Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 26, 1908, Image 3

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t WHY SUFFER THE HUMAN MIND CANNOT PERFORM ITS FUNCTIONS, WHEN THE BODY 1.8 AFFLICTED WITH IRRITATING DISEA8ES. THEY ARE PAINFUL AND LOATHSOME- TORTURINGt-ENERVATING, AND destroy MENTAL AND PHYSICAL ENERGY. TETTER AND EC2EMA ARE THE MOST COMMON FORMS-OF SKIN DI8EA8E8. NO ONE IS ABSOLUTE IMMUNE FROM THEIR BLIGHT. THOUSANDS ARE THUS AFFLIC. TED. THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY CURED BY YOUNG'S TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY, YOUNGS'S TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY HAS, FOR YEAR8, PROVED ITS MARVELOUS CURATIVE POWERS. IT IS AN EFFECTIVE AND HARMLESS ANTISEPTIC. A BOTTLE SHOULD BE IN EVERY FAMILY MEDIOINE CHEST—IT IS INDE8PEN8IBLE. CURE8 DANDRUFF AND ITCHING 8CALP PERMANENTLY AND QUICK. * O A Q * lit * @ * • * • 4* • 4* • 4- SMi 4* • 4!••*«*«*••*«*« +$*«*•• *•*•*$*•*••* 4* trV 4* 50c 4 nd $1.00 BOTTLE 50c And $1.00. Order From Your. Local Druggist^ Or From Our Laboratory Direct, MANUFACTURED ju O YOUNG, JR., Wayeross, Ga. BY SHERI#* 8ALE. STATE OP GEORGIA:—Ware County Notice Is hereby ^jjven that* ** Sheriff of said county, I will hell at public outcry, at the Court House of •aid couny, at Wayeross, therein, on Joruary 5th, 1909, between the hours of 10 o’clock a. m., and 4 o’clock p. m., for cash to. the highest bidder, the following described land and bank stock, to wit: Lots of land numbers one hundred and seventy one, wto hundred and forty, and two hundred and forty one, containing four hundred and ninety acres each, more or less; and three hundred and sixty five acres more or less of lot number one hundred and seventy, being all of said lot lying west of Kettle Creek except fifty acres conveyed by Geo. W. Deen to the Board of Directors of the Georgia Experiment Station, by deed of date May 29th, 1907, and re corded in book BB page 209, of the public records of Ware county; all of said lands lying and being in the ith District of originally Appling ’are county, Georgia. Levied the property of Georgo W. in nn.l in his possession at the date of levy, and pointed out by said George W. Deen to be levied on un- SHERIFF'S SALE* GEORGIA-WARE COUNTY. • ■ Will be sold before the court house door of Ware county, Georgia, be* tween the legal hours of sale on the lst Tuesday ln January, 1909, the fol lowing described property, to wit That tract of land containing 1-2 acre more or less, in the City of Way- cross, fronting Blackwell street 93 feet, running back 210 feet, street not yet named on the west by Blackwell street, south by lands of Sam Mclver, east- by street not yet named and north by lands of Henry Roberts. Said property levied on to satisfy a mortgage given to R. M. Lewis, by J. H. Davis, said mortgage being trans ferred to Hardy Brothers on the 17th day of March, 1908. This December 8th, 1908. D. A. Woodard, Sheriff Ware County. THE NEW ELECTION LAW. Notice of Order For Leave to 8ell Land. To all whom it may concern: Notico is hereby given that appli cation will bo made to the Court of Ordinary of Ware county, Georgia, at the next regular term of said court, same being on the first Monday in . „ , January, 1909, for loave to sell the der said elocution. I jave given the ( , and beIong | ng to th0 e2tat0 of Jacob GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. To all whom It may concern: The now registration law pawed by' Jos °I’ b M - cleland havln *' ,n P ro P® r the recent legislature Is very drai- fo ™' “i>pHed to me for permanent tic—perhaps the most drastic In lorce ,etlers of administration on the esta- anywhere In America. , ,0 ° (John B - Clolnnd, late of said The law requires that the r.cglstra- 00un, - v ' thl « '» “> “>• and "Insular tlon books hereafter close at least ’’a® aeilton nn.l next of kind of six months before flections nn.l that John B - Clc,and t0 b ® and «PP®«f “ only those who pay all taxes due and “’i' ° mc0 wltllln tho llme allowed b y register that long before the day of law ' and “ bow cau ‘°' lf “7 tbo > r can ' voting will bo alio; ed to parllolpat .| wh y Permanent administration should For instance. It the law had been ln'" ot be K rant ® d 10 Jo »°P b M cloland on John E. Cleland’s estate. Witness, my hand and official Big- force during the present year no one who hal not qualified' by April 1st, last could not have taken part. The law Is appllable to primary elec tions which may or may not bo held earlier than fifty daya preceding the general election in which the nomi nations are to be confirmed. said George W. Doon notice of * a !d, M st | ger> lato of , al(1 count y t Je . ceased. This the first day of Decem ber, 19C8. JOHN T. MYERS, Administrator, Estate of Jacob M. Stlger, Deceased. levy as required by law. That tract of land In lot number one hundred, and twenty two of the Eighth District of Ware county, Geor gia, beginning at a point in the inn of Kettle Creek located 1810 foet weat