Newspaper Page Text
Thomasvllle, Oa. L Dec. 6.—W. H.
Mitchell was found guilty of assault
and battery .and sentenced to twelve
months in prison. The jury filed Into
the, court' room ,-a few minutes after
one o’cloek.' They were out nearly
eighteen hours.
Thomasvllle, Ga„ Dec. 5.—The Jury
In the trial of W. H. Mitchell, charg
ed with assault with Intent to rape
Miss Luclle Unton, returned to the
court room at 10 o’clock this morning
and reported that they were unable
to reach a verdict. It la rumored
that the Jury stands 9 for acquittal
and 3 for conviction.
Annie Bllrins. Earl Cooper and Hiu-
vey Richardson were drowned
by the breaking or the ice on
Lake Koehank .near the Taylor House
last night.. A large party of young
people had gathered at the 'Tayloi
House to go to a dinner and a dance.
Suddenly a great crackling in the ice
commented and four of the merry
skaters disappeared In 14 feet of ^wa
ter In sight of dozens of their friends.
Cooper and Richardson succeedeu
In getting the Bivins girle to the edge
of the hole, but every time they trteu
to dumb out the Ice would break and
send them to the bottom again.
The boys could easily have saved
themselves If they had been alone,
but they apparently preferred to
drown with their girl companions.;
The bodies were recovered.
Chattanooga ,Tenn., Dec. 6.—H. E.
Rosoberry .formerly a preacher o.
Wllmore, Ky„ woh abandoned his
Washington, Dec. 7.—The second
session of the Sixtieth Congress con-
vu Cl at noon today. The session j wife and came to this city with a 1G-
brought forth nothing of especial In- J year-old girl, yesterday was taken to
The business of both houses | the penitentiary to begin serving a
Legislation, Ola and New
Recommended, by the President.
consisted of calling the roll and the
transaction of routine business,
committee notified the President that
Congress was assembled and was
ready to receive any communication.
The Persldent’s message will be read
tomorrow. The Senate adjourned
out of respect for the late Senator
Allison, whoso successor, Cummins,
was sworn In.
New York, Dec. 7—This morning
the leaders In the six-day race stood
251 miles and 7 laps. The record up
to 10 o’clock was 220 miles flat. Ten
" 8 w b “dwn e ' ™ sEJ' *** ° ( ***** laughter and he
^ ^‘ , h « d *> «•""* U>® building
term of three years.
Roseberry took his conviction as
just and asked to be sent to the coal
mines at once. He asked that the
word "reverend’’ be not connected
with his name, disclaiming all right
to such “appellator..
Berlin,Dec. 7.—During a discussion
of the budget In the reighstag today,
Lieutenant-Colonel, dot! arose to re
ply to Herr Scheldeman. At the op
ening words Colonel Gets broke Into a
ly ahead. Dolyonlth lost a. lap wbils
the Brocco team Is 7 laps hehlnd and
the Faber team a mile and 5 laps
The first spill was at 12:24 when
PPalmer of the Austrian team, while
trying to steal a lap, collided with a
post. He was not hurt. Dubnec, of
the Russian team, fell with a punc
tured tire a few minutes later. Brocco
lost a lap by the fall. Faber suffered
a broken wheel but was soon back
with a new wheel.
while shrieking and sobbing.
Chicago, Dec .7.—Chas. K. Sackett,
manager of the commission firm of
Ware 4b Leland, fell dead Immediately
after arriving at the office of his firm
this morning. Heart failure is be
lieved to have been the cause. Mr.
Sackett has been manager of the con
cern since Its organisation nine years
ago. So far as Is known he had no
Way cross
Thursday, December 17
Greater Proflressive SHOWS
Permanent Address and Winter Home.
Cetral City Park, Macon, Georgia.
Currency system imperfect, and urgent necessity for a thoroughly
1 good system that will remove existing defects.
