Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 12, 1908, Image 4
ir RAN AHEAD. Oaetr Hammersteln wa« talking In Fallmdelpbla about tbe wonderful suc cess that V has had with his opera. “And pet at Brat," he said, “Succeaa came very slowly—as slowly as the trains on that Southern line—you know tbe one. It doesn't advertise. “I was waiting for the train In Nola Chucky one morning. One hour, two hours three hours late. I. was Indig' ari “After a while the ticket a|ent sauntered out of the. office and lighted a cigarette. “ 'Look here,’ I said, ‘won't that train be along soon?" "The agent looked down the track and yawned. “'Ah, yes,’ he said, 'She’ll soon be here now. Here comes the conduc tor's dog.'" Duluth, Minn., Dec. 7.—It Is now admitted by the owners of the steam er Clemson, with a crew of id, that the Teasel Is at the bottom of Lake Superolr, caused by the recent gales. Tbe Clemson Is long overdue. The Teasel was from lower Lake Superior loaded with coaL ^9-^ OF L L.L. IS A DOSE afid all the-ills coming from a neglected LIVER. CONSTIPATION Is one of the careen of ehrlUyyHen and the many injurious nostrums taken for relief only heirTtbe trouble. jbtb^aarefcwEatawt^sstthesilisiiiinsrMbsalMtth.TSiemi Apple and Peach Brandy Apple and Peach Apple and Peach , -Banana and Apricot .... MALT Duffey'a Malt »4.00 (7.75 $11.80 ■Corn Malt 3.00 5.7S 8.60 PEEACH AND HONEY FROM (1,50 TO (LOO GAL. SHERRY WINE FROM S1.2S TO (LOO GAL. -BLACKBERRY CORDIAL (LSS TO (LOO GAL. WORT WINE FROM (1.23 TO (2.50 GALLON, t GARRETT'S SCUPPERNONG, 05 CENTS QUART, 8WEET CATAWBA WINE (1.28 TO (2A0 GAL. . 1 do not pay express charges on goods under (ISO per gallon. I handle everything pertaining to the Jlquor business, and it there are any goods yon want' -which are not In this UsL send me your order and II will forward same to you promptly. ■ '• - il make a specialty or old Whiskies and Wlnte for •Family ftQtl Medicinal -Durposea, - AB goods guaranteed under .the Pury. JOod anl "You kin gedder In de Bet* cawn (Hit’s er good crop, shone yer bawn); ' You dn toller dat white cotton down the Una; But die nigger's boun'ter go, . Dee Ug he add bob', Whar de • coons an’ possums 'grow, ' u Ma sweet' CaTIne. Thomas Carr D. SWIFT ki THE wXyCROSS WEEKLY HERALD v*.- * U has gnally beta decided that IHBna f, Bryan got 5.818 more voted U Rew York county than WiUlam H. There le more Pharisaism running loose In Alsnta now than (here In Jerusalem during the time of .— Dalton Citizen, * We notice that Dr. Broughton Is go at to entertain when he gets and that be Is now making , a list of the people he will In- lie wlB eertalnly leave some Geor gia editors off his UsL * Governor Joseph M. Brown when he asrirod In Msdlson on last Sunday was delighted to see Dr. Broughton also In town. “I need not be ashamed maw of my bad looks." said tho wily Governor, “for 1 know there Is a man In Madison ugller'than f am."—Madl- non Advertiser. * The value of the United Stater corn crap this year will bo $1,400,000,000. The yield bas been exceeded only fhrso times sod tbe high prices which prevail now owing to tbe foreign de- ayl make It the most valuable crop in our hlsory. The "uplift of the farmer" which tho President has annumril seems to be taking core of ■x-Gevernor Glenn, of North Caro lina, nt a prohlbtllon rally In Spring- Held. Mass., declared that ho "had ant tasted the cursed stuff in five pours.” He Is not the first governor of the Old North 8tate to romark Oat It was “a long time botwoen drinks.*—Macon Telepraph. _ — Apropos of the New York Evening Moat's views of the lawlessness of tae Sooth the Houston Post remarks that (here are more cold blooded murders wlthla twenty-live miles of the offices at the New York Evening Post than ttaro nre In any three Southern states * Here Is the way an exchange duns Its subscribers. “It you have frequent tainting spells .accompanied by chills; exampa, corns, bunions, .chilblains apOepsy anil jaundice It la a sign you an not wcU .but liable to die any min- afa. Pay your subscription In advan- and thus make yourself solid for a ■ood obituary notice . Harlem. On.. DeC. 7.