Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 19, 1908, Image 8
WAYCROSS THE GREAT RACE CONTINUES With Wayeross Business College And Ferguson Shorthand In the Lead. A New and Startling Record has been Made With FERGUSON SHORTHAND 75 Words Per Minute After Studying IS Days. ■* Can you boat that with tho older iy.tem«? Why wa«te your time and money learning aomethlng obsolete? In thla age of Invention and progresslveneas, tbo old must give way to the new. However, if you have a doalre to take a ride In the "OLD HORSE CAR", we have the team to pull It, but you are liable not to have anyone with you but the driver. Our teacher, are akllled In the older ayatema, but make a specialty ot FERGUSON SHORTHAND. SooBOosssjcscec*^^ HO'V IS THIS FOR ANOTHER RECORD AFTER 12 WEEKS STUDY, ONE OF OUR YOUNG MEN ACCEPTED A POSITION A8 STENOGRAPHER AT $75.00 PER MONTH. IF YOU DOUBT THIS, WRITE US, AND WE WILL FURNI8H YOU WITH PROOF. .***************** s+ _ • - ■ + THE SYSTEM OF BOOKKEEPING Used In our achool, la taught In the largest colleges In the United States, and Is considered by the business men, the very best for giving a thorough knowledge of practical affairs, Special attention given to ARITHMETIC) ENGLISH, CORRESPONDENCE, SPELLING, RAPID CALCULATIONS, PRACTICAL LAW PENMANSHIP, ETC. What are your Plans For The Coming Year? Wouldn’t you like to make life happier Would you not like to In- crease your earning capacity and bank account? IF'80, JUST 8PEND ' a FEW MONTH8 WITH U8 AND LET U8 PUT YOU IN LINE FOR PROMOTION. 7\[OW YOUWG PEOPLE, We have put others on the road to xuicess, why not let us put you there? Life is tod short to experiment. It taaa been fully demonstrat ed that tt* UNTRAINED MAN OF WOMAN MUST OJVE WAY TO THE TRAINED. wr- f . Write us at once for application blanks and make arrangements to enter the beginning of the Winter Session January 5, 1909. ' ❖ 4* + 4" 4* *fr + + 4* | esewataoiiwaac#!^^ OUR QUARTERS HAVE BEEN ENLARGED New furniture parenased, and more teachers employed, making this one of the finest equipped schools in this section of the country. Every Indi-- cation favors a very large enrolment January 5, 1909. For Full Information; address: R.F. PRINCIPAL, WAYCROSS BUSINESS COIVLQE PHONE 260 WAYCROSS, GA. ASK ROSEVELT FOR INFORMATION Waahinyton. Dec. 17.—The Home Committee selected to consider the action regarding the President', strictures on Congreas, today report ed a resolution calling upon the President for Information upon which ha baaed hla Insinuation.. Tho was unanimously adopted. THAW’S AUNT DIES IN AN ASYLUM Philadelphia, Doc. 17.—Miss Hat rlette Thaw, aged SO, an aunt of Har ry Thaw, died at the Frlenda Asylum for tho Insane today. She was the third member of the Thaw family to dlo In an Inaane asylum. OEATH IS PAINLESS. The tear of death, which has been eo enormously exploited In dramatic literature, sacred and otherwise, la .aid te he almost without cxlsleoco la sickness. Host patients havp lost It completely by tho time they be come aertonaly 111. Death and sleep »re both painless according to Dr. Woods Hntohlnaon la the American Magazine, and reuse neither (ear nor anxiety by their ap proach. It la one of tho moat march fat Mdags In nature that whelming majority ot tl which Jeelroya life, whether they are those of Infections dlscasi which are elaborated from the body's owe waste products, act as narcotic ar.d sbdUah consciousness long before the cad comae. White death la not In toy sense in:logons to sleep. It rcaemblea II tc tho extent that It la In the net ma jority of Instances not only not pain ful, hat welcome. Pain-recked anl I patients long for deat’-i : toller longs far sleep, t many ot the processes which death are painful death Itself 1, Uke the fading •f a Bower or tho falling ot a leaf. Onr dear ears drift-out on the ebbing ride eg Ms without four, without pain save for thoee they When death eomee. so that we can eoe the THE CAPITAL I. Hast met In your trams The capital I, Attached to a person In ample supply,"" Who talked ot hie prowese On ana and on land A*, any old moment A victim would stanJ? '■ I waa a this, sir, And I was that; '• 1 caught a tiger Or I killed a cat; It'a I led tho army Or I chased the fleet; It'e I every moment, And I with both feet. ft Alone, elngle handed, He rone tho parade. Haa thrilling adventures At hanJ, toady made, The spotlight attraction, Tho one torts In bet. Admired ot the ladlee. Their prldo and their pet. If* I swam the river. And I won the race; It'e I licked the bully. And l eet the pace; It's I waa the hero. Retiring and thy; - It'a I the greet, oaly And wonderful L ~-?f. ,-iIP- sprung SENSATION IN THE TRIAL Union City, Ky„ Dec. 17.