United StAtes has paramount right to control all agencies of inter*
state commerce. Sherman anti-trust law Imperfect, and works al
most as much hardship as good. /
- Advocates placing railroads, telophoneo and telegraph companies
.under the Interstate commerce commission, with summary powers over
securities jind rates.
Advocates control over other corporations by some department of
the government. -
Centralization of corporation control in the government instead of
through the various states.
Short-time franchises for all corporations, including water power
National and' state guardianship of mines and forests.
Postal savings banks, prohibition of child labor, dlmunltton of women,
shortening of hours. Inheritance tax, Industrial education and lighten
ing of tax burdens on poor man advocated.
An adequate and comprehensive employers' liability act.
Increase of salaries for the judiciary.
Methods of preventing long delays In Anal decisions In court cases
through trivial technicalities.
Imperative need of saving the forests.
Immediate action relative to improving inland waterways. A per
manent commission to undertake the work.
Control of national parks by the agricultural department.
Complete divorcing of the Indian service from politics.
Extension of parcels post on rural mall routes.
Passage of a bill redistributing bureaus under department, and
abolishing all Independent bureaus. ,
Statehood for New Mexico and Arizona.
Adequate Taws and enforcement of samo to protect fish and game.
Panama canal work progressing sltaafactorily.
Improving Hawaiian harbors; ultimate independence for the Philip
pines. . •
Citizenship for Porto Ricans. *
Reorganization of cavalry and Increase In number of commissioned
officers. '
Four new battleships.
— ... i;..yv
Mayor R. R. Hopkins, of Brunswick,
I, In Waycross today. Mayor Hop
kins is the southern representative
of tho Hebbard Cypress Company, and
his business here today Is to secure
abstract of title to tho lands In tho
northwestern part of tho city upon
which the Hebbards contemplate the
construction of their mill.
Wilson, Bennett & Lambdin havo
boon employed by the company to se
cure the abstracts of title. Mayor
Hopkins will return to his home 4n
Brunswick tonight.
Union City, Tenn., Dec. G.—In prep
aration for the second spoclal term of
court, called In conectlon with the
recent-night rider attacks In the Reel
Foot Lake rlflon, a contoronco of the
state attorneys was 1 held today and
plans to. he followed, by tho proseou-
Ion perfected.. No announcement as
to the result of the''conference was
made,;.'.'',- .
Another grand Jury will h® empan
elled and moro Indictments returned.
It Is not Improbable tha ttho men In
dicted by the outgoing grand Jury will
be re-indicted because of the conten
tion of the defense as to tho legality
of that court. It being asserted that
a failure to properly publish the fact
In advkffce ot It# convening Invalidat
ed Its action. '
The state will announce ready when
the first csss Is called ah dlt U prob
able that the work of securing a Jury
will-begin on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Entirely New for tlid Season. Enough net
-'a new sLow tbroutfkout No time worn acts kere displayed'.
t7 years ol g»eatebsdccess than all otter shows
§500.00 Will be donated to tho charitable Institu
tions of this town and county, if any gsmplers, fakirs
swindlers and ticket scalpers are knowingly per
mitted to operate In or about the establishment ot
Sun Brothers’ Greater Exhibitions,
Nowadays a man's Interest In a
girl Is usually the kind that yields <
It isn’t their arguments and quar
rels, but those: lone, long sllenoss
when husband and wife can’t think
of anything to say to one another
that make married life so dreary.
When t married man reads of Sol
omon's many wives, ho sometimes
doubts that philosopher's great wis
dom after til.
Many a dub . has all the comfort,
of home hut where Is the man who
will acknowledge .that home bps all
the comforts of a clubf . .
Funny how-a dsn who will spend
two hours of patient toll trying to.
find but what is the matter with bis
factious auto-ear won’t spend two min
uter trying to-JIscover what is tbs
matter ‘with his fractious wife.—
Hclen'Powlapd In Washington Herald.