—Olenn Robins, aged 24, a prominent dentist, and a spn of Rov. J. B. Robins, a well known Methodist minister, was found dead on the streets here this morning with a bullet hole.In hie heart. A revol ver lay near the body. The coron er’s Jury returned a verdict' of sui cide. Young Robins called on a la dy Sunday night and left her to moody spirits. She to. the last known to have teen him alive We hear that some town* are not going to allow any fire-works daring the Christmas holidays; That's good. It fs money, wasted and boys tonght dangjrou* (mbits, [betides the use less and awful annoyance.—Hawklna- vlllo Dispatch. Yea, but what is Christmas to the average kid without his fire crackers. We care nothing for tbe noise and annoyance to the kids enjoy them selves and are not Injured. Let them have their Bre work* to a moderate extent. We were once n kid ourself. Waycrosa Lodge No. 269. B. P. O. Ekls, held memorial servlcea at the opera house yesterday hfternoon be ginning, ftt 3 o'clock. Those annual memorial services are observed by every subordinate lodge throughout the United States, and are held to commemorate tho memory oi deceas ed brpthera. An Interesting and im pressive program was carried out In a very creditable maner. Tho memorial address was deliver ed by Hon. Robert J. Travis, of Sa vannah. Ho paid a beantlful and eloquent tribute to the memory of the doceased members of the lodge- The following la the program a srender- ed; “ Invocation .tV... Rov. R. A, Brown Duet—" Over the Stora There Is Rest, .. .Dudley Unex Mesdames J. W. Settle and W. T. Seaman . - Reading—"Thanatopals" .. . .Bryant Miss Frances Ketterer. Violin Solo. —"Shubert’s Serenade Miss Conover. Memorial Address. Mr. Robt J Travis Quartette."Leead Kindly LlghL”... J. F. Pearls Mrs. J. W. Seals, Mrs. W. T. Seaman .Mr. J H Glllon and Mr W. W. Sharpe. Doxology .... ( The Audience Joining Benediction. ■ Accompanist—Miss Ketterar. Thomas Carr 127MAIN STREET. Jacksonvill • - - Florida. Prepaid Price List REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TIE FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Waycross, to the state of Georgia, at the close of business, November 27, 1808. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 1320.336.04 Overdraft, secured and unse cured 74.68 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 60,000.00 U. B. Bonds on hand - 1,750.00 Banking house, furniture and flxtnrea 95,000.00 Duo from Notional Banka (not reserve agent) ....... 6,917.07 Due from State Banks and Bankers 8,120.78 Due from approved reserVe agents 19,192.16 Checks and other cash Items 855.11 Exchanges House Notes of Banks Fractional for clearing 628.00 other National ; 600.00 (taper currency, nickels, and cents .... 450.01 Lawful money reserved to bank viz: Specie ......,.,.814.961.10* Legal-tender notea 600.00 16,461.10 Redemption fun with U. 8. Redemption ( fi per cent of Circulation 2,500.00 Due from U. S. Treasurer, other than 6 per cent re- dempton fund 2.00U-00 Total (518,744. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In (200,000.00 Surplus Fund 40,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid 3,060.07 National Bank notes out- • standing '50,000.00 Due to State Banks and Bankers 1,366.17 Individual deposits subject to check 98,660. Savings Doposlts ~ 53,477,79 Time certificates of deposits 916.12 Cashier's checks outaand- Ing L603.99 Notes and bills rediscount- id 64,661.77 Bills payable, Including cer tificates of deposit for money borrowed .... 5.000.00 GOODS IN BONO SEVEN YEARS OLD. Ota. Gibson Ryi (In bond) $6.00 Maryland (to bond) 5.00 Old McBrytv (to bond) ........ 5.00 Sunny Brook (in bond( 5,00 Carrs' Private Stock 6 years old 6.50 Lewie CO Rye 5.00 Echo Springs Rye 5.00 I. W. Hsrptr 6.00 Upper Ten 5,00 Bsvln VsUtv (5 years old) .. 