—A sensa tion was sprung In the trial of tho alleged night riders this morning when the Attorney General called for a discharge ot Juryman J H. Russell, ftther of a well known night rider and In sympathy with them. Rus sell admitted that hie eon was living at Reeltoot Lake and waa charged with nitwit riding, but denied that he was guilty. Jiilgo Jones declared Russell disguallfled and retired him from the jury box. One other Juror wea selected, J. D. McKinney, a far mer. Over fifty veniremen have i examined and'It la almost cer tain that another veolre will be anm- JESUP LADIES WILL S ERECT MONUMENT TO 8MITH. MRS. C. A. FRETWELL DEAD, Mrs. Irene Fretwell, aged SI yean, the wife ot Mr. C. A. Fretwell, died this morning at 1:10 o’clock at the family residence, 117 Albany avenue. Mrs. Fretwell bad been sick for the past two yean, and although every thing poeelble was done to restore her health. It waa all In rain. Recent ly she teemed to be improving some, but toon took a torn for the worn- Mrs. Fretwell was an ee Christian lady , and will be greatly ed. Besides her devoted hus band, Mrs. Fretwell la survived by three smell children, two staters, Mrs T. J. Lofton, of Wayeross, and Mrs. Drake, of Albany, and one brother, Mr. Will Yonng of Shreveport, The body will be carried to Albany tomorrow! morning, where the fun eral and Interment will occur. Jesup, Ga., Dec. 14.—The funeral ol M. Fleming Smith took placo thla morning at the Jesup cemetery, and the last sad rites were witnessed by several hundred people; almost tho entire population ot Jeanp and vicinity with many trlenJs and relative! from other places. The funeral services were conducted by Her. B. S. Bentell of the Jesup Methodist Church, who In a abort ora tion, paid the highest tribute to tan deceased by saying: “No man hath a greeter lore than thla, that be. lay down Ms Ufa for bla frlenda;" also that “be had every Instinct of e trn gentlemen, and undoubtedly gave up hie life la the defense of the name of an unprotected woman." Tears Sow- ed from nearly every eye In the crowd gathered at the grave. The floral offerings were many and beau tiful. The deceased was a member of tho Knights ot Pythias, an Odd Fellow, and bad alto taken the Entered Ap prentice Degree ,lc Mesotoy. He served wlriPlhe Brunswick Riflemen through the Spanlsh-Amerlcan War, and for the last two yean was scc- onnd lieutenant ol tho Wayne Light Troop of Jesup. The deceased leaves A mother, Mrs. a D. Surrency, of Surrency, anl two sisters, Mrs. J. B. Pruett, of Flovllla, and Mrs. D Hopps Bennett, nf ML Pleasant; two brothers,' Robert Smith of Jesup, and Pearce Smith of Flovllla. In token of the esteem and love In which Fleming Smith wit held Jesup the lalies of the town an get ting up a fool to erect a monument at Me grave. the mask hla face bee- I as that of hla “twin brother". A man kin alius fix up arguments to Beta* his conscience, said Unde Eben -abolished" most, any old time." Let taiat no use. No matlcr how much| . - ijp - pea tarn de dock back, sundown go-j Four candidates are now In the I dev am jes de seme.—Washington Add for governor ot Virginia, to be exited at the election next year. They AN APPROACHING MARRIAGE. Cerda are out for the marriage of The Brunswick News hits the A., Mr. Chas. J. Peine of Wayeross, to a A Am a rap which sounds very ua- Mine Bertha KlrMey, ot Smlthvtlle, a grateful, as tdlows ••The A., B. A A. has abolished Its oaee of yardmUter In this city. Bet ter keep ta eye on the rail and the terminals, for they are liable to b^ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Wayeross, Oa, Nov. IS, 1*08. City Coonctl met In regular meet ing present: A. M. Knight, Mayor Aldermen J. A. Lott T. J. McClellan. C„ on Thursday, Doc SlsL The wed- C. M. Sweat, W L. Hinson, and a ding will occur at the homo ol Miss P. War. Klrktey'a node, Mr. W. a Smith, atl Minutes ot last regular meeting Smlthvilie. This announcement will [read end approved, prove of much Interest to the many Mr. W. H. Yarby made application Meads ot the young couple In this | to dost a lane near his place and on MeUoa - motion same was referred to Street —; land Lane Committee with power to The center