Newspaper Page Text
Beautiful, Bright, •Sparkling, Famoua
F R E E “sffi
“ ™ Beautiful. Bright, Sp
Diamond Ring
ladles or Genllmen’s
Brilliancy equals genuine—detection baffles experts—fills erery
qulrement of the most exacting—plea set the most fastidious, at dnjy one
thirtieth tho cost of the real diamond.
As a means of introducing this marvelous and wonderful, scintillating
^gtm,,and securing as many new friends as quickly as posable, we are
rnakng a special inducement for the Now Year, • *
We want you to wear this beautiful Rlnr. this master-piece of man's 1
handicraft, this simulation that sparkles with ail the beauty, and flashes
with all the fire of
Wo want you to show It to your friends and take orders for us, as it
sells itself—sell at sight—and makes
for you, absolutely without effort on your part.
We want good, honest representatives everywhere, in every locality,
1 city or county, in fact, Jn every country throughout the world, both men
and women, young and old, who will not sell or pawn THE BARNATTO
1 8IMULATI0N DIAMONDS under the pretense that thoy are Genuine
Gems, as such action with simulation diamonds sometimes leads to trouble
or embarrassment.
If you want a simulation diamond—a substitpte for the genuine—
DON’T WAIT—ACT TODAY, as this advertisement may not appear again.
Fill out Coupon below and mall at once—first come—first served
Write here name of paper in whlchyou saw this ad
Sirs:—Please send Freu Snmple offer, Earrings, Stud .or Scarf (Stick)
Pin Catalog.
Name R. F. D. No ....
No St. P. O. Box
Town or City State
He’s dreaming of a hobby horse
And lots of pretty toys;
He’s dreaming of the trumpets and
All things that make a noise.
He’s dreaming, of a soldier cap,
And of a tenor drum—
And smiling while he's waiting
For Santa Clans to come.
He’s dreaming of the reindeer
That haul the Christmas sleigh;
He’s dreaming of the candles
That light t&r Christmas way.
He's dreaming of the slelghbells
That ring down the road,
And smiling while he's dreaming
Of Santa Claus and bis load.
Dream on, O. little brother;
And wake on Christmas morn
To find the horso and helmet,
The toys and noisy horn.
Smile on amidst your dreaming.
And may God grant to you
A happy Christmas morning
With all your dreams come true.
If Santa Claus
Rode in a Carriage
Instead of a sleigh he cer
tainly would prefer one of
the elegant vehicles on
view here. They are so
handsome, so graceful and
so easy riding. Make your
self a present of one if no
body else will make it for
you. You couldn’t put
your money into a more
durable gift or a hand
Waycross, Ga.
1 ask my pa some questions,
Like what makes people grow?
And where the wind has gone to
The times It doesn't blow?
Pa smokes and reads his paper
And hums and says, “Er, oh”—
And then he makes this answer,
"Well, you’re too young to know'.”
Pa asks me *bont the fairies
And where I saw ’em hide,
And how I knew fat ogres
Had little boys inside?
I look at pa in pity
That he should be so slow,
And then I make this answer,
"Well, you’re too old to know.”.
Mrs. Gerber, the mother of Mr, F.
W. Gerber, tho Jeweler, died yesterday
evening at 6 o’clock at the home of
her son on Francis street The de
ceased was a native of Germany and
was 86 years old. Although Mrs.
Gerber bad been feeble for some time
her death was unexpected. She re
turned only last Saturday from a visit
to Savannah. Mrs. Gerber moved to
Waycropa from Savannah a number
of years ago, and the body was car-
tied to that city this morning for bur-
Besides her son here, Mrs. Ger
ber is also survived’ by a son in Sav
Holiday Excursion Hates Via -
Atlanta Birmingham & Atlantic
And Connecting Lines.
Tickets on Sale, Dec. 18,19. 24, 24, 25, 30, 31 and Jan.
-1st. Good returning until midnight, Jan.
6th. For rates, schedules, etc.,
9lsk Our Ticket Cogent.
W. H. Leahy, G. P. A. Atlanta, Ga.
Music, laughter, merriment,
In this houso of light;
Youth and beauty dancing,
Through the happ y night,
Christmas joy overwhelming
All with gay delight.
Silence, hunger, discontent.
In a hdvel near.
Youth a farce, a mockery,
Robbed of all its cheer;
Curses break the stillness
Bringing childish fear.
To bridge the awful distance,
Twixt mansions bright and say,
And hovel drear with sorrow,
Each sunrise seeming gray,
Use Charity's sweet mission,
Make true the Christmas day.
How an Eccentric Old Negro’s Protrslt
Became as familiar as the
World’s Rulers.