4.00 Bherbrook Old Ryo 4.00 York Hill ltye 3.00 Belle of-tho Coast 8.75 Mellow Sprls go 2.5Q . CORN. Doubts Stamp Corn (3.00 Straight Corn, 90 proof 3.76 -Golden Pride Corn 2.50 GIN ••• Imported Holland Gin (5.00 Rhlmnll Old Gin 4.00 Holland Ola 3.00 Tom Gin 2.00 Rhlmnll Ola 3.75 Imperial Rose Oln 2.50 ■> (5.76 5.26 4.75 (8.60 7.75 6.76 6.75 5.25 4.76 (8.60 7.76 7.00 14.00 11.60 5.60 8.50 7.75 7.00 Total 8518,744.85 State or Georgia, County of Ware. I, J. W. Bellinger, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best ot my knowledge and' belief. J.’ W. Bellinger, tlalhler. Subscribed and sworn to before ma tbla 4ih day of December, 1808. C. V. Stanton, Notary Public. Correct Attest: J. E. WADLBY, P. N. HARLEY, J. L. SWEAT. Directors. THE TMUCE-A-WEEK W0RLB. IN THE PRE8IOENTIAL CAMPAIGN YEAR. Mera Alert, More Thorough and Mart Fearless Than Evtr. .Read Every English Speaking Country. . A President of the Unitejl States wilt be elected thto year. Who la he and who la the man whom he will bent? ' Nobody yet knows, but the Thrlce-a-Weok edition of the New York World still tell yon every step and •rery detail of wbnt premises to be a campaign of tbe most absorbing in terest It may not tell ycu what you hope, but It will tell you what It. The Thrice-a-Weck World long ago estab lished a character tor impartiality and fearlessness to the pabllcstlon of news and tbla It WUI maintain. If yon want the news as It really la subscribe to the Thrice-a-Week edition of the New York World, which comes to you even- other- day except Sunday. and is thus practically a dally at the price ot a weekly.- THE TRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S regular subscription price Is only (1.00 per yesr, and tbla pays for 156 papers We offer this unequalled newspaper and tho WEEKLY HERALD together •ur.oi year tor (1.25 Tbe regular slubscrlptlon price of the two papers la (2.00. Plant Wood's Garden Seeds FOR SUPERIOR VEGE.~ TABLES A FLOWERS. Our business, both In Garden and Farm Seeds, is one of the largest in this country, a .csult due to the tact that , Quality is always our I first consideration, q We ere headquarters for Grass and Clover Seed*. Seed Oats. Seed Potatoes, Cow Pest, Soja Goans and Other Farm Seeds. Wood’s Descriptive Galolofiu© la the best ami mo-1 t>'«c’.ieut <>* «• catalogue.*. At? •; n i *»• cogulx*d to thorny n til u-j'-'. ;j ar.a Karra cr-tpa. Cstalrg-'e fteeonr&iucst. Wnwfurtt -T. VVs % 53»; : - KEM'-Si. - *' A. P. Perham, Sr. 'Real Estate REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COM- MISSION, A SQUARE DEAL AND NO SPECULATING ON YOUR PROPERTY for sale One of the most encouraging fea tures of the Atlanta campaign was the “hands-off" attitude of the church- This Is as It should be. Churches and politics do not mix well.—Ex. -i— Ship Vm Hour GROSS TIES, LIBERAL INSPEC1ION PROMPT RETURNS Write lor Circulars. Present Prices Standard 7 ies Delivered Bruns thick 48c American Tie & Timber Co S. K. Brohm. Gen. Mgr. BRUNSWICK, GA. IbuIbsI?' ’ sttxstr-auarAYv'Cvi » SPECIAL Of/<i»h * .♦' rial toltt • j- . 7 cm- J - ■aer. tvkti-Irrtion ort. nr \* • f sSm&icaasciiwiyaiafiiy* V-- /sSerTC?; - [r db.iP /_a 1 y N fay . tggaaasfr&x'tisx&jrs l * M a a,u H fly scenes St • V J. t *. BLB36 uunmip. • The old Joe Lott hou>« No. Plant Avenue, now belonging to James F. Creel, one of (he most comfortable homes to the city. Lights, Water, Well, Large Barn, Fine Location, Near Schools. Complete In every reaped. Apply soon for I lptend to sell thla property. ........ Also beautiful new nine room house belonging to Mrs. R. B. Ballard. Just built In Central Park, a complete home In a deslreable section. Large lot not far from business center of the city And necessary outbuildings. ... THE BE8T LIVERY BUS1NE88 IN the city tor Bale or trade for city prop erty. Good horses, vehicles, etc. eta A money making proposition, to per fect running order. Apply quick and I wEl put yon on to something good. FOR SALE—One of the finest farms In Brooks county. It contains acres and Is located 2 1-2 miles front Pavo, a railroad‘ Station, 400- acres of this farm are to cultivation, 12 plows being opjerated, 268 acres of timbered land. Eight good tenant horses, rery comfortable and convenient dwell ing with 9 rooms, large fine house and bis barn, stables and wagon bouses, etc, fine water,. AL80 a farm of 300 acres, 3 1-2 mile from Pavo, 200 acres In cultivation, six plows run on tbla place, nice residence, four tenant bouses, large barn, wagon and buggy house, cow house, a large number of fruit trees and everything to make a model farm. The above two incompletely described farms are among tbe vey best tn tbe "banner" farming county of Georgia— Brooks. The land on both places Is a dark gray gravelly soil with red clay sub soil and will grow anything -pro duced In tbe south. "Both places well stocked and the stock Is also tor sale. .This property will pay 20 per cent on investment. Correspondence in regard to these magnificent properties soli cited. Also 100 of tbe best lots in River side Park. FOR 8ALE—One hundred acres ot land at Lnlaton, Ga., about ten acres under fence and being cultivated, good frame dwelling with four rooms and separate kitchen and dining room. School and church to 300 yards ot house. Only short distance to depot and poatoffles. A splendid place tor any one wanting good farm on which trucking, stock-raising, etc„ could be carried on. Land bounds on rlght-ot- wny of B A .W., Railroad and then.the tract lies tmmedately north .of rail road. Healthy. eection..'opod neigh- burtiood, etc., will exchange this property for residence.to Waycross. . , A. P. Perham, Sr. IP YOU ARE IN TH* MARKET SEE ME. ... .. , \ j WANTED -ror * customer a building lot ns near the business par. tion of the city as possible, to cost ml more than (300. Give me discretion ot tot and location. Also the 8west farm, 4 miles tram the city containing 160 acres, lying on and near the river. Fine for truck farming and stock raising. eeeeeeeseee Also two fine tots In Owens Dou.e- rtrds, Block 4, No’s. 11 and 12 one a corner lot, '60x100 feet on Owens steret and Rosvelt Avenue. Uveral terms. eeeeeeee 1 20 acre farm, 1-2 miles northwest of city. All under cultivation, 5 room dwelling and out houses. Don’t let the other fellow get tills place. Beat him to the tank and buy It today. 322 acres 1-2 mile east of city limits. 100 acres under cultivation, about 75 bearing pecan trees oil property and tbe kind hot under cultivation heavily timbered. “• This desirable property will not re main unsold very long. Strike while the Iron Is hot. see For Sale, Beautiful brick revi in Owens' Boulevards, nine rooms, nil complete, desirable location, tern: liberal. eve Aleo, 158 feet front on corner ot Plant avenue and Albany Avenne, Just across the street from W. M. Wilson's grocery store. An J within 100 yards of tbe court bouse. This plot of ground contains about 1-2 acre and is suited tor stores or residences. This Is the only open space on Plant Avenue from tbe English Block to the Mel lon residence. This property has Just been pladed on the-market, dec me about It. V . ■ - e • • .' . FOR 8ALE—Four room cottage on Faraltel street, sewerage and water. A nice home, building new and In good order. Two blocks from Court House. I will sell this property cheap. Apply quick before the advance prices corns. 30 ACRE8—20 acres ctoarod and un der wire fence, small dwelling on place 10 acres woodland adjoining. 1 1-2 miles north of courthouse, Sunup Side. Good neighborhood, high dry land with good drainage. Pice $1,750. Casa or on time with 8- per cent Interest. FOR SALE—One house and one and a halt acres of land adjoining, cn But ler afreet. r - • • . e s * FOR SALE—Two houses and one vacant dot’ on Brewer street, also one house and two vacant lota on B. street terms. Kakargain in real estate * * A. p.. PERHAM, SR-, I ' -V .BEAL ESTATE.