from north weat corner of^ property owned by A. Seaaoma, hence east 1810 feet to said north weat corner of properyt of A. Sessoma, thence south along west line of property of A. Sessoms 1130 feet to the aouth west corner of A. Seaaoma* property, fhenco west, 1130 feet to the ran of Kettle Creek, thence north alone the ran of said creek to the point of be ginning, containing thirty eight acres more or leal, except the pine timber for turpentine purposes for four years AUTUMN. The wanton Hills lie naked to the broexe. -he woods and thickets now tre nil unfrocked. Darn are the limbs of tho shsmelesi irces. • wonder that the porn Is shocked. sod Taylor to A .Sessoms, of data April 19tb, 1908, and recorded In the ... .... public records of Ware County Qoor- from January 1st, 1008 and a strip of| ( | S> | n deed book Z page 602. Also land 30 feet wide along the east sldo | fifty scree more or leoe In the south of said tract of land for a public road.jeut corner of lot number one hunw beb g tho same property conveyed by: re d and seventy five In the Eighth Georgo W. Deen to A. Seaaoma by'District of originally Appjlng now - us Fin deed dated Hay 37th 1906 and record ed In book Z page 640 of the public records of said county. Also that tract of land beginning at the Inter section of the W. M. Harbin land with Johnson Avenue running weat 1743 feet, bounded on the north by said Harbin land and running south on the original land line 1130 feet, thence easterly parallel with first line, 3116 feet, thence north along Johnson Avenue 1189 feet to point of beginn ing; being part of original land lot number two hundred- and twenty one. In the Eighth District of Ware coun ty, Georgia and the same property conveyed to A .Seaaoma by H. JIur- phy, by deed dated February 36th, 1003, and recorded In public records of said County In deed hook V page Alto that part of lot number one hundred and ninety foar In the Eighth District of originally Appling now Ware County .Georgia, known as the Amy Taylor place . bounded on the South by Kettle Crock, on the north hy original lot line, on the east by lands formerly owned by O. W. Newman on the west by lino agreed npon. and containing one hundred and thirty acres more or leu; also eighty acres more or lets of said lot number one hundred and ninety four, the lines of which are designated as follows: In the north east corner of said lot, on the eaat by main line, on the north by main line and on (he south by Kettle Creek and on the west to a certain fence of the lands of said Amy Taylor, being the some premises described In a deed from aaaaoma Ware county, Georgia, bounded December 17tb 1904, on the north by lands of J. M. Spence, on the couth and eaat by original land lines, and on the west by the public road from Waresboro to Glenmore, and being the same-lands described In a deed from J. M. Spence to A. Sessoms, dated December 17tb 1904, and re corded In the public records of Ware County, Georgia, In deed book Z page ISO. Bald lands levied on as the prop erty of and In possession of A. See- soma; also one hundred (100) shares of the capital stock of the First Na tional Bank of Wayeross, a national banking corporation doing bnslneas In Wayeross, Ware County, Georgia, as tho property of the said A. Ses soms. Legal notice hae been given ro A Sessoms of said levy npon sal.l land and bank stock. And notice has also been given . as re quired by law of the levy on sold hank stock to the piesldent and cashier of the ssld First Nstlontl Rank of Waycrore. The said property was levied un oy me under two (3) executions Issued from the City Court of Wayeross In favor of Epplnger A Bussell Co., and against Bailey Manufacturing Com pany, a corporation, J. 8. Bailey, O. W, Deen, O. G. Parker and A. Ses soms. The said sale will be contin ued. from day to day nntll the same la completed. rate December 9th, 1903. D. A. WOODARD. Sheriff of Ware County. The law Is one of the “pure elec tion" measures adopted by the Inst general assembly. The olherB i\ro apt to meet with approval ns tho y con tain no very objcctfonablo features. They comprise laws making contribu tions to campaign funds by corpora tions an offense punishable by heavy fine and long Imprisonment. The law provides that the registra tion of tores begins. Thoy shall bo closed at least six months before tho date of tho general election will bo about April 1st. Tho tax collector of each country Is required to file wire tho board of county registrars a com' plote Hot of tboso registered ten days later. The tax collector, clerk of the court and the county ordinary muat yet up a list of the disqualified vot- ors of each county and file It with the poard of registrars by April 20th each year. How the disqualified list Is to 4m obtained Is not known, as to set an accurate one yonld require a com plete, census of each county. HoWevar, the board Is to take the disqualified list and compare It with that ' of the qualified, which will be purged. The Idea they will' pursue will be to get up a correct list of qualified voters. All whose names are removed must be notified and given n hearing, If desired. The guaranteed list mnst : be complete by June 1st After that date It Is to be on file In the office of the clerk of the court, and will be subject to public Inspec tion.