Mr. Thomas B. Catherwood, father
of Mr. M .R. Catherwood ,of Way-
cross, died yesterday at his hlmo at
I-ako Mary, Fla. Mr. Catherwood
was a native of Ireland and was In
his G8th year. He came to this coun
try with his parents when only 12
years of age and located at Beaufort,
3. C. When the war ot the Confed
eracy broke out he enlisted with the
Bcafuort Artillery and served through
he war with that command. Mr.
Catherwood moved to Savannah after
tho war where he hold many positions
of trust. He Is survived by his wire
and five children.
Catarrh Twenty-five Years—
Had a Bad Cough.
Miss Sophia Klttlesen, Evanston, Ill,
writes I
‘‘I have been troubled With catarrh
for nearly twenty-nve years and have
tried many cures for It, but obtained
very little help,
“Then my brother advised me to try
Peruna, and I did.
“My health was very poor at tho time
I began taking Peruns. My throat was
very son snd I had s bsd cough,
"Peruna hae cured me. The chronic
catarrh le gone and my health layary
much Improved.
“I recommend Peruns to all my
friends who sra troubled ss I was."
PERUNA TABLETS: -Some people pre
fer tablete, rather than medlelno In a
fluid form, Suoh people ean obtain Peru
ns tablets, wbieh represent tbs medici
nal Ingredients of l’eruns. Etch tablet
equals ons average doss of Partus.
Man-a-lln th» Ideal Laxative.
Mrs. L. Volney Williams died yes
terday afternoon at hor home on tho
corner of Isabella and Pendleton st
The announcement ot this ostlmnblo
Christian lady’s death caused sorrow
throughout the city. Mrs. Williams
was a! consistent member of the Pres
byterian churoh. ’ The deceased
besides her husband Is sur
vived by her father, Mr. C. W.
Wiggins, and three brothers and one
sister. The fnnoral will occur tomoi-
row afternoon, at throe o’clock St the
residence. The-services will be con
ducted by Revs. R. A. Brown, W. H.
Scruggs and 1. P. Wardlaw The In
terment -will be st Lott Cemetery
Wakefield Lodge No. 27, Knights of
Pythias, elected last night officers for
the ensuing term as follows:
Dsn T. Cowart ,C. C.
Allen B. Spence, V. O.
B. F. Hearn, Prelate.
C. A. LcCount, M. of W.
Chas. E Cason, K of R. end 8. and
M. of F.
W .L. Hinson, M. st B.
T C. Sauls. M. st A. -
W .8. Lee, I. G.
Chas. H. Flcken, O. G.
Allen James .Trustee
The-Endowment Rank sleeted on
cers a, follows: *
J. A. Jones, President.
Fred Flcken, Vlee-PresldenL
Chas. E. Cason, Secretary.
All the Methodist preachers corns
back to Waycross for another, year
except Presiding Elder, J. B. McGeheo,
who goes to Talbotton as pastor or
the church at that place. Rev. W.
Langston, who has boon pastor of the
Blakely church this year, comes ss
Presiding Elder of the Waycross dis
trict Following sro .the appoint
ments In full for the Waycross dis
W. Langston, presiding elder; Way-
cross First Church. J. P. Wardlaw;
Trinity, H. C. Browton; City Mission.
J. W .Lilly; Brunswick First Church,
Robert Kerr; Mckcndree, James San
ders; City Mission, M. C. Austin, sup
ply; Hlnosvllle Circuit, R. B. Ross;
Darien and Townsend, R. R. Norman;
Jeaup, B. S. Sontoll; Ludowlcl cir
cuit, O. P. Riviere; Screven circuit,
J. A. Roundtree; Guyalo and Alma, B.
D. Bourse; Nlcholls circuit, B. C.
Pricket; Douglaa, J. M. Foster; Cof
fee circuit, R .F. Owen; Broxton cir
cuit, T. F. Drake; Bluckaheur and
Ward, B. F .Lawhern; Waresboro cir
cuit, E. L. Padrlck; Pearson circuit,
J, W. H, Hunter, supply; Folkston
circuit, I. R. Kelly, Atkinson and
White Oak, J. B. Stewart, supply;
Woodbine and Klngsland, M. M. Seg-
gott; Alapaha and Wlllacoocheo, J.
