Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 19, 1908, Image 2

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THE WAYCR05S WEEKLY HERALD THE WEEKLY HERAIB A. P. PERHAM A SON. Editors and Publishers. Entered at the Post Office at Way* cress, Os., as second clas matter." The Evening Herald is published •very evening except Sunday. The Weekly Herald every Saturday. All subscriptions aro payable la •dvanc^ Advertising rates reasonable and made known on application. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: Dally, One Tear $5.00 Dally, Six Months $2.60 Dally, Three Months $1.26 Weekly, One Year WAYCR088, GA., DEC. 19, 1908. Gov-elect Gilc'nrltti will preside the Bryan banquet at the Florida State Fair at Tampa In February. Reports from Atlanta «ay that the Gate City Is enjoying a wave of crime. Anything for a change. The Democratic party U a million stronger than It was four year* ago. •Then what are you talking about any way. Atlanta is aaid to bo fishing for an Kutomoblle track 28 miles long. Sav annah has caused the Gate City to g/et another move on her. * "Shall th,o woman rule?" Asks an exchange. We answered that question in the affirmation tho day after the preach,er tied the knot. Tho MltchellLInton episode (Thomaaville seems to nave dropped out of public attention. Guess It must have Ijeen a hugo Joke after all. Tho country is not going Into an other financial panic but we aro slow ly and surely moving out of tho worst one th,o country ha known In many years. The assumption of tho North that "The South cannot do without tho ne gro as a laborer" is merely too North's .way of saying that it does not intend to havje him as a laborer. An exchange suggests thut thero aro undesirable citizens In every community who ought to be plowed under for fertilizer. Ain’t that the truth? THE PRESIDENT’S HUNTING TRIP President Roosevelt In a statement prepared by Secretary Walcott, Smithsonian Institute, made his first official announcement regarding bunting trip to Africa on which he wll start within two weeka after he re tires from the presidency. The ex pedition will be outfittel by t'ae Smithsonian Institute. The president Is defraying his own expenses and will gather national history materials for the new national museum. No fears are entertaiend for president’s safety, the statement de clares because every member of bis party is an excellent rifle shot. The president and his son Kermit will kill big game, the skins and skeletons of w'dlch will be prepared and shipped to the United States by other mem bers of the party. Kermit Roosevelt Is to be tho official photographer of tho expedition. Tho district in British East Africa which Mr. Roosevelt will visit on his hunting trip is wonderfully rich wild game of all kinds. The rhinoceros is shot along the old caravan route, but when a party leaver these tracks there is usually some excitement, and sportsmen and prospectors w'ao visit the out of the way districts have reported largo nura bora of these fine old beasts. The rhinoceros has been frequently seen In districts possessing thick patches of forost and long grass, and they have frequently been reported quite close to Nairobi, capital of tho dis trict, both In the reserve and on the open side of the railway. Five or them have been seen within ten miles of that station In a single day. Extensive preparations for tho re ception and entertainment of Roosevelt are already being made In Nairobi, where he will bo the guest of Sir James SaJler, tho governor. The British railway Is building a spe cial train for hia use consisting of an observation car sleeping .dining and reception cars. Nairobi, although located In a per fect Jungle, and known as "the Yel lowstone Park of Africa,” has excel lent hotels and a modern electric plant, and big game hunters find there are the comforts of a modern Euro pean city. FULL' COMPLETE Say. the Albany lleraM: "Lets hnvo more com and leu politic. In Georgia noit year." 8uro and •here be a itreak of lean and a streak of fat with oyery hoo cake. Too ilrosldont demand, that Pu llticf, editor of the N. Y. World, bo prosecuted to the limit of tho law.. Let them prosecute just so It don’t effect Waycroai. — Three Mormon, and a batch of Salvation Ariuyltcs worn preaching oa the alrcets of Romo al onj tlmo yesterday. A few holy rollers lo add diversity to Iho scene would bavo completed the circus. * Tho dally paper, tho samo as tho regular merchant, Is In Brunswick ev ery day In the year doing business. It Is a necessity. It gives valuo received tor all It (eta In advertising and oth er ways. It Is about the only kind of advei rising that doe,.