One of the renowned characters of
Richmond, Va., up to the time of his
death, 10 years ago, was “Uncle Bar
ber” Graves an eccentric represen
tatlre of slavedays, who was as wide
ly known about the city as the town
clock or Governor.
At the time of his death he had
passed the century mark by five
years. During the last eighteen years
of his life he had been In the employ
of P. Whitlock, proprietor of the larg
est special cheroot factory In
world, and manufacturer of “Old Vir
ginia Cheroots.”
At the time Mr. Whitlock first
started to manufacture his “Old Vir
ginia Cheroots,” there was a discus
sion in his office as to what they
would use as a trademark. Old "Un
cle Barber" was in the office at the
time, and someone jokingly remarked
that it would be a good idea to use
his picture. He had a peculiarity of
wearing heavy brass-rimmed spectac
les. but always kept them on bis fore-
hear-^-never u*** “*— to se through
The sugges’ion was considered In
the light of a joke at the time but the
negro’s picture was taken, and it made
such a unique and distinctive trade
mark that it. was adopted, and has
been used ever since.
The trade mark was registered Ip
1886, and Is now, like the "Old Vir
ginia Cheroots,]’ familiar to every
nook &nd corner of the land.
Warren ton, N. C.—I wot nearly dead
with kidney affection for tlx months,
growing worto all the time. My cate
SAMPLE OFFER. (15 daya only)
bright, sparkling, famoua, |6 Barnat-
to Simulation Diamond Ring: brilli-
aoey equals genuine—detection baf
fle. exports—Bile every requirement
of the moat exacting—pleases the
moat fastidious—at only one thirtieth
the coat of tho real diamond. AS a
means of Introducing this marvelous
and wonderful scintillating gem, and
securing as many new friends u
quickly sa possible, we are making
a special Inducement for the new year
We want yon to wear this beautiful
ring, thi. Mnstorpleeo of Man's Hand
icraft, this simulation that aparhlea
with all the beauty, and flashes with
all the Are of the Oennlne Diamond.
We want you to show It to your friends
and take orders for ua, as It sells It
self—sell, at sight—and makes 100
per cent profit for you, absolutely
without effort on your part. We wont
good, honest fopt-eseptatlres every
where, In every locality, city or coun
ty, In fact In every country through
out the world, both men and women,
young and old, who will not aell or
pawn the Barnetto Simulation Dia
monds under the pretense that they
are genuine gems, at such action
sometimes leads to trouble or embar
rassment. if you want a Simulation
diamond, a substitute for the genuine
—don’t wait—act todsy,' as this so
verttsement may not appear again—
first come, first served. For Free
rings,- 8tnd or 8carf (stick) Pin ad-
Co.. Girard Bnlldlng, Chicago,
Mention this paper.
Stuart’s Buchu and Juniper and was
perfectly cured. Am now well and all
right I owe my life to Shi
and Juniper.—H. T. Macon.
If you suffer with backache, dull bead-
ache, swollen feet, stiff joints, and have
no energy and see imaginary specks In
the air, you have symptoms of kidney
trouble. «
Stuart's Buchu and Juniper will relieve
you. All druggists, ?1.00. Write for
free sample. We will send enough tf
prove its wonderful merits.
Stuart Drag Manufacturing Co.
“When I’m a man,” the stripling tries,
And strive the coming -years to
Ah, then I shall be strong and wise,
‘When I was young,” the old
“Bravely the dark and Unnet sang
Their carol under sunny tides,
When I was young.”
“When I am a man, I shall be free
To guard the right, the truth up
“When 1 was young I bent no knee
To power or gold.”
‘Then shall I satisfy my aoul
With' yonder prize, when I’m
"Tdo late t found how vain the goal
To which I ran.”
‘When rm a man these Idle toys
Aside forever ehoU be flunr.”
“There woe no poison In my Joy*
When I was young."
The •
Georgia School
of Technology
Is better equipped *nd organized in all
department* than ever before, and pre
pared to do the best work in its history.
Freejicholarsh ips
In order to afford the young
of Georgia high claw technical fac
tion, fifteen free ccholarships arc
assigned to each County in the
State. Take immediate advantage
of thi* opportunity and write for
latest catalog, containing all in
formation necescarr for proepecthc
student*, and setting forth the ad
vantage* of the Georgia Tech.
Advanced courses In Mechanical,
Electrical, Textile, and Civil Engi
neering, Engineering Chemistry,
Chemistry and Aj chitecture. Ex
tensive and new equipment of
Shop, Mill, Laboratories, etc. New
Library end new Chemical Labora
tory. The demand for the School’s grad
.tea is much greater than the supply.
** t tesslbn opens Sept. 30th.
further information address K. G.