B. Summer .
The copartnership heretofore exist-
ng between D. J. Thornton and P. H.
Skelton under tho firm name of
Thornton & Skelton, Is thin day dis
solved hyf mutual consent. D. J.
Thornton retires from tho firm and
H. Skelton contlnuos the business
nt tho sumo old stand. P. H. Skel- the Indebtedness of
hornton b Skelton and all accounts
due the firm must bo paid to hint. This
Dee. 9, 1008
D. J. Thornton,
P. H. Skelton.
Every day on the Show Grounds and all '
- These Free Fetes are something to anticipate and
. want you to surly see them. Bring the children.
O’CLOCK*— Doers ops* st Ons snd Savaa o’slosk.
■ j. d. Gould dead.
*v".vv .*w- w _ v ,, v > v
Mr. J. D. Gould, a former resident
of this city, died at the home of his
granddaughter. Lira. Tblott, In Spring-
field, Effingham county, . yesterday.
Mr. Gould was 95 years old at tho
time ot bis death. For several years
he resided In Waycross with his fa-
Mwr-Maw, Mr J. C. Humphreys.
■ * <*US-- * 'J - * : .-
Union City, Tenn, Doc., 8.—Eight
Indictments, charging alleged mem
bers of the night rider band of Reel
Foot Lako with murder In the first
degree, were returned by the grand
Jury late today, the Indictments al
leging that the eight men named Gar
rett Johnson, Sam Apptowhito, Ar
thur Closr ,FroJ Pinion, Roy Ransom,
Bob Huffman, Tld Burton snd Bur
Morris, had a part In the actual put
ting to doath of Capt. Quentin Ran
kin st Walnut Log on the night ot Oct
IS lasL .. .
All of the men Tndlctod today are
under arrest snd when their cases are
called for trial to-morrow the prosecu
tion will snnonnea ss ready. The de
fense, however, will doubtless ssk and
be granted s brief delay,
Washington, .Dec. 0.—Presldont-El-
ect WUilam H. Taft was again chos
en president of tho American Na
tional Red dross Society.
Mr. J. J. Hurray, of Hasty, was a
visitor In Wsycroas Inst nlghL Mr.
Murray states, that bis loss by the fin
which consumed bis gin house lest
weei will amount to 17,600. Than
was no Insurance qo the building or
Its ipntents. Mr. Murray states that
he will rebuild Is soon as possible
8f .Lonls, Mo„ Dee. I.-O. A. Eck-
atromer, the Swedish Consol it SL
Louis, who recently had a controversy
with President Roosevelt, klllled him
self ,£hls morning. r
The Consul's death was duo to cy-
aside poisoning. He was 51 years
of-arsrx-. He - gained' unwonted prom
inence through n controversy with tbs
President Wherein he accused the let
ter of Inconsistency In applying the
doctrine, "Sawe: Deal"Th®: pm*
sul was suspended from sfllce pend
ing sn explanation which was consid
ered satisfactory enough to permit bis
rslaststemsaL <.
.a. »-..w lw , septa* ‘
"Tho finest political speech I aver
heard,t said n Plttabuyg nun, ac
cording to the Saturday Evening Post
“waa nude by a German farmer up
In Berks county, Pennsylvania.