—Brunswick Nows. 4 “The woman with strong features, 1 nays “Deborah” In.tho Hartford Coup ant. (that Is to say a woman who looks more like a man than a wo man,) “should wear her hair arrang ed loosely, and the llnea should be In harmony." No woman with n pretty taco anl a well poised head would think of loading them down with n halo of hair. ‘ 4 ' +■ > A certain town council after a pro tracted sitting, wu delirious of ad jooralur for luncheon, says Tit Bits. The proposition was opposed by the mayor, who thought that If hla fellow- councilors felt the stimulus of han ger the dispatch and business would he much facilitated. At lut an Il literate member got up and exclaim ed: "I ham astonlihed, I ham surpris ed, I ham amated, Mr. Mayor, that you will not let us go to lunch!” Tm surprised," exclaimed one of his colleagues “that a gentleman who Tho Herald U with labor and the labor unions overy day In the week when they are properly, honostly and Judiciously manageJ, but they sign their own death warrant when th,ey nllow their organizations to be con trolled and dictated to “agitators” and Irresponsible parties who are seeking only to creato strife and to divide a community against Itself to gratify their own selfish Interests and ambition. Such men nre* enemies to the community In which they lira and to every good cltlsen. PISH ATTACKS Al DEER, Pursued by dogs In Agawam, Mass., a deer attempted to crovi ’o opposite side of tho river, broke through tho Ice and won attacked by a fish six feet In length, thought to bo a sturgeon weighing 250 pounds or moro. Par a quarter of a mile tho deer awam In the Icey water, turning now and then to strike at Its tormentor with Its forelegs. Whon the deer finally clambered up tho river bank tho flsh remained near the shore for soveral minutes In somlng disappolntmnt that doer hod escaped. The unusual spec tacle was witnessed by Park Cotnmls- alnoer Everett H. Barney and John Morrill. After reaching tho land tho Joer soon fel Ifrom exhaustion. Mr. Mop rill procured a pint of whiskey and poured It down the animals’ throat Tho deer was so badly disabled that Game Warden Jaa. P. Hatch ordered the animal shot line: of DRY GOODS, SHOES and NOTIONS HERE YOU WILL FIND BE8T QUALITY AND LOWE8T PRICE8. FINE LINE OF LADIES, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN'S 8HOE8. COME TO 8EE US AND WE WILL PLEA8E YOU BOTH IN QUALITY AND PRICE. Humphreys & Willianson RAW LUNGS. Wh6n the lungs are sore and In- lammeJ, the germs of pueumonia and consumption find lodgement and mul- iply. Foley's Honey and Tar kill* the cough gera, euro* the most obsti nate racking couib, heals the lungs, genuine is .In the yellow package. Central & Union Pharmacy For the best bicycle tires ut the least price see J. T. McGee, 21 Al bany Avenue. 2d tf e.o.u. Foley’s Honey and Tv. clears the air passes, stops the irritation in th« throat , soothes the inflamed mem branes. and the most obstinate cough disappears. Sore and lnflammeJ lungs aro healed, and strenghtenel, »nd a., cou i. expelled from the zyu Gg 0I >gj a Bottling works I BEAUTY INJEWELRY Does not necessarily mean expen- Does noe necessarily mean eypen- siveness. We prove that by the great variety of really pretty things we offer at exceedingly moderate prices. Of course there is a figure below which it Is un safe to go If you want good Jew elry. Our prices are the lowest that reliable jewelry can be sold for. ' Little & Odom, Jewelers. American Hog & Cattle Fence 13 Bars, 46 Inches High is what we Sell the most of, in 12 inch stay. We Carry an Immense Quantity of it on hand and can furnish it in any size roll you wish. The price is extremely low 33 cents per rod with stay wire and staples. P. N. Harley, HdwCo. TELEPHONE, 186. Old King Co(e was a merry old soul, And a sporty old soul was he; He bought a pistol and ho bought a gun From Watt Hardware Companie. We have some cut (lass and a lib eral amount of fine China tor the Xmas trade, all new and freah. Wo would be pleased to have you call and look It over. It 2t P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. Nice line of Neck pieces In fura, 12.00 each at Mias Eddie Parnell's. For Brat class plumbing work. Phone 254. Am fully equipped to do all kinds of plumbing work, and will bo pleased to fnrolch eqjlmate* at any time. M. J. Murray, 'Phone 254. Shop No. 25 Church at Utd. 8omo fine pecans for eating, also tome extra Bne pecans tor planting for sale by J. A. Lott Phone 555 or IT IT U yon need anything In perfumery Sachet Powders, or Toilet goods, let bee got so much ’hem’ In Ms mouth Rsddlng A Co, show you their line. Knowing, Joy Bringing Old Santa Clans mdi much to encourage him In our tbla season’s collec- lon of table ware In china, .porcelain and cut glass. Well knows he how happy house wives are In the possession of such beauties as we show for the adornment of the 'dining room—It’s a matter of pride with them. Let's help you with good Christmas gift- 'gtvlng In telling you of our low prices for artistic ware. WATT H’d’w COMPANY tem. Refuse any but the genuine in the yellow package. Centra] & Union Pharmacy. 