—NaabvIUe Herald. nature, this 7th day of December, 1008 Warrent Lott, Ordinary. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The copartnership heretofore exist ing between D. J. Thornton and P. H. Skelton under the .firm name of Thornton A Skelton, Is this .day dis solved by, mutual consent. D. J Thornton retiree from the firm and P. H. Skelton continues the buclness at the same old stand. P. H. Skel- >n assumes the Indebtedness of Thornton A Skelton and all accounts due the firm must he paid to him. This Dec. 9, 1908 ( . D. J. Thornton, P. H. Skelton. Weak Women Dr. tShoop’s Night Cure SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA—Ware County. Will bo sold, on tho first Tuesday In January next, at public outcry at the court house In sal.l county, with in tin; legal hours of sale, to the high est bidder for cash, an undivided one half Interest in t'ne following describ ed real estate, to wit; West half of lot of land numhor two hundred and thirty two (232) In tho 8th district of said county nnd state, containing two hundred and twenty (220) acres, more or less, except fifty (50) acres In Southeast corner of whole lot owned by J. M. Corbett and the above described halt lot Is Intend ed to Include the west half of remain der, after deducting said fifty (60) acres. Tho line between cast and wost halves being designated by a lino of biases running north and south. Said property levied on as tho prop erty of tho estate of Janie Murray, de ceased. to satisfy an execution Issued from the Superior Court of ssld coun ty In favor of Henry Crews against Daniel Murray, administrator of said deceased and against the undivided one-half Interest of tho -said d.Ceued In the above described property. This 2nd day of December, 1908. . - D. A, Woodard, Sheriff. GEORGIA—WARE C0UNTJ. Whereas, B| Slrmsns, administrator of estate of Mrs. Ellen Smith repres ents to the Court In his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that lie has fully administered Mrs. Ellon Smith’s estate. This Is therefore to elte all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, If any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his ad ministration, nnd receive letter of dismission on the flr*t Monday In January, 1909. Given under my hand and ofilclal signature this 30, day of Nov, 1908, Wtrren Lott, Oridanry. CITATION. George W. Deen having made appli cation to require titles to be execut ed to him to certain land described In a bond for title thereto attached purporting to be'elgned by Warren Lott, lato of said county, deceased, the said application alleging that the land has been duly paid for, all parties concerned are hereby notified that said application will be heard before the Court of Ordinary for said county on tho first Monday In January, 1909. This 27th day of November, 1908. Warren Lott, Ordinary. GEOROIA—WARE COUNTY. Will be aold at the court house In said county on the flret Tuesday In January next, within tbs legs Ihonrs of sale the following property to wit: One boiler and engine, one lot of scrap Iron. Levied on ni the proper ty of Gray A Farris, to satisfy an ex ecution lseued by W. J. Unfits, Tax i Collector for state and crunty tax for the year 1907. This December 3rd. 1901. D. A. Woodard. .1 ... Sheriff. Stale of Georgia—County of Ware. To tho Superior Court of said County: The petition of D Lott and O. Lott, each of said utato and county, respect fully shows: First—That petitioners, tholr asso ciates .successors and assigns, Jeslro to form, be created and mado a cor poration and bojy politic, under the laws of the State of Georgia, for the full term of Twenty (20) years with the privilege of renewal In accordance with the law, under the namo and style of "D. A. O. Lott Roal Estate end Insurance Company." Second—Tho chief olfico of said corporation shall bo at WaycrosB, Ware County, Georgia, but petitioners ask that said corporation shnll have authority to establish and have such branch offices and places of business elsewhere In the state of Georgia and In other states of tho United States as mny ho deslrablo. Third—The object and purpose of said corporation Is pecuniary gala and profit to Its stockholders. Foutrh—Tho amount of capital stock employed by said corporation, actually paid, In shall be twunty-llvo Thousand (926,000.00) Dollars, divided Into shares of Ono Hundred (9100.00) Dollars each; but petitioners desire the privilege to said corporation of Increasing tho amount of said capital stock at any time and from time to time, by two-thirds (2-3) vote of the, then existing stock, to any sum no* exceeding Two Hundred and Firty Thousand (6260,000.00) Dollars Fifth—That said corporation shal| have the power to makq by-laws for