M„ll.D,fTts., Atlanta,Ga.
for * few minutes of your time. No one who has
W home to live in can afford to mist this truly
To secure FREE of charge n Clock, the
most Important thing In the home. And
ouch a Clock, tool BEAUTIFUL GOLD
To fret this beautiful Clock
FREE 1* the simplest thing; In
the world. All you have to do
is write me a postal card and
say you want to ret It l will
then send you by mall, pre
paid, a carefully wrapped
packare of handsome portraits {
of Gcorro Washington, and
ask you to show them to your
’ hbors.
less portraits are copies of
best known painting of the
first President of the United
States, and are different from
and handsomer than any pjo-
ture of the kind you eves
saw. *
This Is just ths picturo
for the dlnlnr-room or sit
ting room, and. because the
very namo Oeorge Wash- .
ington strengthens the love
of home and country In old
and young alike, everybody
will want one of them and
will be glad to pay for It
on the liberal proposition
I will authorise you to
make. You only have tol
collect $5 In this way to!
make this Glorious Clock
yours forever, v
In addition to tho Clock I hero two other lovely promote which I will give
you—two more handsome ornamento which anyone who lore, a pretty homo
will be delighted with. One of the.e slits X will oend to you FREE AND PRE
PAID a. soon as I rccolvo tbs postal card with your noma on It (The other
one I will give to you Just for being prompt in following my Instructions. ’
will tell you all about tho second extra gift, when I lend the firit IM Ilit
' 1 do as soon as X hear from you, lo HURRY VP. .ju
I TAKE NO CHANCES writing to me, beoatus, If th« Clock i<
wfwUlwB® not prove to b. even bettor than X havoc
—-ed It, and If It does not delight you In every won you may oend It bn?
and I will pay you handsomely In cash for your trouble. Alio, It you got mi
or for any othor reason fall to,collect all of the 51,1 wIU pay you well for wE
you do. So you sue. YOU CAN'T LOSE, so olt right down and writ, to m» L_
follow.:' -D. It. osnonh’E,Maa«rer,Jf««hrlUr,Team rku.M»dMtk. gw.
•vail, of GMorg. Washington and compitt. oatlt for earatng tk. storms
Golden Clock, with tk. udwetandlog tkat tkta IM1 mot MM ag fg Mr n*
mm Tata put your name and addreai,' ——— v- .—
But, brother, tolling In the night.
Still count yourself not all unble.t
If In the Boot there gleama a 1 ght.
Or In the Weat
It was a pitiful mistake, an error
•ad and grim. I waited for the rail
way train. The light was low and
dim. It camo at lost, an.t from a car
there stepped a dainty dame, and
looking up and down t u> place, she
straight unto me came. “Oh. Jack!”
aho cried, ’o'a dear old Jack!” and
klaeed me a. she ipake, then looked
again and. frightened, cried, “Oh,
what a bad mistake!” I sold, “Forgive
me, maiden fair, for X am not your
Jack, and an regards the kite yon gave
m straightway give It back.” And
since that night I’ve often stood upon
that platform dim, but only once In
a man’s whole Ufe do such things
come to
^ *lmpl* rule*. Learned !n one-half
time, required for old erfitems. llundreiU
holding position* with leading Arm* all ever
the South after eight to twelve weeks’
coones. fend for the pi oof.
''BOOKKEEPING taujtht br"Actual
Business Transactions" the start.
The mort practical and co-iprvhetwlre
course taught In the f=oeth. On? who com
plete* our course can keep any tet of bookc
tor any lino of btulneu.
TELEGRAPHY. Thi* department 1' in .
ehargool au operator of twenty rears jn-e- a
•Chool. «■. h.r. contract, with r.llro.* to oo^ .n'o?”" m ron *
lo jTiooSS 3/52^^ EacSt OfOur Graduates. <J Good Board at from 312.M
• Write today tor Baudaoaely Illustrated Catalog. *
Couma b, Mon. J. O. BAGWELL, Pres., 1% Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga.
f********** ! * ! ?^T*W^7T**~*T*T
br\ “*• '*«»’»• It 1» secured
i bonde with the gwutnment
Banx aota ^ilS-a 1 , Pol,C3r h W»lly »« »afe az a National
porit of iu "I. 1 " Pollcle » I* secured by a do-
No hoMcr of n undo * Yhogb law* it operate*
iwrv n iliv A NftUon a* Bank nate or a SUte Llfo Insurance
sSSSSSS? » .aw £
ss sttfriwjiiarasr Peur Mm,#B To F,va Ml "
JESTS? team
8 RPLUS TO POLICY HOLDERS t«07 $707,402.. *
Waycross Ga. £
* + + ♦ * <M*. titfv *.•£.++ ++_+ + + + -{. + '*• + 41
' ' - ’ •