’There was a meeting In a country
schoolhouse and after the speeches a
leading German was called on for a
few remaiht. He said: "Fellow-cltL
sens; ws haf hart d’ chin mnslc, yest
Und h’ Ume has now coms.,ven ve
must all git togedder und undo that
vlph vs haf not Jft. All git togedder
and roll up such a Democratic major
Ity In-Berks eoundy that It Till rhlj
and roll until It rolls all ofer Berks
eoundy, all ofer d’ state ot Penneyl-
van, all ofer der United States, vtll
rol across d’ ocean and vlll roll up
to Queen Victoria where she Is si*
ting on bar throne, und she vlll say
“God gracious! vot s Democratlg ma
jority Berkft cqnndy k Jlt qpU jup.”
Washington, D, C., Doc. 9.—Tho as
sembling of Congress which met Mon
day was pulled off without any unusual
feeling noticeable in the Republican
loaders on account ot tho unccrtaln-
of Speaker Cannon being elected
Speaker to succeed himself In the next
Congrees. It is reported, however, on
good authority that Mr. Taft has prac
tically surrendered to Speaker Gan
non and this Is very likely In view of
the fact tlmt all of tho great coipors-
tlons snd the wealthy Interests were
vigorous supporters of Mr. Taft during
the campaign and those who contrlbu
tod money, and othorwlso secured
his election ore entitled to consider
atlon, they think, regardless of what
the people want or get. It Is bellev-
that the Republicans will make
•omothlng of a bluff at revising the
tariff and that I twill bo revised more
upward than downwurj. In the
hearings now going on before the
Ways and Moans Committee which
has charge of all tariff bills, tho pro
tected Interests-that are already fnl-
protectlon are not satisfied with
moro protection and havo admitted
that protection Is not what they want
but largor profits, that Is they want
the Government to glvo them a llccn-
for unlimited robbery ot the Am
erican peoplo and so the people thus
can In this way enjoy tho benefits that
they voted for on tho third of last
It Is said that tbs Republicans are
trying to forgot that they promised
establish postal savings banks snd
parcel post delivery syjtcm ss this
would bring the Qovejfnmont Into
competition with oher ^powerful In
terests that supported Taft and would
thus bring s big fight -Ipn tho Taft
administration. As Republican prom
ises and platforms are mads mure to
get In.on than to be.fullftlled, It Is not
likely thst'thesii reforms will be car
rlod Into effect.
.As Dr. Darwin was walking one day
) his gsrden he perceived a wasp
upon the gravsl walk -with a large
nearly ss big ss Itself which It had
caught. Kneeling down, he distinctly
saw It cut off the head and then, tak
ing up with Its feet the trunk or min-
die portion of .-the body, to whl*'
wings remained attached, fly sway .
Rut a brae to oi.wlnd acting on the
wings of the fly turned around tho
weep with Its burden and Impeded Ita
progress. Upon this It.alighted again
tbs gravsl walk, deliberately sail-
off first one wing snd than the oth
er, and having thus 'removed the
cause ot Ita embarrassment, flew off
with Ita booty.—Loudon Globe.
Says tbs Charleston Courier: “The
philosophy of tho prohibition move-
its tall, and would have bed all oth
er foxes subject themselves to a simi
lar deprivation. - 7 jjgfn
120,000 DAMAGES.
Boston, Dec., 8,-Mt., was officially
nnounccd today that action for alleg
ed slander) returnable In tho United
States Coart, Feb., l.iJ909, In which
120,000 'damages Jre ’claimed has
been hrenght by ^Congressman Rich
ard P. Hobson, of Atabams, against
Congressman John A. Keliher, of
Massachusetts. - ‘
The alleged remarks which caused
the action wore'pindo this fall, fol
lowing a visit tk this city of Capt
liob/on,' ifto'spoke tor Joseph A.
Conry, for Congroxs, the latter- con
testing unsuccessfully with Congress-
Stent Is pi least fut old Of that of the man Keliher tor the doinlnltlon.
the .fox, dexcribej' by" AosoprtiaMosf ‘* ‘ 1 ■ —- ■*
jPlenty of fresh Alabama rock lira*
la stock at all times.
F. N. HARLEY H’dw,