the conduct and rtfulatlon of Its bust; ■neas and'the right to fix the number nnd character of Its officers and dir- octoni, with the respective duties, powofs and liabilities of each, and power’to‘authorise any one person to hold not more than one of Ito offices, exoapt that the office of Secretory and Treasurer, If It Is so desired, be filled by ope and the same person. Sixth—That said corporation shnll bnve power to contract, sue, be sued, borrow and lend money end to secure the payment of same by mortgage, deed of trust and bill of sale, or other Hen covering any or til of Its property. Seventh—That ssld corporation may be authorised to reeelvo tnd in cept real estate, timber rights and leases, or any other property, real or personal, which can ha used In Its business, at Its fair and Just value, In payment of stock subscribed. Eighth—The particular business which said corporation proposes to carry on and conduct, It, GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. Will be eold at the court house b said county, on the first Tuesday b! January next, with In the legal hour* of salo tho following property to wlta One Frick Engine, and Lombard bollor 60 Horae Power. One lot of pip. Ing, 4 lumber tracks, one lot shafting, pullles, traek Iron, one flywheel, one fan. i Said property lovled on as the prop, ctry of A. S. A J. A. Morton, to satis* fy an execution In favor of T. H. Mor. ton December 2nd, 1908. D. A. Woodard, Sheriff. 8HERIFF SALE. i GEOROIA—WARE COUNTY. Will bo sold at the court house door In said county on tho first Tuesday la January 1000, within the legal hours of sale, lots of land numbers 12 and 13 In block number 22 of tho Deen- wood Subdivision In Wayeross, Ware county, Georgia, each of said lot* fronting 49 1-2 feet on the east side of Arnold street and extending cast- wnrdly therefrom of uniform width a Jlstance of 87 1-2 foot to an alley 10 feot wide, said land levied on a* the property of W. D. Morton to satisfy an execution Issued on tho 26th day of June, 1098, from the Justice Court of the 1181 District G. M„ to said county, In favor of C. D, Carter (gainst ssld W. D. Morjon. I Levy made and notlco given of asme ind returned to mo by C. E. Cason, constable, as required by law. Thla December 11, 1908. 1 . D. A, Woodard, Sheriff. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. (a) To purchase, hold, acquire aud own land and roal mute of any nnd overy kind, and to tell the some, and to net as agent for other persons or corporations, doing n similar business to that for which petitioners ask to be Incorporated; (b) To purchase, hold, own and sell timber and timber rights, wood and other property for utilisation In Its business; (c) To Improvo its real estate in any way deemed deslrablo, to erect and rent' houam, lease and handle the tame for profit; (d) To do a general life, fire, ac cident or other insurance business; (e) To buy, tell, lease and operate sawsmills and things mills, and manu facture lumber, ahlniles, cross ties and any other product* which can be made from the timbers owned by said corporation; (t) To construct,, own, lease tnd operate turpentine stills, nnd manu- factors nnvtl stores; (g) To construct, eqnlp and oper- at* tram road* to be ustd to connec tion with It* business; (b) To acquire and own, bay tnd tell, or lease, nil machinery and per eontl property of any and every sort To nil whom It mny concerhf'!">4 ' > - T. J. McClellan having, IS proper form, applied to me for permanent letters of administration on lb* estate of N. j. McClellan, lafe of said county, this I* to- cite all and singular CB* - creditors and next of kin of -Mr J. M*» Clcllaq to he and appear at my ofiloa within, tha time allowed by law, and ehow cause, If any they can, why per. manent administration should not bn- granted to T. J. McClellan on N. J. McClellan's estato. Witness, my hand and ofilclal sig nature, this 4tb day of December, 1908. Warren Lott, Ordinary. 1 to be utej In the conduct of lie busy neat; (I) To conduct and -carry Ob a general trading and mercantile boat- neat or any other business that mny bo necessary or useful at an adjunct to It* sold business. Ninth—Wherefore, petitioners pray to he made a body corporate under the name and style aforaeald, entitled to ell tho right, privileges and Im munities necessary, privileges tnd lm> liar corporations, whether specially prayed for or not. Including the pow- tr to sue and bo sued, to have sod use a common seal and to b* subject io all tho privileges tnd llsbllltlss given by the Isws of Oeorgla to cor porations chartered by the Superior Court of said State. Respectfully submitted. f MYERS A PARKS. Attorneys for Petlflonors. OEOROIA—WARE COUNTY. 1 hereby certify that the above nnd foregoing It n true and correct copy of the origins! petition tor Incorpora tion of "D A O. Lott Real Estato and Insurance Company” of file In th* Superior court of Ware county, Geor gia. Thla the 6th day of December 1808. E. J. BERRY, Clerk, Superior Court, W. C., On.