of population In 1*401 ad, waa la the state of Indiana In 17*01 On morion the superintendent of mlttcc and he Is authorised to em ploy some one to check up the same and that they muat all Instruct the Policeman to make a list of all pac- tlea doing business and report to Chairman of Finance Committee and have same checked up. Mr. R. M. Wescott, representing Iks Board of Trade of the City of Wayeross asking the City Council to donate to the Board of Trade the anm of five hundred dollars, on mo tion *he Mayor was authorised to pa> the Board ot Trade one hundred dol lars for advertising purposes. On motion the Hebbard Lumber Co waa given the right to tho city limits. On motion the clerk was Instructed to Issue executions against all par tita owing for paving. Mr. H. B. Lee appeared before council and naked to have bit taxes reduced the assessors paving raised •wo lots from *500 to *750 each, on motion the 'itsessorx were sustained. r. F. C. Forge, appealed to coun cil to have hit taxes reduced which had been raised by the assessors, on W. H. Ulmer, 8 shoes for horses *4. Central Pharmacy Llnement 36c Seals Pharmacy, Gasoline, 15c Wilson Steam I-sundry, laundry 61c Cash Grocery merchandise 50c R. J. Anthony, Hardware Co. 30c R. J. Anthony Hardware Co *12.95 Emory Seaaholtx, merchandise 60c Watt HaJware Co., material *89.43 Watt Hardware Co., Hardware *3.70 Thorpe A Co., feed, *26.72. J W. Strickland. Clerk stamps (1. C M. Sweat lumber, *6.40. Humphreys ft Williamson Mer chandise *1.50. Covington Co., clothing *54.60. Darling Construction Co., Lumber, (41.34. Wayeross Furniture Co., Matresa, etc., *26.00. J. M. COX Co., *43.58. ' J B. Thomas ft Bro Groceries *148.63. B. D. Finn, Lumber *5.62. J. S. Culforl, 1 hog died at stock ade, *12.50. J. T. McGee, Blacksmith work *13.40. Sweat, McDonald ft Parker, shoes motion the assessors were sustained gig.oo. Dr. M, M. Johnaon'e report retd, ware Ccunty Medical Society *20.. M Bled. -?re|**w«* | 7() On motion the Question of the Hu»[ H . Stevens 8ona Co., *032.70. at the Xocpade be referred to the £], as a, Sheldon Tax Collector, Chairman ot Public Property Commit tee with power to have same put In good order. On motion the City Attorney vt< ♦ — | ere-Congreeemea Carter Glare, of the center waa twenty-three miles the water works was Instructed to UlUags have occnred In ( Lynchburg, Judge William H. Mann, east of Baltimore, In the Mate of! make a ahtoa Inventory of evrey JBdhgB county daring the pax Henry C. Stuart and Harry StOsorge! Maryland, or virtually on the Arise-[opening and the same be referred i ... . s. Tucker. ■ - - lie shore Una . . ... J to the Chairman of the Finance Com. Instructed to prepare an “ordinance ta reference to pore milk, See report of Ware County Medical Society by t and Tress, a vacancy In the po lice force made vacant by the deatb of N. J. McClellan, a ballot waa taken and A. P. Padgett was elected to ATI the nnexptred term. On motion the Connell celled a wMte primary to be held on the sec ond Saturday In Decamber (12) Report ot C. M. Sweat, Chairman of Finance Committee with reporti of City Clerk. Marshal. Treasurer and Tax Collector Bled (see reporti. On motion the Mayor was author ised to purchase a lx from Mr. T. H. Morton to be need is a park, approx imately Six hundred by four hundred feet, between Howe end Marlon streets. On motion the clerk waa directed to here the elate chemist make ea analysis of the city water at early u convenient. On morion Connell adjourned. Bills read ud ordered paid. A. W. Lug, belt for dipping ma ins, 35c. stumps *4.00. •' «- A T. L. Brown belts and etc *4.35, P N Harley Hardware' Co., *1.43. P. N. Harley Hardware Co., *13.80 P. N. Harley Hardware Co., *1.25 P. N. Harley Hardware Co., 25c Southern Paving Gravel Co. (57.(4. Water Work! hills ordered paid J. W. Strickland, clerk stamp *1-00 America Steam Pump Co., 51c R. J. Anthony Hardware Co. *1.25. Watt Hardware Co. 60c . N. Harley Hardware Co. *29.61. The Brnaswiek News Insists that Judge Parker cell a extra union ot Wayne country Supreme Court to try Sheriff Lyons and Ms son for the mur der of Flemlnr Smith at Jesup. Judge Parker will he very apt to do what he thinks Is Ms duty In the mat- ter. —— <| — '! Bull Clans Is the only cudldtato before the people now. We will all vote for Mm. by detectives. The only trouble Is to- gx a Eufflcient number to reach around him. •' ^ ftoYSKTONEYCURE ■oka Kldaays sad Madder MgU