8EVEN YEAR8 OF PROOF. "I have had seven yeannof proof that Dr. King’s New Discovery is the best medicine to take for coughs and colds and for xvery diseased condi tion of the throat, chest or lungs,” says W. V. Henry, of Panama, Mo. The world has had thirty-eight years of proof that Dr. King’s New Discovery is the best remedy for coughs, and colds, la grippe, asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hemmorage of the lungs, and the arly stages of consumption. Its timely use always prevents the development of pneumonia. Sold un der guarantee at drug stores, and $1.00. Trial bottle tree. *2**f**$**$**$**i**£* <l Z‘* < S**2**{**i*'$* W. L. HINSON A CO. UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMER8, ’PHONE 91 AND 413 45 45 45 45 4. 45 .£• 4. 4.4. 7/inter blasts, causing pneumonia. pleurisy and consumption will soon be here Cure your cough now, and strengthen your lungs with Foloy’s 'loney and Tar. Do not risk starting he winter with weak lungs, when Foley’s Honey and Tar will cure most obstinate coughs anJ colds, and prevent serious results. Central & Union Pharmacy. V. C. PARKER, Contractor & Builder, Waycross, Georgia. HOW IS YOUR DIGESTION. Mrs. Mary Dowling of No. 228 8th, Aro, San Francisco, recommends a remedy for stomach trouble, She says “Gratitude for the wonderful effect Electric Bitters In a cose of acute In digestion, prompts this testimonial, am fully convinced that for stomach Is the best remedy on the market today.” This great tonic and aliens- tlvo medicine Invigorates the system, purifies the blood and Is especially helpful In all forms of female weak ness. 60c. at all drag stores. GINGER ALE THE HEALTHFUL SUMMER DIUNK “RED KEEN" GINGER ALE. THE B*E8T OF ALL Sold by the case from the Fac tory or at Soda Founts. Mixed Soda’s delivered anywhere in the City. WOOD! W00D1! Best Stove Wood Dellverd at Your door 52.50 Cord. I D. L KEEN, Prop. TELEPHONE NO. 337. WAYCROSS PRESSING CLUB F. L. PAGE. Prop. 25 Pendleton Street, Pbone 345 Repairing, Steam Cleaning and D>ing, Reblocking Hats. Ladles Work a Specially. Telephone And Have Our Wagpn Call POST YOUR LANDS. Cards for posting lands may be ob tained at the Herald office at 5 cents each or 35 cents a dozen. WATCHED FIFTEEN YEARS “For fifteen years I have watched the working of Buoklen’s Arnica Salve and It has Dover tailed to cure any sore, boll, ulcer or burn to which It wu applied. It has saved us many doctor bill.” says A. F. Hardy, of East Wilton, Maine, 25c at al drug stores. If You Ars Over Fifty Rssd This. Most people put middle-age suffer from kljney and binder disorders which Foley’s Kidney Remedy would cure. Stop the drain on the vitality and restore neede strength and vigor. Comence taking Foley's Kidney eRm- edy today. Central A Union Pharmacy. HY should yon bum a hod of cool and make the whole house uncomfortably warm just to hekfe flat iron? Try the ELECTRIC METHOD “Notlitno Hot but Cbc Iron'- Simple, safe, sure, economical, clear. always ready. Heat tarns on and off Ilk* on Incandescent lamp ' EIiECTRIC FLATIRONS ON TRIAL WTYSoSS, ELECTRIC LT.«A P0WE» Ce tuts any lunch at an.” . ■ j V'—Sa'-w. Let us sell yon a box of cigars to give the friend who smokes, tf. Redding & Co. HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE The above la the name of a German chemical, which Is one of the many valuable Ingredient! of Foley’s Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine recognized by medical text book! and authoritlei ss a uric add solvent and antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as yon notice any Irregularities, and avoid a seri ous malady. Cuatral ft Union Pharmacy. MIND YOUR BUSINESSI If yon don't nobody will. It la your business to keep out of all the trouble yon can and yon can and will keep out of liver and bowl trouble U yon take Dr. King’s New Ufa Pills. They keep biliousness, majaria and jaundice out of your system. 25c at ell drar store*. COMftOiND I.vx \tivi-: PAINE’S.COMPOUND LAXATIVE STROP FOR STOMACH AND UVEH Does Not Sicken or Gripe PRICE 33 CENTS If you suffer from consUpitlon and liver trouble Foley's Orino Laxative A will cure you permanently by laUng the dlgesUve organs so will set naturally. Foley’s Orino Lax- aUve does not gripe, I* pleasant to take and you do not hart to take lax- stives continually after taking Orino. Why continue to be the slave of pills and Ubleto. - - Central ft Union Pharmacy. COWARTS' 281. r WE ARE DOINQ BUSINESS AT the same old stand, we sell NICE PICK 2ND OYSTERS AND OET THE CASH. ttt. jj