, at Its fslr and Just value, In payment ot stock subscribed. Eighth— 1 Th* particular OEOROIA—WARE COUNTY. Will be sold at the court house b said couaty, on the first Tuesday li January next, with In the legal hoar ot sale the following property to wIL One Frick Engine, and Lombard boiler 60 Horse Power, One lot of pip ing, 4 lumber trucks, one let ehaftlng, pullles, track Iron, one flywheel, aaa fan. Said property levied on aa the prop- etry of A. S. A J. A. Morton, to satis fy an execution In favor of T. H. Mot- ton December 2nd, 1908. D. A. Woodard, Sheriff. ca af Order For Leave te 8cB Land. To nil whom It may concern: Notlco Is hereby given that app>- catlon will bo made to tho Court ot Ordinary of Ware county, Georgia, at the next regular terra of said court santo being on tho first Monday la January, 1909, for leave to sell the lend belonging to the estate ot Jacob M. Stlgnr, Into ot sold county, de ceased. This tho first day of Decem ber, 19C8. JOHN T. MYERS, Administrator, Estate of Jacob' 1L Stlger, Deceased. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. >' To all whom It may concern: T. J. McClellan haring. In proper form, applied to me for permanent lettera of administration on the estate of N. J. McClollan, late of said county, this 1s to cite all and slngnlar tha creditor* and next of kin of N. J. Me Clellan to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by tew, and ■how cause, If any they'can, why per manent administration should not b* granted to T. J. McClellan on N. t McClellan's astato. Witness, my hand and offlela! alt- nature, this 4th - day ol December,' 1908. i Warren Lott, Ordinary, « GOATS 815,000 MEAL. A peaaant followed by a goat walked Into the local bank at Aurillae to pay In tome money. Aa he was going out n clerk noticed that th* goat had a piece of paper in hi* month. If* vaulted over the counter and caaght tho animal Just In time to pre vent it swallowing a bond worth fllr business 1006 which It bad nibbled off the conaV- whlcb aald corporation proposes to j carry on and condnot. Is, (a) To purchase, hold, acquire and own tend and rial estate of any and every kind, and to tell the aame, and to act aa agent for other persons or corporations, doing a similar business to that for which petitioner* aak to be Incorporated; (b) To purchase, hold, own and ■ell timber tnd timber rights, wood and. other property for utilisation In Its business; (e) To Improve.lte real estate In any way deomsd desirable, to erect and rent houses, lease and handle the aame for pront; (d) To do a general life, Ore, ac cident or other Insurance business; (e) To bny, sell, .lease and operate sawsmllte and ablnge mills, and manu- factors lumber, ’ shinties, cross tie* tnd any other products which can be made from the timbers owned by said corporation; (f) To construct, own, lease, and operate turpeaUae etUle, aad tatnu- facture naval atone; '(g) To cobstruct, equip and oper ate tram road* to be need In eosneo- tloo with Its Iniflaisi; (h) To acquire and own, buy and sell, or lease, alt machinery and per tonal property of any stiff every sort [to be used In the conduct of It* bn* ness; (I) To conduct and carry on * general trading and mercantile bn*- ness or nny other business that map be necessary or useful aa an adjusts to Its aald basinets. Ninth—Wherefore, petitioners pray to he mad* a body corporate trade* the name and style aforesaid, entltleg to all the right, privilege* and ba rn unities necessary, privileges and Ins- ilalr corporations, whether specially prayed for or not. Including the pow er to ene and he sued, to have and use a common seal and to he subject to all tha privileges and ltablUtta* given by the tews of Georgia to cor porations chartered by the Sqpetter Court’ of said BtaU. 'f Respectfully Bubnfftteq, MYERS A PARKS, t Attorney* to P«JJ (loner*. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. I hereby certify that the above and (ongoing te a true and correct copy of the original petition for Incorpora tion of "D A O. Lott Real Estate an* Inanranca Company” of file In the Superior court of Ware county, Geor- Ste. This the 8th day of December 1»«5. ' E. J. BERRY. Clerk, Superior .Court, w. C, On.